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February 27, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-27

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VMDI MSfAY '"A.RY 21I, 19I29


In regard to an all campus and would not result in the ulti-Offering a first prize of ten dol- will naturally be given more time
NAME JUNIORS AIDING theater,a project that has beendmate dissolution of the campui ISPLAY FIN PL YN1 lars and a second prize of a book for consideration by the judges.
dramatic societies. Comedy Club from Graham's bookstore, Inland- It is through the kindness of
the aim and interest of many pro- and Mimes could give their plays short story contest for under- Graham's bookstore that the first
IN PRESENTIN13 PLad m o g tifessors and other persons inter-{ in the theater and use it for their Senior I Team Wins From Junior graduates and graduate students two prizes of the contest are beingj Th
ested in campus dramatics, Pro- needs and purposes, but merely to I By 37-33 Score And Senior II opens this week and will continue given. Winning of the first prize womex
fessor O. J. Campbell, who left .mold them into a campus theater Squad Is Also Victorious for three weeks, ending March 19. carries with it publication of the tory, i
FIFTY-FOUR WOMEN WILL AID recently for Harvard where he would be deplorable. The theater'~~~~~ Three eminent judges, w h o s e prize-winning story in the March terns
CAST 'IN PRODUCING ocwill be primarily a laboratory forl BOTH GAMES ARE FAST names will be announced later, number of Inlander's fifty-nine
"FORWARD MARCH" occupies a visiting professorship play production, but it will , also will judge the stories submitted. page issue. The story winning the for w
tive and interesting views, embrace the other dramatic so- Both senior teams defeated the Rules for the contest state that second prize and perhaps other der t
hEADS NAME ASSISTANTs "A campus theater is one of the cieties and serve as a laboratory juniors in the opening games of the stories must be typed on one stories of merit that are submitted single
HNSmost ital needs of the Univer- them as well. Besides t h e the interclass basketball tourna- side of the sheet only, that no will be published in later issues of ker, fo
P tsity" was the statement of Profes- primary arts of the theater-act- ment held at 4 and 5 o'clock yes- name or title is to be put on the the Inlander. i en's H
Business, Publicity, and Costume sor Campbell in regard to this ing and directing the skills of . terday afternoon in Barbour gym- paper, but that the title is to be Publication in the Inlander doese
Committees Among Others subject make-up, designing, and other nasium. The senior I-junior I written on the outside of an enve- i not preclude publication else- viewg
thenewtheter" gme nde wih ascoe o 37tolope, the name of the author is where. Many stories and poems. Tuesd
Progress Rapidly Professor Campbell's plan takes allied subjects should be taught in game ended with a score of 37 to I I h aeo h ato swee aystre n om us
in the idea of a building which the new theater." b33, while the senior II sextet won tbe written on a slip and placed already published in Inlander "Th
Eligibility lists having been com- will embrace two theaters, a large from the junior II women by a iside this envelope, which is then have been reprinted in national ard o
pleted the executive committee of and a small one so that the thea- rmuch wider margin, 38 to 8. These ito be attached to the manuscript, magazines, such as College Humor, has b
the Junior Girls' Play is now ready ter building will serve the purpose linitial games of the interclass sea- All stories should be mailed to the the New Yorker, the Midland, and the h
to announce the names of the of both amateur and finished Ht UI+ son were characterized by very Inlander Office, i the Press Build- other well-known magazines. adviso
wr;Iesgetsay Igood basketball playing on the ing. The Inlander staff advises More than local recognition will others
women who are assisting, through work. He suggests as a facultyIpnrrofalnfTufl g 1 a sy s *i a that the earlier the manuscripts be given the winners of this short tem k
committee work, in the prepara- that a stage company of about ELrtsecon tea squads, especia are tent in the better, as those story contest as the Inlander wome
tio f the ducti " -six people be engaged who would -LItem bmitted s earlier in the contest magazine, in which the win- condit
ons or e prod ion : or produce plays, three nights a In the first team games, the -- ing stories are to be printed, is "Th
ward March," a travesty on war week, with students taking the Ajuniors started out with a very im- ni TN n ndistributed in public libraries adviso
and women, minor roles. This plan for a stage An open meeting for all mem- pressive lead, but by the end ofLS throughout the country and issured
Including the heads of the vari company would enable students bers of W. A. A. will be held this i the first half the seniors were only ULalso he conry n bis seds
LI i arsouecghout with college pul-heads,
ous committees, there are 54 jun- specializing in this sort of work to afternoon in the Women's 'Ath- two points behind, the count being cations, such as the Yale Review, I aim o
for women engaged in committee get first hand information on the letic building at 4:15 o'clock. In-' 19 to 17. Ann Zauer was the high the Notre Dame Pan, and t dition
subject and the company would g33coe11rte eirsLndMlre!WI u PARnad h wiin
work as March 18, the date of j vitations for the meeting have scorer for the seniors, and Mildred 1 O I lEdinburgh Review in Scotland. will b
the presentation of the play, ap- in the end play for itself, in Pro- been issued, but those members Cassidy for the juniors. Inlander is also distributed among maint,
proaches. fessor Campbell's opinion, who have not received theirs are The line-ups was: a large body of alumni. ard."
"Acting and directing are now urged to come anyway. SENIOR I: JUNHIOR I: Chaperons for the W. A. A.r-
Louise Cody, general chairirfian, ure Iiftltlliiilllltftltiifliiill111
has as er asistngenerc -professions and should be recog- The business of the meeting A. Zaner ....... RF..... M. Cassidy skating party to be held Friday in
man, Dorothy McKee, who was nized as such. Trained directors will be presented in a very novelF. Miller ...... .LF....... M. Stahl the Coliseum will be the members
