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I Executive Group Chooses Heads For
Music, Costumes, Make-Up,
And Publicity
Four committee chairmen of next
year's Junior Girls' play have been
appointed, according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by Louise Cody,
'30, re.cently elected general chair-
man of the play. The new committee
heads are: chairman of music and
lyrics, Lorinda McAndrew; chairman
of costumes, Louis'a Soukup; chair-
man of makeup, Margaret Bush, and
chairman of publicity, Marjorie Foll-
These appointments do not com-
plete the executive committee of the
play, for there are still other chair-
manships to be filled. The heads of
the remaining committees will be ap-
pointed in the fall, Miss Cody states.
w Committee members will also be
chosen at that time. I
Besides- the committee chairmen
who have just been appointed, the3
executive committee of the 25th an-
nual Junior Girls' play now includes:
general chairman, Louise Cody; as-
sistant chairman, Dorothy McKee;
business manager, Margaret Sibley;
Artists Say That Mus
Can Now St
the dressing
To hear Aida from
rooms of the artists may not be as!
colorful a spectacle as when viewed
from a tenth row seat, yet to converse
with the stars themselves seems muchj
more enjoyable.
Promptly at 8:15 o'clock, when the
May festival's followers were looking
over their programs and the orches-
tra members were tuning their instru-
ments, I found Frederick Stock, con-
ductor of the Chicago Symphony or-
chestra, quietly reading in his dress-
ing room. Although himself a grad-
uate of the University of Cologne, Mr.
Stock said, "A young American who
desires a musical career can study,
eith r in the United States or in
Europe for both have good 'schools and
good teachers. There are so many
good schools here, like the University
of Michigan School of Music, that a
student need not go far from home
as was necessary a few years ago.
'The ld idea that the only good teach-
wers ere located in Europe is very
erroneous. To study for a musical
career a student needs to have talent,
a great amount of talent, and the
necessary amount of money to study.
After he has completed his study here,
it is advisable to go to Europe for a
'polish' and to visit the musical cen-
Observe Traditions
ic Students
Ludy In United States
ters, for music receives more atten-
tion there than it does here."
Mario Basiola, who sang Amonasro
in Aida, believes that a young student
can receive as good training here as
in Europe. Although he himself
studied in Rome, he believes that
America's schools and teachers are
very fine.
Leone Kruse, who sang Aida, stud-
icd for four years in Chicago, later
completing her work in New York and
Vienna. She too, believes that a stu-
dent can be trained in the United
States. '"Of course he needs talent,'
,concluded Miss Kruse.
AcAIAMDTfl[ Patroness Of Art Comes From Vienna
T IITo Attend May Festival An Reuon
Women Find PlacesE
In Chemistry Field
That the field of chemistry for wom-
en is broadening every year is the
belief of officials at Barnard college.
Laboratories, both private and indus;
trial, that a decade ago would never
have opened doors to a woman, no
matter how well trained, are reported
seeking women to serve as analysts
consulting chemists, pathologists,
pharmacologists and research work-
The greater number of women in
Dr. Bell Will Announce New Members
Of All-Star Baseball Team
During Address
At the formal installation athletic
banquet which will be held at 6:30
Thursday night at the Women's Field
house, Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the
Physical Education department, will
announce the members of the all-star
baseball team. During her address, Dr.
Bell will also make awards and pre-
sent the cup.
Several other members of the fac-
ulty are expected to speak, and Gladys
Appelt, '28, president of the W. A. A.
and Betty Smithers, '29, vice-president'
will also give short after-dinner talks.
Anyone who has earned any W. A.
A. points during the year should re-
port the correct amount to Gertrude
S'mith, x'30, point recorder, in order
to check the official records. As this
is the way in which the winners of
the awards are determined it is irm'-
portant to have the points corrc(t.
Members of interclass and intra-
mural teams in hockey, baseball, and
basketball, and any other W.. A. A.
activity are invited to come. Tickets
may be obtained from Mrs. Blackburn
'' '
"American women have much more1
executive and organizing ability thant
the average European women, and Il
think that they have also more appor-,
tunities to develop it in their college;
activities," was the statement of Mrs.1
Blanche Hardy Schlick, who came7
from Vienna to attend the May festi-
"In the European university, I am
speaking chiefly of Heidleberg where
I studiedsin the graduate school-
there is so little home life for the
students. They have nothing like
this," she said as she glanced appre-
ciatively around Betsy Barbour dorm-
itory, where she is a guest. "The
women at Heidelberg live independ-
ently, and they are so intensely inter-
ested in their studies that they have
little time for social life.
