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March 07, 1929 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-07

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FnRTPV rvuITIuEminent Democrat,

LW 4' F~#v ?71V NA !nFI x I'%W' F' 11 As XT Z VhtvYw r " J- e't NJ


t UIILU ii LllI 1UI I Indiana Poltician, r'JKU& IY IL/ 1 IAIVCEN TURY ULU Confers Concerning A monkey also shars honor sears.
sIAfterIn the April number of Art and became established it was soon cwith the University in the will of ed Jac
s nessArchaeology, Prof. James E. Dun- found that the inscription on the ampanie Campaign Mrs. Jule Hoywood, who recently UtOr a
lap, of the Latin and Greek depart- mirror was the first line contained bequeathed to the Universtty the caretal
ment, and Prof. Warren E. Blake,; The fact that the letters wereTJC mrl residue of her estate of more than thissm
[Uiso the Greedepartment, will pub- ail backwards can be explained, it To Attend Concert Of 150,000, with which a perpetual versity.
ish the story of a forgery which is believed, in the circumstance English Concern scholarship called the Avery op- The
is now about 125 years old. that Napoleon, when the Rosetta dJp d
TIRFor more than a century this stone was discovered, had the sur- are to be awarded annualy to stu- '05,
EXIIIBT ON W iL L IATE3T forgery, which was probably per- face of it inked and then, using it TWO FIRMS CONSIDERED dents of the rhetoric department. drowni
FOREST LCD PROBLEMS petrated by some gain-seeking as a printing press, had his as- A fund of $10,000 has been set He left
_______ Arabian, was accepted as an age- sistants place paper on it and press Six members of the carillon com-. aside in the will to provide an in- yersity
- old piece of Egyptian bronze-work, them down so that the paper re- mittee were in conference yester- Come for "the maintenance and gngg
TEN EXHIOITS INCLUDED ; until it was brought to Michigan ceived an inverse impression from day afternoon with R. F. C. House-- upkeep" of a pet monkey Mrs. dramat
'and proved a fake. stone.man of the Gillett and JohnstonI Hopwood has owned for many and the
Utilization Labory To Oen More than five years ago, a mem- Some Arabian got hold of one Bell Foundry, Croydon, England,
yAt T so .1o 'ber of the University's expedition of these prints, it is believed, andjconcerning the types of carillons IUIitilll"I1411111WU1tWlINIUII#i1W1Il11UWIIll fil
And Trips To School in Egypt, purchased a bronze mir- not being able to read it, inscribed which his company has to offer
ForestsPlnnedror, which was apparently antique, the inverse characters on the back for installation in the Burton Me-
from a native. He brought it back of a mirror and sold them to some- morial Campanile. Mr. Houseman
fhe i i to h r to Michigan, and it soon became a body as an antique. who is works manager and me-L
hibit will feature the general ex- ____________,
hibition to be iven in the newrather well-known puzzle in the chanical engineer for the Croyden
Musetumn t bulding veon Thursdayvarious departments interested in Engineers Urged To foundry was scheduled to address
Museum budinonjnctiowithrsdaarchaeology. The late Professor a meeting of the complete caril-
Mh 14y-,r in conjunction wt he Kelsey and a number of other mene I O Seam Ion committee, Saturday after-
thirty-fourth annual meeting of! 'ttried their hand at deciphering the noon, Feb. 23, but was forced to
the Michigan Academy of Literat- strange characters which were en- Designed for the further in- -cance his date at the last minute.
ure Science, and th Arts, whh graved on its back, but without suctin ofmechanical and ele- I As a reslt of yesterday's meet- Fresri
will meet here on March 14, 15 and;! wisucesstrial engineeingistudesh ounr- m aelegram was sent to ysjrdy' met!Fresh Spring I
The forestry exhibition in gen- Thomas Taggart Bilke set t ssors Dun taime thedtional inoceo n auditim und er ,oittee o athe rcncea a
eral will pertain to the forest land (B Associated Pre latter found that the characters tionalu Science auditorium under committee, to attend nconcertat
problems in Michigan, it is an- INDIANAPOLIS, March 6-Thom were inverted Greek leters. the auspices of the local student Croydon, England, of a carillon
nounced by Prof. E. V. Jotter, who asTa branch of the American Society of which is being shipped to New Home Grown Deep Pu
is in charge of the forestry ex-cratic leader, died at his home here from bottom to top. It was sev- Mechanical engineers. Admission Zealand by the Gillett and John-
hibit. The first display, entitled this morning following an illness eral years before this discovery was is freeston company. The two principal Sweet Peas, Roses a
"Michigan Forest Land Econom- of several months. He was 72 finally affirmed but when its truth The film, which shows the shop concerns whose carillons are being
ics," will show the forest land dis- years old. Ion the famous Rosetta stonemethods in rolling and fabrication, considered for the Burton Cam-andes andTa
tribution in general throughout the Myr. Taggart died at 10:30.mHeoeof heavy boiler plate employed by panile at the present time are the
state, what uses i inhtbae profit- had been in a critical condition Slosson To Conduct the Babcock and Wilcox company Croydon company and the Taylor_ __
