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March 07, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-07

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First Team CM Tf IJ L Coach Clifford H.
Forward - Chapman, (Mich- IM IIJ I) uL LU wrestlers continued
igan.) T AE 1G caposi e
forward - FPoster, (Wiscon- chmpionhip donc:
sin.) I.Coiparative OPfo rmances M eetwtaln
Northesten. Fv rkes fTense and defense
I Guard-Mills, Cne-up(Illinois.)te. Over 'Wolverines mrlbulig syw
IIGuard-McCoy, (Michigan.) ~ls w
!<__ meets for the title, tl
t PURPLE BREAKS RE ORD !Blue, leader of the
Secod T l ion, has emerged v
IForward-How, (Illinois) On the basis of compara.'. wo per- I Maize and Blue,;
Forward-Gleichmnan, (North- ! formances Northewestern's swim- eastern division, ar
Iwestern.). I tmers. appear to have the edge on by the margin of a
CetrWlo,.ov. the Wolverines. The Purple iata-! The Wolverines are
Guard-Fesler, (Ohio.) i tors have turned in sensational effort to see that tt
IGuard--Chmielewski, (Wis.) I times in races this year, smashing krevenge will not be
I Forard-ist, Chicgo.) several world's and national inter- 1year, and have beeni
IForward-E-i, (hiao.) (I collegiate records, against Illinois' holt
Centr-Mc.ack nd l~.) I Al Schwartz, the king -pin of the strated by Coach Ke
Guard-Rose, (Michigan) (othetr free stylers, has led the Illinois gran
Guard-Otterness, (Minn.) contributed several record per- ' meet with Chicago.
. ooaleMnin I formances. In a meet at Salt Lake The Varsity matn
Forwards: Truskowski, (Mich- I City he lowered Johnny Weismul- perfecting defense fs
igan) ; Twogood, (Iowa) ; Mat-j len's mark of :18 seconds for the I pinning grips,; whic
} theusen, (Wis.);. Evans, (Ohio) ; ; I' 40 yard sprint in a short pool, I(the Illini team at lt
( Harmeson and Cummins, (Putr- covering the distance in :17.4 sec- leach meet, and at1
Idue) ; Strickland, (Indiana.) onds. !altering their attacl
Centers: VanHeyde, (Ohio) ; 1Relay Team Strang the Illini shaking
IB e rg h er im, (Northwestern) ;j Competing against Purdue in a breaking their holds,
11 Tenhopen, (Wis.) 60W-foot pool he established a new The Suckers are
Guards: Dorn, (Ill.) ; Eller- collegiate record of :52.9 seconds; ing, according to Co:
man, (Wis.) ; Marshall, (N.W.) in the 100 yard free style, breaking !may benefit by the
o-------- --- ol Darnall's former mark. Last Fri-' ruling, which pro'
day he climaxed his efforts by four minute periods
fl~lffI swimming the 440, yard event in !behind if no advarl
4:57 3-5 against Minnesota, break- ed the the first two]r
T TLLI 111 REP OjR~rla em av eie hwt s
ingGarnet Ault's record. Keen has been shoe
F alsoHISe lowernlg records. The1 favorite Sucker grnip
FR TENNI H4TC I Purple medley trio of Schwartz, I same time devclopina
Minch, and Peterson swam the 300E'riding holds.
Twelve men, from whom will be yard event in 3:03.4 seconds at 0
Eugene, Ore., to establish a newS SWIMMING ST1
chosen the Varsity tennis team, world's record. Then on Fridayi
are going through their paces .night a "Wildcat teamcopsdf
I dil atth Inraura gmna ISchwartz, Peterson, Hinch, and I MICHIGAN..
sium under the direction of Coach ; Covode tied the world's mark of I Illinois .........
Ray Countnight. Two courts are 1.:14.4 in 'the 160 yard relay held by Northwestern ;..
available for Varsity practice until the Illinois A. C. Iowa Ci.....
IAnother record holder is includ-Chcg. ...
2:00 o'clock and again at 3:00 ed in. the Puirple ranks, Dick Hilich' Wisconsin...... .
o'clock. 1 In a t ion a 1 collegiate champion, Indiana .........
A strong team should be builtI swimming the 150 yard back stroke a ;Minndeot...
around Spencer and Captain Hior-l in 1:40.6 against Minnesota, fora Prue....
ace Barton, with considerable as- ;new intercollegiate mark.0
sistance from Schafer, Hammer, IColbath Is Captain!
Phelps, Beal, a~hd Bacon. Beal is Richard Peterson and Eddie
the winner of the all campus Lennox, Northwestern's pair ofi
tournament last fall. Other men breast strokers, have been winning
working out daily are Moore,I consistently this year, Lennox los-I
Heaney, Marsh, Lamoree, and, ing only to a Stanford entry. Bill
Richelson. Benny Boutell is the Covode, another free styler, beat
Imanager. I (Continued on Page Seven)
_. ________________________

