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May 16, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-16

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Prof. Frayer Will Speak On univers.
ity Life At Meeting This Morn.
ing In Barbour Gymnasium
After a full day of meetings yester-
day, the annual Junior college con-
ference will come to a close today.
Breakfast will be enjoyed at the dif-
ferent sorority houses which are en-
tertaining delegates, and the first
meeting today will be held in Bar-
bour gymnasium at 10 o'clock, when
Prof. Wm. A. Frayer will speak on
the subject of university life, and the
plans of the University of Michigan
for entering students next year.
At 11 o'fock delegates will visit
university classes for an hour. At
12 o'clock the Women's league of the
University of Michigan will enter-
tain at luncheon for the delegates at
the Lantern shop, and the convention
will terminate thus.
The Junior College conference is
held annually in Ann Arbor, being
a convention representing the Wom-
en's League associations of six o.
seven Junior Colleges in Michigan.
The subject of the conference this
year is the question of the break by-
tween Junior college and university
life. In the meetings yesterday ft
was brought out that the break Is
not so very great after all.
Delegates To the conference this
year have been invited from seven
Junior colleges, namely, Grand Rap-
ids, Port Huron, Flint, Bay City, Mus-
kegon, Pontiac, and Highland Park.
Matzenauer Is First
Artist Of Festival
Madame Margaret Matzenauer, first
artist on the May Festival program,
inherited her musical ability from a
father who was the director of the
Royal Theater orchestra in her native
town of Temesvar, Hungary, and from
a mother who was a great dramatic
In her girlhood Matzenauer wished
to become an actress. However her
voice gave evidence of such extra-
ordinary power and richness that she
was trained by her parents for the
role of opera singer. When she was
20 years old she was engaged to sing
leading contralto roles in Munich.
Her success grew swiftly. Madame
Matzenauer appeared at the Munich
court opera and at the Wagner Fes-
tival performances at the Prinzre-
genten theater. She wastalso chosen
foi' important roles at Bayreuth, the
May Festival of the continent.
Her American debut at the Metro-
politan opera house on November 13,
1911 was a sensation. The following
'summer in Buenos Aires in the
Theater Colon she repeated her suc-
cess. Since her American debut she
has been leading contralto for the
Metropolitan Opera company and has
scored repeated successes in a var-
iety of roles.
Madame Matzenauer has been mar-
ried twice and has a daughter Adrien-
ne. Her home at present i's in New
York city.
debating team of Northwestern uni-
versity made an extended tour
through the middle west this spring,
the first trip of its kind made by the
women speakers. In the course of
their journey they met forensic
groups from nine different univers-
ties and colleges.
OHIO STATE-"Fifty-two per cent
of the Freshmen women who enter
college never come back for their
sophomore year. Failure to adjust
themselves economically, emotionally,
and mentally constitute the most con-

spicuous exam'ples of maladjustment
in college life, said Dean Ester A.
Gaw of this university.
SYRACUSE-Journalistic students
of Syracuse will take over the publi-
cation of the Amsterdam Record,
rAsterglanN. Y. newspaper,Rfor a

New Organ Has Finest Tonal Qualities
In Country, States Palmer Christian
By LH. L. ID.

"The new Frieze Memorial organ is
without exception the flnest I have
ever heard in this country," said
Palmer Christian, University organistI
and head of the organ department ofI
the School of Music. "There are sev-
eral which are larger, but none which
has the distinguished tonal qualities
and range of expression of this one."
Mr. Christian opened, the console
and showed me the rows and rows of
stops, many bearing the names of or-
chestral instruments. He had the
music of a full orchestra echoing in
the empty auditorium. The in-
dividual instruments were also repre-
'sented, the flute, celesta, French horn,
English horn, oboe, bassoon, tympain,
and even the harmonica. The organ
improved upon some of the instru-
ments. A tremelo affect on the
French horn was marvelously pleas-
ing, and the final notes of the trumpet
were sustained beyond the powers of
any human trumpeter.
"The variety of combinations on
this organ is remarkable," continued
Mr. Christian. "I am continually find-
ing different ones, such as this-" and
he played a' delicate selection using an
unusual blending of instrumental
"In what way is this organ better
than the old one?" I asked.
"It is much more responsive tonally

