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February 13, 1929 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-13

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i) A T T V

. _ Ty.r.. ._ .. - .- .v...ad__ _ .....

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rublished every morning except Monday
during the University year hy the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press' is exclusively en-
titled to 'the use for republication of all news
dispatches redited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lisped herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, s second class matter. Special rate
of postag granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Gard Street.
Phones: Editoral, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.....................Nelson J. Smith
City Editor...............J. Stewart Hooker
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor:.............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor..... ....... .Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor............George Stauter
Music and Drama... . ..... ..... R. L. AskrenI
Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar
Bight Editors
oseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons
George C. Tilleyf
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexandn Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwi Henry Merry
,Louise Behyme- Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur ternstee Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Iloward Simon
Helen Donine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret lckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cad well Swanson
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie Folmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Grney Williams
David R. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George E. Wolhlgemith
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising.. ........Alex K. Scherer
Advertising ...... ....... A. James Jordan
Advertising. . ..........Car W. Hammer
Service ... .......:... ..... Herbert E. Varnhmu
rGeorge S. Bradley
Accounts.............. Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelich

to organize the "inner" college plan
along Oxford-Cambridge lines, as
"innovators licensed to peddle their
synthetic culture to the univer-
sities, colleges, and preparatory
schools throughout the country."
Almost alone, Glenn Frank has
the situation in hand. Nobody can
Imake a noise like Santa Claus
I around Madison and get his finger
into university pie. There is com-
mendable courage in taking such
a firm stand toward all proffered
gifts that merits the imitation of
I executives and regents the country
over. Michigan must make such a
stand before she is qualified to offer,
the presidency to a really compe-
tent man.
From Yale comes a warning that
the country's universities are fac-
ing a progressive deterioration in
the quality of their teaching-a
warning that might be para-
phrased in the familiar words oft
uttered by kindly and gray-beard-
ed educators, "Brick and mortar
do not make a school." The Yale
report decries the prevalent ten-
dency to expand that is placing a
higher premium on new buildings
and bigger enrollments than on
new talent and bigger brains.
There is in this tendency much
of the vanity that made Athenians
laugh at homely Socrates. It is
reflected in an attitude, of which
Princeton is among -the guiltiest
that a successful president is one
who can wheedle the biggest total
of building funds out of alumni
and other sentimentalists. It is the
essence of the recent student out-
burst at Harvard, "Val.e Veritas!
Ave Vanitas!" (Farewell truth,
Hail Vanity) occasioned by the ac-
ceptance of building gifts of more
than sixteen million dollars.
At Michigan; expansion has been
the keynote of the last two ad-
ministrations-especially that of
President Little, who went out of
his way to find new fields in which
to expand, discarding meanwhile
President Burton's promising
schedule for increasing salaries.
The School of Forestry, additions
to the School of Education and
the Medical school, the University
College, the Alumni University, and
most recently the School of Music-
all worthy projects, but expensive-~
have eaten up available funds that
might have been devoted to mak-
ing faculty positions more attrac-
tive, and retaining men like Pro-

I , - ______________________________________________________

I o~irii - Irr7mrn




Music An Drama Coronanerwood
o Remington, Royals.
TONIGHT: Choral Union Concert We have all makes.
featuring Sergei Rachmaninoff, Colored duco finishes. P
solo pianist, in Hill Auditorium 0. D. MORRI
beginning at 8:15 punctually. 17 Nickels Arcade Ph
The nature of the Rachmaninoff
program will make tardiness very 1 Strings,. . SUpy
unpleasant. . . Repairs
RACHMANINOFF for all Musical Instru

c~'I Irht XTT V

Price $60.
hone 6615


For the benefit of those who have
never read this column before it
might be well to explain that this
is the official humor column of
the paper (Michigan Daily). GetE
that-humor column. This is
stressed because Lark, the official
editor, will not start being offici-I
ous until tomorrow, due to the fact
that the first column after two
weeks of finals and other frivolities
is rough sledding, tough going, hard
pulling, and wet; and he therefore
pats us on the back, murmurs
some encouraging stimuli, and lets
nature take its course. So we're
writing the column, knowing full;



that our reputation-if any-I
suffer, and his won't. Crafty!
Lark is.
* * *
ll, that's two and a half
es gone. Not bad for three
nfare of nn hnf

Lers of an


w -r
Rolls Official 3-Hop photo,
rushed from the engravers by
wheelbarrow. The J-Hop ex-
tra's picture might have beaten
Rolls' in quantity, and by five
days, but this one shows more
enthusiasm. The couples here
are at least dancing.
* * V
As one committeeman said td
another committeeman, "Thanks
for all past due favors."
We just thought of a scurvy
trick to play on Lark. We
might sign his name to this