"Perhaps my own story contradicts
what I have just said," she added
smilingly, "because I met my husband
in Heidelberg, but I think that the
average woman student at the Euro-
pean university would agree with
me, in saying that she has very little
social life." Dr. Moritz Schlick, at
present head of the philosophy de-
p-artment at the University of Vien-
na, is known in Europe for his ex-
position of the Einstein theory, and i
the author of several books of logic.-
"When anyone mentions Heidel-f
berg, you immediately think of the9
"Student Prince,' or'Old Heidelberg.'
as I know it, don't you?" she ques-
tioned. "It is not much like that now,1
but I think that such a story might1
easily have happened at the univer-
sity long ago."
Mrs. Schlick will remain only
one month in this country, and she is
planning to divide her time between
Ann Arbor, and her class reunion at
Smith college.
At Smith, Mrs. Schlick was editor in
chief of the college paper, and held
several important positions on the
campus, and she has continued her
activities during her stay on the con-
tinent. In addition to her executive
positions in the American Women's
club and the University Women's
club in Vien;.a, Mrs. Schlick is widely
known 'as a patroness of art and
In tlhv depression following the war,
which threatened the Philharmonic,
the famous Chor-Knaben of the royal
chapel, and the Weiner Werkst hand-
craft shops, she was largely respon-
sible for securing the financial aid
which saved these historical institu-
tions from disintegration. She is also
a patron of literary articles and two of
Arthur Schnitzler's books have been
y dedicated to her.
Gone is the horse and buggy of
grandfather's day. No longer do re-
presentatives of the stronger sex 'calf
for their lady-loves in two seated bug-
gies behind well trained horses. We
wonder if the livery stables had hors-
es trained to stop at certain sorority
houses. Such being the case, we sup-
pose that the young man renting the
buggy specified that he wanted a horse
trained for a special sorority. But
then again, perhaps in those days the
men in this dear, old university of
ours hadn't come to realize all the
advantages of coeducation.
Almost extinct also is the automo-
bile in which our big brother@ dashed
around in true collegiate style. No
longer do quaint and original models
rattle around town carrying at least
six or more passengers than they were
built for. No longer do the sons of
the idle rich sport about dressed in
doggy clothes and driving cars to
No, those days are'gone, too. Now it,
is only a privileged few who can drive
cars-for business purposes mly.
Sometimes the owners of the cars
and the University officials differ as
to the definition of business, and the
results are none too pleasant for the
car owners.
All other persons who can't devise
some business worthy of driving a
car, and indulge in the spirit, are apt
to, find themselves making the ac-
quaintance of the university police-
man. It now remains for the high
school students to give the proper at-
mosphere to Ann Arbor streets.
But the modern youth, nothing
daunted if slightly inconvenienced,
has now turned to the ever popular
sport of canoeing. At first thought, it
would seem that this required more
physical exertion than either buggy.
riding or automobiling. However, gen-
ius has discovered that half sunkent
stumps make remarkably good hitch-
ing posts for canoes, and that pro-
lem is also solved.
The University of California Alum-
ni Association is claimed to be the
largest of its kind in the United
States. tI has 20,000 members which
is 8,000 more than on the rolls of its
nearest competitor, the University of
h i an pope ti s llenktn
chairman of properties, Doris Renken- .LVV J.JL1 ~-" the laboratories of hospitals has been at Barbour gymnasium until Wednes-
berger; and chairman of programs, especially noticeable. Graduate wom- day morning and from Velma John-
Dorothy Bloom. Among the traditions observed a- i son '29, dial 2217, until Tuesday night
A general meeting of the committee imong smaller colleges is that of the ien chemists, not necessarily with me-
heads will .be called soon to make dical training are placed in chargeAof
plans for the play. Some of the coi- annual color lay at Wooster College,'the laboratories of many of the large BE T KAPPA RHO
rnittees, such a's the committee on pro- Wooster, Ohio. The occasion is made hospitals of the country, the Barnard PICNICS ON LAKE n
grams, have to begin work before the the excuse for a general holiday, Sat- authorities report. h
end of the present semester, and The field of industrial chemistry has A t f M Robert Gv th
therefore, will be organized as soon urday and Monday morning, classes Aalso been expanded to include women. wife of assistant .irector of teve,Uni
as possible. being dismissed so that everyone may They are found today as chief chem- versity hospital, a:rout 30 members of
participate. ists in factories tmanufacturevB3
SENIORS LOSE Probably~fo the manuforateen i it natur Beta Kappa Rho enjoyed a picnic atL
SENIORS LOSE TO in Probably the most important event of dyes, abrasives, soap, perfumes, and North Lake on Sunday. The party,ae
the day is the crownng of the May other products. cdB
FRESHMAN TEAM Queen, who has been elected by pop- companied by Miss Beatrice Johnson,
left Ann Arbor in busses at 3: 30 o'- t
ular vote. The ceremony takes place W Llock, r rin l at te e
on the athletic field, where a throneE, returning late in the evening.
