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Seniors Will Be Honor G
First Performance
Junior Play
Preparations for the anni
for :Supper, which will
March 18, and will be
general meeting of all ti
omen in their caps an
are progressing rapidlya
to Elaine Gruber, '29, vi
dent of the senior class ar
man. of. the affair.
Appointments of the Y
the various committees h,
made and the work c
groups is now well und
Ellen Grinnell will have c
the finance committee for
per,. Helen Hartman will
the programs, Vida McC
be head of the decoratio
mittee, and Edna Mower w
charge of the songs corn
According to the traditio
has been followed in
years, the Senior Supper
immediately followed by1
performance of the Juni
Play, "Forward March," w
be, in honor of the senior
All senior women in the
of Literature, Science andt
engineering, library scien
cation, pharmacy, and th(
of Music, "may rent their c
gowns, from the underj
campaign committee of th
en's League during the
March 11 to March 15 in
gymnasium. This has been
ed so tha all the seniors m
their gowns by March 18,1
of the supper.
The' ..gowns will be rer
$7.50, and the caps will be
$2.50, making a total dep
of $10. When the gown is
back after. commencement
this sum .will be return
different colored tassels
various schools which ha
mentioned ,will be given o
the caps and gowns.
These. dates. hw e xe e.
arranged so that .the senior
be able- to,, have their ca
gowns! in plenty of time:
first event-yin the series wh
continue to be given in the:
until commencement. It is
ed that the supper will be
the Union, and then the
will form a line of march,
did last year, and procee
State street to the Whitne
Women of the University
braska employ the Big Siste
od to formulate a bond, of
ship among the women of1
dent body.
lU Il Following her attendance at the iform letter is sent to the prin- KPPAS ENTEH N LS n The work of the past semester
convention of the National Asso- ciples of Wisconsin high schools, and theplans for the future were
oDasfWhcasking for the names of girls in presented to the members of W. A.
ation omen, the upper fourth of the senior Thetas And Martha Cook Venus A. at a meeting held in the Wom-
was held from Feb. 20 to 23 in.classes. Early in the autumn, the] Team Are Defeated In Fast en's Athletic building yesterday
Cleveland, Miss Grace Richards, Madison addresses of these stu- Games afternoon. Instead of the usual
RE FOR chairman of the committee of Ad- dents ,are determined. They are annual reports from members of
IN visers of Women, has brought back largely in residence in dormitories GOOD TEAM WORK SHOWN the executive board who are heads
suggestions from the experience of j and approved houses. In Novem- I_'_of sports, the progress of the dif-
other institutions which she thinks ber a house presidents' supper-or Bfferent sports was given in the
might be of interest to Michigan a function corresponding to the By hard and skillful playing the form of a dialogue between the
RCH 18 women. te Michigan house presidents' supper basketball teams of Alpha Xi Deltar Women's Athletic Association, im-
Two events of enpccurre t -is given. Each house has the places in the finals of the intra- personated by Dorothy Lyons, '29,
uests At to Michigan women occurred at privilege of inviting as its guests mural tournament by defeating and a member of W. A. A., played
Of the convention. The first was a the freshmen girls whose names Kappa Alpha Theta and the Mar- by Dorothy Touff, '30.1
dnner given by the Advisers in were given as those of excellent tha Cook Venus team last night at A short talk by Marie Hartwig,
honor of President Little on Fri- students. Each sorority has th Barbour m '29, who told of what she did as a
ual Sen- day at the Statler hotel, preced- privilege of minviting its pledges The score of the Theta and member of the Michigan delegation
ing the address which he gave whose names have appeared n Alpha Xi Delta game was 15 to 11 to the triennial convention of A. C.
bldthat night. the list. Wisconsin feels that this and A aX ta ge wf 1 ijt A. C. W. held at Cornell in 1927,
the first Miss Richards To Be Chairman general and early interest i and was the result of a decided t
he senior Miss Richards was elected to act freshmen scholarship is a con- spurt by the winning team in the was of special interest to members
d gowns, as chairman of the university sec- structive one. I last half. All through the first of W. A. A. because of the fact
according tion of the Association of Deans part of the game a lack of team that the 1930 convention is being
ice-presi- for the coming year. S work and accuracy in shooting kept held in Ann Arbor. The Michigan
nd chair- I Miss Richards tells of the senior Skatg Clowns At the score low and made the game W. A. A., as president of the or-
guidance groups of Wisconsin.. a rather unskillful affair, but in ganization, will be hostesses at that
heads of The system there is that two sen-.W. A A A.Party Seem the second play was much better. time to representatives of women's
ave been iors meet each group of fresh- Both teams were wrought up to athletic associations from colleges
of these men who are interested in soi Very Novel To Cora the highest pitch resulting in much all over the country.
