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May 15, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-15

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lecturer, have their very definite in-
Dir ti " tegral part in the cultural life of a
d even morning excePt Monday great university and it is gratifying


-ing the niversty year by te Board in
ntr' Of 1) e' ilhmtoti
d1eirbe ne ''mree cditorial
the Associatdi Pres a eis xclusiely en-
ed to the use for rublicatiN of all news
patches credited to it or not otherwise
dited in this paptrn a :d th ?oca news pvb-
!ied herein.
Sntered at the potoffice at Ann Arbor,
chigan, as second class matter. Special rate
postage granted by Third Assistant Pest.
ister General.
ubscription by warrier. $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Buildiag, May -
d Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 1925
itor..,..... .....,, ....Ellis -'. Merry
r Mihigan Weekly,.Charle E . Behymer
ws editor................Philip C. Brooks
y mcaof. .... .... Courtlana C. Smith
>men's Editor......... Marian L. Welles
orts Editor........Herbert E. Vedder
eater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
sistant City Editor.. ..Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
bert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
ul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
ther Anderson Sally Knox
argaret Arthur [obn. H. Malomey
x A. Bochnovtski Marion McDonald
an Campbell Charles S. Monroe
sie Church Catherine Price
nchard W. Cleland Harold L.P assman
rence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn
rgaret Gross' Rita Rosenthal
ilborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
rjorie Folmer Eleanor Scribner
mes B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz
'bert J. Gessner Robert G. Silbar
aine E. Gruber Howard F. Simon
ce Hagelshaw George E. Simons
eph ES. Howell Rowena Stillman
Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone
aries R. Kaufman George Tilley
illiam F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller
wrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
rald J, Kline Benjamin S. Washer
k L. Lait, Jr Toseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
G Man ge H Annable Itr.
vertisig . Richard A Meyer
ve-twing .. . ..Edward L. Huise
vetJsic john . ' Ruswinckel
cot . f.Raymond Wachter
George B. Ain, Jr.
~ii-n , ,, arvey Talcot
erge Bradley Ray Hofelich
-rie Brummele, Hal A. Jaeha
::e- annrpnte; ames lJrdan
Aries . Cone Marion Kerr
rhara oiv;ei' Thales N. Lenington
rx Uivelt Catherine McKinL,
asie V. Egdea' Dorothy Lyons
as [ lker Alex K. Scherer
thein e Frohn George Spater
uglass Fulleci Ruth Thompsow
atrice GHeenev Nerbert E. Varim
I"t: .ross Lawrence Walkiey
Ill nallWe


MAY 15, 1928.

Today will mark the final effort
on the part of the Student Chris-
tian association to raise funds for
the University of Michigan Fresh
Air camp for needy boys, which
is held annually at Paterson
lake. No brief is, necessary to es-
tablish the value of this enterprise
to the 400 under-privileged boys
who will receive a 12 day vacation
out of doors. The first of the
two tag days, held yesterday, net-
ted $1,883. The goal of the drive,
or the amount necessary to carry
out the full program planned, is
$3,000. Further comment should
be unnecessary.
Tonight will mark the opening re-
cital in Hill auditorium on the new
Frieze memorial organ, built by the
most famous builder of organs in the
The new instrument has been con-
structed at a cost of more than $75,-
000, and replaces the original Frieze
memorial organ which was obtained;
from the music hall of the World's
Fair in Chicago. The world's great
organists had been attracted by the
famous instrument of that day.
When the superb work of modern
man's handicraft formally assumes its
niche in the affairs of the University,
few will realize the great forest of
metal wind-trunking, first from the
blower room to the organ chamber,
and then to the various divisions in
the chamber, which is included in the
organ. Few may appreciate the ex-
istence of 8.000 pipes in the instru-
ment, the many tone colors, includ-
ing diapason, string, wood-wind, and
brass, requiring pipe-work of wood.
and three or four kinds of metal in
varying proportion and weight to ac-
complish the desired results. Further-
more, there may not be many who willE
recognize the great range afforded by
the new organ by means of reed
pipes to give the delicate and beau-
tiful Vox Humana, the clarinet, the
oboe, the English horn, the French
horn, the trumpet, the trombone, and
the tuba effects, to the very fortissimo
Contra Bombarde. But certainly none
of those who will attend the event
tonight can fail to comprehend the
value such a recognition of the true
worth of good music can have among
the members, present and future, of
the faculty and student body of this
wT.... ... ..'.. - - AA .«4;.1.. a....,..,1

