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May 22, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-22

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* AfAllA A4

Published every morning except Monday
luring the Universit y'yeartby the Board in
Control of Student publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Ofdices; Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
card Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor...................Ellis P. Merry
PFl? r Michigan Weekly..Charle' B.Behymer
News Xditor..............Philip C. Brooks
lity aitor.............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor...........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor...........Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music. Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern t Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirsb'iaum
Esther Anderson Sally Knox
Margaret Arthur Tohn U. Maloney
Alex A. Bochnowski Marion M:Donald
Tean Campbell Charles S. Monroe
Yessie Church Catherine Price
Blanchard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman
Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosee.berg
Marjorie Follmer Eleanor Scribner
kames B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz
obert. . Gessner Robert G. Silbar
e . Gruber Howard F. Simon
Alice Hlagelshaw George E. Simons
Joseph E. Howell RowenatStillman
.Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone
harles R. Kaufman George Tillvy
William F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller
Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
ack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdlingh
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager....George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising............Richard A. Meya
Advertising..............Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.......... John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts......... ......RaymondWachter
Circulation............George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication...................Harvey Talcott
George Bradley Ray Hofelich
Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
Tames Carpenter James Jordan
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine McKinven
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Ona Felker Alex K. Scherer
Katherine Frohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg HerbertE . Varnurm
Helen Gross, Lawrence Walkley
E. J. Hammer Hannak Wallen
Carl W. Hammer
TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1928.

friendly city administration. One can
not help but feel that the landladies
charged with "excessive rents have
been wrongly accused, and that 'no
Ann Arbor resident could stand for
such an outrage. One is surprised,
in fact, at the generosity of the city
which allows the students use of its
city sidewalks free of charge (as it
allows them the use of its parks);
and one cannot help but feel that the
present action of the city park com-
mission has aided greatly in promot-
ing the friendly spirit which should
always exist between the townsfolk
and the student body.
Qualifications for the United States
Marine Corps now include the re-
quirement that the applicant be at
least five feet, six inches tall. This
figure is an inch higher than former-j
ly. Evidently our armed forces are
One of, the more recent examples of
enlightened vision on the part of our
national legislators appeared the
other day when a United States sen-
ator expressed his belief that golf is
being "taxed out of existence."
Reports from Moscow say that the
Soviet government has issued a decree
abolishing all gambling resorts. Could
it be that the Red governmet is plan-
ning to reform from its wild manner
of life?

Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi.
- cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request. Letters pub.
lished should not be construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The
* Daily.

To G. F. z
When the regents paternal of this
great college,
Inthings automotive decided to boss
From out of a famous comic strip
Came Andy Gump to Emery's office.
But ere we pipe to Gump this lay
And give his deeds our immertal pen,
'Tis proper to tell of the auto-ban's
Assistant-to-the-dean of men.
When cars were made illegal here
A suitable man was sought
To tell the students what uas what
And who might drive and who get
The regents scoured far and wide
For a man of the qualifications,
They searched the English-speaking
And visited foreign nations,
They looked along the jungle rivers,
The Amazon, Po, and Niger,
But the man they sought was found
at home-
They selected the Princeton Tiger,
To him were given manifold powers
Of expulsion and probation-
This Emery of the faculty
Of physical education.
And the tales that have come to the
ears of this man.
With cloven hoof and horns!
The tales of business enterprises,
Of broken legs and corns!
Sing paeans to the hardy souls
Who've told him their tales of woe,
Sing of their tears and downcast
As out of his office they go.
Sing softly, muse, of departed ones
Who ingenuity lacked
To drive their cars and not get hook-
On Emery's Auto Act.
But this is not an elegy
To those from hence departed-
Turn we back to the lanky man
With whom this poem started.
To Andy Gump of cheerful mien,
Our hero tall and thin,
With sparkling eye, protruding teeth
And retrogressive chin.
The sorrowful tale of his earlier life
Will not concern these rhymes,
But Gump at twenty-one had had
The seven years' itch three times.
Till Lydia Pinkham's vegetable com-
Drove Andy's itch away-
And hence the smile of satisfactor
That Andy wears today.


