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May 10, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-10

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l I-IL 'lATTTCN 'AI Yl.A'1.:1!'1 L'L L.L'..IIUIUr }',AY' WJAIt) V28'J

Published every morning except Monday
ring the, University year by the Board in
ntrol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
T'he Associated Press is exclusively en-
ed to the use for republication of all news
patches credited to it or not otherwise
dited in this paper and the local news 'pub.-
hed herein,'
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
chigan, as second class matter. Special rate
postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
ister General.
Subscription by earrier. $4.00; by mail,
dAces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
rd Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 1214.
Telephone 4926
itor......, .............Ellis 1. Merry
itor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
ws Editor. ... ..... ..... Philip C. Brooks
ty t.:ui ....... Courtland C. Smith
omen's Lditor......Marian L. Welles
>rts Editor ..... .Herbert E. Vedder
.eater, Books 4and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
istant Pity Editor .. Richard C. Kurvink
Night 'Editors
bert E. Finch G0. Thomas McKean
Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
ul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
then Anderson Sally Knox
argaret Arthur John H. Maloney
x A. Bochnowsk: Marion McDonald
in Campbell Charles S. Monroe
sie Church Catherine Price
nchard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman
rence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn
argaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
lborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
rjorie Follmer Eleanor Scribner
nes B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz
bert J. Gessner Robert G. Silbar
aine E. Gruber Howard F. Simon
ce Hagelshaw George E. Simons
eph E. Howell Rowena Stillman
Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone
arles R. Kaufman George Tilley
lliam F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller
wrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
nald J..Kline Benjamin S. Washer
k L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
istant Manager...George H. Annable, Jr,
vertising............Richard A, Meyt
vertising............Edward L. Hulse
vertising..... ....... John W. Ruswinckel
counts.......... .Raymond Wachter
"culation..............George B. Ahn, Jr.
blication...............Harvey Talcott
irge Bradley RayHofelich
ie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
nes Carpenter James Jordan
arle K. Correll Marion Kerr
bara Cromell Thales N. Leningtou
try Dively Catherine McKinven
sie V. Egeland Dorothvy Lyons
a Felker Alex K. Scherer
herineFrohne George Spater
uglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
tice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum
:en Gross Lawrence Walkley
J. Hammer Hannak Wallen
rl W. Hammer


Diagonal Tuesday afternoon must nec-
essarily have demonstrated time and
again during their college careers
that they can meet the competition
which their own- class has to offer,
and this competition is largely the
same which they will meet when they
have made the final swing from their
college careers into the broad world.
A single instance, or a small group
of instances, are always dangerous
things from which to generalize. Youth
and the present generation has achiev-
ed more than its share for its age, and
it will be well equipped to take the
burden from the shoulders of its pred-
ecessors when that burden is passed
on to it.

Bitters Ominick's clever little mono-
logue would appear in today's Rolls-
and with no advance in price for the
added bit of confection.
* * *
AND NOW WE proilse further that
if the contribs continue as they have
started to flow we will set aside one
day or so each week as a kind of
special day for those efforts best fit.
ted for this column. And we'll vouch
for those run today as being pretty
* * *
BUT BEFORE WE start on all those
red hot items from other sources just
a few more swigs from the old bot-
tle ought to be relished. And that re-
minds Demoniacal Georgie over here
(he always watches when we pound
out this stuff) that some of the seniors
mistook Swing-Out for Pass-Out.


