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January 10, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-10

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--- '

J"""n 'R"L' Says American Women Do N0t Compare TO DIRECT UNIOR PLAY
10T - t With French Women As To Personality
Dressing to- catch the eye may be healthy and fine, and her figure"
TILE mu it janDart withu the American woman, (Again that twinkle). "I thhik it is
I Pl , M' E but Dr. John B. Cloppet, university much nicer than that of the French
insrucor n Rmane Lnguges auNN~wma, but she lack the lovely -,nd
structor Romance Languages, an kindly eyes o? her French sistev You


"That's it exactly. Take the case eemcermitteoe oast mid-
of divorces. In the.first place there night, much less until 2 or 3 o'clock.
are vgry few divorces in France. The While to be with a man she'd scarce-
American woman, on the other hand ybtmt-nhkae!
marries a man, drives him to, to
"I spoke a moment ago of discour-
hlow would you say it?" f
"To drink?" I supplied. tesy. This is what I meant. The other Miia Miller, '27.
day I held open the door while five .--
"Then when she has him well or six womren filed out. Not one of D rECTO OFPLA
spoiled and doesn't wanthimany th emn even smiled, much lessnsaid IRE TO OF PL
more, she insists that he pay her ali- 'Thank you.' Now that's not always NOTED FOR PARTS
mony to get rid of her." the case; it is not even the preyail- N CA P S LAY
I opened my nVputh ind gnantly, but ing spirit, but it is there all the I____
the gle'im in his eye warned ro in same. It is almost a spirit of 'take all
time and I subsided with a bit ofj and give nothing. I suppose it has, Altheughashersprm smBe y- ~
embarrassment that I had let myself been brought about indirectly be- ticularly for her part as "Becky"
be trapped. cause of the fact that in coming in in the Junior Girls' Play of 1926, Min-
"But I mean it," he went on. "It contact with the world, woman to na Miller, '27, who will direct the' com-
is too bad to generalize. Generaliza- preserve her independence has had to ing junior play, took an active part in
-tions are always unfair. But since build about herself a hard protecting numerous dramatic productions on
you insist on - having them--"' he shell. Which is one reason why men uc amanin amons tes
shruged. "The Ameriean woman is prefer wom'en in the home."
were her portrayals of the leading
Tfl'nr FIND ROMAN GOLD parts in both Sister. Beatrice, Schnit-
,zler's work, and The Cradle Song,
ON SWEDISH ISLE both plays having been ])resented byI
-u hMasques. Miss Miller also . took part
Dating from the early part of the in plays sponsored by Comedy Club.
HELD*9T FIEL , H0 t fifth century,' a hidden treasure of In her senior year she directed the
Roman gold coins and rings has been senior girls' play, thus gaining val-
uable experience for her present
Are you coming to the W.A.A. house- found on the Swedish island of Oland undertaking.rSince her graduation
warming tomorrow night at the new in the Baltic sea. Miss Miller has continued her inter-
field house? Of course you are, or It was discovered accidentally when est in dramatics.
you can plan to now. It's at 5 a plot of land was being cleared for Commenting on her work in this di-
o'clock and will last until 7:30 o'clock. farming. Four of the coins are alwaysfound draticwosairk of"gre
There will be a huge fire in the new stamped with the likeness of the East- interest and pleasure. My experience
fireplace; an excellent supper v'ill be Roman Emperor Theodosius II, who while an undergraduate is valuable to
served cafeteria style, and best o.f all, resigned between 408 and 350 A.D. me, most of all the training and -a-

Russian Provinces St
Costumes, Due To Th
Russia has been one of the Mast}
countries in Europe to discard me-
dieval traditions, manners and cos-
tumes. This is due to the slight in-
flux of western ideas, and the in-
fluence of the late Orthodox church.
The mass of population is still
steeped in superstition, which is
stronger and more generally believed
than the teachings of the Christian
religion. It is taught by the mothers
to s-mal children, so that by the
'time they become adults it is part of
their life.
The lower classes are very rough,
and live, in many cases, little better
than animals. In the winter time a
large family live in one. small hut.
The building is bare of furniture ex-
cept for a rude table and a few
benches. The stove is the important
piece, for it serves as furnace, cook-
ing place, table, and even bed. One
must understand that it is not of the
same type as that known in this
country, but, is ahuge brick affair that
takes up half of the room, and reach-
es nearly to .the ceiling. The fam'ily
spread blankets on the toand use
it as a single, family bed. Oftentimes
there is a loft which is on the other
side of. the room. Here the children
sleep in the summer tim'e, and here,
the scanty food is stored for the
winter. After the .children are in bed
for the night the wife and, mother
bring in the live-stock for the night.
The women are the only busy ones
and they never rest. Besides all the
duties of the liouse-holi, and the
strenuous duties of mothlerhood, tie
wyomen have to work in the fiels. In
the winter timn'g the men stay. in the
house and whileaway the time. To
the women belongs the task of draw.
ing water, bringing in wood .and per-
forming the numberless things which
are necessary for life in. rigorous cli-,
mates. Yet the women are the' most
humble, and the most open to new
Inthe south among the 'Kossack
tribes the women are of a much high..
er caliber. They are strong and well-
formed, they are less humble, and
rulers in their own homes. Naturally
the women look much better physi-
cally, have bright eyes. possess a
clear Complexion, and have light

