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March 07, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-07

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L a



Published every morning except Monday
diing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titledtoetheruse for republication of allinews
diispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, ;s second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription. by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
4ffices: Ann 'Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 41214.
Telephone 4925

the chances of reward to the
aspiring dramatist, poet, and fic-
tion writer reach a degree worth
while sacrificing for to conjure lit-
erary masterpieces, which thej
meager attempts formerly could
not obtain.
rrl- s: ;4r, r f n r~c.+ rrin iC






Tne writing of a masterpWece hs.
to the true artist a sufficient re-I What with, the fairly recen
ward in i4self. But the busy stu- opening of a new bank and the
dent in a university must receive near installation of talkies in a
some substantial reward in addi- local hush house and all, why it
tion to struggle for the best. The seems Ann Arbor is getting to the
best way yet devised is competition point where we ought to have
some racketeer killings like any
for prizes. What with amateur othe'r big city..
play contests and rhetoric prizes
of all sorts Michigan should soon +* * *
attain great fame for the literary But if the talkies prove to be
output of its student body and its even one degree worse than lots
future graduates. we've heard we won't have to'
worry about the probabilities of a


Editor......Nelson J. Smith
City Editor...Stewart Hooker
News Editor............Riard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor .............. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.............Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor............George Stauter
Musicaand Drama .. .........R. L. Askren
Assistant ,City Editor .......... Robert Silbar


Music And Drama
ONIGIIT:. (osnopolitani. Cub
presents their dramatic pageant,;
"Humanity" in Hill Auditorium,
beginning at 8:00 o'clock.
* * *
0NIGHT: Mimes present "To The
Ladies",by George S. )Kaufman
and Marc Connelly, in Mimes
Theatre beginning at 8:15 o'clock.
Curtain at 8:30 o'clock sharp.
The recently announced short
tory contest, sponsored by the
rlander has an especial signifi-
ance with regard to creative
riting,, especially as an effort in
rousing the interest of those de-
rousof doing something with'
efinite literary value, and in im-
roving -the present deplorable
ondition of the Inlander itself.
Carried on by a relatively small
roup of contributors, and without
,he outside stimulating interest
which a literary magazine on a
ampus as large as the Michigan
ne deserves, it is scarcely to be
wondered that the magazine's pur-
ose of aiding students, interested
n writing, and of providing an
rgan for serious student expres-
ion, not always been very success-



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I '

cirrrrrrrrrrr.r.,rrrrrr'-r. . r,, sr. rr. ,rr, rrr.


Loseph E. Howe
Donald J. Kline
Lawrence R. Kle

Night Editors
41 Charles S. Monroe
Pierce Rosenberg
in George E. Simons
eorge C. Tilley

Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexandct Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwiej Ienry Merry,
Louise Behymne- Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernste Victor Rab inowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L., R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Franik EL Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Welter Wilds
Richard Jung George . Wohlgemuth
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Tele'phone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
AdvrtiingDepartment Managers
advertising. ........ Alex K. Scherer
.advertising... ..........A. James Jordan
Advertising. ..... ....-.Carl W. Hammer
Service ................Herbert E. Varnun
Circulation,..........George S. Bradley
Accounts............awrence E. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelich

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
eanor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
:Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halversox
George Hamilton
H c orwich

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl 1. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead


Tonight's performance of "Hu-
manity" in Hill audiorium will
mark the sixth annual effort of the
members of Cosmopolitan Club in
presenting an International Night
Setting forth as its purpose the
bringing together of the foreign,
students in such a way as to weld
the mass into an important factor
in University life as well as pro-
moting a better degree of interna-
tional standing, the Cosmopolian
Club obviously occupies an impor-
tant position. The program to be
presented tonight will endeavor to
demonstrate, pictorially the pre-
dominating belief of the members
of the group, that "Above all na-
tions is humanity."
Certainly the purpose of the or-
ganization is commendable in it-
self. With International Night as
the only concrete point of contact
between foreign students and the
rest of the studente body as well as
faculty and townspeople, it remains
that International Night, too, car-
ries a very definite value in vividly
presenting an embodiment of sen-
timents of international peace and
good-will held by the foreign stu-
At last the University is to have
prizes to encourage literary work
'in the University, that is if the!
Regents accept the Avery Hopwood
and Jules Hopwood prize fund.
When the amount is received, it
will fill a long felt want.
The rhetoric department has of-
fered few means of encouraging
intensive literary pursuits within
its department, chiefly because it
has never had means provided. At
present there are two rhetoric
medals given each year to rhetoric
students, one to a freshman and
one to an upper classman. But lit-
tle seems to be made of these op-
portunities by the department; in
fact, in most freshmen classes
their existence is seldom mention-
ed. The Inlander has endeavored
at various times to discover literary
talent with numerous prizes, but
most of them have been farces.
The freshmen essay contest last