to see the need recognized and the
advancement made by University offic-
Ranking foremost among the tradi-
tions revered by Michigan women is
Lantern Night. Coming as it does as
a present day reminder of May day
functions which have taken place
every year since the founding of the
University, it remains as the one
significant custom of the graduating
ceremonies which includes all Mich-
igan women.
That it does strive to preserve this
tradition has almost been lost sight
of during recent years. Always the
ceremony has attracted large aud-
iences which come to see the truly
picturesque scene of the senior women
wearing caps and gowns winding
down the hill carrying their lighted
lanterns. Too often in the past the
women of the lower classes have been
content to come and watch. This
year, however, they are being urged
not merely to attend but to join in
the line of march which follows the
seniors and is in a historic way a
homage paid them by the underclass-
es on graduation.
From the returns of the recent pres-
idential primary it is quite apparent
that Indiana still prefers government
of the people, for the people, and
buy the people.
It is to be hoped that the local as-
sociation of landladies will duplicate
shortly the contribution of the Detroit
alumni who have given $25,000 for
the purchasing of land for dormitories.
Little Joe 'Horner, former Michigan
athlete, defeated President Clarence
Cook Little in a shot-putting contest
at the alumni triennial on Saturday.
That is the first time that Michigan
has ever beaten a Harvard athletic
representative, and that came only
after the President's two year con-
nection with the University.
The dedication of the new Frieze
memorial organ in Hill auditorium has
attracted at least as much attention
as the exploits of the B. basketball
Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The name' of communi
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request. Letters pub
lished should not be construed as ex-
m'sing the editorial opinion of The
To the editor:
The Honor System and its relation
to the student body has long been
the target of adverse criticism. There
is much to say both for and against
the present system used in the Engi-
neering college; few of us feel com-
petent to pass final judgment but the
Student Committee realizes that some
response is warranted to the violent
pessimistic 'outburst 'that appeared in
a recent campus opinion.
To quote the author, "It is common
knowledge that -the Honor System in
the Engineering school is unsuccess-
ful and any engineer will tell of the
amount' of c"ribbing that goes on dur-
ing exmingtions an of how books
and references are planted to be of
assistanice tb the' stud'ent."' Wholesale
cribbing of,this, type is ,a complete
surprise to us, and moreover we are
prepared at any" time to disprove it
to any of the numerous doubters. This
is not Freshman idealism, vague be-
lief, or silly'optifnism* we'know froi
observation ,and experience tha.t it }is

useless to draw comparisons. We do
not claim to be posse'ssors of a curb-
.all or a panacea for dishonesty and
deceit, neither do we believe it is
possible to change such natures in
the brief period of four years or less.
Perhaps it is possible that the pre-
sent system. is an invitation for some
massive intellect to successfully cheat
entirely unsupervised, 'it may further
inspire him with the foresight and
cunning necessary to plant a book in
such a position that he can make
numerous excursions to it, and with
no mean ability copy the examination
word for word. For the Engineering
Honor System is not to prevent dis-
honor, its chief objective is to assunie
that a student is intrinsically honest,
that he will appreciate being trusted
and will be worthy of the trust. It is
possible for him to cheat often without
being detected but should he be found
violating the trust his punishment
will be sure and swift. What is worse
than punishment, he loses our respect
and has more of our sympathy.
The University College has been a
means of bringing this subject to a
head. Whether the Honor System
would succeed in it is a matter of
much discussion. The Student Coun-#
cil, Phi Eta Sigma and other corn-

THIS AFTERNOON the heap big
injun big-shots are going to collabor-
ate with the S. C. A. tag committee in
making it hot for a lot of students.
* * *
DO.DGING THE S. C. A. wasn't so!
hard for the athletes, politicians, and l
the rest who seem to be able to laugh
it off quite easily - but they'll have
a nice time, awful nice, if they get
the summons of the heap big injun
When from out the Union tap-
From behind the baby's bright
Come the loud and bounding
three cheers
Telling that the long-mourned
Wander 'cross the Detroit river
Lighting noses of the students;
Then the heap big injun big-shots
In their knickers and their golf
Soon gather 'round the back porch
'Round the back porch called
There to greet the missing link-
Many there await the bidding
Of the ballyhooing redskins
For before they take the autos
To the home of injun big-shots
Lots of bluff and story telling
First must prove their pull and
'Ere the reddish noses bid them
'Ere they call each baby big-shot
'Ere the jug of Haig is emptied.