ter way. particular campus activity. The - I fumbling and wild passing. The Dr. Bell, head of the department
harge of function of the seniors is to help work of the Alpha Xi Delta guards of physical education for women
the sup- the freshmen in their orientation Clowns on ice-skates! Really, was, especially good. also spoke to the club members.
plan for Iin activities or organizations. * mtny dear, I cant imagine anyth'inig I y far the most exciting and Another feature of the meeting
lue will seems to be, Miss Richards says, funnier than that, can you? Just] best played game was that in was the distribution of question-
ns com- a specialization of a freshman picture a clown going places, and which the Kappas defeated Martha --
ill be in ; feek plan. actn g up as clowns wpla, on ice C2I
eitpeeiaFro the tn pa clowns lo c Cook by a 30 to 23 score. The ex I ora Is Planned
imittee.i k From the University of Pitts- skat especially if the clowns cellent teamwork of the Kappas P ogram
n which burgh comes the idea of "com- cant skate very well.hAnyway, along with their absolutely air-F Outdoor
previous munity cards." At the time of s there will be clowns at the W. A. tight guarding and accurate and orSports
will be registration every entering wom- A. skating party tomorrow and elusive playing of the forwards
the first 'an fills out a registration card un- for one, am going to see whether made the game extremely fast and The outdoor sports committee of
or Girl's der the direction of a senior stu- or not they are any funnier on icef interesting. Seldom were the Mar- W. A. A. under the chairmanship of
hic will dent. The cards carry the name, kates than usual. I mean .f itha Cook forwards able to get the Eleanor Cooke, '31, is planning'a
aich willadent.oThecadscarryltheiname
women. address, telephone, and so forth clowns in general are any funnier ball, and when they did they failed new and interesting spring pro-
collges f te reistrnt.Althughthan usual on ice skates. I really to show their usual good form.,
Colleges of the registrant. Although the didn't mean to cast any reflec- gram. Canoeing and hiking, two
the Arts, file is kept there in the office of iaiu n The finals of the tournament willI heretofore individual outdoor rec-
ce, edu- the dean of women, it is under- tions on these particular clowns, be played before the audience gath- reations, will be organized into
e School stood that these cards are the begulownin I isn ir ered to witness the Penny Carnival regular weekly parties.
aps andI property of the student group regular occupation, I mean itonWdeayMrc 6at73
ap n rpryo h tdn ru'really isn't on Wednesday, March 6 at 7:30. Beginning as soon in April as the
graduate They are available for student rell isn' Play will be for the possession o B weather permits, canoeing and
le Wom- use In the matter of getting lists! hWell anyway, my dear, I think the intramural cup which will be wekthg pits, caoidand
week of of names, making up groups of the whole plan of the skatingpara permanent possessionwhen wo hiking will be usual Saturday oc-
up ropsaf]pa- apemanntposesiolwhndon
BarbourI students with kindred interestis, ty is really too clever, I mean I I for three consecutive years. currences. Each party will include
arrang- and for other purposes. It is felt actually do. In the first place Kapas Martha Cook a picnic. Sunday morning hikes to
nay have jthere that the additional station there will be the clowns that I K. Brook.RF.A Zaui the fireplace will also be a part of
the date in regisration justifies itself. have just been raving about and M. Eaman....LF. Crist'senth prnpr .
Discusses Student Organizations they are to serve the hot dogs JC.F Neycr When a student has completed a
Dted for Miss Lydia L. Brown, dean of which constitute the refresh- B. St five-mile canoe trip or hike, she
sold for women at the University of Colo- ments. Won't that be cute to have D Sap .S G D. Bero i may report this to Miss Cooke, and
)osit fee rado, in speaking at the conven- a clown skate up to you and offer SBadge.. LG .... Keki is then entitled to become a mem-
brought tion of student organizations in you a hot dog? K. Badger....LG....A. Kunkleber of W. A. A.
