IIJYY A Illiy 11nois, with three veterans in-
_____ clucng 'Allic Morrison, Olympic
~~rrfl ake Fial Slecion ~'champion, entered in the 138, 148,
' uadMkF igalSTectionsOf and 158 pound bouts, still appears
Sq~dFoMBd;TexIdor to rate no better than an ven
eel rbreak with the Wolverine repro,-
-- sentatives who will oppose the
PROSPE~CTS NOT 1KNWN 'mlini wrestlers 'in these events
1when the two teams ;meet Satur-
Three mor~e names were added to day at Champaign with the Con-
the list of Michigan 'entrants in the'feren ce mat championship at
Sg Ten indoor track meet at IOWA !Stake.
City next Friday and Saturday,j
bringing the total number which''The title defending Suckers
Coach Steve Farrell will take to with the first tw ousdoe
sixteen., to split, Sapora of Illinois and
T'he squad which has bpeen se- Hewitt, 'Wolverine Olympic
lected in a number of time trials finalist, holding edges over
Will leave Ann Arbor this after- thi ppetsar arnt
noon at 3:46. Preliminaries are to thera ponanvictorine almos
be held tomorrow with the finalcerpoun e vtoyin th15
events coming on Friday. The1 Morrison, 'United whiches llie-
chances of the Maize Land 'Blue ,capo, SatsOy-
thinclads is problematical since tcOranan Ble cahopet.
the track team will be meeting itsOag n lehps
first opposition.
The three men picked yesterday Morrison, perennial holder of
-include Grodskey and Murray for; National A. A. U. titles, went
the 'dash event since the two men! through last season without any-
raced to a dead heat. Eddie Tolan, thing approaching the semblance.
th~e Negro sophomore, will of course of a loss, and broke Captain Wrat-
be included in the squad and will !son's, three year string of victories
be the' one on whom the Michigan in the dual meet for the Confer-
squad' will depend for a place. ence championship at Ann Arbor a
The third man picked was Erick- year ago.
~son in the pole vault. Erickson The Illini niatinan followed
mianaged to clear 12 feet in the+ his victories in intercollegiate
trial yesterday and this perfor- i competition with winning the
z~iace arne hi thapos. IOlympic trials, and gained the
The pest of the. squad includes I sole American Olympic title in
.Monroe and WVuerful in the twof
miile, Lomont and Benson in the the tournament at Amsterdam.
half mile, with Austin the repre- Opposed to Morrison will be !
~sntative in the mile race. In the; Elliott, who appears to be able to jt
shorter distances, Tolan of course ofi h lstcmeiint h
wil bein he 0-yrd ven wih !Sucker of any man in the Big T'en. '(e
Grodskey and Murray as the other ; h ovrn oktidi h
entrants. Tarbill is listed for the Conference 125 pound tourney last a
440-yard race and with Dale andyerihsfrtVaiycmpi-I
15lton Seymour and Freese make yen~arndhisfollowedrwith anmpun- r,
up the relay team. Potter will rep- trokn, srng olofedvicoithisnsea- p
resent Michigan in the high' hur- boe tigo itre hssa
dyes. son, culminating in a defeat of h-
Poorman who hats been heaving Bannon, Hoosier star, last Satur- g
thie shot around 43 feet w*Illibe in dy
the, sbotput evient while Felker will T!he next bout will also bring 4a:
p*° iclpate in the high jump. Itgte w neetdmii
trickson in the pole vault corn- ehe K udfatdmlt i
f~te th entant in he Ield elly of Michigan, and Camo- p,
plets th entant in he feld bell, who will be wrestling his
evens. Ithird year for Illinois. Camp-
:bell, who wvent through last
season without a loss till beat-
en by Saner of Michigan in the
title meet, has been ineligible
focr most of the seatson, but
displayed his olad form in
downinig his opponents in the
last two ineets.