Two ballots among the member-
ship of the Frosh Frolic commit-
tee decided, Tuesday night, to set
the date for the annual affair on
March 22. This, if our calendar is
correct, is just two weeks from to-
morrow night. And incidentally,
this was the first meeting of the
committee as a whole.
The freshman class has taken r
quite a job upon its hands in at- t
tempting to promote such a party s
irn less than two weeks and a half.t
In the first place a class party is noa
easy task to stage under present
University regulations whereby
student council and administra-
tive authority and supervision ad- 1
vise against any sudden moves on1
the part of a committee. To en-
gage an orchestra, to; have !the
tickets printed and signed, to plan
and execute the decorations, and
to take care of the endless tasks
which attend the staging of a
class dance would task experienced
hands, let alone those or persons
new to the University.
The Frosh Frolic committee isE
staging the dance on this day, be-
cause the 29th is Good F'iday, va-
cation begins the following week,
and they do not care to put it on
after vaaetion. However, it ap-
pears that they might have done
much better to have scheduled it
for the Friday after vacation.
The members of the committee
in charge will need all the support
that the campus can give, in order
to make this any kind of a suc-
cess. With the Soph Prom dis-
tinctly in the red, and the J-Hop
trying to pay ofQ the Prom's debts,
it is up to the freshmen to succeed
in this instance. With proper co-
operation, they can succeed. With
the campus apathetic, it will mean
another failure in an already none
too financially successful year.
Mexico, it seems, is again in revo-
lution. Vera Cruz and neighboring
provinces have been seized by the
rebel chief Jesus M. Aguirree with
Fausto Topete, governor of the
state of Sonora, referring to the
current administration of Portes
Gil as "the servile government
which has made a joke of our
hopes as free men." With it all,
American interest in the entire
affair is probably aroused as much
from the fact that Colonel Lind-
bergh is now the guest of his
fiancee at the American embassy
in Mexico City as from any other
- Definite causes for this, the lat-
est of Mexican uprisings, are not
so easy to determine and with the
placing of a censorship upon all
news by the Mexican government
reliable information as to the real
seats of grievance is not apt to be
available for some time to come.
The outward facts of- revolution
and dissension, however, are suf-
ficient to allow one to conclude
without a great deal of deep
thought that the Mexican people
and the Mexican government are
even now a long way removed from
a peaceful solution of government-
al difficulties which an outside
world had been accustomed to hope
for and expect.
Claims have been made in some
quarters that the influential posi-
tion still maintained by former
president Calles is in a large ex-

tent responsible for the uprising. A
much better solution, however,
would seem to be that a dissatisfied
military-political leader gaining
some small amount of power hasI
launched another of the national
revolts which have come to be
characteristics of the Mexican
Tha the impulsive nature of the
Latin peoples should lie at the base
of continual warfare and discon-
tent is indeed unfortunate to say
the least. In a broader sense it
may well be held up as a sad com-

ang war. All we'll need is a few I W
issatisfied students. a
* * * si
Which leads us to wonder d
why the manager of the p
Wuerth wants to install sound c
apparatus. Don't the little col-
lege boys make enough noise t
as it is?
A direct mail advertising cam- c
paign is calling our attention to 0
the new University cruise. Floating
schools are great things. No mat- p
ter how dumb you are you can al- i
ways get a sea grade. C
* * * f
The severity of the winter through
which Europe has just passed has p
led scientists to wonder if another s
Ice Age will visit the earth. s
*.* * d
Sure. All they'll have to do 1
will be to drop into town along l
about next February, if they l
missed it this year. ' s
, s
According to the papers, the pen c
with which Abraham Lincoln sign- f
ed the Emancipation Proclamation1
will shortly be sold at auction. v
* * *
It is rumored that the em-
ployees of the Arcade branchs
of the post office are going to C
bid high for this valuable addi- c
tion to their fine collection. t
One, employee has refused to t
contribute to the fund. "That Lin-s
coln pen," he scoffed, "isn't so1
much. We've got a pen on ourl
counter that's at least a century
older-or looks that way, at least."t
* * *
The army band, says the Trib-
une, is going to Spain. t
We've heard that band a lot
on the radio and we're forced
to confess that Spain isn't half
far enough away to suit us.
On the Boston L trains, an un-
known gent goes abou( slashing
people's clothes with a knife.
* * *
Maybe he's a clothing store
prop. who wants to create the
We'll freely admit there wasn't
much sense to that. Perhaps the!
next one will have more of a point
to it.
An old Ford is. advertised for
sale in the Washtenaw Trib. "First
$110 will take it," says the ad.
* * *
s '
. ,.
to keep it going, if its like the
Ford we used to have-

