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February 28, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-28

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'TTHTJ1DAY, ' 1DT LA , F X1 0"'

_ _

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, . s second class matter. Special rate
of postage"egranted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by, carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.................. ..Nelson. Smith
City Editor......t......Stewart Hooker
News Editor........Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor. ,... ....W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor,... .....Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor....... . .George Stauter
Music and Drama............. R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar
Night Editors
Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Donald 3.Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons
George C. Tilley

Paul L. Adams
Morris Alexandct
C. A. Askren
Bertram Askwii
Louise Behyme'
Arthur ernSte u
Seton C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
L. R. Chiubb
Frank E. Cooper
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Douglas Edwards
Valborg Egeland
Robert J. Feldman
Marjorie FolImer
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David B. Hempstea
Richard Jung
Charles R. Kaufm
Ruth Kelsey

Donald E. Layman
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
Hllenry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowitz
Joseph A. Russell
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Ruth Steadman
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swanson
1 Jane Thayer
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
ad Jr. Walter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
an Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

paratively free from the horrors of
crime as compared to other states
which have capital punishment,
and pictures of a Michigan over-
run with gunmen and murderers
have been paraded' before the sen-
ate judiciary committee.
New writers, commenting on the
debate, seem to feel that interest
in capital punishment is on the
wane. But three opponents, how-
ever, all women, appeared before
the committee. The arguments
presented were age old and
stretched from the extreme
charges of "barbarism" to equal;
extreme charges of "maudlin"
The situation in Michigan is
no worse than that in many other
states which do have capital pun-
ishment and as a matter of fact it
is muchbetter than in some.
Defense for the present state
criminal code which has no capital
punishment p r o v i s i o n, more-
over, is not based upon a mere
maudlin sentiment of sympathy.
Close consideration of the psycho-
logical factors which are back of
the murderer and of the causes
of murder show plainly that the
death penalty is not a deterrent,
and that it has no effect in reduc-
ing the number of murders.
It is only on the strength of the
belief that the death penalty is a
deterrent that any, justification
can be offered for a return to capi-
tal punishment in Michigan. Mur-
derers are of necessity of one of
three types. They commit their
crime with no thought of the pen-
alty, with perfect knowledge of the
penalty and a willingness to ac-
cept it, or else with a firm convic-
tion that their's will be the "per-
fect" crime for which no one will
ever pay the penalty.
In no case does the penalty ap-
pear as a deterrent. Failing this,
there seems little reasons for put-
ting supposed criminals to death
when it is a not unheard of pos-
sibility for the wrong man to be
convicted. As long as this element
of chance must continue, a system
of life imprisonment from which a
prisoner can be recalled seems far
more logical than an unjustifiable
death penalty.

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising. ... rAlex K. Scherer
Advertising................A. James Jordan
Advertising ..............Carl W.Hammer
Service..................Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation............... ...eorge E. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications................Ray M. Hofelich
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
Vernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland bluster Maey
Sally Faster I. A. Nwman
Anna Goldberg Tack Rose
Kasper Halversom Carl F.Schemm
George Hamilton George Spater
Tack Horwich Sherwood Upton
Dix Humphrey Marie Wellstead
Night Editor-Charles S. Monroe
The stigma of uncontrollable
lawlessness that has ever blemish-
ed Mexican efforts to gain world-
wide respect acts as an unfortu-
nate and unjust deterrent. And
while the continued procession of
revolutions and murders and band-
itry in that nation has caused the
observing world to become quite
calloused to Mexico's bruising out-
bursts the latest outrage that re-
sulted in the kidnapping and kill-
ing of two American mining engi-
neers by Mexican bandits has soft-
ened the world, and particularly
the United States, to nervous sen-
But Mexico the nation can hard-
ly be held accountable for the
tragedy. True enough, Mexico has
undergone a bloody past and a
violently rugged development, but
so must any nation that is forced
to react to the quick flush of ex-
citement so characteristic of Latin
blood. And the blood stains from
the murder of the two Americans
cannot obliterate the picture Chi-
cago presents or that lawlessness
in Detroit presents or that lawless-
ness in any of our metropolitan
communities presents. The shame-
ful analogy could be drawn still
further and along other lines.
Mexico in the recent past has
progressed splendidly. Her finest
development came under the lead-
ership of the late General Obregon,
wso was President-elect at the time
of his death. Her central govern-
ment has become stronger and
more respected and the various
provinces have been knitted more
closely together with internal im-
provements. When the news of
the death of the two Americans
reached President Gil the other
day, he dispatched government
troops in pursuit of the outlaws
before Dwight Morrow,' American
ambassador to Mexico, had report-
ed his charge.
Mexico is beginning to feel the
duties of nationhood and she is
reacting splendidly and labouring'
nobly under discouraging and try-
ing conditions. Her efforts are un-
doubtedly sincere and she deserves
cooperation from the other nations
of the world to rid herself of the
excrescence of barbarism that is
acting like a barnacle to her


