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May 09, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-09

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WP,,T3'.\'ESDAY, INTAY 9, 1928.

Published every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Board in
Control of Student ublications.
Member of Wettar Cnference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatchescredited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
'fihed herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
ilaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail,
t4. fices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
lard Street.
'Phones:.Editorial, 4925; Business 21214
Telephone 4926
4ditor ...Ellis I. Merry
R',;mt Me'1,an Weekly Ch'rl- E. Rehvme
News Editor................Philip C. Brooks
ILJ . n .. iortin. L. Smith
Women's Editor...,......Marian !. Welles
S orts Editor. ...........Herbert E. Vedder
tieater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C Kurvin
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
i. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
aul J Kern tNelson J. Smith. J
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Sally Knox
Margaret Arthur rhR H Maloney
Alex A. Bochnowski Marion McDonald
=ean Campbell Charles S. Monro.
b-s~ir (ur'h Ctherine Price
Blanchard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman
a cae N. bu'' i iM W Quiin
Aargaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Vaborg Egelano1 Pierce Rsenbeg,
Marjorie Follmet leano Scribner
ames B. Freeman Corinne Schwar
obert 1 Gessner Robert G. Sibar
Elaine E. Gruber Howard F. Simon
Alice Hageshaw George E. Simons
loseph lE. Howell Rowena Stillman
. 'Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone
Charles R. Kaufmar George Tilley
aVicea F..Kery Bert. K. Tritschelie
.awrence R. Kei idward L. Warner, Jr
3onald J Kline Beiamin S. Washer
ac .Lait ]r loeph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager. George 1. Annable Jr.
Advertising.., Richard A ey
Advertising., ,a , .... Eward L. Hulse
Advertising ...,...,., John W. Ruswincke
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Circulation........... Georg B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication .....,.:., t_, arvey Tacott
George Bradley Ray Hofelich
Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
NamesCarpente an cmsJordan
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine McKinven
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Oina Felker Alex K. Scherer
Katherine Frohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Reth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herber, E. Varnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkey
E; J. Hammer Hannah Wallen
Earl W. Hamnmer
Today the University student body,
as a democratic assemblage, will go
to the polls to choose the men who
are to officiate and preside in the var-
tous student enterprises of the cam-
pus during the coming year. Members
of a University community, benefitting
as they do from the liberal subsidy
which a democratic government pro-
vides for their education, owe perhaps
more. than any other class to the pop-
ular ballot which provides these ad-
vantages, and it is consequently only
natural that these students should

Aged in a tradition that reaches
back beyond the scope of recollection
for the present generation is Swing-
Out, one of the most ancient of senior
customs. Back in the days of point-
a-minute teams, back when Joe Park- I
er's and the Orient were campus in-
stitutions, Swing-Out was already tra-
ditional among senior activities.
Wherever Michigan men go when they
leave their alma mater, and wherever
they have gone in the past, there has
always gone with them rich among
their memories the remembrance of
their Swing-out ceremonies, and the
recollection of the time when they,
too, swung the length of the Diagonal
in what was virtually their last class
Yesterday saw another class pass
the way of all Michigan men and wo-
men. It was, in a way, a solemn occa-
sion, but it was not a sad occasion,
any more than past Swing-outs have
been, for it marked merely the pass-
ing of a generation, of a class from
the fold of a University which will
make room for countless other class-
es, just as fine, in the future.
From a large viewpoint the cere-
mony represents, or represented, an
achievement in the lives of the men
and women who took part in it. It
marks, to them, the opening of a fu-
ture of possibly brilliant achievement
with the same gesture which closes
the door of their college careers be-
hind them. Susseccful as they have
been as college students, they move
to a larger sphere, perhaps as cru-
saders, perhaps far less dramatically
but just as worthily as the integral
part of the great organization of the
nation which will some day fall into
their hands.
As the first step in the campaign
to uphold the policies of Kenyon But-
terfield, present president of Michigan
State college, Jason Hammond, prom-
inent alumnus of that institution, is
now enlisting the alumni in the state
to the president's banner. Hammond,
in telegrams to alumni, stated that
Butterfield does not intend to resign,
and that he has been treated unfair-
Butterfield has now returned from
his Holy Land trip, during which he
received an unasked-for extension of
leave of absence, which appeared
strangely like a polite request to re-
sign. During the same trip, two of
his appointees were dismissed from
the college. All in all, it appears that
the State Board of Agriculture, in
whose hands the management of State
college remains, desires another man
at the head of the school; which
would make the fourth man to hold the
place in the last ten years.
The second largest educational in
stitution of the state is far too close
to politics for its best interests. Th
welfare of thousands of students is
supposed to be watched by these same
men. Experience has proved 'thait
very few politicians have ever been
successful at education. Yet, Michi-
gan State has not been divorced from
its politicians.
The alumni move may be the first
step to be taken to support the presi-
dents who are at the mercy of the
state administration, and in the fu-
ture, the system used in the Univer-
sity may be instituted to clean up a'
aid the next largest educational in-