Kelly, though in his first year of
Varsity competition, has found
little difficulty in defeating manyl
other veterans to keep his record
unblemished. Hie turned in a sur-
prise win over Weaver of Indiana
last Saturday after a poor start,
anid stands an event chance of
taking, hisI Sucker adversary in
what should be one of the toss up
bouts of the meet.
In the 158 pound eincounter,I
Captain Warren will endeavor
to repeat his win over Clay-
pool, 111ii. veteran, in last
y ear's ch AMpionship. meet. tin
the other haxid, Claypool has
howli imprcvenient In going
through the present season
Without a loss, while Walsmith ,
Prdue captaini, and Scott, In-
diana Olymnpic alternate, both
hold victories over Warr°en.,
Warren, ho'wever, is rated
slightly better than the Suicker j
on last year's result.
Chairman Edward X. Ball of therj
N~ational Football Rules Commit-
tee, has announced some new and
stricter regulations, to go into]
effect next year, on the size and
inflation pressure of the ball. This
action was necessitated by the va-1
rition which has been. coming into,
prominence. Balls with "snouts" r
were made for the passer, while 1
high pressure frequently made
,ood punting out of the question.t
Prom now on, all ovals will be 22
"o 22 1-2 inches around the short fr
axis and between ,11 and 11, 1-4v
nches long and will have 13 to 15
7ounds pressure,.;
Aid The Damage Wand Today. s
t Is nsey ByDaily II U P E A AT
----- Tickets for the Northwest-
(Continued From Page 6) ern-Michigan swimming meet (Continiued From Page Six)
McCoy of Michigan and Doug tomorrow night are now on IHarrisoni, the Stanford star, in a
M ~ills of Illinois at gas j sale at the Administration :
Thstemw uldcminrdc- s ce- dual meet.
7: i0d for 7:30 tclock i h imec The captain of the 'Wildcats,
tically all of the attributes of win- ;it irmri iuliigWoL VallhieC Ohbif~, imis be,, national
nling cage combination, shooting Amcoil(egia;e cha,,mpion in fancy div-
ability, height, speed, and defen- 1o isioiin5gcnt.for- two years, and was Con-
sive prowess. Mills is the smallest ;Tference champion last season. His
man of the five and he ranges CHA MANCHO EN sin ' e det , this year was at fie
about six feet in height, while hanids of Thr'ondson, Stanford's
Murphy's six feet six inches make TO LEAD QUINTET'star diver .
it possible to control the tip-off I- Bob Warlker will be Michigan's
continually. (Continued From Page Six) chief relianice in the free style
Although Chapman 'played cen- fense ability with remarkable cool- against the: Wildcats. lie has not
ter all season, he is shifted to one ness and more than the average l been beaten in the Big Ten this
forward post because:' of his re- defensive prowess. is work at Year, and last; season he defeated
Imarkable all-round play which was center this season has been out-I Schwartz in a 40 yard race. Al
a big factor in the success of the standing and an. instrumental fac - 'Seage:cr xvill be another free styler
Michigan team which he. led in f or in the success of the Michigan Iuponl whom Coach Mann is de-
scoring. Foster of Wisconsin is an- team because he was able to con- I pentg
other sharp-shooter whose great trot the tip-off throughout, the S"pi ndle, 1luibi,1IlFace Task
height makes it very difficult to greater portion of every game. In Captain Dick Spindle and
guard him. He was probably the this respect he outclassed men o Gorge Hubbell are the Wolverine
outstanding performer on the the caliber of Captain Wilcox of batik strokers upon whom devolves
IMeanwell coached teame. Iowa,. VanHeyde of Ohio, Walters ~th~e task of etingfinch. Hubbell
Oeguard post and the. cap- ofNothetenanlanopn l ost two out of three races to the
taintcy of the first team have been Wicnini url ce last year. Jud Thomp-
awarded to Ernie McCoy, Michi- Statistics compiled for the six- son will be counted on in the
g an's defensive star and fighting teen games played by the Wolvesbiatsrk.leetLnoxn
captain, His exceptional leader- show that Chapman led the team the Conference meet, but lost in
ship tided the Wolverine machine fin the matter of points scorer? a dual meet. Bob Goldsmith, the
over a great many rough spots in during the season with 45 held.iI other Michign,; stroker, Sias never
the race just completed and his goals and 24 free throws for a to- i acerNe}? Lhwee~i.