With the end of the semester around
the corner, and the end of the school
year walking hand in hand with it, the
ever-present problem of final examin-
ations once more projects itself into
the foreground. Final examinations,
apparently a relic from some bygone
day when a Puritan schoolmaster
brandished a ruler over the heads
of his gay college students, have come
down to us year after year in all
their pristine glory; and though many
admit that they are comparatively
useless, and students as a whole de-
test them, only now are bright signs
of abatement appearing on the edu-
cational horizon (at Harvard).
In a large course, where several
hundred students drowsily absorb
knowledge for the period of a semes-
ter, and where the problem of know-
ing even a third of the section is a
titanic one for the instructor, such
examinations are probably inevitable.
The value of such courses is, however,
debatable as compared with the value
of smaller sections; but it is in these
smaller sections where practically
every member of the class can be
called on day after day, and where the,
instructors can know by his first name
each student enrolled, that final ex-
aminations reach their pinnacle of ab-
An institution upon which so large
a part of college education is predi-
cated can not, of course, be summar-
ily abandoned. Educational experi-
ments, such as the present reading
periods at Harvard, while not in the
nature of abolishing examinations, of-
fer promise of improvement at least.
Such steps are measures which de-
serve the attention of progressive ed-
ucational institutions such as our
An innovation of the all-campus

boys singing that little ditty in
of the so-called restaurants-"See
little angels ascend up, etc."
* * *



MAY 10, 1928.

Problems, new and old, continually
e everyone. Iany are solved, many

partially solved, and some never are
settled. Among the latter type is the
question of the younger generation
which seems always to be working
toward certain downfall. It is the
continual worry of fond parents and
the subject of much discussion in
groups which know nothing about it.
Publicity may be the cause of the
discussion because it is only the way-
ward acts of a very few which are
put before the eyes . of the public.
When young men and women' ,are
killed in an accident, the misfortune
is laid to the recklessness of they
young people. When they are caughtj
in unfortunate circumstances, it is the
result of an age of immorality, ac-
cording to those who do the worrying.
When they are slightly indiscreet on
Swing-Out day it is a sign of im-
pending ruination. Yet there are
comparatively few who are respon-
sible for most of the wayward acts
which come to attention.
The great mass of young people has
a pretty clean record-an enviable
record. Approximately 1700 of this
over-criticized generation will gradu-
ate in June, from the University of
Michigan alone, and their graduation
is the result of at least four years of
effort on studies-hard work. These
same people will go out into the pro-
fessional and business worlds to fill
the places of older men who have
finished their days of work. They will
be the executives of large corpora-
tions, the developers of the profes-
sions, the guiding hand of the coun-
try at large. This is the. group or
part of the group that must be de-.
pended upon to carry on the enter-
prise of a great nation. Their prac-
tical ability will begin to display it-
self, and will develop with time.
Through the business and profes-
sional world today there is a call for
youth on a scale which has rarely
been approached before; and with this
growing confidence in the younger
generation comes an ever-increasing
reco d of accomplishment by men
scarcely past their college careers.
Outstanding, of course, is Charles
Lindbergh, but scores of other men,
in high and responsible positions, in-
cluding our own President Clarence,

elections yet4erday which deserves
favorable comment is the method fol-
lowed out of roping off the polling
places to prevent, as much as possi-
ble, electioneering. For years the
type of forward and sometimes ob-
noxious campaigner, interested in
some one or another candidate, has
been a pest on all-campus election
day, and though the species has not
been entirely eliminated, his influence
has been considerably reduced by the
present regulation.
One further step which would make
the system perfect, perhaps, is yet to
come, with the prevention of all cam-
pus politicians from taking advan-
tage of their positions to work inside
of the enclosure, for various men.
Probably no amount of regulation, out-
side of popular opinion, will ever en-
tirely prevent men from aiding their
candidates at the polls in some man-
ner; and since the object in mind must
constantly be to reduce such influence
to its minimum, the present step of
the Student council in roping off the
polls appears in the light of an ex-
tremely wise one.
The University will be the host to-
day of more than 4,000 high school
musicians who will be here for the
finals in the state orchestra and chor-
us championship contests. These'
groups, which include seven of the
most common formations of instru-
ments and voices, will come from all
parts of Michigan.
This will be the third time within
a few weeks that the University has
played host to a large group of high
school students, representing many
sections. Earlier, the state high
school debaters and journalists met
here, holding conferences and inspect-
ing the University and the campus.
It is fitting again that the University
should be the host. It has long been
recognized as preeminent in national
musical circles, on account of May
Festivals and the other concert ser-
ies. The School of Music is one of the
finest in the country. Everything lends
itself to make Michigan's university
and Ann Arbor an ideal place for
these gatherings.

