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May 10, 1928 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-10

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TO, OPPSI MICIGAN'Oosterbaan .
Lange ......
Three Games Scheduled for Friday Corri.en .
Mor . ...
And Saturday Wil Determihw Sioage .......
Title Prospeefs McCoy......
it ~Weintraub..





. ...17
... 19
... 05
.. . 1








Thirteen members of the bosehall
team, Coach Ray Fisher, and Manager
Jim McKillen will leave Ann Arbor
this afternoon for Iowa City where
Michigan will play the Iowa nine on
Friday. Fromr Iowa City the team will
journey to Uihanafor a double he d-
e ° with Illinois (in Saturd3ay.
The personnel of the sqluad that
Coach Fiisher -will takro tn the trip
will be the same as that which made
the eastern trip last week with the
exception of Harold Myron, who will
replace George Squier as utility man
and Slage, who will be the reserve
outfielder in place of Straub. The
others are Captain Loos, Oosterbaan,
Corriden, ,Weintraubl, .Reilbman, Mc-
Coy, Nehelung, Lange, McAfee, As-,
beckz, and ' awne.
Four pitchers are Included on the
roster of the invading Wolverine
squad. Coach Fisher will have McAfee,
Asbeck, and Oosterbaan available, one1 '
to start each of the three games. Dick
Gawn$ will be kept as a relief hurlerf
in case he is needed.
This trip to Illinois and Iowa will
play a large part in deternraining
Michigan's prospects of annexing the
Big Ten diamond championship. Three
victories would go a long ways to-
wards clinching the title, while a trio
of losses would seriously dampen
such opes. '
Both Illinois and Iowa possess;
strong ball clubs, as they tied for the
Conference title last year. The Hawk-
eyes are in second place in the stand-
ings with five victories and on/ one

Sq uier.......

Root of the Chicago Cubs and Mc-
Weeny of Brooklyn engaged in a
pitching duel for 12 innings at Chi-
cago yesterday before a run in the
last of the twelveth gave the Cubs a
2 to 1 victory. Both pitchers were
well supported each club having only
one error.
Rain and cold weather forced all of
the teams in the American league to
take a day of rest while a. full sched-
ule of games was played in the Na-
tional league.
Barnes of the New York Giants
1 hurled his way to a shutout against
the Pirates. While Barnes wa's hold-
ing the Pittsburgh club to five hits,
hiis teammates maiaged to find Daw-
son and Ilrane for 10 bingles for a 6
to 0 win..
The St. Louis Cardinals handed the
Phillies the worst drubbing of the day
when they pounded Ring, pitching for
Pittsburgh, for seven run's. The Card-
inals began their attack in the first
inning and ran four men across the
rubber. The game ended 7 to 1 in

Coach Steve Farrell Anne-unces The
Wolverimes To Compete Ini l)ual
Meet Aginst oj wers * .
Minnesota's entries for the dual
meet with Coach Steve Farrell's Wol-
verine track squad were received ye's-
terday morning, while the veteran
Michigan mentor posted his tentative
list ef starters in the afernoon.
Coach Sherman Finger of the Goph-
er squadc will bring a contingent, o=
2 3 mlen tfo compete in the engagem~ent,
while .Coach Farrell named virtvai.rly;
the entire Wolverine sqluad, a lthiougrh11
only three men will be allowed to
compete in the track events, and four
in the field events.
Enter Three Men In Each Event
The coach of the Northmen has en-
tered three men in each of the 15
events on the program, in spite of the
fact that hi's squad numbers only 23
men. Tlis is possible because of thet
all-around ability of several of the
Gopher individual performers. '1
Minnesota xvil be represented in the
dashes by Rhea, Kyle, Finch, and
Wieseger; the first three performing
in the 100, while Wie'seger, Rhea and
Finch will compete in the longer I
sprint. Catlin, Bernhagen and Chal-
gren will run the quarter, with the'
last two and IVicGinnity entered in the
Anderson, Strain, and Bassett are
scheduled to compete in the mile,
with Anderson, Bassett and North
running the two mile. Otterness,
Jacobs, and Card complete the Gopher
entries in both hurdle event's. Otter-
ness is also the best of the Minnesota
pole vaulters, with Hess and Crowley
as his teammates.
Rhea In high Jump
The high jump will be taken care of
by Rhea, Otterness, and Hess, with
Catlin, Kyle, and less compe!eting in"
the broad jump. Captain Laemmle
Johnson, and Hess are the Northmen
who will throw the discus, while the
first two and McKinnon will take care
of the shot.-
The javelin has attracted McK-in
non, Hess, and Eliason, and the latter
with Branch and MacKinnon are en-
tered in the hammer throw.
Coach Steve Farrell announced ye's- !
terday that Captain Hester, Grodsky,
Stuch, Harbaugh, and Chapman are
the possible entries in the dashes;
with Munger, Jones, Seymour, Freese,
and Hough as the outstanding 440
men. Lomont, Monroe, and Leonard
were named for the half mile, while
(Continued on Page Seven)