fdrill for the V R I1
idrig flnoig
Norkout on of- j Quinun Eleced rManager To Succeeed
in the Intra-jr Taylor: Five Assistants


yrday. w .Also Named..
post season
,he Orange and
western divis- E ..' CHAPMAN LEADS SCORER'
ictor over the
ginner of the n' Following the taking of the pie-
ad both times I *. tuie of Michigans. 19 28-29 Confe -
singl bout I -ence chaiorshp-wining bas-
e making everyf ketball squad yesterday non, Rob-
icir earc tonert Chapman of Main, mla was
thwarted this elected to succeed Frnest 14 boy to
ihard at work the captaincy of the Wo~tlverineo
fts as demon- team for the 1929-40 capaign.
who;scout To Suceceedl Roland T aylor
Opein tei Timothy C. Quinn of Car", Ws
ples 11 ~l'LLnamed manager, while Wiiam
J Pond, '31, of Flint; Stuart 8hintth
nan have been '3, Dearborn; Malcolm fum , '3,
or thae Sucker's*Jackson and Morton. Bell, '31
pas hn ave lgin Detroit, were selected a asistiis
ast ne fU Inmanagers. with John NestW l, '
sthe samevetimeChicago, as alternate.
'st rvn Won Berth At Cetr
tactics from i. The Wolverine captain -eet has
just completed is secnd year as
expert at rid-l a regular performer on a Michiigfi
each Keen, and quintet and his exellent work
new Big Tenthroughout the Conference seasn
vides for twol has been one of the main :fators
with one man' in bringing Michigan her thidBg
ntage is gain-3I Ten title n the past four aii'
minutes. Coach Iw ags
wing the Wol- .. Last season as a zo~hmor,
;ape from the '~. Chapman won a regular berth for
s, and at the }.:.~ himself and proved to be ate of
gt the Varsity's - the "finds" of the season, his fed-
tle performance at the pivot
o -- position earning him honorable
ANDINGS ( mention on mythical borbia-
_ f ~Robert Chapman tions selected by numerous Cdn-
Won. Lost. Pct. I NEIOK-1Lsmn e ference officials and coahes&
3 0'O tj i. NW OR.-l asma, e The rangy center showed ste dcy
3 0 1.000 YokUiest's12 rdcp improvement throughout the etie
2 0 1.600 j tain, has returned to New York season and starred in nearly .every
3 1 .750 1 from Florida Where he went to re- ;game he played. Like Captin Me-
2 2 .500 i cover from an injury. Coy, Chapman proved himself as
2 3 .400 F one of the so-clled "iron fx en'
1 3 .250 I playing practically every minute
0 3 .000 ; FORT MYERS, Fla.-Gene Sara- iof each of the 1 games.
0 4 .0001 zen has entered the final grind in Chapman combines unusual d-
o, the open golf tournament here. (Continued on Page Seven)



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