$2.50 of theory and in practice, said that And then there are to be races, Alpha Xi Delta T.herta
H. Harter ..... RF. .W. HlartmanI
ed. The every organization comes in on a it is rumored at least. There may M. Geib......LF....R. Fleming
for the sound theory and goes out because be a race of the clowns, and it is K. McMurray . JC... L. Murray Strings . . Supplies
ve been of lack of power. Her criticism, also rumored that :the physical E Connell. SC.E. Grinnel
ut with that it is easier to start something education faculty may contend M. Foflme..RG.....S. White * * Rpairs . .
. new than to vitalize an old thing, among themselves to see which is A. Lambie....LG.... G. Coan "I
specially is, Miss Richards believes, broadly the best skater. That is merely A.Lam . .C for all Musical Instruments
rs would applicable. rumor, you understand, but per-
ps and President Glass of Sweet Briar sonally. I think the party would IICCES & RESEATONS abealO& Son
for this explained the failure or com- be worth going to just in case the FrllIanta
iich will promise of student government by rumors turned out to be facts.d Tonr,-crise
ir honor the fact that "we are willing And then there will be fancy skat-I Independent Travel MUSIC HOUSE
expect- enough to hold to our own stand- ing, too. Oh, yes, and some bal- E. G. Kuebler 110 S. Main St.
held at ards and to conform to or support loons to play with just to add to G e.Seam hupnh6
seniorsjregulations in so far as they affect the fun. ANN ARBOR
as they us, but we do not help the weaker~
d down members of a group." It is this
y. indifference or unwillingness to ,
fortify the system which results inp
of Ne- weakening it.
r meth- Stress Interest In Scholarship l
friend- From the University of Wiscon-
the. stu- sin comes the suggestion to center i)1iit
interest in early scholarship. A
aires in order to collect exact in-
formation as to how the members
feel about the activities of the or-
ganization. Members were asked to'
state what kind of activities W. A.
A. should attempt, informal parties
such ag breakfast bats and canoe-I
ing parties, formal sports banquets,'
informal social parties, etc. It is
hoped that these questionaires will
be of great service to the execu-
tive board in planning the future A
policies of W. A. A.
Plans for the W. A. A. skate were
announced to the members andl
tickets were distributed to be sold.!
It is hoped that the W. A. A. mem-
bers may be the distributing center
for these tickets.
After the business of the meeting
was discussed refreshments were
served. The committees for the
meeting were chosen from the
board and were, Katherine McMur-
ray. '31, floor, Irene Cook, '29, re-
freshments,- Janet Micheal, '31,
questionaires, and Ethel klander-+
man, '29, skating party tickets.
I Request Scores For
Indoor Rifle Match
All women who are planning to
shoot in the rifle match at the in-
door meet being sponsored by thej
intramural department after the
basketball banquet in March are
requested to make a record of theirI
highest scores in prone, sitting, and
standing positions for this week
and next. These are to be handed
in and the four or five who will
participate in the competitive]
match will be selected from those1
having the highest scores.
Plans for the rifle matches in
the tournament are under the di-'
rection of Irene Cook, '29, rifle
manager. Further information may
be obtained from calling her at
"Shang Nge Pen Yuch," (the
queen Shang-Nge flies to the
moon), a solo dance given by Zing
Whai Ku, Grad, will be one of the
features of the international Night
program on March 7. Ao Dju, Grad,
will accompany her as flutist.
The dance is based.on an ancient
Chinese myth, in which the queen,
Shang-Nge, steals the precious
elixir-of-life which, has been pre-
sented to the emperor by wise men
of China. With it, she dances on
and up tQ the moon, where she is
graciously received. Thereafter she
dwells In peace and contentmient.
Miss Ku will wear a Chinese cos-
tume fashioned in the style of two
centuries ago. It consists of a long,
yellow, belted skirt, a short, vari-
colored bodice, and an elaborate
headdress.- The score of the flute
accompaniment by Miss Dj u will
be distinctly Chinese and will be
based on traditional fete music.
Miss Ku- will also participate in
an act entitled, "Four Lights of
Humanity," in the scene portray-
ing Confucianism. Various Chin-
ese costumes of tradition will 'be
worn, portraying the most promi-
nent aspects of Confucianism, such
as "Virtue," "Filial Piety," and
"Love." Phoebe Wang, Grad, Dji-
Lih Bao, Grad, Kyuch T. Tsang,
'31M, and Lucy Wang, Grad, will
be the other dancers.
Subscribe to The Michigan Da
$2.25 for the half year.
4 o'clock: Sophomore
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5 o'clock: Yellow team
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