since late yesterday. Today's!in the manufacture of boilers, was Bell foundry at Loughborough,
ably put to. Mr. and Mrs. Taggart returned oay . C. . Forum shown here last year, and is pro- England. Representatives of both
The second exhibit deals with from their summer home at Hyan- nounced as exceptionally interest- ;concerns have now been in Ann
the fur bearers and other mammals nisport, Mass.,m as fall and in prof. ing to all engineering students by Arbor to consult with the commit- 7
n wrelation to Michigan forist lands October he underwent an opera- history department, will lead the Prof. R. S. Hawley of the mechan- tee but no definite purchase has
and Will show the returns derivable tion for a stomach ailment. Since discussion on "The Historian Looks ical engineering department of thej been made yet.
from animals in forest manage- then his condition had graduall3 on Life" at the fourth of a series engineering college. ; The six members who met Mr. Store:
mert. b hmehweaker. of twelve student forums sponsor- There will be no lecturer accom- Houseman yesterday included Bob 609 F. Wiiams
Forest fire prevention thIogh ed by the Student Christian asso- panying the film, according to Brown, chairman of the commit-
research will tieat of the ability to i ciation at 4:05 o'clock this after- Prof. Hawley since the reels are tee; Earl Moore, director of the
predict outbreaks through antici- Artist's Canvasses 1 noon, in Lane hall. The meeting self-explanatory. "Steam" is tak- University School of Music and an= "Flowers b W
pated weather conditions, humid- O is open to all men and women ing a tour of the various engineer- authority on carillons, and T.
ity and wind being factors to be Appear DisPlay students on the campus. ing colleges of the country, com- Hawley Tapping, field secretary of
considered. It has been determin- ,The, Thursday afternoon forums, ing here from Purdue. !the Alumni association. - ____________________t_________i______1____
ed that from nine to ten in the Opening this week, to continue begun by the S. C. A. last semes-
morning of warm days is the most Iuntil March 17, an exhibit of ter, have grown rapidly and ac-
dangerous for fires, while night is paintings by Gerrit A. Beneker i cording to S. C. A. officials, have
relatively safe. Two more exhibits are being shown in the west gal- proved successful in stimulating
will deal with forest management. lery of Alumni Memorial hail un- discussion and thought. Under the
One Will have charts showing the der the auspices of the Ann Arbor general heading of "Looking on
results of studies on the yields of Art association. Beneker studied Life", the group discusses inform-
Michigan plantations, which have under Charles W. Hawthorne at ally some problem of general in-
been conducted by the loal fbrest- his Prvincetown school, and isy terest each week. A prominent
ry school; the second will show known as a close student of Haw- member of the faculty or avisitor
charts of the future yields of tim- thorne's work, his paintings show- addresses the forum, a different
ber products. ling a very definite resemblance to department, being represented at
Of the three enemies of the for- I the work of his teacher. each meeting. The forums will be
est-fire, disease, and fungi-the His Portraiture includes numer- continued throughout the semes-
third is treated in an exhibit on ous examples of studies of work-, ter. Dean Henry M. Bates, of the -
the effects of fungi on forest ing men-engineers, railroad men,|Law school, will be the speaker a
practices in Michigan. Still an- and field workers on farms. 'week from tomorrow.
other will deal with insects and____
their ravages; both are based on
studies made by local professors. j
Decay is also a trouble that must Wem k upD neadB n etPorm
be met by competent foresters, andWe make up Dance and Banquet Programs
another display illustrates the1 of every description
methods by which decay in forest
products is prevented. m,
Tf.. U Ti f. Ps ty D nnnrrr f

The testatrix ha appoint-
ob J. Schwebel, estate exec-
nd trustee, as the monkey's
er. After the monkuey. dies
oney will revert to the Uni-
prizes were first provided
the will of Avery Hoowood,
playwright, who died by
ng last July 1 in France.
about $115,000 to the Uni-
for the purpose of encour-
the "best creative work in
ic 'writing, fiction, poetry,
f1i1111111111111tt 1llll# t1 111 11'
rple Violets,
nd Plants.
400 Traver' St.
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Dawn Donuts
The Partner for
your Coffee
at Breakfast
Our lismartks and Raised
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The Mayor- Schairer Company

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Phone 4515



Replace the Old Garbage Pa i
Prices - 3. gal. 90c- 4% gal. $1.00; 7 gal. $1.20;
10 gal, $1.3
Extra Heavy Garboge Cans -- 16 gal. $4.00; 22 gal.
$4.75; 28 gal. $6.00.
Wire Rubbish Burners - $1.50, $2.25, $3.00.
Sicco Plant Fobd for the Lawn Put on early for
best results in llb. cans 25c; 5 lb. bag 50c;
10 lbs. 85c; 25 lbs. $1.75; 50 lbs. $3.00;
100 lbs. $5.00.
Jno. C. Fischer Co.A



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