defensive work was poal h tal of 114. Of this number' 04 nteurermlGaetAt
most outstanding seen in the Big weemdBnCneec aines has not been defe-ated this season,
Ten this year. These factors add- to insure him a place well up in although he has ne~ver been press-
ed to his shooting ability make him the Big Ten scoring column, Heoed. Tr; Watson, the other Wol-,
an excellent all-around performer. registered 10 or more points in six verine in this eve<nt, will meet a
Mills Made Giward ae adwshldsoees oy opponent in Wicks of th
iIn only one. dto ohssotn n Wildcats. 1 rank Walaitis will
The othr guardposition is Inadtotohshoig d
given to Doug Mills, stellar Illinois jumping ability, Chapman estab- match his skill against Coibat in
iback guard, who was a bulwark of fished a reputation as one of the ofthetar performer. enterdsevra ls
strength on defense all season. It1 greatest defensive players in the newsiar percormersiate reodseveae
wasth exetoa guarding of Conference this year. Assignedlk ' i hdtmro
Mills that spelled defeat for the the second hardest man in prac- ! lygh.0 L(5~
Wolverines in the overtime Battle. i tically every tilt, the records showI
at Champaign when he held Trus-I that Chapman held his opponenfts
koiwski scoreless. It will be re- to less than three and a halif University of Washington.-Op-
membered that he was one of thej points in each of the 16 ganmes position has been expressed by the
main scoring threats on the Indi- !played, and in view of the faict Eadger debate club to the propos-
an team in the game played 'here, that he was responsible for suchI ed state senate bill No.' 146, which
while his tw~o field goals decided sharp-shooters as Gieich an of wouIld remnove from the schools any
the issue in the return tilt. Northwestern, Twogood of Iowam teacher or textbook speaking
On the second team H-ow of Ifli- Vanlleyde of Ohio,. Nelson of Min- against the founders of the nation.
nois and Gleichman of North- nesota, and Tenhopen of Wiscon- -- -
vestern are placed at forwards; sihs performance is all thel P HI 0 E N I X ,Arx--Mage
Captain Wilcox of Iowa at centerI more remarkable. = Duchy Harris is permitting the
and named captain; and Fesler of I-___________ I Tiger' pitchers to put "stuff" on the
Ohio and Chmielewski of. Wiscon- Aid The Damage Fund Today. iball.
sin at guards.
310 S. State. Phone 7927
NOTICE--We have . arg sle~-
tion of G'reeting Crds and Mo-
I toes. Francisco-Boyce; 719 N. in1
Tu, Thu
1215 E. Washington. Phone 4310
T. T. F. c
'NOTICE - in L~idry- oft
water used .exciusvely; call~d for
and -delivered. Superior .Home
Laundry. Phone 8190. W.Th.Y. c
NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry
204 N. Main St., for laundry sev-
ice with real personal attention
like received at, home. a
ITYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
Irates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 97.
r _.
PIANO TUNING-The Concert Art-
ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic-
tor Allmenzdinger. Not with any
music, house. Exclusive piao
1tuner for the University School
of Music. Office at residence,
1608 Morton Ave.
Corona, Royal, Undrwood, Wem-
ington portables, also used.rg
and portable typewriters of all
makes bought and sold, rented,
Iexchanged, cleaned, repaired.
Warge stock, best servce, cnsid-
erate prices Phone 16615. 0. D.
Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade.
NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of
A~minister and Wilton rugs.
Koch & Henne. c
WANTED-Student desires work in
stores, general help, will work
morning, afternoon. Tel. 681.
FORF RENT-Double front room
private family, steam .heat, .will
lighted, reasonable rates. 1108
FOR SALE--Grape juice. Call 9854
or 22413. 110,11,12,13,14,15
FOR SALE Wood. Wood. ood.
