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February 13, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-13

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~Lt~1 FJ.~



REBENTSA El Y ! OAttractive . new announcements lege, and all documents must beDANES EROUS htre women has been excellent, and
OF SH ENUP fiNregarding scholarships for women sent to her by March 15. Th ILIOh ha ns been mlen and
offered by Mills College in Cali- awards are to be made on or be- women students is a gain. For it
fornia and by the College of Prac- fore April 1. COPENHAGEN, Feb. 12.-Danish prepares them for "co-operation
tical Arts and Letters of Boston Data regarding the above scholar- New Students In All Colleges Are women are a serious lot. One-third which in their subsequent careers Sgm
University have just been received ships and all other scholarships Invited To Meet Advisers of the 1,000 women undergraduates becomes necessary between medi- I cal sor
in the office of the Advisers of open tb Michigan women are being Next Friday at Copenhagen University are spe- cal men and women." mester
REPRESENTATIVES MAINTAIN Women. kept in a folder in the office of the cializing in philosophy. There are _Thurs
ADVISORY SYSTEM IS The College of Practical Arts and Advisers of Women, and any wom- STUDENTS WILL ASSIST a thousand coeds in the studentE
SUPERIOR TO DEAN Letters at Boston offers a one-year an desiring information on the body of 5,000. PERMIT BOLTS
- _, _i course for women graduates. T. subject will find it available there hDanish women can not hold gram
Lawrence Davis, the dean of the In honor of all women who are church positions, but 6 girls are [Crane
LETTER SENT TO REGENTS college, has written to Miss Grace entpring the University this se- I specializing in theology, 163 are go- The university of Idaho has made s
Richards, chairman of the advisers, A IN N'mester the Advisers of Women, ing to be doctors, 59 lawyers, 22 a radical change in the "cutting" Se m
Spontaneous . Action Of Group iasking her to recommend Michi- Miss Grace Richards, Miss Alice political scientists, and 97 special- system, in the hope of instilling Mina
Expresses High Approval gan seniors who would be interest- Lloyd, and Miss Beatrice Johnson, ists in English. more self-dependence among the tional
Of Present Plan .ha in the course offered and whose have planned an informal recep- -!students. Henceforth students are law sc
-abilitywould entitle them to the11 tion to be given from 8 to 11 oclock abt put on their own responsibility inh
That they are h favor of the ability Lable.LFriday night in the Women's Athle- LIFT BANIattending classes. of the
system o having advisers of wom- schslarshis wich e aala le- ___tic building. New women students_ _The instructors take roll, but no activit
eniseaifasigeseno Richards will be glad to re- ,atvt
en instead of a single dean of ceive the names of women inter- Kappa Delta and Alpha Omicron in all schools and colleges of the .The University of London has absence reports are -turned in to next s
women was the opinion expressed ested in the offer. Pi played an exciting game in the University have been invited to at- been urged to lift the ban on wom- the registrar. However, if the stu- ganiza
by the Board of Representatives ofI The one-year program of study: first of the Intramural elimination tend the reception, which is being en medical students at hospitals dents cut much, the instructor is meetin
$he Women's League composed of has been arranged to meet the de- series to an 3 to 8 tie at Barbour ield this year for the first time as connected with the university, in supposed under the new rules, to made
more than 100 house presidents, at mand for confidential secretaries gymnasium last night. Because a second semester event. a report by a committee which in- confer with the dean. bers.