Editorial Comment

(The New York Herald Tribune)
There is an interesting symptom
in the appointment by Columbia
University of three religious ad-
visors-Protestant, Catholic, and
Jewish-to look after the specifi-
cally religious interest of these
three faiths. Half a century ago a
college felt itself obliged to look
after the whole of the moral and
religious life of the students. Many
colleges regarded themselves, in-
deed, as moulders of character al-
most more than teachers of sub-
jects. But of late it has come to
be considered none of the business
of the official college to meddle
with thenconduct of the souls of
its students. Boys caime to learn
and it was the business of the col-
lege to teach. The boy's mind, not
his heart or his doings, was the
teacher's business.
The pendulum is beginning to
swing in the other: direction. Psy-
chistric advisors are being appoint-
ed to deal with those conflicts and
perturbations which the human
creature suffers at adolescence.
And now a great university recog-
nizes the fact that, for better or
for worse, students come from a
certain religious group or tradi-
tion and that it is not the just
function of the college to over look
that fact. These advisors official-
ly sponsored by the institution but
paid by the religious community
in each instance, are to be the
canter, they focus, and the guide of
the religious interests with which
students come to college.
It will be interesting to watch
how busy these religious advisors
at Columbia are. Meanwhile it is
important to notice that a secular
university is not blinding itself to
the genuineness of sectarian inter-
ests. Catholic, Protestant and
Jewish students will no longer feel
that the university is a place where
as in some clubs, religion is taboo.
The extent to which the students
respond to the ministrations of
these collegiate spiritual guides
will be, moreover, an important in-
dication of what part religion,
especially organized and sectarian
religion, is going to play among
the educated classes in the future
of American life. College gradu-
ates are among the key moulders
of opinion. They become teachers,
lawyers, editors and scholars. It is
well that Columbia, in addition to

"' "" " -'"'
EDITOR'S NOTE-With this is- I
sue Rolls presents the second of a
series of Interviews on the hobbies
of the prominent students on the
University campus. These inter-
views will appear daily, and will
they throw interesting sidelights
on the intimate lives of prominent
campus political puppets? Oh, my!
0. Smartbuoy Zanderzohn Plays
Politician In Idle Moments
"Yes," chuck;ed O. Smartbuoy
Zanderzohn, or "Honest Russ,"
as he is so well known in vari-
ous politicial circles, "my hobby
is getting fraternity brothers1
elected to responsible positions.
No, I never accept graft. You
see,"-here Mr. Zanderzohn
laughed up his sleeve-"I am
in the game for the pure fun
of it and I wouldn't think of
taking any reward from those I
get elected to office.
"Honest Russ" admits that he
is the manipulator of the
Washtenaw party votes and
that for the last seven years he
has been on the campus has
controlled every election. He
got so used to juggling votes
that it has become a hobby..
Mr. Zanderzohn thinks that
his hobby has proved valuab'e
1 in that it is a cultural experi-
"if there were more men to
take up this vote-juggling
hobby, there would be less and
less graft on the campus," he
said with feeling.
Mr. Zanderzohn admits that
he has never read the nursery
rhyme called Humpty Dumpty.
* * *
Professor Robert M. Wenley, of
the philosophy department, fa-
mous for the expression "Oh, Lord,
what fools these other mortals be,"
has stated that he has traveled
400,000 miles in an effort to deter-
mine the nature of the American
people. Well, Professor Wenley, we
have taken three of your courses
and are still trying to find out
what you mean.
,* * *
Five members of the state
legislature were here the other
day to examine problems of the
University. We know of one
problem they should have look-
ed into, and if they didn't, well,
we don't wish the legislators
any hard luck, but we hope
that they slipped and fell into
a puddle of water on the di-
agona'. We did.j
The co-edis of the campus are
starting propaganda for their an-
nual Penny Carnival. You know
the type, a sign in front of a side-
show tent that advertises that
your mind may be read within.
SProbably the origin of this "penny
for your thoughts" idea.
* * *
It's hard to deny these little
girls, though. After all, about
all you can do to their requests
is to give assent,
"You see," confessed Miss Mar-
garita Heckels, who dispenses pub-
licity for the affair, "some of the