To the editor:
Sophomoritis should have reached
its peak of existence with the termin-
ation of the spring games, but I find
the literary school is exempt from the
general rule, if the literary school has
more than one "S. T."
To the engineer, S. T.'s comment
arouses no resentment, we feel much
the same way about people who attack
the honor system without some
thought, as we would seeing a man
kick a dead dog with the thought of
hurting the dog. To anyone reading
his comment, "Everybody knows, I
heard, They say, It isn't hard to be-
lieve' explains the situation much bet-
ter than I, or anyone else could.
However, I do wish to point out, that
should anyone ask an "honest" engi-
neer his opinion of the honor system,
and in reply he states that cribbing
is going on under his eyes, he is
not the type of engineer that the stu-
dents or faculty want in the engineer-
ing college. We do not want "honest"
engineery, we want men in our col-
lege, men who feel the responsibility

Two weeks ago the two underclass-
es of the University held their annual"
tug of war across the Huron river. In
the course of the conflict, it seems,
some turf was dug up on the east side
of the river, and some curbstones
For these capital offenses the city
of Ann Arbor, in its characteristic


Now that spring is upon us and
the time has come to go walking,
smoke many cigarettes and talk about
life, the heavens, always ironical, have
decided that all pleasurable activities
shall give way to final examinations
and their preparations, and that these
calm classical evenings shall not be
devoted to the pursuit of the Seven
Lively Arts, and the two unmention-
able ones, but to the unstinted pro-
duction of academic sweat. Conse-
quently, with only studying being done
in the University, there is nothing
going to happen that can be bally-
hooed or nothing happening to be re-
viewed, and this column, in the short
time that is left, will devote itself to
rambling disquistitions upon the
things that have happened during the
The School of Music is to be congrat-
ulated upon this May Festival just
past for, although they had no sing-
ers of the first rank except Margerete
Matzenaur, their program as a whole
was of a high and sustained quality.
The "St. Francis of Assisi" of Pierne's
that was presented this year was prob-
ably more suited to the limitations
of the Choral Union than Beethoven's
"Missa Solemnis" of last. Both of
the Choral Union's performances were
of good quality and it is a sad thing
to remember that with the exception
of their May Festival activities, the
only public evidence they have given
of their existence was a more or less
furtive production of the oratorio "The
Seven Last Words of Christ." There
exists, a thing needless to point out,
a vast chorale literature, some of it
worth hearing many times, but in-
stead of periodic; representations of
this material, the Choral Union, early
in September, like the players at Ober-
ammergau, cuts downs on its rations
and begins to train and strain for the
next May Festival concert.
Of Margerete Matzenaur very little
need be said; both she, and the people
who have heard her, have heard pane-
gyrics enough. Of Leonora Corona,
however, that towering and robust
person, there is much. She sang well
because she had been educated to sing
well; she had stagey and sometimed
amusing gestures because she had
seen Mary Garden, but somebody
should have told her that the little
green deb's party gown that she had
on was not quite the thing for her.
Her voice showed the effects of her
training, but, while it was pleasing, it
lacked the streamlike fluidity of such
a singer's as Boris or Raisa. Marion
Telva, outside of that redoubtable
person from Temesevar, proved to be
quite the best woman singer of the
Festival; her performance in Aida was
brilliant, and added necessary grace
and sparkle to an attempt that was
more than humanly likely to need
The performance of opera in the
manner of an oratorio is, I suppose,
too old and stubborn a tradition for
anybody to be able to do anything t
it, but there is always opera and the
things that are not always which
might well be substituted for such
musical pabulum as Aida and Car-
men are too numerous to mention. Be-
sides there are enough selections from
operas interspersed throughout the
programs to compensate for the lack
of any formal presentation of one of
Frederick Stock and his Symphony
Orchestra( to use the phraseology cur-
rent in the jazz band business) set
the high water mark for this year's
musical attainments in his perform-
ance of Tschaikowsky's Symphony No.

5. Only Ossip Gabrilowitsch with the
playing of Cesar Franck's symphony
last winter approached it in quali-
ty. Tschaikowsky's symphony was
projected with all the ; eloquence
and sureness of accent that can char-
acterize the presence of a master
hand; with the exception of the
time when the horn player's lip
failed him in the enunciation of the
first theme in the andante movement,
there were no noticeabbi flaws, and
who can cavil at thls in the face of
such an otherwise good performance.
Another one of Mr. Stock's acbieve-
ments was the playing of the suite
from Igor Stravinsky's "L'Oiseau de
Feu." This was the only one of the
orchestral numbers that even ap-
proached modern times in thought and
feeling, and it was very enthusiastic-
ally received. Its reception proved
that whenever a piece of music ap-
pears that is immanent with the new
idea, the new rhythm, people wrL
can hear at all, even though not im-
mersed in musical traditions, will get