its meeting yesterday afternoon. who have technical training based the guards on both teams were so Receiving with the advisers will ;vestigated the matter, according
The discussionmataroseacoutinofIthe
The discussion arose out of the upon a foundation of cultural stu- good, the score was low and the be Mary White, '29, president of the to an article in the McGill Daily. JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY
question as to whether the present dies. The course leads to the de- game was slowed down consider- Women's League, Dr. Margaret Bell, It was unanimous in its recom- I
plan, which had its conception gree of Bachelor of Science in ably, but it was interesting during head of the physical education d- mendation, and denied there were Posters for the Junior Girls
net far.Lte, of te niverma- Practical Arts and Letters and con- every minute of play, nevertheless. partment for women, and; Betty 'valid objections to women students. Play programs and advertising I
nent feature of the University ad- sists of a study of office methods, At the end of the first half, Alpha Smither, '29, president of the Wom- In support of its plea, the re- will be judged at 4:30 o'clock to-I CA
:entment bohe commercia law, business letters, Omicron Pi was leading by one en's Athletic association. port declares that the conduct of day at Barbour gymnasium. All
out that the sentiment of the secretarial accounting, and short- basket, the score being 6 to 4. They Guests other than the entering ------ contestants should bring their
'undergraduates in general is whole hand and typewriting. There is had a chance to score again at the women are to be: Mrs. J. A. Bur- Effinger and 1Virs. Alfred H. White I posters at that time. For any 1
heartedly in favor of the advisory also a one-year program for col- end of the game as a result of a sley, Mrs. John R. Effinger, Mrs. are to preside at the supper table. I further information, call Doro-
system. It was clearly pointed out lege graduates who wish to be- foul, but failed to increase the Emil Lorch, Mrs. Henry M. Bates, The reception has been arranged I thy Bloom, 8907.
that the women have given and se| come teachers of commercial sub- count. Both teams played very Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Mrs. James with the hope that new women stu- 0o-
sire to continue to give the advisers cts in high schools. well together. The tie will have to B. Edmonson, Mrs. Clare E. Griffin, dents may meet and become ac- Members of all casts ahd chor-
their loyalty and cooperation The announcement of fellowships be played off in another game dur- I Mrs. G. Carl Huber, and all women quainted with all women identified uses in the Junior Girls Play are p
There was no doubt judging from and scholarships offered by Mills ing the next week. ( of the faculty of the University. with the University in whom they requested to bring $1.85 to their Sh
statements from the group that ! College for the year 1929-1930 in- Zeta Tau Alpha, in a very one- The advisers will be assisted at are especially interested. There is next rehearsal, for the purpose of
they believe the system sound m cludes a number of fellowships of sided game, easily won from Alpha the reception by the Board of Di- to be dancing and, for those who buying materials to be used in the
-both theory and practice. $0!ofre orsudlnanyd.G h
Since theousen preiens form a$500 offered for study in any de- Gamma Delta by a score of 40 to rectors and the Board of Repre'sen- do not dance, bowling and the other play.
Since the housepresidents form I The victorious team came to the tatives of the Women's League and attractions of the building. The There will be a meeting of Or-
the most representative body oft ships representing in value the cost front with some very excellent by the executive board of the music for the dancing will be fur-chesis at 6:30 o'clock tomght in theR
Michigan undergraduate women of graduate tuition. Three of these passing. The forwards were aided Women's Athletic association. Mrs. nished by Edna Mower's orchestra. Women's Athletic Building. It is
would seem that by this opinion scholarships are open for study in with especially good teamwork in very impotant that all members be
it is proved that the advisory sys- the pre-school laboratory. the center of the court, the tall li illillllillilillililllllllllillilllllllllllilliilpresent.
tem need no longer be considered Application blanks for the Mills forward there always getting the_
an experiment in educational and College fellowships may be obtain- tip-off. Mildred Cassidy starred in
administrative policy. The Board ed from the chairman of the con- piling up the score, but she was
unanimously adopted a resolution mittee on fellowships at that col- strongly supported by Merle Raine.
that the followBg letter be ree- The Alpha Gamma Delta teamr+
orded with the Board of Regents, NOTED EUROPEAN played rather slowly throughout
University of Michigan. the entire contest.
