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January 19, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-19

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial

the ban even with cooperation of the
University lacking.
In its published statement on the
ban, the Student council, aside from
supporting the opinion given by TheI
Daily, asked the Regents for fuller1
explanation of the aims of the pro-
hibition and definitely "expressed the BENJAMIN BOLT, THE iconductOr
hope that the student body give the of this column has suddenly become
University authorities full coopera- conscientous, or frightened by the re-


The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,'
0Offices :Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
lard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor...................Ellis B. Merry,
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor............. .Philip C. Brooks
City Editor............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor...........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor............IHerbert E. Vedderj
Theater, Books andl Music.Vincent C. Vall, Jr.
TFelegraph Editor... ........ Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor....Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Pat, ick
Paul J. Kern t Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshhaum
Esther Anderson Marion McDonald
largaret Arthur Richard H. Milroy
I'mmonsA. B[onfield Charles S. Monroe
lecan Campbell Catherine Price1
essie Church Harold L. Passman
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Voilor, F <eland Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie 1Odlmer Edward J. Ryan
lames 1 .1eeman Dlavid Scheyer
kohert . (essner iEleanor Scribner
Eline F. ( ruler Corine Sch warz
,'lice Ha-els~haw Robert G. Silbar
loseph Ilowell Howard F. Simon
JT Wallace Hushen Rowena Stillman
Chai~rles R. Katufman Sylvia' Stone
William> F. Kerby George Tilley
Lawrence R. Klein Vdward T_ Warner, Jr.
[Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. a:-sher
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Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager...George H. ,Annable, Jr.
Advertising Richard A. Meyer
Advertising .............Arthiur M. Hinklecy
Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse
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Accounts................Raymond Wachter
Circulation........s.George B . Ain, Jr.
Publication....... ....... ...Harvey Talcott

tion in the enforcement of the ruling
as long as it exists."
After giving an opinion on the de-.
sirability of a moderate ban, the In-
terfraternity council likewise petition-
ed the Regents for an explanation of
aims regarding their ruling.
As regrettable as the President's
misinterpretation of the attitudes and
motives of these organizations may
be, the student body should not allow
that factor to interfere in any way
with the present situation. Full co-
operation with the University author-
ities in the relaxation of the ban,
though it may be very difficult on
certain occasions, should be forth-
It is with gratification that those
interested in Michigan's "humanizing
plan" of education learn of the ap-
pointment of the committee which
will have charge of the work next
year, and it is no idle flattery to com-
ment that the group of nine men and
women appointed is probably as able
a body as could be found for the
work. Representing as they do the
departments which will be most in-
timately connected with the freshman
and his problems, there is very little
doubt but what the committee to be
headed by Professor Frayer repre-
sents exceptional scope and ability.
There will be changes in the plans
for the week next year, it has been
stated, most of which will be in a
minor way. The working out of the
most effective method, is, of course,
a matter which will have to come
with time; but with the record of last
fall behind it, and the assistance and
cooperation of the entire campus to
which to look forward, the prospects
for the week of September 10 to 16
seem bright indeed.
ThQ sixth Pan-American Congress,
auspiciously opened with President
Coolidge and other members of the
cabinet of the United States present,
begins work now on one of the most
difficult problems that faces a meet-
ing of this kind. The delegates rep-

marks some
making and
the campus


his profs have been
decided that either
t do without his col-


he given i the School
t orlum at 4:le o'clock
orchestra, under he
Joseph F. 3laddy.

A concert will
of Music audi-
by the School
direction of

umn or he would leave the campus.
Either way the campus wins, (there
is no malice in this libel).
ACCORDINGLY, WE have under-
taken to conduct this -column for the
rest of the semester in the hope that
Ben will find time enough to talk his
profs into seeing the light.
* * *
FOR THOSE OF YOU who think
that this business of writing Rolls is

fun, we have secured pictures
to prove it is not so.
Abo i BBolt
Aove is BenjaminBotr

of Benf


and tired editor

of Toasted Rolls.

This picture was taken last autumn
and shows Ben in an exceedingly
happy mood. What seems to be his
twin brother is merely his shadow.
LONG AFTER THIS picture was
taken we secured another portrait of
Ben. This was after the cares of the
column had worn him down to the
condition he is in at present. The ex-
act day this picture was taken is not
known, but the photographer thinks
that. it was last Friday, the 13th.
Again we have a picture of the tired
conductor of Rolls. He is the gentle-
man in the bed. It has been definite-
ly established that he did not drive
an automobile in the last few months
so the only conclusion is that the task
of writing Rolls forced on the appar-
ent state he is in.