things really cost more than a
penny. Take the ice cream cones.
We charge five pennies for that.
One cent for the cream, one cent!
for the cone, one cent for the
service, one cent for this and one
cent for that. So after all we are
not violating our advertising prom-
We really ought to give the little
girl a hand. What she says really
does make sense.
Inlander is at it again. Now
they are promulgating a short-
story contest. Last year it was
a poetry contest. That is all
very fine Inlander, and we like
the idea of stirring up the dead
ashes of the campus literati
the way you do, but one good
banning from the mails would
do your not-so-strong circi2a-
tion list more good.
* * *
Figure indicate that Ann Arbor
leads the state in the decreasing of
crime. Well, they must have stop-
ped pinching students for throw-
ing pennies at ham actors'
A Bef'. telephone man is going
to lecture in connection with a
talking movie. If the Bell
company keepsi their movies in
their own office, we bet he gets
the wrong number.

T4- . l A


sidering their limitations. IE wouli
be the function of criticism to at-
tempt to "roast" such a limited
and-all things considered-un-
necessary group out of existence if
it were not for their sincere deter-
mination to do good things as well
as their capacities admit. For that
they deserve respect and encour- I
agement; otherwise, their show is
There are signs of painstaking
direction; and signs of weakness 1
in direction. The acting is almost
uniformly bad except for Mar-:
guerite del Toro's stylized panto-
mime and Helen Workman's easy
naturalism, and yet there are signs
of talent. Donal's sets are color-
fully striking but the symbolism is
incoherently worked out. The re-
sult in effect becomes a preoccupa-
tion with author Evreinov's idea as
it emerges, pitiably halting, from
the Players' production.
The virtue of the piece lies chief-
ly in Edna Mower's direction. She
has had to handle a large cast, in-
terpret scenes where the dialogue is
essentially unrealistic, and do it all
out of a background of experience
that it very limited. She has failed
where an experienced director
would have had his own misgiv-
But there remains this to be
said, that the play does not become
burleque. The serious purposive-
ness of the however-untrained
amateurs prevents it from becon-
ing that. It is not, however, an,
evening's light entertainment, al-
though it does command the re-
spect and attention of everyone;
interested in the development of
the drama as it is being-written'
The new Theater Guild Play
"Wings Over Europe"* is the best
explanation we know of the suc-
cess of the Theatre Guild. For it
is one of the best plays written in
this country in the last two or
three.. years-a play with thrills
which border on melodrama; a
play with sense and theories
thrown in to make it meaty; and
a play which moves like a flash
from the time the curtain rises un-
til it dorps (even in the book).
The one beauty of this play is
that it is self-sufficient. You don't1
have to know anything about the
sex-life of a native of Timbuctoo;
you don't have to understandhthe
Gestalt philosophy. All you have
to bring is a good capacity to be
aroused. The theme explains it-
self-the authors tell you all you
have to know, and then they build,
and build and build, One thrill no
sooner gets will on the way to a
conclusion, in fact, one is ust
heaving sigh of relief. whe, a,=
otherdthrill comes poking out to be
This play is well-nigh perfect in
all ways. For instance, the char-
acters, while they never become
psychopathic cases which cry out1
for understanding are interesting.
movimtg people who do make their
parts convincing and help to move
the'- -h._ Oneof the.best of1the

Music And Drama
Reviewed by R. Leslic Askren
Harris Players have worked for*
almost a month and a half to do
something eminently worth doing
and have ended by doing it, not too
will- hil tceroinlu nelndicilv eon-


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° °


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the show. One of the best of the
characters (and one who will give
you the best idea of the character!-
zation) is Mr. Taggert, the Social-
ist who appears for about three
minutes before the Ministry.
Speaking of Karl Marx, he says,
"Marx is deep. 'Sofar as I under-
stand 'm, 'e don't suggest bombs.
All 'e, says is, that when things is
as they is, bombs will 'appen." And
then Mr. TAggert disappears from
the play. But behind him he
leaves othe; of his kind-men who
are fast with their wits and their
tongues. , The characters are every
one of them smooth, fitting, and
well-adapted to the parts t-hat they
must play.
"Wings Over Europe" has one of
the best third ~acts for climax and
for thrill that we know. In this
book are given both endings, so
that readers may judge for them-
selves on the written and the
Guild version of the =pct. B~ut for
honest-to-goodnes 1 e g t1 1,a t e
thrills and excitement packed into
the last of a play, we don't think
that this one can be beat. All in
all this is the best play that we
have read since "The Front Page"
-and the two plays together are

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