Call. 9534 or 22413.
FoRt SAL;E--Hght-. offer takes
Vega Banjos1 e~elent condition,
LOST-Man's Gruen- wrist w~tch
on evening of March 4. Finder
please call 4121, Exchange 33.
Reward. 1151
LOST - Gold watch mongraned
1"E..3:" either in Union or Angell
Hall. Reward. Dial 3224. 114,15
LOST-Ham itn platinum wrist
watch .at"Wisconsin game. Valued
Sas tim~ekeeper. Owntere thit ters.
Ailene Yeo. 3718.
Boxers Make Read y
For .Anneual Tourney
With the seventh. annual boxing
tournament three weeks away
Coach Let Philbin is putting his
fighters through a period of stren-
ubs training in preparation far
the affair to be held at the field
house Mah N 2th. The semi-finals
corning off the week pkevious will
settle the question of who is to
tenter the' final bouts in each of.
the eight events.
-Last years' best middle weight,
l&ekowitz, having tur-ned proles-
.signal will leave this event open to
some stiff mcompltiln abetwccn .R
T obart, Reed and Beers, the latterj
Ooing to the state boxing finals at
Grand IRapld3. All the rest of the
elionts show equal promnise of some
yay fast fighting.
The fIyWelght divison Will finds
Vuen and Engels competing for
the title. In the banjtam class;F
130'eker and McBride will clashj
diting ca use to look for sob*I-ine
boiing. Stein, Palmer and Eve-
le6th are the entries for the Featheri
weight belt. The .lightweight di-'
vision contains Heim, Schult, I
Woodward and Levine, a promising
new comner. The entries for the
light heavy crown are L. Hobart,
Otto and Conklin.
The interest in this branch of'
sport has become much greater in
the vpast year and all the men en-
tered in the. various cla, si ; are
working hard toward their class
PHOENIX, Ariz.-Roy Johnson,
who was reported to have been a
holdout, has wired the Detroit TIg-
er camp that he will report soon.
DE9TROIT.-R. V. Fessenden, of
Madison, Wis., was the winner of
the western amateur 18.2 billiard
F ashion's Spring Ofrn
For Menm
Hasg Arriv~ed
Two Tibous6r Suits
- 25 $0
Sotiety Brand Suits'.$4,$65
Society "Cor
Stetkon Hats
Schoble Hats.4
pCoats $45, $65
0 go 0
$5.00. 7.00
Wvzvadhamus rC8pn
109 E. WasChing ton
ii Emanuel Stadel, Mgr.
Harry H. Gillen, Sec. and Treas.
R.------------------------------------------- v-"rrr ~~"~i~~rn"Yt'fY~ta.----------P!weve r~-- ---------- -_!YP9~w i r
Yo'"FdagI~ler, calling
fr-om nAnn r or shif.
it will e- [ti+Lnlyyea vs Lcfoll cY olU Can
rei-ahze Low Inucli it: meanstoyoi m'cts
to hear your voice le you ire :away at
'They grow lonely for i' ,Irore
lonely dithi -yotu are *for [lteu,.
,lw Icar
Spring- s here, bringing our new' Sport shoos,
two of them featuring black and white :--the-
Avon being black with white China Buck, and
the Glenco being] black with white Horsehide.
Plo iers
for Precious Memories
An anniversry----a birlhday. TO you just
the passing of another dlay. Tro someone else
a day of poignant, precious memories. What
could be more fitting than for you to remem-
ber that day with the loveliest gift a person
can give. Flo-wers.
Call theiji up b1)>' 4S -0m.tanric he
Irates are low, tlhe s''I S fast "antd you-
Ii y? re Vet e tlcage t your qIlutie teie~w
pimloCI e A You"VI:§ Lsi
It costs only Sc to call i-andERaids!
(Three mnirute days Station-io- Stntionr rate)
Ia F
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4- ,.
" 'Sai)It Will i Flwer's~