* * *
A review, by Robert Lessner.
Once a decade there arises amongst
us an artist whose interpretative ap-
proach to music is sincere and truth-
ful; whose technic is not exploited;
whose aim is not to dazzle when to do
so would interfere with the spirit of the
composition. And then we applauded.
For the wait was worth it.
Paul Kochanski is an unique artist.
Few of his kind have ever been made,
for he is a composite of all,-the
temperament, the artistry, the technic,
fie very fiber of a master. To the
music world it is most gratifying to
come upon one whose musical point
of view is aristocratic in the approach
to the music presented. He plays for
the sake of the notes themselves, and
not for the potential eccentric effects.
He presents pure, unadulterated mu-
sic, as virginal as the moment it flew
from the pen of the composer.
As for the program itself. It was
extremely varied with almost the
fullest range possible. It was a diffi-
cult program, and not only for the
violinist but the reviewer as well.
For it was a revelation to hear Bach
as he presented it. The Allegro and
the Praeludium were given to us in
original versions as something vast-
ly new, different, and striking. The
cadenza was purposely inserted for a
further illumination of masterful
technic. And yet this exhibition was
only brought about after we might
have received an impression that the
artist was off-balanced in his art.,
For the Largo of the Vivaldi Concerto
produced in us a holy awe for the
daintiness of his sustained aristocra-
tic dignity. It is at moments of that
sort, when we believe that we have
run him down his road, that he picks
us up and has us chase him down a
new trail; so that in the end we are
compelled to sit back, watch his mas-
tery, and silently mutter: "Here is
a man with something to say, ,and!
With such command of the violin that
he is enabled to say it." In all, we
are. taken, with easy transitions, from
cool brilliancy to warm, intimate
moods, and then back again.
Dvorak's Slavonic Dances in G
Minor afforded Kochanski glorious
means of indulging his interpretative
powers. And he did not fail his Muse.
He all but danced as he played. And
we could hardly keep from dancing
with him. David Hochstein's popular
arrangement of Brahms Waltz in A
Major proved to be the most welcome
number, for here was displayed a
grace, a mastership of beautiful tones,
and a sensuous loveliness. Wieniaw-
ski's Carnaval Russe gave forth many
magic effects of tone, mingled with
a succession of color contrasts. He
I sensed and projected the moods un-
failingly with a tone that glowed into
a final finesse of artistry.



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Ona Feller
Katherine Frohne
Douglass Fuller
Bleatrice Greenberg
Helen Cross
K. J. Yammer
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Ray IHotelich

Hal A. Jaehn
James Jordan
Marion Kerr
Thales N. Lenington
Catherine McKinven
W. A. MahaTfy
Francis D. Patrick
George M. Perrett
Alex K. Scherer
Frank Schuler
George Spater
Wilert Stephenson
Ruth Tbompson
erbert E. Tarinum
Lawrence Walkley
Hannah XWallen

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a y
': J A

At a meeting of fraternity and
sorority representatives held yesterday
afternoon, University officials an-
nounced a relaxation of the automo-
bile ban over the week-end of the
Junior Hop, after a consideration of
the question earlier in the week be-
tween Dean Bursley and a small
group of students.
The decision of the Administration
was first made known publicly to the
fraternity. delegates so that the situa-
tion might be better understood by
the organized groups concerned. Both
Dean Bursley and President Little
asked for the cooperation of house
officials in the licensing of student
cars operated over the J-Hop week-

the pioneer portable
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resent varied

intra nnrl +hai



are in

Leres s ana neir
many cases widely **LLY *WHO
must find a way ,A Y H

hope to stmine

zu aa.+ aau w rr wy

through the maze and they must come
to some understanding of the prob-
lems of each section before they canI
hope to do anything that will be last-
ing and that will make the meeting
or the organization worthwhile. t
Fortunately they have gotten offI
on the right track, and if they can
only follow through with the. same
idea, they seem well on the way to
affecting a settlement and an under-
standing that will be invaluable in
the promotion of trade and friendly
interests between the many countries
involved. Their first resolution had
to do with the frankness with which
each delegate promises to present his
case and to deal with the problems
that are placed before the open

day edit this column, take warning
and dismiss such thoughts from your
minds for ye may see what comes of
writing humor every day. Sometimes
a worse fate befalls for it is rumored
that Timothy Hay is working for the
Detroit Times.
j * * s
The favors committee for the t
coming J-Hop announces that aj
special meeting was held last
night at which it was decidedj
that a great 'mistake had been
made. Accordingly they passed j
a unanimous resolution that all
persons who have received theirj
favors be requested to return{
them to the committee so that thej

