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February 27, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-27

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WJ~DN!~iDAY, ~T~t7A~ 27, T2~

I'll, 11 " I I I - - i " , "Misom

Phlished every mrning ex:cept Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to, the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
txedited in this paper and the local news 'pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, ; s second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.0o; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones, Editor:al, 4925; Business, 2t214.
Telephone 4925
IIditor ..................Nelson J. Smith
City Editor . .......Stewart Hooker
News. Editor..............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor....... ...... . .W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor............Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor........... ... George Stauter
Music and DramaR............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
oseph E. Dowell Charles S. Monroe
Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Kleinr George F. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexandt Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwi aHenry Merry
Louise Behyme Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernste'Q Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles %Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon
Tielen Dormine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson
Robert j. Feldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr.Welter Wilds
Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
AdvrtiingDepartment Managers
Advertising....... .. Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................A. James Jordan
Advertising.......... ......Carl W. Hammer
Service................Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation ......... ..George S. Bradley
Accounts...............Lawrence E. Woalkley
Publications................Ray M. Ilofelich

ceived all "A" grades last semester,
an increase of seven over the fall
period of last year, comes to serve
as a spur for the still-struggling
nine thousand and so of the Uni-
versity. That 39 students of all
classes, many of them .active on
the campus, can make all "A"
grades shows the sceptical that it
can be done, and, the striving that
it either pays to study or to be a
fast talker and to possess a perso-
An examination of the list shows
that several of the elect are active
in campus affairs, thus dispelling
the fallacy that a B. M. 0. C. and
a Phi Bete are two separate iden-
tities. On the other hand, there are
some who are known to be nothing
but "grinds." All} of which goes to
show there is no such thing as a
typical "A" student.
Records from other schools and
colleges show that the same is true
in each instance. To be an "A"
student therefore must depend on
the individual, and not on the
school or on the course. Some are
mentally unable to attain the per-
fect record, and others do not care.
Now having shown therefore
that an "A" student cannot be
chosen any more easily than a win-
ning horse, The Daily can go no
further except to congratulate
those who attained the difficult
heights. It notes with regret the
passing of some from the ranks of
all "A" scholars and points with
pride to the reaching of the pin-
nacle by some new ones. It only
hopes that they may repeat this
semester and that their ranks may
be swelled by many more, so long
as none is endangered by over-
study. It is likely that if this were
any other conference school but
Chicago manyr more would be num-
bered in' the leaders, but it is as
well to be a "B" man at Michigan
than an "A" man in most other
The University is indeed hard in
requirements; so for those who
made the "A" record, The Daily has
nothing but best wishes. Try and
,do it again!

further action with the honor sys-
tem, has been dropped, and it ap-
pears that with no other stimulus
Phi Eta Sigma will drop back into
the old rut of initiating new mem-
bers who will, in turn, initiate new
members, ad infinitum. In all the
discussions concerning the most
feasible way of introducing the
honor system, the consensus ofc
opinion of the society has been;
that it would be impossible to in-
troduce the system into the liter-'
ary college as a whole. It is not'
likely that the University College
being out of the question, Phi Eta
Sigma will campaign the project
for the literary college.
The zeal and enthusiasm mani-
fested by the honorary society
while it had a definite problem to
concern itself with, was very en-
couraging. Certainly it made the
society seem more alive than most
of those of its kind. If the society
can have prepared at the time of
its initiations, which are due soon,
another problem upon which its
members can work, perhaps Mich-
igan will be able to point to one
honorary fraternity on its campus
which is more than a dead organi-
zation with a gold key.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, uponere-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

EDITOR'S NOTE-With this is-
sue Rolls presents the first of a
series of Interviews on the hobbies
of the prominent students on the
University campus. These inter-
views will appear daily, and will
they throw interesting sidelights
on the intimate lives of prominent
campus political puppets? Oh, my!
J. Judas McBreeze Likes Change
In Political Air Frequently
"Yes," sobbed big J. Judas
McBreeze, prominent campus
political big shot to your col-
umnist recently, "although I
was eected to the Student
Council on the Washtenaw
ticket, I have recently been
convinced of the corruptpness
of that body in politics. And
since my favorite hobby is
switching from one political
machine to another, depending
upon the size of the melon, I
decided that State Street, after
all, was best for me and, in-
cidentally, my friends. That,
after all, has aways been my
hobby: to look after myself and
my friends."
Mr. McBreeze has not as yet des-
ignated which party he thinks will
be most profitable for him and his
pals to run with in the forthcom-
ing Spring Elections, but itis ;x-
l pected he will playfully give way
to his whims and change again.
. ~* * .
Eleven per cent of the student
body at Washington State flunk-
ed outhat the close of last term.
My, what a large football squad
they must have had..
* .. *
The girls at Waynesburg col-
leuge are going to hold their an-
nual spring promenade without
men, they declare, insisting
that they are independent
enough to hold their dance
without them. That's all right,
girls, but it isn't going to be
much fun going home.I
* *. *