The appearance of the world
famed Rachmaninoff in recital in
Ann Arbor is a high spot in an ex-
traordinary anniversary program
of the Choral Union Series. Bring-
ing with him a sound reputation
as an artist of international stand-
ing and with it the recent tumult-
ous applause of Detroit audiences,
Rachmaninoff snould provide an
already friendly Ann Arbor audi-
ence with completely satisfying ad-
venture in' piano music.
His program includes Mozart,
Scarlatti, Schumann and Chopin,
which his virtuosity in interpreting
the personality of the composer
should make a valuable musical I
experience, and closes with his own t
"Moment Musicale" and the ever'
favorite arrangement, with Kreis-
ler, of "Liebesfreud."
The Mozart Sonata, No. 14, which
opens the program is a long num-
ber and the promptness with which
the Auditorium doors are closed
suggests the advisability, not to say;
the courtesy, of punctual arrival.
* *' *
One thing that Ann Arbor has
come to look forward to as an
annual event in spite of the hap-,
hazard element of bookings is al
puppet show. Last year it was
Jean Gros' French Marionettest
and Helen Joseph's Puppets. Tlis
year a group operating from Yale
and calling themselves The Pup-
peteers will give two performances
Tuesday of next, week. Sponsors
of this are the Harris Players
through their director, Prof. J.
Raleigh Nelson.

Schaeberle & Son
110 S. Main St.
Tracked to
Blue Tin
Newton, Ill., Feb. 22, 1928
Larus & Brother Co.,
Richmond, Va.
The tobacco samples you sent me
have been received, and they are great.
If you can picture in your mind the
lonesomeness of a traveling man in a
small town on a rainy night, not a
friend in a hundred miles, nothing to
do and no place to go:
That was the position I was in when
your samples of Edgeworth came. It
was like a voice from above when I
opened the package and got the old
pipe steaming.
I have smoked various brands of
tobacco for the past fifteen years, but
never in my life have I found a to-
bacco at any price that will equal
Edgeworth. It does' not bite the
tongue, and a beautiful aroma follows.
With the good old friend pipe and a
can of Edgeworth you can dream of
the rainbow's end.
Please count me in the future as an
Edgeworth booster.
Very truly,
(Signed) Al Stanley
E dgeworth
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco


Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
ernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Xasper Halverson
George Hamilton
Jack Horwich
ix Humphrey

Mai-on Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

Night Editor-GEORGE E. SIMONSl

An ad i
"Police p.

MAKING A NOISE LIKE fessors Hanford and Frayer. fore all
SANTA CLAUS The Yale report indicates that filled.
an adequate stabilization, of en- ed
Trenchant if a little crude, the n has b ira to wren-
rollment has been reached to war-
Harvard Lampoon has given the rant investing more income in run- From t
world of higher education some- ning expenses and less in extra who con
thing meaty to think apout anent I administrative overhead and addi- ed tooth
the accepting of donations. The $ tions to floors pace. Scholarly week."
idea that any one with, a million brains will inevitably turn to more
remunerative fields, where the
or so to' give away can dictate poli- Lord knows they are needed, unless Our a
cies to a university has not yet been the teaching profession is raised the thin
killed, but it has taken a jarring! to an economic parity with other paining
uppercut on the chin from a staff 1professions of the same calibre. "That to
of student editors. The fact that' omolar," g
the blow was delivered by students THE CHAMPIONSHIP ROAD to make
gave it added power, for when they From now until tht a twenty third
complain of a policy that does not of February, when the Varsity A fellow
directly affect their liberties it is basketball team meets Iowa in its on Friday
likely to be proof positive that the ninth conference game, the cam- away an a
The Lampon's complaint is not pus has no opportunity to see its
altogether new-it has. been voiced near-championship team in ac- Nobod
byaother nar-ardhan whore-d tion. And then the ovation that sonable1
by another Harvard man whorei will be given the team should be How can
cently made front-page copy in in the nature of reception for a away?
Ann Arbor. President Little in, team that has gone the rocky
tendering his resignation to the road to a conference champion- For the
Regents noted that his methods of ship and has had upsets as well as this point
dealing with the interests of pri- successes. It should be a greet- the edito
vate donors were not consistent ing for a representative group that well to sa
with the polcies the Regents deem- has had to fight-and a group humor col
ed wise. Patently he had refer- which has met the occasion square- is editor.
ence to the recent gift of funds bold facel
for a law library to which the donor yThe defeat at the hands of
attached several undesirable Northwestern is no measure of the Like this
strings. f basketball team. Stick with them who walk:
President Little shares with until the last game of the season. are being
Glenn Frank of Wisconsin a theory They're well worth supporting. for violati
that donors should merely give, the
President and Regents dispose. ' A J-Ho
This is vital if there is to be any Editorial Comment I woulde
consistency in an educational pro- ' Somebo
gram. It is doubly vital if the in- "DR. LITTLE'S RESIGNATION" tabulatin
terests of faculty men are to be (r
protected against the personal ani-(Experim
mosities of donors who have money . . . It is an interesting con- ing toward
and therefore power. Otherwise flict, but perhaps only a logical tion of a k
the relatively poor profession of one, which ranges an undergradu- shells and
education would become putty in ate body on the side of a progres- product w
the hands of mercenaries too nar- sive president rather than a stand-,
row to grasp the broad outlines of pat board . . . . First t
a comprehensive educational pro- 0 put the
gram. "A PREXY STEPS DOWN" business
Unforeseen problems will arise in (The Standard Union, Brooklyn) $7.50 for
University administration. ' Their Michigan University's president,
settlement cannot await the con- Dr. Clarence Cook Little, has re- "GEORGE
venience of a man who once gave signed. His departure is accom- GOWN,"
several million dollars, nor should panied by unmistakable signs of Michigan.
it be colored( by his prejudices. Yet what is known as a huff. It is1
under the system now in vogue signalized by a remarkable state- I "Not ve
among needy universities of strik- ment in the columns of a loyal stu- murs We.
ing at every golden hook dangled dent publication, which blames the
before them, boards of governors loss of the president on "politicians Lark is e
are committing their vital policies possessing middle-class, middle- column-or
toHio. krin, onr -ivqpinrai iv~irbi- p1Qc. rvvrilAc- rof vvii.c 1"Tf rarI n