spirit of sportmanship and benevo-
lence, has now presented to the Stu-
dent Council of the University a bill
for $3.9, which will pay for the re-
placement of the sod and the renew-
ing of the curbstones at $1 per .stone.
This, of course, is no more than
the action which could be expected
from a city government which apprec-
iates its city's largest industry to the
extent that the Ann Arbor govern-
ment appreciates its University. Such
a thing as friendly cooperation, and
an appreciation of the youthful spirit
which was responsible for the little
pits dug on the east side of the
river is entirely foreign to a city gov-
ernment such as the one under which
we exist. Such a thing as cheerful-
ly replacing the bits of turf and buy-
ing a few extra curbstones with a
friendly feeling of good will is en-
tirely beyond their ken. The student
body must be grimly charged in dol-
lars and cents for the few minor
damages which they perform to the
city's grass.
It makes one wondar, rather, just
how far the city of Ann Arbor can
carry this avaricious viewpoint; and
it makes one wonder whether the res-
idents of Ann Arbor appreciate to any
small degree the value of the student
body which they so effectually charge
for every bit of service. The student
body itself, and the University author-
ities, have consistently condemned and
disciplined students for the wanton
destruction of local property, and
more than once such property has'
been replaced; but when the motives'
are so completely harmless as they1
were two weeks ago, and when the1
event itself is so steeped in tradition,1
it rather seems as though the thing
can be carried too far.I
For years and years the tug' of war<
has been held on the same spot which1
witnessed it a fortnight ago. When1
the property was in private hands,1
there was never any protest as to
its use, and never any bill for its
mistreatment. Now, however, that the
land has become public property,

of their profession, and who would
rather see the profession of engineer-
ing become non-existent than to see
men graduate after having completed
four years of "cribbing."
I do not criticize S. T-'s comment
about it being difficult to install the
honor system in the literary college;
if -the literary college has, as I say,
more than one like him, I dare say
it is impossible altogether. We may
all be idealistic and optimistic, but
still we believe there are enough men
being graduated from the high schools
and junior colleges to enter our col-
lege, even in the day of proctor ex-
It is indeed a sad outlook to the
business man of today, looking to the
colleges for men to carry on his work,
if he sees a large university of men
and women who have to be watched
for fear of their stealing knowledge
which is not their own.
P. E. MeC., Jr., '29E
To the editor:
It is with great interest, and even
greater wonder, that I take oppor-
tunity to flay The Daily's editorial
stand on the question of honor so-
cieties. As an expression of imper-
sonal sentiment, I fully expected to
find this publication taking the view-
point of an Institution on the issue,
not the foolish child who smiles when
mother pats his cheek.
To attempt to speak of the honor
societies and the University of Mich-
igan in the same breath, a heresy
which to me seems motivated only
by the viewpoint of students who
have deemed it expedient to blow
their own horns.
Honor societies may be fine things
-they may have their place in such
a place as this. But I shy at the
thought that men who pretend to ex-
press the "finer" opinions of the cam-
pus, should seek to tout themselves-
for, presumably, it is these same men
who constitute the "B. M. O. C." class.
The future of Michigan cannot in any
sense be allied with that of the so-

When Gump at last could stop
And his thanks had given to God,
He studied to become a copper
In the motorcycle squad.

hi I

Slowly he learned to ride, but well-
Better than Withrow, e'en better
than Hill-*
As witness his long, unblemished rec-
Unbesmirched by crash or spill.
So Andy won his job on the force
By patience and persistence
With the aid of a figure nobly shaped
To cut down wind resistance.
No, Andy never spills himself
But he always spills his man,
He 'spills at least the dope to Joe
That gives that man the can.
Our hero isn't a social climber,
In appearance unpretentious,
But when it comes to stopping cars
He's daggone conscientious.
Ah, Shakespeare had his Falstaff,
Professor Hobbs his Sandy,
Rhetoric profs their Peter Jack
And students have their Andy.
Let's eulogize our own black sheep,
Let's try to bust a lung
In praise of Officer Andy Gump,
Alias Officer Young.
A mug of beer to Officer Young!
Comne gather round the pump,
Come, bottlemen of Michigan,
A health to Andy Gump!

SOMEWHERE between your collar-button and the bottom of your plus-fours
there's a smoke-spot--seeking "fill-fullment." The vast majority of jobbies
who feel that in'ard hankerin' have discovered what to do about it. They

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