. - - - - --- ^ ........ !3 3

end and in controlling the general It is this attitude of frankness that tradition or denvering them a
tenor of the house parties attendant will do much to promote the cause of year after the Hop will not be TIE THTli1I FENT1 H CHAIR"
to the junior class event, the Pan-American union and will cre- broken. They claim that "The Thirteemth
ate in all of the member nations a t______claim__that__"TheThirteenth_
In taking this step the University feling of tha esec tor t Chair" is the first of the mystery
administration has shown detailed feeling of trust and respect for the * plays wvih have liberally sprinkled
cother members. To stay clear of THIS IS SOMEWHAT LATE, but
concern for student nterests. The tiaog the season's successes for the
secret and underhand diplomacy and we noticed in one of the great Chicago
Regents ruling might have easily snoneapast few years. If this is so, another
g theagreements, and to effect all of the newspapers that when President
been interpreted as prohibiting the:1 crime has- been solved and Bayard
rbusiness with cards on the table and Coolidge arrived at Havana he was
operation of cars during the periodI Veiller is guilty of being the indirect
all of the facts and opinions evident cheered by the crowds and showered in
between semesters. Yet, recognizing . cawse of more blank cartridge shots,
is the system most devoutly to be with roses by the crowds. Had we
the convenience and material advan- sdreams in the darkness, rattling
tage of automobiles to the studentssought by a group such as this. It is been the President, we certainly amd trick nake-ups than any
e i to be hoped that the Union and the would not have had the nerve to walkoha op r
Dean Bursley favored liberal inter-' other author of popular drama.
Congress continue with this policy under that shower of roses, for it isy"Tme
pretation. lie that as it may"hThirteenth
for such a policy promises much, a well known fact that the Latin-'o
The only objection seen by the Ad-_Carsilaouhetoh Americans do not possess the sweet-e
ministration to relaxation of the ban sOlot, and deserves credit for doing
TRFF! est of tempers and one could never
was the possibility of student acci- might something of that kind awfully well.
The tariff, hoary veteran of many tell when a little Irish confett
dents in the general exhilaration of Like his current New York success,
a bitter legislative battle has .again be hiding behind one of those roses.
the occasion: This point, however, ir1he Trial of Mary Dugan," in which
point, 'come into the forefront of Senatorial For those who do not know, th~e!
was regarded as refutable by student comenoff.emsatoriaa Ann Harding every night and for two
ccombat with even a number of Repub- comon name for Irish confetti is a tines a week ex
cooperation. The necessity of such; "brick ,,aInesawek poses the moral
an attitude for the benefit of both the ticans supporting a downward -re-* * . turpidtude of a Follies girl who sells
students and the enure University vision. It was this Republican sup- I her body for gold, "The Thirteenth
ds and ty etre port, apparently, which pushed THE STUDENTCOUNCIL .eports Chair" is possessed of a logical plot
Students and the President. through the Senate by a 54 to 34 success, (probably because it is the first
SIcount the motion in favor of down- ll classes, especially the first year
In considering the automobile ban tery play) and-mirabile dictu!-a
ward revision of tariff rates two days I students. There is no wonder about .
in general, President Little strongly ago that for the more advanced students logical and profound conclusion. Also
intimated that The Daily and other ago.bnd w r ere isn't an hysterical maid to
I Te atin eem t 10 (onromte Ihave been here before andl know or rt~~si(Oehwihi upidh
campus organizations have destruc- The nation seems to be confronted at least have a good idea as to what furnish comedy, which is supplied in
tively opposed the auto ban and have with a curious anomaly in regard to hi a totally different a way.
tarif a th prsenttim wih te ihappens to the funds. P erhaps, if theI
obstructed its enforcement. tari tte present me, with Student Council or some other ust imes did it about five years ago,!
As much as it loathes to mar its wayshmstbody like the Senate of the United and the Rockford Players are opening
general approval of the entire action States could show some raesoltsewtt with it this Sunday night as the first
yesterday, The Daily cannot allow the free trade, the forefront with aI the funds collected there would be bill in their season of stock.
expression of opinion by one which it tariff measure designed for farm no trouble at all in collecting them.i** *l
regards so highly to pass unnoticed. crop# T EI ' I, 'IDIENT'rl RECCIL
With all humility and with respect Considering the number of patent AT PRESENT WRITING the great- On Saturady afternoon at 2 o'clock
to the President, it cannot but deny cigar lighters said to have been sold est serial, "Alice in Wonderland," has twenty-one students of Nora Craney
such charges. Editorially, The Daily 1 during the Christmas shopping rush, not beenf fond. If the person who Hunt, of the voice faculty of the
has opposed the complete ban partic- the number of forest fires should be took it does not bring it bake soon School of Music will present a recital

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IN-%-a'-%-K, '" l'n T/" i --%R I

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