Probably no one has realized the
resent situation better ,than the
taff of the Inlander who are spon-
oring the short story contest. The
lefinite aim behind the contest is
o obtain those things which are
acking at the present time: a pub-
ic interested in literary writing of
nterest and merit, and writers, de-
irous of a means for improving
heir ability, getting constructive
riticism, and aiding in a hoped
or renaissance in creative writing.
Such writing should be worth
while ,and yet interesting to a
public of college readers.
Contestants will have a twofold
opportunity by submitting manu-
scripts. They have the inducement
of the two prizes which are being
offered, and also, their interest in
the contest will give them an op-
portunity to come in contact with
the staff of the Inlander and as-
sist it in building' the magazine
into a more representative campus
literary organ.
It is worth noting that the con-
test is open to all students in the
University, and that they have an
unusual opportunity in writing
owing to the fact that they may
treat any theme which seems suit-
able to them for a short story. The
contest will be conducted with
absolute fairness inasmuch as the
authors of the stories will not be
known to the judges. The com-
plete rules for the contest are as
1. All manuscripts must be typed,
doubled space, and on one side of
the paper only.
2. Manuscripts are to be sent to
"The Inlander", Press Building, be-
fore midnight, March Ia, 1929.
3. The name of the contestant
must not appear on the short story
submitted, but must be attached on
a separate sheet of paper along
with the title of the mahuscripts.
4. No contestant may submit
more than one story, and no mem-
ber of the Inlander staff is eligible
to compete.
5. No definite limit has been
placed on the number of words for
any short story submitted, al-
though moderation is expected.
P. L.A.
* * *
For four nights next week, be-
ginning Tuesday, Play Production
will give public presentation to the
four original one-act plays which
have emerged from the contest
sponsored by the Division of Eng-
lish -
Commeiit on these plays has al-
most entirely been directed toward
the extraordinary fact that they
were written by Michigan students.
It se'ems'that the public is being
"let in 'on the ground floor" to
dramatic alent that will very
shortly burst into more vivid bloom
and out shine Eugenc O'Neill. This!
has been the general view-except
wherej satire ;bas been used in-
Undoubtedly the fact that the
plays are a local product deserves
atention, Play writing has not
been a recognized activity here be-
fore, and the general condition of
the drana will heir a few more
additions. But for the individual
writers the plays themselves are
more in the nature of a stunt or
accident than an example of stu-
dent self expression. The proof of
the dramatist's pudding is in being
able to repeat the process. The
th1-n 1 n- nlA ...... 4..d. -

The most popular cereals
served in the dining-rooms
of American colleges, eat-
ing clubs and fraternities
are made by Kellogg in
Battle Creek. They include
ALL-BRAN, Pep Bran Flakes,
Rice Krispies, Krumbles
and Kellogg's Shredded
Whole Wheat Biscuit. Also
Kaffee Hag Coffee-the
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a big
- ---

on campuses f rom coast to coast.

eT ii.
/ Iy
Ii 1h z ". "

The First Hundred Years
Are the Hardest

Nope; that wasn't so
either, except the picture.
* * *


According to the Yale News, the.
students of Yale are drinking
much more than before prohibi-
tion. The complaint is that in the
past the students drank like gen-
tlemen but now conditions have
entirely changed.
In other words, it used to be
"drink like gentlemen", and now
it's "gentlemen like drink"--and,
they don't care who knows it.
Inquisitive Irma wants to know
what happened to all the empty
Old Gold tins. "Nearly ten thous-1
and tin boxes were distributed on
this campus," she avers, "and if

SA fIA will you be doing ten, fifteen StOnc & V
years from now? Fifteen years operates pub
scems a pretty long time to be worrying looking forwa
about, you say. Yet it's the fellow who new ways,
looks ahead who usually comes out on Webster mar
top. He builds the foundation now. makes him s
he successes of today and tomorrow ugh pon
are built on the fofindations of yesterday. of his public
in the utility field that statement is par- You're goi
ticularly true. A power station built today when you lca
anticipates the needs of the community ganization o
for many tomorrows. A transportation and upon wi
system is laid to take care not only of the find the Stor
present but of the future riders. worth knowi
wit l,


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