TONIGHT: First concert on the
new Freize Memorial organ given
by Palmer Christian, University
organist, in Hill auditorium, at
8:15 o'clock.
** *
A review by Robert Wetzel
Last week there slipped into Detroit
a modest divertisement, unheralded by
the brave music of publicity; it found
a quiet haven in the Cass, tarried
seven days, and, folding its scenery
like the tents of Mr. Longfellow's
Arabs, as silently slipped away. Yet
somehow, despite a cautious press-
agent, the information leaked out that
"A Man's Man" revived several years
after its appearance on Broadway,
was in the city across from Windsor;
and so the civilized minority formed
themselves into a hollow square and
attended it. They saw the best Amer-
ican comedy to cross Detroit's pros-
ceniums this season.
A vivid lithograph of homesteaders
in Harlem, "A Man's Man" speaks tell-
ingly of that bourne so recently in-
vestigated by Miss Delmar's "Bad
Girl." Edie and Mel Tuttle live in a
flat next to the elevated; they eke out
their little lives beneath the rumble
of the passing trains.
Charlie Groff is a shipping
clerk in a cinema corporation, their
friend, a loquacious show-off with a'
tongue of silver, if not silver-plate.
He can, he declares, get Mel in the
Elks along with the regular fellas-
for a consideration; and he will put
Edie in one of that guy De Mille's pic-
tures in exchange for an eminently
suitable reward.
So, unknown to each other, Mel

THE HEAP BIG injun big-shots tak- gives Charlie his Savings, and Edie
en for the ride will be baptized and her body; and they are both, as the
christene in tomorrow's Rolls. saying is, gypped. Charlie reveals to
* * * t them their mutual deception; Mel
FROM Tgoes out to kill Charlie, and returns
KW, FROM THE sublime to the ;
smessy-Charlie has knocked what is
ridic llous, here is that contribution'
th at Speechless turned in some days'technically known as the hell out of
. him. Edie mothers /her battered hus-
ago. band. They'll have a baby, maybe,
HAVE YOU HEAR and he'll go to college and everything,
and be just a real good Elk.
* * *
Three Star:
Have you heard that the girls over M
at Helen Newberry have gotten so Music makes strange bedfellows-
popular that they had to install a one who has spent his entire life in
switchboard in the "Residence" Which I liberated Aerica-the only country
Would"fiake even the Ypsi damsels 1 in the world where there is such a
Ithing as "good music"-may sudden-
enviorly find himself hob-nobing with a
By the installation the management
has succeeded in creating another ban person who has spent his youth i
f the uplift of our fair, only fair. the Carpathians- where folk-music
and horrid Moldavian counts come
roc -c ffttomers are only allowed th,
conversing with the de- from-and who learned to sing by
sired b three minutes. calling sheep. And it is a noteworthy
s4'r Seechless fact that the cultivated American who
P.S -.'wonder if that three men never, never makes a mistake at the
. ba' Helen's was not etc table often discovers himself singing
a mad in the same cast as -z --ETAOIN
give some of the less fluent maidensss
a chant: the decree should encour- in the same cast with a man who eats
age some of the boys to try that mnu- his sardines from the can. Such is the
ber if all the more desirable ones are case in tomorrow night's program; the
beir d l ofeatured artist Margarete Matzenaur"
busy. was born in Temesevar, Hungary,
N0, HAVE YOUI Palmer Christian in America, and as
for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
SORRY, SPEECHLESS, but our I -it is notorious that a symphony or-
tivities are confined to other region chestra is a melange of all the na-
nvite ae confied. other re tionalities in Western and Central
Europe. The press-agents of Marga-
rete Matzenaur, however, have invent-
THAT REMINDS US that unless ed no such picturesque breach of table
the contributions get a little heavier=
,manners for her as is mentioned
there'll be no real contributors' day
this week. Think of some of the The following is the program for
stuff that ought to be pretty good and the Wednesday night concert:
have it in to * * * by Thursday at Soloists: Margaret Matzenauer, con-
the latest. tralto, Palmer Christian, organist, The
* .* * Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fred-
AND HOW THEY BOOED crick Stock and Eric DeLamarter
(Guest) conductors. Mabel Ross
ONE OF THE chesty baseballers Rhead, piano accompanist.
Just came in and after making it Overture, "The Flying Dutchman"
well-known that the only thing to oc- -Wagner
cupy his. mind now is the finding of Arias: (a) "Voce di donna" from "La
a fair, only fair, coed to give his gold Gioconda"...............Ponchielli
baseball to, continued to tell how they' "Ah mon fils" from "Le Prophete"
booed a certain Corrie Den at Iowa -Meyerbeer
City: ' Margaret Matzenauer
* * * Concerto No. 1 for Organ and
"Gwan," the rabid Iowans shouted,' Orchestra............DeLamarter
"you should have broken your neck Fast, with verve; Very slowly;
instead of just hurting your ankle." I Brightly.
* * * Palmer Christian
ANYHOW, "YOU'LL pay dearly for (The Composer Conducting)
this," said the butcher as he leaned (Dedication of the new Frieze Me-
on the scale. morial Organ, built by the Skinner