I "Ini ans" Uncover Promising Pa siu
A ttai k: "4Mio Sta ic" i
long I r ie lFor Ueai I
"TIllinois" and "Ohio State" o;mi:-
atcd spring toothall pi r'ctice ys'ter-
lday, the "Indians" downing "Indiana"
9 to while the "Buckeyes" were ek-
ing out a 7 to (} victory over CtaehI
- .lKipke's "Michigan State" eleven.
:......,. Whije Iugli ., ' 4-yard tplae< hkick
xwas p~robably l he outstandingpzlay of'
1 .. the 'afternoon, the two gam res xverc'
: _ marked by some ex.cellent footb.} I
"lllinois" displayed a threatcning
99 bassing attack while the 'Ohio State"
. staged a 40-yard ]narch down the field
in tihe closing minutes of the game
L - ' !AZE CUYL R- with "M.S.C." for a tozchtown.
Star outfielder of the Chicago Cubs, ''Illiniis" kicked off to "Indiana" to
who has returned to the lineup after start the first game. After making
an ab'sence of several days caused by on' first down, tlhe "Indiana" backs
injuries. Cuyler is one of the leacling tailed to go in and Simeral pln)ted to
hitting and fielding players of the Geistert who fumbled. Justice,
National league to date. "l Ioosier" right end, fell on the ball
, on "Illinois" 40-yard marker. "Illi-
A A UT to E§xammine non;" Iaunhed an attack with Swartz
* and hugh's carrying the ball that
Paddock's Film Tour advanced tlich:all to the "Indian" 40-
yeirdine. A couple of passes were
good for about 18 more yards and
LOS ANGELES, May 9.--Murray 1 I-lughes made another first dowli on
Hulbert, president of the amateur th "Indiana" 25-yard line. Three
athletic union, has directed the atten- tries at the lin failed and Hughes
ion of the soutlherui 'Pacific associa- di'olppetd back 1.0 yards and booted a
tion, a division 0f that body, to perfect goal. The ball travelled about
Charles Padldock's film anid lecture 45 yards.
tour of the east. Illinois' " off-side habit in the last
This was revealed today by Robert half offered several oppo'rtuniities for
S. Weaver, President of the S. P. A., an "Indiana" advance but the "Hoos-
who said that Hulbert pointed out that Pitr" attack entering around Simarll
the sprinter's actions have aroused eculd inot make the necesasry yard-
much unfavorable comment, not osly age. "Illinois," after a poor star,, in
in the ast, lut aiso froml internatioti- the thir(1 quarter, got going in the last
al sources." priod and forced over a touchdowii
The action was takeni by the A. A. on a couple of long posses b)oth from
U. president in connection with Pa(1- Ceistert to Truskowski the latter fin-
dock's picture, "The Olympic H-lero" ally taking the ball over for a touch-
with which the dash man now is mnak- down.
ing personal appearances in the ea'st. The "Michigan State"-"Ohio State"
Weaver said Paddock was reported as battle was a hard fought contest. The
intending to accept money covering "Spartan" eleven held back their heav-
his enterprises after the Olympic ior opponents for three quarters, but
games, and it was this status to which the ,'fluckeyes" marched down the
-lulbert called attention. field in the last perioad for the only
! ____--__ _.. .toruchdown of the game. Iolmes' fine
f punting for "Michigan State" avert-
I C'EERINU NOTICE .ed several threats of an earlier score.
I All sophomore's interestedl in r';The first three stanzas were a 'see-
} trying out for assistant cheer , saw struggle, but the "Ohio State"
leader wii meet at the Yost field backfield smashed the left side of the
house at 5 p.m., today. , "NT.S.C." line in the fourth period for
Iatlph E. Pop . ,a 40-yard march that was only end-
I 'Vtirbsiry (hir Leader. Jed when Wheeler plunged through for
I a touchdown. Avery kicked the goal.


Golf -Nothx tn thiere
Baseball-Iowa, there.