stitution of Michigan.
One of the more pleasing customs
which has grown up in recent years
is that of holding an annual father
and son week. As a distinct part of
the local program for that week, the
Union is planning its sixth annual
Father and Son banquet for Satur-
day night. Together with it, a full
week end of events have also been
planned beginning with Cap Night on
Friday and including track and tennis
meets on Saturday. Such a series of
events appear on their face to be of
especial value to the University.
In the first place they are of such
unusual and combined interest that
they might well be expected to attract
fathers of Michigan sons to Ann Arbor
for the week end. In addition those
of the fathers who are Michigan alum-
ni will appreciate an opportunity to
renew old acquaintances and old mem-
ories while fathers who are not Mich-
igan men or even college men are of-
fered an opportunity to become ac-
quainted with the alma mater of their
sons and to more fully appreciate the
life and problems of college men. To-
ward this goal the Father and Son+
banquet presents itself as an insti-
tution well worth perpetuating.

"NOT I," ANSWERED C. Cathcart
Smutz with gusto: "and furthermore,
every ballot that carries Jeb's name
on it for president of the Union will
be thrown out."
* * *
The committee in charge threatens
thus, and you know, after promising
support to all the candidates for all
the offices, it would be a little wrong
to have your ballot thrown out.
* * *
handsome Jeb would have won the
election if the damper hadn't been
thrown on the proceedings. At that
we can't see why they had to get so
huffy about it. Didn't Jeb promise to
be both Shot and Missin' after he was
elected, just to show how useless the
office really is?
* * *
C.'s must ruin whatever sense of hu-
mor they ever possessed previously.
Imagine, the student council actually
decided among other things that fresh-
men must wear their pots until Cap
night! The councilmen are quite fa-
cetious after all. There hasn't been
a frosh seen on campus in about a
week or so, that is, only a few of the
great big ones who are quite willing
to push their fists about at all times,
council or no council.
Note: Messrs. Shot and Missin' hir-
ed this thug to do away with Jeb and
Rolls' special photographer snapped
the foreigner from Chicago just as he
tried to commit his dastardly deed
But Jeb's from Chicago, too. Now he's
after 'em, but Smutz spoiled his plans
for revenge by his announcement that
votes for Jeb wouldn't be counted.
* * *
whether or not he was in the Swing-
Out of yesterday or not, and whether
he really got into the "spirit" of the
thing. But he's really serious, and
now the rest is up to you. About all
you can do now is to scribble, "We
would have voted for Jeb if Smutz
hadn't told us not to."
* * *
the thing reminds us that one of the
cleverest contributions that we've ever
received arrived from Bitters Ominick
yesterday. We're going to print it
tomorrow and there'll be no advanc
in. price.
* * *
this election that's almost as fun
as all this campaigning for Jeb. It
this: Did you ever stop to think tha
when "Anna Christie" and "Apollo
Kern-ei" hook up against each other
today in their fight to hold the office
that C. Cathcart now holds, they'll be
competing against each other for the
proverbial humpteenth time.

"Kern-el" and "Christie," products
of the local high school right here in
Ann Arbor town and classmates at
the place for four years started their
duel "way back when." Funny pa
of it is that when they ran for presi-
dent of their high school freshmai.
class, another freshman who has ha
pened to have been a freshman fo
so long that he had won two places
on the all-state football team polled
more votes than the two of them, add-
ed up.
about the whole election is the vote for
the S. C. A. boss next year. Remember.
Ben Bolt? He was going to run for
that post but that would have been
sacreligious, and furthermore, C.
Cathcart's order would have reduced
the number of votes for that office to
none if Bolt had run. You know, of
course, that only those, interested inf
the S. C. A. are expected to cast theirf
AN ENGLISH LIT prof. (no girls,
lie's not really as irrascible as his
auburn locks would have you believe)
upset one of the candidates for the
Union presidency with this staggering
question yesterday:
* * *
"WHAT DOES ONE mean when he
uses the phrase. 'rationalizing; a de-