Starting Sunday, May 13
Nights 75c 'to $2.50-Wed. Mat.
50c to $1.,0-Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.
L. C. Wlswell, lne., Presents
In ' New Smashing Comedy Hit
jv'l o e
We Can Help You
This Clean-Up
Phone 4191
Garment Cleanin
209 South 4th Avenue

Openin s .or a few more members in the
have eccur-ed~. Th'is is a Personally Con-
ducled Tour where second class rail, good
hotels, ante and carriage trips, admissions
to galleries and museums, services of guides
and transportation of baggage is included.
60 DAYS - ONLY $633
Nine countries visited. Leave June 9 or 23.
Local people already booked.
Sightseeing, Automobile Tours and ideals
begin the first day at Montreal, where thre--
meals are included. The next 'day, five hours
at Quebec, then Liverpool, Chester, London
five clays, Brussels, IHague, Amsterdam,
steamer down. the Rhine, Wiesbaden, I feidel-
>erg, Lucerne, Interlaken, iMontrenx, Zi'ich,
uiaLeipzig, esd n, erlin, Cologne, 'ars five
days, then to Montreal or New York. Italy
may be included if desired.
This is an ideal ton, being, ably conducted,
affording confcrtablt! accenlaodations and
especially congenial' surroundings at a min-
mnum cost. Better hotels and more private
rides than usual. In this Escorted Group,
travel is accomplished without responsibility.
List of hotels and folders by applying to
Phone 6412
Agent for All Steamship Lines to Europe,
Orienmt. '(:p titeI Lakes, Tours to
Yeilowstone, New York, etc,
"peril ,oOo fAoursr to n~ooseFrm
601 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor

0.O T U C E
To College Men
We can cut the brim of your
but downm to aniy width you' like
and clean and reblock it into the
very latest shape.
No burned or cracked sweat
9 Panama hats and straw hats of c
= all kinds bleached and re-
S blocked to look like. new.. No
Sacids used. New sweat bands
and outside bands. Fancy bands
if desired. We do enly high
class work.
C See us for your 'new Panama
hat.' We buy them in the rough
from the importer and make
them nu} ourselves. A fine hat
for $7.C0 and $8.00.
Felt Haat Sale now on. All of
E cur hnts are, equal in quality to
the best hits made.
_ 617 Packard St. Phone 7415.
(Whee reD .U . Stops at State)
5 lI11I illll1111111IIIHl 11111{IIIIgE=

h 4 K S

Hot Music -:- - - - - Novelties
Bud Golden'S
Granger' s Academy

When Dad was a "Modern Youth"

ICYCLES,stereopticon lectures,
and the "gilded" youths with
their horses and carts; at night the
midnight oil burning in student
lamps while the gas lights glared and
flickered across the campus - the
gay nineties when Dad was in
college seem primitive to us to-day.
Now it's sport roadsters, the
movies, and radios. At night

street lighting sheds its friendly
glow over the campus.
Without electricity we would
have none of these improve-
ments. To-day's marvel of electrical
invention becomes to-morrow's
accepted utility. In the coming
years, by taking advantage of new
uses of electricity you will be
able to go so much farther

Three Star
Three star, ordinary conductor of
this column, must have left in a hurry
this afternoon, for now, at approxi-
mately' twenty-nine minutes after ten
at night, this column is under-set
three inches. I am going to fill it
* * *
Well, that above is one inch. We'll

Organ Company, Boston, Massachu-
Songs: Sapphische Ode ..... Brahms


Von Ewiger Liebe....... Brahms
Mme. Matzenauer
Organ Solos:
Scherzo, "Hymn of Pan" ... Moore
Impression.............Karg Elert
Toccata, "Thou Art the Rock"


the MAzDA lamp replaces
the midnight oil in dormi-
tory rooms, while modern


that the "tearg twenties"
will seem just as primitive
as the "gay nineties".

Scientists in the research laboratories of the General.Electric
Company keep G.E. a leader in the field of electrical
progress. Skilled G-E engineers develop each latest invention.
The G-E factories carry out the engineers' designs with


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