* * *
n the Washtenaw Tribune
us that a gent has some
ups, eligible to register."
* * *
d better get started be-
I the good courses are
** *
he same paper comes the
cerning a lady in Dixboro
uffering from an abscess-
which was extracted last
* ' *
dvice to ler is to throw
ng away if it persists in
* * *
;oth is hurting molar and
roans she. "It's enough
anybody cuspid."

o in Chelsea was.
y, charged with
* * *


y can be more unrea-
than a small-town cop.
n a car be driven except
benefit of those who at
have strayed over from
rial column it might be
y that this is the official
Lumn of the Daily. Lark
All cracks are printed in
s: In Budapest all couples
arm in arm on the street
fined from $3.50 to $17.50
on of the No Petting law.
op week-end in Budapest
cost, let's see-heck!
dy stole the multiple
.ng adding machine.
* * *
ents are being made aim-
d the commercial produc-
ind of sugar from peanut
cotton seed bran. Thee
ill sell for $100 a pound.
hing you know they'll
sugar refineries out of
and we'll be paying
a cup of coffee.
* * *

But whatever credit Yale may
feel entitled to for the success of
the troupe of Pippeteers, Michigan
is entitled to the major and final
credit, for Harry Burnett, '23, and,
Forman Brown, '22, are Michigan
graduates who in their undergrad-
uate days (and with the famous
Robert Henderson in his pre-Rock-
ford days) discovered their talent
for puppet shows. While in Ann
Arbor these three organized a ma-
rionette company with which they
spent their week-ends and vaca-
tions touring Michigan. For two
seasons they achieved considerable
success and Burnett's interest was
such that Prof. Nelson urged him
to study under Prof. George Pierce
Baker at Yale with the idea of
rounding out his theatrical experi-
ence by experiment in other fields
of dramatic production. The in-
evitable ironic situation arose when
Prof. Baker discovered the pup-
peteering talent and insisted on de-
veloping it. Burnett was successful
in obtaining a scholarship for for-
eign study.
The outcome of this is a unique
museum of puppet materials which
he was able to assemble in the
course of his puppet-exploration
tour of Italy. The piece de resist-
ance is a complete set of twelve
Goldoni puppets which were lo-
cated in Florence and purchased
finally after considerable negotia-
tion. The little figures were used
to interpret the Goldoni plays, one
of which, "The Mistress of the Inn,"
was produced recently by Harris
Players, and are now on exhibition
at the Yale/Theatre. The original
costumes, exquisite and excellently
preserved, clothe them.
Subsequently Burnett and Brown
united to give further performances
and the object of their present
tour, which has included the East,
Florida and the Carolinas, and will
extend to the Pacific coast, is to
gather funds to establish a perma-
nent theatre for their art.
R. L. A.
In a perfectly balanced concert
of Bach and Beethoven classics
and more modern salon selections
Dalies Frantz gave another of his
ante-debut concerts to an attentive
and appreciative audience last
night in the School of Music audi-
Frantz' interpretation of Bach
and Beethoven was especially bril-










~D, - - - 'WE-, ~ 455i. - - -





: .:

Says the;
ery nice of
* ,**
ditor. This
r will be, st

sign on the1


him," mur- liant, and quite as brilliant was the
technic of his flying fingers. Per-
haps the most virtuosity was dis-
is the humor played in his playing of Bach's
xting tomor- ; Adagissimo and Weber's Rondo in
1-1^ ,n~a sbA~ i Mar.rfor hr ewscm





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