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May 12, 1928 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-12

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.,,ATTTRT)A'%" MAV 19 1i19!Z

TH TMCAN li QA'T'TTD~ss--AV w1...rt-ya' t "-.i.[V L J L. I 1L


Architects Held FirstnnaBllSieife

Years A oo

Years ago)


a display or en t huslasnl and, jut ores.I
in thle parityV and lever lbef[ore had
such'1 anl amhaitio us sciucnue ~i,,1'r1 tO
tfecora I jolts been t11td£ ~a h a 11. h
t hemte loseli n as very a lprtop!ia te
at ti h te dute(to te aieheoiogical:
liseoveri'es oft that year am[d111o
Avea~liltl iof ll ) 'W it Iit 11 t wi5IS 1011a,'
t'iJvt to 1the 11pop1uar ing '"Tut" 11and
iEgyttian rand 11( ii nitee'.
From ~s:ih t fi:tjp~al
art a (1eco! ativ ;hfe was evol vdI
inl which 5onii' VeI' VII)vol ideas were !
inlcorporatIed!. Iln orderto laybrout th11
dlesignl on a. very large seaale a steri-
'opttica ii 11iaclinit 0was used 1in much
the 5011 ma it nevit which Owhedesignj

Lead Gra,~nd Ma,,rch 'of Classic Incan 1MallATSI EOAIOSM.,Aspmd

{C llhlvt it n I ; ii lt N oe

A Xis Crac
About 'ane

of, the 111c<l.

'Eie~ ItaJolit V o the

Origititl im kWj at', '[()I'llifo e Menthers
Of Cofepesec ally h i ll

:thie party. Decorations for t his party
wereO composed lartgely of candlela bra
'andl palm-A witich. were arranged along
the sides. of the baillroom. This -part~y
'had' the at mosphere of a very formral

scen1e,5 depied 41a htildillt;'tel'tace(of0
that aiticlt lod,* but, two sections Mof

sport (dunlce, (darik coats
trotiseils ibeinig Worn by

anid light,
The- maleIf

scatleethue alne to 5sea, ttlllitiilts, andF
11he ~hy anid the vother sliolvillg alln
nlti villagie nestling in somei distant An (
val leys. Thultildiingtly Ol'',(sect ion
wats (decoratted with, manry de' fsinsiU-
thi (llt icilby lelrodttlced froill tho(1e
found onl thle sltka tloililt ofI liie~1'h
po01tty \vhll itha o5(1(ldownito lls. j

a (Gra sshopper.
iMiorA la1)id

y.,i 0The con IIItI11'C ill ue11Ft-t{have t) 1in1a year. tl
T i c o m t e i n t o p s h a e -t i a y erIn th e 17 y ears o f its ex isten ce, th e la gl'I u g s- O ~ ~ ' W t
b s d t e r w r la g l on^s g e - o p p r wrArchitects' M ay Party which has he- 'ions offere dl by Prof. Em il Lor cli. receive tile v
:fimlyest blsh d o capushead of the College of A rchitectu re. !whichi was se-
Csorrra so frl salise~lcfhtSwith Itihe restult ant; effectthat the par'- :to give ,the
as one of tile foremost social'func- <
ti~f5 hitl slrpase~lonl by t ty very much r'esembles the Beaux tile various sI
Junior Hopr, has had a very interest- Arts Bail of Paris . Professor Lorch 1l11es of the I
inge~ltio anI i isworhy f tmeis a very enthusiastic supporter of j (Continue
the party, as are all tile other mern"-
to go~ back and eve its past in, or- fber~s of the faculty of the coliege who
der that we might have a clearer con-g
ceptin asto it'siratpid growth. hlave beenl favorably dispjosed toward11Co' c
ception as the party :since its first' inceptionl andi I U4 Y(
Approximately 17 ;cars ago the who have given much time and many
me-eso h olg elzdtesgetost epmk h ate necessity of somte social function, to as successful as they are. I the Colleg'
b)e givenl annual ly, whlich would serve proud 0
as 101(1 in n ff rt to nie he For the last, seven years the stu- an ole t
(leilts have been allowed to tempor-
members of the college more firimrly. i Architectiu
Th Q, iea ta im a ytmarily neglect thleir work in the clas~s FI MayParty ecleea httm a e nmr nodrta hycudwr
its infancy and nothing very preten- romi1rerta hy ol oo tinctilonl am
tilsctll~on tile decorative. scheme. The faculty tiful a~
wao s rcldtedplanned ol Packard maintain thtat tile time spent onl -the capu gi
alanlteprywsparty is not wastedh in view of the those who
given amidlst very unpretentious dec- fact that the stud~enlts are calledl upon . leelta
orationo solve some real practical andl dif-
toieatnanea h irtdneI!the labtor o:
Th atedacea te irt aneficult problems dutrin~g tile process of tllat has w
was -linmted to the studens of the col- decoration. ! into a unit1
lege b~ut it pr'oved so sticcessful that! Several Schemes UIsed ning, and d
a similar party was given the follow- The decorations fotr the party of 1 such a barr
ing year and. tickets were placed onr 1922 were based 0on a peaco(ck motif color as is
campus sale. These dances, which andl were carried out largely through their great:
were semi-formal, were known as the use otf colored crepe paper as the Xttm
"T-.Square Trots." sm'ocks being wornGitn c decorative material . Several ntovel hbest wishes
at some of them. TPwo parties were schlemes in addition to the g~nera nstWI
thn ed tth odI~in uidngdecorations were incorporated in the tiure of tile:
which is now known on the campusl arrangement of thte party. Corsages Dean
as the Mimes theater. The decorationsE were lowered in a large basket from-
at: both these-parties were exceeding- tebloyo lr,~r~maim