lectedorith Mceeio ahe are necessary and this could be way which is being kept a secret. F. Neyer .......JC......F. Sacketto
dto fill this position at th accomplished by the all campus Other features will include a talk J. Jones ........SC.... D. Marshick of the physical education staff,
general election of the Junior theater. There is no value in at- i by Dr. Margaret Bell, director of C. Hawkins .... RG....... F. Bielby Eleanor Cooke,' '31, general chair-
Girls' Pray 'committee lasthMay. tempting to begin on a small Physical Education, and a discus- B. Smither......LO... M. Crawford n, announced yesterday. Plans
Miss McKee's committee, which is 'cl.I sbte owita oiso ftecmn ovnino for the party are progressing =
largely concerned with attendance scale. It is better to wait, than to sion of the coming convention of Substitutions: Seniors-M. Hart- rapidly, it was also announcedi
at rehearsals and the personnel empt this thing halfway. Pro- the American Conference of Asso- wig, J. Sauborn, Johnson; juniors Tickets for the affairmay be
of the play, consists of Edna Rich- fessor Baker at Yale, has thecor- ciated College Women which will -M. Geib, G. Coan, D. Berkovitz. secured from members of W. A. A.,
ads and Dorothy Mape.et idea about campus theaters be held here at Michigan in theTW.ba.A.
and play production." spring of 1930. It is important The almost uncanny accuracy who are to be given five each for
Margaret Sibley is business man-' Professor Campbell further stat- that the women of Michigan 1r of Esther Middlewood in making distribution, or they may be pur-
ager of "Forward MarchV with ed that the theater should !t about this conference, as the W baskets for the senior II team chased at the door. The admis
Margaret Babcock as a s s i s t a n t -__from any position on the floor sion fee is to be 25 cents and1
business manager. The other __ __A. A. of the University of Michi- accounted for the one-sided vie- will include refreshments. Season 1
members of t his committee are i gan, is president of the organiza- tory of that team over the junior tickets for the Coliseum will also
Teressa Carrow, Margaret Rehrig, Co ra Opines Lion and will have responsibility, I squad. The unior forwards be accepted, but the refreshments
Catherine Wigle, Dorothy Wood- not only of arranging for the displayed excellent technique and will not be included. The tickets;:
row, and Elizabeth Zabel. Well, my dear, I see that A. W. whole convention, but also of pub- team work, but they failed to gage themselves are to be worn by the
The publicity committee is headed L. ha gnurr ishing the official organ of A. C. so well in their shots. The game purchaser, and are divided into
by Marjorie Follmer. Valborg Ege- has again burst forth into print A. C. W., the Newsletter. was very fast. two parts, one of which will be
ictadteohrassatar-via the Campus Opinion column, The meeting is in charge of Thieu ws evd
land is assistant chairman of.pub-T which is probably th e oaline-up was: torn off when the hot dogs are-
Bessie Egeland,Moth assisan c al he could ever get it printed be- assisted by Arliene Heilman, '30,; SENIOR II: JUNIOR IIsered.)i ELIZABETH ARD
Aimee Lambie, and Mary Evans: cause almost anything, will be who has charge of invitations and E. Middlewood..RF. . . . . ... . E. Delo =
Programs are being p a by printed in that column, I mean it Irene' Cook, '29, refreshments. E. Klanderman..LP.....G. Merlin
a cpommitteeunder thepdrect really will. Well, anyway, A. W. L. It has been felt that W. A. A. N. Becker.....JC..... H. Collins Strings . . Supplies is based on three fundament
of Dorothy Bloom and Dorothy is right in declaring that the side- has very few contacts with its r. Lavine........... L. Kingston gReaisurish .
of ,Doro th BloomtandeoroBhys- walks are in a terrible state-a members, and it is hoped that R. Troester ....RG..... M.. Wilson .. epairs-. this amic method.::t homc,
som Bacon, Katherine Fitzpatrick, state that is menacing to public through business meetings of a D. Lyons ....... L .... G. Leonard f l Muc e-Arden's VenetianCe ans sCr
Eloise Harnau Betty Kahn Vir- safety, I mean it actually is, but social nature such as this one this Substitutions: Senior-R. Stras- £orp carnstruments
ginia McGonigal, and Dorothy I think his suggestions as to a may be achieved. ser. TI=Ani, Special Atremgent eand
Whiting, .yremedy are just a shade too ___ A little Home Treatment ea
Wn radical for this very conservative lem& ni ht will you a czr
4nwrinda McAndrew is chairman, campus. They really are, when MUSIC HOUSE
and Betty McKnight assistant y 'ou se think abou ld be a 110 S. Main St. ELzAET ARDEN'S le2t.'n
tehairman, are Josephine Rankin-'
and Rachel Ramsey, with Martha good thing to do something with
.0pgshal, Elizabeth Suthelandk and those unused textbooks which one;v
Ruth Bell as scorers, and Frances sells to the book stores for half.oo di-
Mackett and Molly Goddell as lyric- price so that someone else may
4sts. The librarian is Mary Chase. buy them back at almost full price+H G
Camilla Hubel, chairman of and repeat the process all over \
dances, is assisted by Virginia Lo- again, but I think his suggestion and
see and Herma Grabowsky. is even a bit too radical even at
The committee on costumes has that, I mean I really do. It's decid- TOILET GOODS - MA
is chairman Louisa Soukup, whose edty untactful, too, because maybe a quiet atmosphere
assstants are Marion Tailmadge some professor will discover who I-
Virginia Schurz, Betty Midworth, A. W. L. is and be influenced Headquarters for -
Gertrude Smith, Katherine Arn- against him or something, and mae tis
realy coldn' blme hm ifhePERMANENT
old, Beatrice Weil, Frances Bielby, really couldn't blame him if he
Frances Novy, Clara Bourland, and were. the most popular place WAVING
Virginia Houghton. But the fact still remains that
Properties"are being taken care something should be done about Usg followins synems of
of by a committee of five, with the sidewalks, there really should on the campus. Flat i"'s
Doris Renkenberger as chairman. be. It seems to be the policy of BONOT, PIERRE, DU ART, W
The assistants are Florence Cle- the B. and G. boys as well as the ad NEWSE
Fnent, Marion VanVliet, Arlienee town at large to let nature take 1LJEALITH HAIR PERMANENT
}eilman, and Hildegarde Schuron. its course in cleaning off the side-
__________walks, and it's really quite a slow For Appointment--3083