ought to mean something. By the
way, how would some of those sophis-
ticated sophomores like to send in
copies of the printable songs which
might be used on the occasion of
other Swing-Outs?
* * *
That's the address * * *
'* * *
Here now, Three Star
In .them grand old days, now gone
to the place where the pink snaiks
went,. Hennessey's old Three Star
yused to be a name to raise blisters,
and they had to serve it in Purdue
Plate-1-4 inch, with rivits.
That was no stuff to fool with. Why,
they was a ship loaded with it in the
Andyman islands once when the car-
go sprung a leak and et the hull
ship up, from kilson to t'galants,
waleboat and all. The sharks was
their, scads of 'em, and the' crew seen
thar finish. But the sharks got so pik-
kled drunk the sailors bridled 'em
with' thar shoolaces, and rode 'ei
Yes, sir, if youd had some of THAT
now, your colyu would be more spir-
eted like.
But dag snoozle it, YOU woodnt
know how to handle it. Why, I've seen
men growd old in sin and soakin drink
shelack afore they tackled good old
3 sizzles. Save the surface and you
save the works. I once heard tell of
a man in Seattle; he dropped a drum
of 3 star and they picked up. one of
his garters in Noo York & t'other in
Honeylooloo-and his socks ain't come
down yet. And once a undertaker in
Little Rock made a fox pass and used
it instead of embammers flooid; the
corps dansed a jig with the pale bears.
But the relatives, the name was Mac-
Donald, had paid in advance for the
oseekwies, so they had to hit him on
the haid to make him do rite by them.
Yoors Trooly
Bitters Ominick
* * *
THERE NOW, THAT was worth
waiting for, and Bitters has promised
to send in some more about his dorg
and other things. H'ray . . . Lark
promised to write tomorrow's colyum
on the senior ball; the books colyum
is going to take this place once every
so often; think we'll take an excur-
sion to the island.
In the town of old Ann Arbor,
Near the city of Detroit,
Is a paradise for vendors,
Of a stdalthy mein and-careful-j
Who with precious wares are laden.
When the shades of night have fallen,,
Comes a secret knock and entrance,
Comes a dicker and a barter,
Comes a clinking and wiggle,
Comes a blessed peace and silence,
Comes an early morning lecture,I
Comes a bromo Calkins-Fletcher,
Comes another month of waiting--1
Ooph-it's awful.-
Tap Faucet.
* * *

TONIGHT: Play Production
Class presents Frenec Molnar's
"The Play's The Thing" in Mimes
Theater at 8:30 o'clock.
School Music Contest concert in
Field House, at 3:30.
A review by Harold May
I sing the pleasures of the dishy life
-such as let us say-as the life de-
scribed by Molnar, that brilliant and
smiling dramatist, in his "The Play's
The Thing," and as presented direct-
ly to us in the excellent performance
of that play by Play Production. Al-
though the first act seemed somewhat
difficult, last night's show was as well
or better produced than any compus
performance this year. Not only did
the performance show that Play Pro-
duction is an organization capable of
a favorable comparison with any other
local organization busied with the dra-
ma, but it also gave the first real op-
portunities to several who ought to
be formidable Thespian figures in the
future. George Johnson, although he
did not appear until the third act, and
had a comparatively small part, walk-
ed away with the show: he proved
to be that rarest of all things in a
community where life is young and
serious-a. good comedian. Charles
Peakewas, another new figure, and one
who showed that he not only had ap-
preciated the possibilities of his part,
but, in addition had a real ability for
acting. Fred Crandall, as an efficient
but confidential butler-one who car-
ries a heart. of a popular song writer
in the towering body of a hussar, made
his first important and skillful bow.
Richard Woellhaf, veteran actor,
while working under a handicap of
having to play a part not quite suita-
ble for him, and having to bear up
under the memories of the late Hol-
brook Blinn performance in Detroit,
did his level and very good best in
his as sophisticated author who with-
out being sentimental arrainges every
thing for the heart's ease of the rest
of the people in the play. Space does
not not permit that Minna Miller have
explicit commendation of her repre-
sentation of the part of the prima-
donna-but she did realize that there
is a certain amount of beeriness and
hysteria in operatic amours. Samuel
Bonnell, while his restrained bodily
activity heralded a fast approaching
seniltity instead of the poise and ease
of a successful dramatist, added his
positive bit to the success of the
A review by Philip C. Brooks
Those who might have expected the
production of "El Enamorado," "El
Milagro," and "La Plancha de la Mar-
quesa" to be merely a pretentious
class exercise would have been sur-
prised last night, for there was shown
a commendable combination of acting
and speaking talent.
As the leading example of one who
demonstrated both excellent and at-
tractively spoken Spanish with an im-
pressive carriage well fitting her part,
as a Queen, Mary Karpinski played
effectively in "El Enamorado." She
was ably assisted by Theodora Maloy,
who carried over somewhat of the
stage presence that made her local
name as an actress.
Leone Lee's exeremely attractive
presentation, and her capable speak-
ing of her part, it seems, should have
inspired the other lead in "El Milagro"