TONIGHT: Concerto Recital in
Hill auditorium, 8 o'clock.
The Sociedad Hispanica, pre-
sents three one act plays: "El
Enamorado," "El Milagro," "La
Plancha de la Marquesa" in Sarah
Caswell Angell hall at 8 o'clock.
Play Production class presents
Frenec Molnar's "The Play's The
Thing" in )Lumes Theater at 8:15
' o'clock.
It has been said that it is the poli-
cy of this column to hold collegiate
performances up to the professional
mirror in criticizing them, in that
these performances are not reviewed
in the spirit in which they are given.
This may be true-Let us suppose for
a minute that it is true. But if this
is so then the question still remains
open as to the fairness of this method.
If the various organizations on the
campus are going to claim immunity
from adverse criticism on the grounds
of youth and undeveloped ability they
are placing themselves in the posi-
tion of those young people in our
high schools, who, through parental
and faculty persuasion, are brought on
the stage in their class play, or some-
thing of that ilk, and whose highest
compliment is "Oh! aren't they cute,"
or in the position of those who enter
k into activities in order to lengthen
their list in the 'Ensian or to find
enough occupation to give them the
feel of being busy without having to
show anything except the most per-
functory interest.
If this then is the way that these
people want to be regarded, the re-
viewer has no function-the reporter
is enough. But this is not the case:
most people do not want to be so re-
garded, nor are college achievements
always inferior to professional- wit-
ness the University of Illinois Band,
which is one of the three best bands
in the country, the dramatic organiza-
tion at the University of Colombia,
which riot only produces plays well,
but produces those plays written by
their members, and the famous drama
classes of Professor Baker at Harv-
ard. The fact is that not only may
college performances be as good, but
they can be, and in a great many in-
stances are, better than professional
The attitude of this column, how-
ever, is not to expect virtuoso smooth-
ness in campus productions, but to
stress, as the felicitous title phrase
filched from that brilliant causeur and
amateur satanist, Oscar Wilde, sug-
gests, the importance of being ear-
nest-the importance of enthusiasm
and appreciation for the thing en-
gaged in. It is through lack of this
quality that the local campus finds
itself in the anomalous position of
having a creditable number of good
actors, but no drama. Most of the

plays produced this year have been
produced with an eye to the box office
and even then with not more than
luke warm interest. These are our
halcyon days, the one period in our
lives that we may use to make as
many and as lofty gestures as we
please; there is no reason why we
should waste them on such things as
"Meet the Wife" and others of the
same stamp. The real dramatic
achievements during this past year
have, with one or two exceptions, been
the work of people not in connection
with student affairs-The Rockford
Players and 'the Harris Players. It
would take only one ounce of the
spirit that animated Eleonora Duse
to make the local dramatic horizons
break into flame, but as long as the
local organizations present such has-
tily gotten together things as the per-
formance "On Approval" or such sen-
timental bilge as "Seventh Heaven"
campus dramatics will find themselvesI
in the attitude of that famous King
of France, who marched up the hill.
Harold May
Appearing in Ann Arbor for the
first time this year, the University
Girls' Glee club will give its annual
concert on Saturday at 8 o'clock in
the Masonic Temple. Besides the reg-
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show considerably more interest in
that institution.
For quite a different reason, how-
ever, it is rather vital to the life of
the University that a large proportion
of the student body cast its vote at
the polls today. Student government,
as far as it exists at all, can only
exist in proportion to the amount of
student interest which it arouses and
student support it received. The Uni-
versity and its organizations of a self-
governing nature, stand high among
similar enterprises in the nation's ed-
ucational institutions, and this stand-
ard has only been attained by the
interest of more than a generation of
Michigan men and women in their
The men running for the various
offices today are without exception
qualified for the positions which they
seek. That there are degrees in this
qualification is doubtless true and in-
evitable, and it should be the respon-
sibility of the student voters to weigh
these qualifications very thoroughly.
The Daily, through a special page
published during the past two years,
has endeavored to present the records
of the various vandidates for major
offices in a fair and complete manner.
For those students who know per-
sonally few of the men running such
information can suffice for the castingi
of an intelligent ballot.
The responsibility of the student bal-
lot and the student vote is a real one,
if only in the fact that it presages a
time when the present student com-
munities will be casting much more
serious ballots in state and national
elections. The collapse of popular
government is imminent when the
sane and fair-minded persons of a

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