and mechanically," he said. "There
were many selections which were im-
possible to play on the old organ be-
cause of the slowness of response, but
now-" and he played a. trill in which
each note was perfectly clear and dis-
tinct even when the larger pipes were
used. A long crescendo to a vivid
fortissimo, wonderfully smooth and
evenly ascending, further illustrated
the responsiveness of the organ.
"The console," he continued, "repre-
sents in its finish and completeness,
the workmanship of the whole organ.
It is absolutely perfect in every de-
tail, and we are greatly pleased with
it. There are ,nearly 8,000 pipes vary-
ing in size from one 32 feet long and
two feet square, to one smaller than a
lead pencil.
"Besides the orchestral tone-color,
the organ has all the possibilities of
expression of the cathedral organ.
Its characteristic tone qualities make
it a marvelous instrument for musical
expression. The first hearing of the
new organ was at the pre-Festival
opening concert last night. On the
first Festival program, it will be heard
as a solo instrument with the orches-
tra, and in a group of solo numbers.
At later Festival concerts it will be
used as a background for chorus and


i ; 1




Various social affairs in progress
over the week end prevented a num-'
her of wonen who were interestedl
from attending the special U. bf M.
day held Saturday at Ford Airport;
sponsored by the Ford-Stout air mo-
tors corporation. Although at this1
time nothing definite has been decid-
ed, William Chase, Michigan stud-
ent in charge of the flight, hopes that
in the near future a program similar
to that of Saturday may be carried
out exclusively for Michigan women.
. For the crowd of 130 students who
took advantage of the special rates
it was necessary to run an extra bus
from the Union on the morning trip.
At the airport 10 trips were made by1
the 14 passenger cabin planes to ac-
commodate the large number, ip,
which a few women were included.1
Although the flight itself took but 251
minutes, the morning and afternoon
schedules had ben so arranged asl
to allow ample time for a thorough
inspection of the Ford plant andl
hangars. If the women on the cam-i
pus would be interested in such a
trip before the end of the semester
they are asked to call Chase at 3818.
MINNESOTA-According to one
professor, only the young are capa-
ble of loving, since love and all of
the emotions are indications that the
person is faced with a conflict he is
trying to adjust. As the person
grows older love disappears as the
conflict is dissolved.

Interclass competition will be re-
newed in the swimming meet at sev-
en o'clock on Thursday at the Un-
ion pool. There will be four speed
events, 25 yard free style, 25 yard
back stroke, 25 yard side stroke, and
25 yard breast stroke. There will al-
so be a medley race, a relay, and
diving. Each contestant is limited to
two events, and every woman enter-
ing gives her class one point.
The meet is in charge of Marva
Hough, .'28, swimming manager, and
Miss Laurie Campbell is the faculty
advisor. The class managers are as
Anna Jane Churchman, junior. Vir-
ginia Lossee, sophomore, and Hilda
Felske, freshman. Those interested in
entering should see their class man-
ager at once or sign up 'on the bulle-
tin board in Barbour Gymnasium.
The entrants :are requested to
wear caps in class colors, if possible.
seniors, blue, juniors, .;gold, sopho-
mores, red, and freshmen, green. The
faculty of the physical education de-
partment will be the timers, and the
judges will be selected later. The
meet will be run by the physical ed-
ucation majors.
MINNESOTA-Co-eds formed a "Co-
ed Political Party" for the purpose of
electing their own president- at the
mock convention May 10.
students have hurled a direct chal-
lenge to the best men debaters of
the university with the design to
place women above men in the field
l of forensic struggles.

1,1 d





MINNESOTA - Nineteen


women have been named. as new
members of Mortarboard this spring.
W elI



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