to learn the lines better.
"La Plancha de la Marquesa"
brought together a larger cast a high-
ly amusin*' finishing piece. Outstand-
ing for effective enunciation and in-
flection, as well as histrionic achieve-
ment, were Mabel Humphrey and
Charles Staubach.
* * *
A review by Valerie V. Gates
The Students Recital at Hill audi-
torium given by the members of the
raduating class, and assisted by the
University Symphony Orchestra, of-
fered a varied and interesting pro-
gram. Beth Hamilton gave a fine ren-
dition of a Beethoven violin concerto.
Louise Nelson, Margaret File, Wil-
liam Dorr Long, and Elizabeth Schweir
were the pianists on the program.
Their selections were all rendered
with some skill and accuracy, al-
though with the exception of Miss
File, they exhibited a certain rigid-
ness of attitude habitual in the ama-
teur musician. The compositions were

1 4r.",

Q Good
M Lunch
State Street
To College Men
: We can cut the brim of your
E hat down to any width you like
= and clean and reblock it into the
very latest shape.
No burned or cracked sweat
Panama hats and straw hats of
all kinds bleachied anid re.-
blocked to hoo hlike new. No
acids used. New sweat bands
and outside bands. Fancy bands
. if desired. We do -only high =
.. class work.
See is for your new Panama
hat. We buy them in the rough
- from the impiporfer and make
Sthem up ourselves. A tiny; liat
=for $7.00 )anid $.(41.
Felt Hat Sale now on. All of
our hats are equal in quality to
the best hats made.
2 617 Packard St. Phone 711.?.
2 (Where D. U. IL Stops at State)
" Elefnat1I mi l mi l


Excellent Opportunity for Summer Work
Calling on executives selling a new visible card system
for recording securities. Good commission, training and
sales experience. Offers a permanent connection with
a real future.
K. J. Guhne, Fort Shelby Hotel, Detroit
Appointments may be ,made for May 12 and 13. No interviews grated
unless arranged for before Friday evening.


!'YY Y i...................... ..................... ....... ......... fiYY......"M r . rr ".rrrrr:
Personal Engraved Cards Now
100 Cards and Plate (Script) $2.75
100 Cards and Plate (Solid Old English) $4.00
100 Cards and Plate (Block) $4.00
100 Cards and Plate (Shaded Old English) $5.00
Let us quote you price on Class Announcements and
save you money
The ayer-SchairerCopn


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TAP FAUCET, TOO, promises to
be a regular contributor. Somehow,
he seems to have the right idea about
this whole business. Or don't you
think so?
* * *
real contrib about the fair, only fair,
girls over at Helen Newberry. It's



" ifu

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