has been erected for the occasion. BLUEBOOK SALE TODAY Entertainnment was afforded the.
A last inning rally won the game for h een ecmed rs the ocion. BOguests at the grounds of the Invern-
the freshmen baseball team yesterday The queen comes across the field to ___
when rhe pla'e te niors trPam- the throne, accompanied by a court Wyvern will conduct a sale of blue- ess country club, and took the formc
whomposedlaed of eboth a men,- andn wwomenut aandeofande
e ey a sor T composed of both men and women, and books from 4-5 o'clock Tuesday and of golf, tennis, riding, boating, and
er field by a 9-5 score. The winners.srwswimming. A baseball game was also
played an air-tight game in the firstscrone y the queen f then e nsay in bour gymasium. put on by some of the sports enthus-
two innings, allowing the seniors only ceding year. The new queen then The sales will be on a cash basis and itsFlongheaivtsathe
oe rn.ng Lat n the deens weak- takes her place on the throne to view the money will be refunded if the left- asts. Following the activities at the
ned atnd Appelt, Beaumont Child the pageant that is presented annual- over bluebooks are returned by June t n, spGr a hrtcss-
and Robinson made runs. However, ly in connection with color day. 10. The profits will go to the Women'st
in the first half of the sixth, the This pageant is participated in by league.
wellas wmenand uch imeThe ride out and back in the bussesb
freshmen drove in six runs, and then men as well as women, and much time The bluebooks will be of two sizes, Ths madeollynbactk inginguss
Wilson's efficient pitching held the is spent in its preparation. The pag- three for 10 cents and the 5 cents a- was made Jolly by the singing of
seniors inthesecond half.tgmeaiventhis yearwas called"hent ss nestMichigan songs, ind the guests reportc
senor inth scon hlf I an gvenths earwa clle "hepiece variety. The nearness, of final 'ai ideal picnic entirely in " keepli I
Appelt pl'ayed an e xcellent gameJ Flaming Ring." The story was that of examinations brings about' the niec- x tmtm pigwahr
both at bat and at first base where two gypsy children who, being sep- essity of a sale of bluebooks and it with the sluing weather.-
many of the freshman runners were arate from the gypsy band, attract is suggested that the various houses NOTICE
stopped. Child's catching was good, the wood fairies and brownies. They stock up on them at this time. NdTICESr
and a double play by Powers saved are given a magic book with a golden For further information, call El- --'-
two runs. The whole freshman team ring, which when opened to a story len Grinnell '29 who is in charge of Interclass baseball games will bet
deserves, mention rather than an in- magically calls forth the characters the bluebook sales. -played at 4:15 o'clock today.
dividual as it played as a unit and involved. The first story read is one
held the opponents at the crucial of robbers and thei# treasure cave. ' THEJIAGFE-Victorious in the
moment. The second story is that of the first Oorority Entertafl tirst matches of her European tour,
Lineup: seniors,Beaumont, Wright, maypole dance. Miss Helen Wills left here for Paris,r
Child, Powers, Appelt, Tuthill, Fol- To complete the color lay festivi- Chi Omega sorority gave a farewell today. Miss Wills was successful in
som, Bonine, Robinson. Substitute, ties, a tennis match, a baseball game, formal dinner for Prof. T. E. Rankin two of the three matches she played
Van T-uyl. and a track meet are held in the af- and Mrs. Rankin, Thursday evening. in Holland, defeating Miss Rollin Con-
Freshmen: Wilson, Koch, Whit- ternoon. In the evening, a play spon- A parting gift of silver was presented querque the Dutch woman's champ-
ney, Locke, Wood. sored by the student senate is pre- to them at the close of dinner. Prof. ion in the first singles match and ov-
sented. These activities bring many and Mrs. Rankin will make their home crwhelming Miss Kea Bourman in
COLLEGE GIVES CANOEING visitors and parents to Wooster for in Northfield, Minnesota, where Prof. the second. In the doubles Miss Wills
the occason, thus adding significance Rankin will take up his professional and Miss Penelope Anderson lost to
College women at Convalli, Oregon to the tradition. duties in Carleton college. Miss Bourman and Miss Couquerue.
are taking an interest in canoeing. nommm { {mmm m11 {{ {1 l{{ !