Ban 'ha li-- i F z luidtlr 4Ledl By3 'Cronnell, 'Pwl~e
B ;a;,srll-Illinioi , ther"e
('onkerence Champion, Are
Trck-Minnesota,here.en High atg
:Teni:S -Iltflinoid, hre .FOUR WOLVES UNBEATEN
When the Illinois tennis team in-
n irrnvades Ann Arbor Saturday to settle
what has been one of the keenest
rivalries of Big Ten net circles, the
Sucker netm'n will run up against
a Wolverine lineup which will in-
Victoriouzs over the Purdue teamby cine colleescomtypletinso nfat-
a 1s-3gcore in the first Big Tencn-e afa
test o= ithe sason, the Wolverine golf-~year.
ers will face a mucht harder test today On the othzer handc, the Illini also
when they oppose the formidable have something to boast of-a Con-
Northwestern outfit on the Wilmette ference singles champion for the last
courses in the first match of a series two years, Captain O'Connell, not to
oi thre whi~ch will virtually determ- speak of two or three other players
f th h wl vul d - of high calibre.
Ine wihere the aize and Blue aggre- The Wolverine team includes Cap-
gation will finish in the 1928 Confer- tain Barton and Moore, 1927 Big Ten
ence race. champions, and two other veterans
The Wildcat team also scored an from last year's Conference title-hold-
easy win over the Boilermakers, in ing squad, Ken Schaefer and Durwin
their first Conference tilt by a margin Algyer.
of 12-4, scoring in exactly the same Of the five men certain to playoan
manner as the Wolverines did last the team, Schaefer is the only player
Saturday at Barton, Hills with the ex- who has been defeated, dropping a
ceptof that Coh taWnaged to win one hard fought three set duel to h ts Nar-
nine of hfs match with Whitaker n hawestern o ponent after a td atch that
The Wolverines will probably be lasted well over two hours.
representedl by John Bergelin in num- Captain Barton showed himself to
her one position, with Capt. Addit be one of the best players in the Big
Connor, Ralph Cole, and Al Vyse Ten last year by going through
lilaying the other three in the order Michigan's strenuous schedule unde-
named. In the foursomes Connor ar1l fcated untljtheiConference tournament
Cole will form the first team with at Chicago, and has m'aintained his
Bergelin and VysQ composing fhe see- 1927 pace by winning easily in his
ond pair. three matches this year.
Opposing the Maize and Blue team Bob Heaney, one of the two new-
will be Seymour Dexter, Purple nur.- comers on the team, has held down
her one mn'an who forced Lehman, Pur- the second singles position without
due star, to play 19 holes before an- a loss, although forced t ocome from
nexing the match; Pierce, McKay, and behind against his Northwestern and
Whitaker. The first three named are Indiana opponents in hard three set
veteran performers from' the 1927 matches to do so.
team. Durwin Algyer, another letterman,
Last season the Wolverines scored has had easy times in his three mat-
an easy victory over Northwestern ov- ches to date, and holds the enviable
er the Ann Arbor course, wining tke record of not having allowed an op-.
match by a 16-2 count. ponent more than three games in, any
Immediately following today's match set.
the Michigan squad will entrain ior The .smallest member of the squad,
Madison where it is scheduled to face King Moore, also is the hardest driv,-
the Badger team in the second engage- er, and has taken the offensive and
ment away from hcom'e. Returning to the net s'uccessfully in his three
Ann Arbor Monday, the Maize and matches this year. The sixth singles,
Blue golfers will meet their most dif- position is as yet undecided, althoilgI
ficult test of the year in the Illinois it is probable that Graham, who won
aggregation. against his Spartan opponent in his
The Illini won the Big Ten title last only match, will play.
season, by downing the Wolverines at Bacon will pair with Schaefer to
Champaign in a close m'atch. make up the third doubles team.

defeat which was administeerd by the favor of
Wolverines at Ferry field in a 7-6 10- The t
inning battle last month. pitchers
The Illimi are tied for third place Boston.
with Indiana, having chalked up four eighth p
wins aganst two losses. Wisconsin Reds.
tripped up the Scarlet and Grey by
scoring five runs in the ninth inning New Yor
to beat themni, 5-2. Ohio State also ,Pittsburg
downed Coach Lundgren's team by an Barnes
8-3 count. Philadel]
Postponement of the Illinois-Michi- St. Louis
gan game of April 21 at Ferry field Ring;
on account of rain has necessitated Boston
the double header with Illinois. Deter- Cincinnat
urination of the leaders in the Confer- Genew.
ence -ra'ce will be dcpendent upon the Brooklyn
outcome of Michigan's games this Chicago
week end. McWee

St. Louis.
Cincinnati Reds used two
to win a close game from
Three runs in the la'st of the
ut the game on ice for the
National League
k .......020 200 020-6 10 1
gh .......000 000 000-0 5 1
; Dawson, Brane.
phia ....000 001 000-1 6 1
........400 120 OOx-7 11 0
Littlejoh n.
..........000 000 100-1 4 1
ti ........000 000 13x-4 9 1
ich; Rixey, Edwards.
....000 001 000 000-1 8 1
......000 001 000 001-2 10 1
eny; Root.

i ---
i --


A utomatic
has replaced
s -1-0 -w-

/4 /








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