ill Retain Quaint isolated provinces wear the b
trousers. Here the women are
e High Cost Of Living more secluded and theyhavel
(10o with the men, in both the
I sleeve, and the length of the skirt, and in the home. Oftentimes
and the accessories, aprons and cap- wander through .the steppes,
es. Some of the Russian slawvs eathe nomad life, content with
and that little is stolen. The
kid boots, and others have only san- are dark, slender and of a mor
dais or heelless slippers. The 'head- tractive type than the slav.
dress varies the most. Young girls homes are tents, which are F
dress the hair differently than tI carried from place to place, a
married women, and each district is method of travel is by horseT'&
suite individunalistin in thn+r..,

c "" u1J~.ic n Mat respect.
Head dresses may be only shawls,
or bright kerchiefs. They may be
of heavily starched muslin, or elab-
orately embroidered with beads, or
even semi-precious stones, depending
upon the wealth of the community.
In early times m-etal ornaments were
used, but now only fashionable de-
signers use these lovely types of Rus.
sian design.,
In the east..the oriental .-influence
is more apparent. T'be women wear
heavy gold coins, and even in some

This year a gain of 25 per ci
the number of inmates was stat
the officials of the' Michigan
Prisno at Jackson.
A summer of European tra
combined with study for you
ladies. Apply with references
1145 Washtenaw. Dial 3

I .

Fratern ty and
pictures must be
made before
Ja1. 25


Comple teline of standard and .wall frame's

Dey Studios

For Appointment Call 5031
334 So. State

perience which I received while work------------- , .-'..g
you can look all around and examine Three of them were minted when the hair.
evey nok nd rany o th lo - mpeor eo as n 'ing with Amy Loomis. I am glad to ar
every nook and cranny of the long Emperor Leo was in 'power, and one ! have this opportunity to continue with west part of Russia belong to slavish
waited for women's athletic ouildirng. was from the reign of the Emiperor ;this type of work." Those peoples living in the south-
Not only this but you will meet all of Anthemius from 467 to 472 A.D. _ --stock. The dress of the women is
your old friends and see many more The rings are of spiral pattern and LEAMINGTON, Eng.-A matrimon- practically the same. The attractive
that you have not met before. served for currency. At the time ial bureau to supply wives for colon- peasant blouses, heavily embroidered,
Every member can bring a friend there were no coins minted in Sweden ial settlers was suggested by Lieut. the full skirts, and bright colored
and is urged to do so. The price of and gold was used according to Gen. Sir George McMunn, head of the ribbois wound in the hair. Women
tehaofthe supper is 65 cants. weight, so piece after piece was re- Church of England council on empire in different districts dress as they
Members of the faculty of the moved from the spiral rings in lieu settlement. Thisan ggestion met with have done for centuries, theadiffer-
physical education school have been of paying in currency, disapproval in the church. ences being in the length of thEI
asked to be present also Miss Alice
.Lloyd, Miss Beatrice Johnson, Miss .'3##!#![!#l 11!#i!1!#!~ 1!1!!!IC# #!#!!##I!!!!t!1#!#1!!11!#!!!1!E!!#1#!#1#11!!11#11!# !!i!!t!!!!11!!1'itlltllll'1!!I
Grace Richards, Mrs. Elizabeth Wood-
worth, and Miss Dorothy Ogborn from
the office of advisers to women. Between t e
rBetty Smither, '29, is chairman oi -
the party and has as her assistants:-
Dorothy Lyons, '29, attendance andl BETSY ROSS SHOP
pirograms, Helen Cranford, '2.) service, 1 J1
Inez Clarke '29, preparation and 12 0.:
favors, and Margaret Stahl, '30, in
charge of decorations and refresh-
ments. %
,Sodas-Ice Cream-Candy
BesyRoss So
R B O S Afor all makes of o rr v e tn o n
Rapid turnover, fresh stock insures
best quality at a moderate price. N ksA a
0. D. MORRILL L5 Nickels Arcade
17 Nickels Arcade. Phoue 661 . I1 1 11 11111#1#!#111ill#1!!tll!1l11!I IINll111

An Eveready Show the Wa
When you want a good steady liht
depend on an
We carry a complete stock
1.0to $4.00
Eberbach & Son DO,

Established 1843
200-202 E. Liberty St.


Special Selling

h ,

i 10
t S Q
Costum ed 4at'Our
The Starting Point of
a Successful Evening
Clothes makes the man, and let us say too,
that a woman, smartly costumed, mazes a
man proud to be her escort. No doubt
about it, that first impression of the eve-
ning which flashes through the gentleman's
mind thatt tonight his lady looks more
lovely than ever goes a long way toward
the success of the evening. .Mack & Co.'s
apparel is known everywhere for its
charm-let u's prove to you what a de-
ni, Itful evening will always result from
r being costumed here.


= .
4 )
j u
,,, L,

In Two Groups
$8.95 and $1Z,'5O
We have further reduced the prices on
two groups of dresses. In the group that is
reced to $8.95 are found wool 'dresses,
jerseys and wool crepes in navies, combina-
tions, reds, greys, biege and lighter shades.
In the $12.50 group are found our better
dresses of silk and wool and silk in the late

winter shades.

You will be pleased 'with

the selections and the wonderful values:

.... .... .. 3.00



. $5.00


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