Untlemen: JOURNALIST DIES; In the third game of the evening, = 1
Gentlemen Couzens Hall defeated Phi Gamma
undergraduate women, who are for . LONDON, February 12.-The Mu,y15 o3.de aThe nuses' teamYU
the most part members of the sen- death of Lady Lugard, journalist had the ability to hold the ball or Every
ffor class, we feel that we cannot and traveler, who until her mari- h the ablit tohold the lork
happily graduate without making a age in 1902 to Frederick Dealtry well together. The work O Afternoon
matter of record with you an opin- Lugard, the first Baron Lugard, was forward, was outstandingly good.fAr o
iion which we consider to be of vital Flora Louise Shaw, was announced forwrd,_wsoustandnglygood.____
Importance to the welfare of Mich- a short while ago. an
4igan women. We are the last group Lady Lugard was the daughterEvening
,:.at the University to have had ac-Iof the late General Shaw. She was MR.BARTLETT
tive participation with the admin- formerly head of the colonial de-
istration of a single Dean of Wom- 'partment of the London Times and IS of the J. L. Hudson Beaut
I en and. with the present system .of undertook many commissions for Parlors is now located
Advisers of Women. For three that newspaper in distant parts of at the
years the girls ary giventh e od when stirring events BLUE BIRD
1Yisers thervoluntary, whole-heart- wereoccuring..
dndsnreuprtanthy Thus she participated in the, 78H AIR SHOP W HER E T HE REA L CA MPUS
wish it recorded with you that they Klondike gold rush, knew the late 5 Nickels Arcade pHC
h. believe the committee system to Cecil Rhodes during his empire-....keRT M N FTaT E FAPPROPRIATELY PA
be both{ sound theoretically and building in South Africa, was the specializing in SPIRIT MANIFESTS ITSELF
,splendid in practice. This opinion nly woman witness at the Jamesonhildren's
ds benWetetrl ihu h nywna ins tteJmsnomens and Cidrns ItIIi11t1111ICtIIIIIIIIIIIIllIII!{111{i1III1{IIIIgCIIIII Red Heart Boxes or MV
s being sent entirely wio theIraid inquiry, and saw the Kanaka_
knj; edgeof he avisrs tem-labor question in Queensland, Aus-. Haircutting
selves; it is simply our hope that tralia, thrashed out. d r Mt
[Tour. honorable body may see fit Sh haalopbiedsvr Mr. Bartlett Tbs
fto continue the undergraduate books, among them "Castle Blair" was formerly with the
~women under this form of govern-: and "Hector," favorites with the Arcade Barber Shop I g- !15 Nickels Arc
".ient." last generation as children and "A of this city.___ __
TRYOUTS FOR WOMEN STAFF 0ITropical Dependency."1. Y I
m ITryouts for the women's staff
'I of The Daily will be held at 4 ji~ I~i i111
he 1 1 he I aA S a le o f]
o'clock Monday, Feb. 18 in the 1t
:1 Press building on Maynard S a le o f
street. All second semesterAN E S
freshmen 'women who have a I
scholastic record of one grade NOW you can add
better than a C average are No yuc ad
. eligible to try out. Upperclass Dress or two to y
women with a scholastic average aw
(of , who are at all interested
in newspaper work, are urged to priCes in effeC
attend this meeting as' well.
011 V1 iTT x rTT T y' T Tibi ec1

a Alpha Iota, national musi
ority, is opening the new se-
with a formal musicale
day evening at the home of
[ugh Cabot. The entire pro-
will be presented by Nora
Hunt, contralto, and Rous-
Criswell, pianist.
bers of Kappa Beta Pi, na-
sorority for women in the
hool, will be entertained at
ge Thursday evening by Eliz-
Whiteman, '30L, a member
society. This will open the
ies of Kappa Beta Pi for the
emester. Other women's or-
,tions- on campus have called
gs and plans will soon be
for the addition of new mem-
Is Now Open
Above Arcade Theater
ecials for February
ampoo and Finger
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