' < /'
/ " 7"' 74
/ i //'
J f f

Mary Chase
1 eanette Dale
Yernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halversoa
George Hamilton
xack Horwich
Dix Humphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinssy
Bernard Larson
Hlollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jhack lose
Carl V. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood. Upton
Marie Wellstead


President Little's resignation has
caused various insinuations, bald
accusations, and flat denials to be
hurled back and forth that the
University is subject to political
manipulation. The rumpus occa-
sions two reflections: first that thej
Regents were comparatively inno-
cent of political intrigue, and sec-
ond that the well-known hostility
of the governor and legislature
helped force the president's resig-
nation. While the latter can only
be deplored, there is still time for
constructive proposals that will
help keep the Regents out of poli-
tics and politics out of the Regents
in the suture.
The danger that they may be-
come embroiled is imminent be-
cause of the method of their elec-
tion. Both parties in their state
conventions choose nominees for
the office of regent of the Univer-
sity. On election day their names
appear on their respective party'
tickets inevitably branded as Re-
publican or Democratic. The op-
portunity for politics to creep into
their selection is manifest, and
schemes to defeat its vicious con-
sequences should be welcome.
One such scheme is here ven-
tured that attacks the evil at its'
source. Let the nominations for
regent in the party conventions be
made regularly the cbject of a con-
certed alumni movement to place
men on the tickets of such calibre
that they can administer the Uni-
versity without permitting the po-
litical ramifications of a policy to*
influence their decisions.
In this suggestion there is no'
quarrel with the calibre of past,
and present Regents. They have
for the most part been able men
whose nominations were secured
by a small but active group of
alumni. This fact, however, does
not mitigate the danger that a bloc
of politicians in some future .con-
vention might muster an anti-
alumni majority and nominate
men dictated by the vicious prin-
ciple of political preference.
We suggest that when nomina-
tions are in order, propaganda is-
sue from a central alumni office
designed to arouse a strong alumni

The Choral Union of the Univer-
sity has recently announced its
list of artists for the next May1
festival, and considering the time
of year at which the Festival is
held, the list of artists shows a
good array of musical talent.
The management has done well
in selecting the list for the fiftiethJ
anniversary series, but there is
some room for disappointment in
that it offers nothing but the old
and time-worn schedule: a Wed-
nesday night concert, a Thursday
choral effort, and Friday children's
matinee, and opera, usually ratherj
un-grand, on Saturday night. '
For the fiftieth anniversary, or
for any anniversary hereafter,
there is little doubt but that the
patrons of the May Festivals would
gladly welcome the introduction of,
something outside the music line.I
Concerts throughout the year do
not allow the music lovers of the
region to become starved for the
better type of music, and the in-
troduction of a new feature in the
list could be appreciated.
It is obviously unfair to criticise
without offering a remedy. There-
fore, it is suggested that instead of
the Thursday night choral work,
which on the whole does little but
tire the fans, or instead of one of!
the matinees, there be included'
dancers such as Kreutzberg, Pav-
ley, Mordkin, or any of the other
exponents of the higher forms of
this particular art. It may seem
heresyutoadvocate this idea, for
the custom of having nothing but!
musicians has become firmly im-
planted, but yet there is food for
thought in the suggestion.
The May Festival should be bet-
ter balanced and to introduce an-
other form of art outside the regu-
lation musical offerings would open
the fields of interest in the Festi-
val and widen the experience and
pleasure of the attendants.
One of the many results which
have followed in the aftermath of
the resignation of Dr. Clarence
Cook Little has been the dropping
of the honor system agitation
which had been fostered for the
last year .by Phi Eta Sigma, na-
tional freshman honorary society.
Phi Eta Sigma, desiring to throw
off the impotence and lethargy
which are the heritage of most of
the self-perpetuating honorary so-
cieties on the campus, seized upon
the honor system as a means for
injecting new life into the frater-
nitv. The society believed that this