e system of three advisors of
n has been more satisfac-
n my opinion, as far as con-
efficient housing conditions
omen than was possible un-
he old administration of a
dean," said Mrs. Nellie Fel-
rmer president of the Wom-
rousing League in an inter-
given to the Women's page
rough their efforts the stand-
f living in the league houses
en greatly improved, some of
ouses cooperating with the
rs in this respect more than
. A continuation of this sys-
Pill doubtless insure for the
n on campus happier living
us is would seem that the
rs of women should be as-
the support of the house
since theirs is the mutual
f attempting to secure con-
s under which the women
e better able to achieve and
ain a high scholastic stand-
IN 'Treatment
al step:;, Cleans-
You can fol'oxv
using Elizaberh
ea?2 Arders Ski;u
)rang~e Skin Eod
ch morning and
vely~' srip.'~:o:=
IlIllltllllllllltitititg ll a

aSEMIFINALS ARE process. And I don't think the wil l"lwE 1 ______U_______UUU U
textbook and diploma idea would'! T h e B e t w T IS h op
PLA YER TOUNIGHT really help matters much, if any, ; 1he11etsy oss bcus fehtewaeopdbe
______because after the water had been
Two basketball games in Bar- soaked up, you'd have to dispose
bour gymnasium tonight will de- of the resulting gooy mess in some
cide'the winning intramural teams way. A more practical suggestion, NickeL Arcade
'who will compete in the finals at I it seems to me, would be to let
the Penny Carnival, March 6. The the engineers solve the problem
teams playing tonight in the and thus demonstrate their value
t o E rAJLthn LJ. 1it if n 0.

I anit oion inii ,uneia itt a ...i

semi-finals are those of Alpha Xi
Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Mar-
tha. Cook Venus, and Kappa Kap-
pa ,Gamma.
7 he first game, that between Al-I
pl, a Xi Delta and Kappa Alpha
T ,eta, will be played at 7:15. At
8 o'clock the Martha Cook team
w i battle that of Kappa Kappa
G tmma for the right to play in
tQ e finals.
Signing-out slips for February
should be turned in on Saturday,

Uuue uummunuy, 1z any. Tney
might syphon the melted water
into the river or something really
practical like that.
~ ~ ~I

Read the Classified Ads

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A nnouncement

March 2, or on Monday, March 4.
Orchesis will meet today at 7:17
in the W. A. A. building.
of the J. L. Hudson Beauty
Parlor, is now located
5 Nickels Arcadej

Greene's are now prepared as never before to
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Our machines together with the most skilled
labor obtainable, now enables us to give you
even better workmanship than our acknowledg-
ed superior service of before.
We are going to do this quality work at ROCK
As a feature we are offering until the
First of March-

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And how crisp they are! Eat them
with milk and cream. A perfect food
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these bran flakes made by Kellogg of
Battle Creek are better.
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