Classes in it have been offered for the -
first time this term. They have been
working on stunts with the canoes ' -
and aquatic sports for the festival to "e esY oe f
be given the last of this term. The,
women are learning the correct form
in paddling. O a at Our Fountain
OXFORD.--The Oxford and Cam-= d
bridge air squadrons are planning an=-
inter-varsity air meet for the spring And Then of Course You'll Want
of 1929. which will be a test of airman- Ar
ship rather than a contest of races. Some Candy
i i
I wBetsy Ross Shop
If you wuant .w
milk that'srha
rich and h{ s {mmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm{mln{11Imm msmmm{{{ mn mn mmmmm
Initiation ceremonies for the eleven
unior women who were elected to
membership in Mortarboard, national
honorary senior society, were held at
8 o'clock, Sunday morning on the
Island. Following the ceremonies, the
nitiation breakfast was held at the
Lantern shop.
Josephine Norton, '28, presided at
the breakfast 'as toastmistress and in-
troduced the speakers. Margaret
lawkin-s, '28, represented the present
nembers of Mortarboard, Elizabeth
Wellman, '29, responded for the ini-
ttes and Betty Parrot Higley, '26,
Spoke for the Alumnae of the organ-
Officers for the coming year were
elected by the new members. They
are, president, Hilda Mary Evans,
vice-president, Vera Johnston, secre-
tary Elizabeth McCurdy, treasure
Jessie Church, and historian, Eliza-
beth Wellman.
The junior women who were re-
ceived into the society at thi time are
Mary White, Vera Johnston, Sylvia
Stone, Cynthia Hawkins, Betty Smith-
Jean Hathaway, Elizabeth Well
man, Jessie Church, Mary Alice
Moore, Hilda Mary Evans, and Eliza
beth McCurdy.
All members of Orchesis are re-
quested to look on the bulletin board,
in Barbour gymnasium for the sched-
ule of rehearsals. All those who
haven't as yet handed in schedule
cards must do so at once. The usual
meeting will be held at 7:30 o'clock
Wednesday in Sarah Caswell Amgell
Heidelberg college women have
started a drive for greater '"date free-
dom." The girl's student council vot-
ed to :ask the faculty for freedom
from dormtiories for Sunday after-
noon walks, 10:30 o'clock dates on
Friday night, and 11 o'.clock dates
Saturday. Dates are now barred on
Friday nights and the Saturday night
limit is 10:30 o'clock.
t d
with an
We have some special breezy ones that we
are selling as liw as
Eberbach & Son Co.
Established 1843
200-202 E. Liberty St.
Two vacancies in my European travel
group visiting Lisbon, Cadiz, Seville,
Tanjilers, Gibraltar, and Algiers en-
1145 Washtenaw .
Dial 3597
S -.
A~2/1' 4
May 22, 1928
a fine flavor
as pure as
can make it-
Us Ann Arbor
Dairy Pasteurized
If you want to change next year, be sure and let us know your needs.
We have your house all 'ready to move into when you come back in the Fall.
The number of people who have taken advantage of this service has doubled
during the last two years.
Get your name near the top of the list.
There is only a very limited time in which to make your selection
for next year.
We have, at the present time, as complete a list of houses, correctly
priced, as it has ever been our good fortune to offer to the buying
1I _ _ 1 .1 1 .1 q
Sports have captured the modern
girl. Whether she be a champion-
ship athlete or merely talks the
jargon from the club verandah,
one thing she knows full well-
that sports clothes always win.
Our great summertime department;
the Ready-to-Wear Section, is now
filled with togs for every sport,
as well as costumes and ensembles
in sport styles for the many
other occasions that have taken
over the' sports mode.
Let this shop be your headquarters
for all things sportive-riding habits,
beach apparel, golf, tennis, and
other toggery, for participants
and spectators. Second floor.
Yours very truly,
- / / oIE Z,