To the Editor:
Since everyone seems to be play-
ing the game of choosing our next
president, may I submit our own
Governor Green. He has a clear
grasp of all the qualities of a per-
feet University president, as he re-
veals in the following interview
published in the Grand Rapids
Herald of January 28, 1929.
"I could name you a dozen men
offhand, residents of the state of
Michigan, who would make admir-
able and successful presidents of
the University. The Regents should
quit seeking a super-man for the
job, for it doesn't require that type.
What the job needs is an executive
who knows what the word means,
a man who has had large experi-
ence, and knows how to assemble
around him men who can do the
various kinds of work which no one
man can hope to do. Then he must
be the type of executive who can
work with others, who can call in
the heads of his departments, askj
them questions, and then, after
hearing all the evidence, make a
"The University is a tremendous-
ly big financial institution, as well
as an educational institution, and
the first need is for a man who can
handle its finance. There are
plenty of deans and professors and
experts along various lines to do
the teaching and if the executive
is the right kind he will be able to
get these others around him, se-
cure their suggestions, and then
make decisions from the evidence
"There are plenty of that sort,
right here in Michigan. We need
none of the super-man stuff and!
the quicker we get busy and seek
an executive the quicker we will
have a successful administration of
the affairs of 'the University of
which we are all so proud."
W. D., '30.

T H E Panama Canal diggers had
engineering brains and money
aplenty. But they were .blocked by the
malaria and yellow-fever bearingmosqui-
toes, which killed men by thousands.
Then Gorgas stamped out the mos-
quito. The fever was conquered. The
Canal was completed.
The importance of little things IS rec-
ognized in the telephone industry too.

..but a mosquito blocked the wvay

eA' nation-wide rvstem of 18, 5oo,ooo inter-connecting telepzowu

Effective service to the public is possible
only when every step from purchase of
raw material to the operator's "Number,
please" has been cared for.
Ihis is work for men who can sense
the relations between seemingly unre-
lated factors, men with the vision to see
a possible mountain-barrier in a mole-
hill --and with the resourcefulness
to surmount it.

Dean Walter Williams of Mis-
souri University suggests that Mis-
souri dialect be adapted as a uni-
versal language in place of Esper-
anto. All right, Dean Williams,
we'll use your Missouri dialect, but "OU R P I ON EE R I N G W O R K HAS J U ST BtEGU N-
you've got to show us.
** * Mua a9 4 0 da d a4 0i a mm a
An educational movie on the
campus is going to portray thefo
story of lead from the mine to
the finished product. We see,
from the mine to gun-man in
nine steps. ..
* *
The rumor has floated around
that Jack Dempsey was kidnap-
ped down in Miami. Yes, we can
just imagine poor, weak, helpless, ' a r am
little Jack being all beaten up ina «.
a street fight.=
* * *
The Prince of Wales is said to
have wept as his horses left the 1"
stables after he had sold them. YOUa noticecth crisp-
Yes, we bet that the Prince will
miss them. They certainlyrt
knew how to throw a party. ness and
The prize of puns that every one neTsHaE fA o sits
seems to be over-looking is the laundered at THE VARSITY
newspaper headline that could beI,
made to read in the following man-
ner: Lindbergh Will Be Wed To ~j-
nMorrow.rSuchwhitenessand comfort-
Husband Blames Young "Wife
For Booze Downfall. Poor Fel- l eS can only be pro-
low, probab y since the wife
meddled with the recipe the .
stuff hasn't been worth a darn. dUced by careful laun
A dispatch from Hollywood car -
ries the following headline: Charlie m etho c s,
Chaplin Faints; Doctors Puzzled.
There is no puzzle to that, boys
and girls, he probably saw the, ,P
screening of one of his own pic-
tures. 1
* * *
A music student from that
grand old institution called --
Northwestern was sent to jail ,
for contempt of court. What?
A Northwestern student being
* **
Now that fur coats have been
shown to contain leprousy
germs, there should be a great
exodus to southern universities.
* * *
The bloody annals from our sis-
ter Republic of Chicago tell us that
Huntress Who Shot Husband Is
Sent To Jail. That's tough. She V C
doubtless forgot to carry her li-
cense; or maybe she shot him out


Editorial Comment


(From the New York Times)
Colleges, if they accomplish
nothing else, have been inculcat-
ing of late the virtues of foresight
and thrift. Alumni are develop-
ing the habit of saving up their
dollars for the "big" anniversary or
reunion fund. The University of
Michigan will celebrate its centen-
nial in 1937, and among the alumni
clubs all over the country a ten-
year saving program is activelyI
underway. The objectives run from
dormitories and carillons down toI
scholarships, loan funds and li-
brary gifts.'
The Michigan alumni foregather-
ed in the Albany-Troy Club have
hit upon an idea of serving two
loyalties with a single sacrifice.
The club's ten-year fund will be{
devoted to purchasing manuscripts
of New York State history, original
or photostat, for the establishment'
of a separate New York alcove in
the Clements Library of American
History at Ann Arbor. Only the
annual interest of the fund is to


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