I to win onStone Motu;-f
or ' oago. Latrlge siheet s
e tacked[01n thme wails to
views fr'onmthe machine
ca at the p~rop~er distane r
correct. scale and wheni
ld cs were used( the out-
projections wore sketched
ed oni Page Nleven) j

aitd faculty men of
;c of' Engineer'ing are
their' fellow St udenlts
gies or tile College of
re. 'flhe Architects'
has achbieved r'are dis-
riong tile malty beaui-
gracefill evenits of 0111.
fe I wish thtat all
are pr'ivileged to beo
this party mihlt know
if love f'or the artistic
weldied tile architects
it ill conceiving,pln
brinlging in~to heing
rmnloyiof (designI andl
os displayed in this,
ttriumphl of the year.
congiratulations go my
S. bRare enjoyment is
or' themin iltile hpleas-
ir friends and guests.
1Mortimer E. Colley.

. 14

Miss Ai zella tMyers o TIoledho an d Otto Wenzlcr, '28.4, who led 250
couple)s0 ill .tle l( and march tof ith ev etnt enth atllti lh May party, brl' -
lianut atrlhitectural01college fete. wililih as leld(Ilast. nigt in HIbor'

fthe su, and (crude bhittllfigutres
(:nollh)d (1theO ntajority of* these. r~The6
de:signls whichilWere Inot ]replicas of t
f lcanItwor'k woere created in simil ar'
style, butt were pu t'ev lylit gilittive..
Thle orch estra'l played froim a raisedf
palot toi'ttsurlroundebelhy anll Jion b1 al
usI rode, an11(1belil them was aIhuge
btiird pailnted in blrilliant; color1s, syml-
btolic of the r'isiing 5111.
(Cointinued on Page Twelve)

something tocdo with.


II .-~-"--'--.--------------~'-----------'- ii


We hope you have a
Wond erful Time...
Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk


And h e wa s taking
A Digrat the_
Dumbbells who
Waited until tle



week in

May before they

r . wMewrw rw Y .4w n nw.+ses:.® W M.i' wr.uri - .irnrn+a ®rrv '
mNeir.n eeewav. .


hy ulnpretentious, which was thle scene of the p arty for
Part} Fifers 'New Era that year.

In 1921 the May party entered a'
new .era, the affair being held for the{
first tim'e in the present Union build-
ing. The work 'of producing this par-
ty was placed Iin the hands of a small
group of five men who were able to
stage the event largely through their o n :f rt , e n b i g cal d u nj
to, make personal financial contrib~u-
tions in an effort to pay utp a deficit
'which was incutrredh while produlcing

Informal summer dress was worn
at this party as at those preceding
and it might 1)e of "inlterest to know
thlat this party drew state widle publ-
liicity ftrom tile press andl was classed
as the largest and most pretentious
of its kind to lie given in the entire
state at that time.
The Egyptian party of 192.3 was a
real innovation in the line of May
parties. Never had there been such

.All Coats Reduced

. -
;__ _ }
-- '
%' 1
i l/
r %\/ / Ili h
1 ,
. . ,,
1< \ r
< '
! \
, ' , '
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, / ,
'' r



At CakinsFlether'
Three Dependal toe
and Sandihes Ks ~rchr
Ard ere wt
aSleto andQickess
These Memories
and With Your Kodak
They can be finished but once. .
Let us do it over .night and in-
,- sure their being successful.
'Pictures of the Swing-Out and Other Spring Functions

over to

a 4
Tis and That, and
Found,, alas, to ate,
That the Wise Ones
Had been there

Burr, Patternson,

& Auld

Ear y an d
Taken the Pick


Sale to get

Of the '
thRings an ti ngs. i
Now 'don't burst
A blond-vessel-.
There are still

\ - ,- {


. .
' ,.

* * *


A Collection of Coats
Vtmious Models
(oatssfor the sports occasionl01 or 'o dress we'ar.
Showing collars in diverse modes; scarfIs, off-the-
'~shouldIer, wrap-arounld. And cuffs of novel width and(
shlape. They arie adlaptab~le f'or' wear withl every t yj~e
of fr'ock. And sii cleverly tailored1 are they thlat they
formi lovely ensem bles with prin~ted1oir solid coori
l''bsor hlotuse-skir't costunie. In t weed, chleviot,
bi'ameena, kasha or satini. For misses anid Womni.

* *

Left, but

Of Good Gifts

.. .
y :_.

There's o telling
H owmuch longer


T hey will ° I-qrqf



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