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January 17, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-17

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EN VA (L,%. - s- asz -rs



. i

ANNONCESN ,Memorial Designer
M ETIC F JNIRS HEL Y~IRDAtocetly acontest, has been hl
________________________Shiakespearian theater to be built at
MISS LLOYD SAYS PLAY W~I-L Lucy Aust ini, 1581)01 Friday, Ruth St ratford-on--Avon. Over 72 architects,
NOT BE TAKEN TOE Lonig, Fra'8 tos il er, Alice Vdsuarer, hothI men andl women, from the Un t-
DETROIT Kiay Baillie , Cret e Schultz, R~uth ied States, Europe, and Canada, coin-
_____Lathan, Marian 1 proelim, Mildred Elli- e ~s lz
MERLE RAINE IS AUTHOR son, Agnes Regart , Lcil1 Johnson peted. Out, fti ubr isIlz
C, AUTHOR Carmine Rtobbins, Lucille Beresford, abeth Scot~t of o urnsinouthl was cho-
Janle Watt, Virginia lIea~l, Beatrice; sen. She has been gradluated from the
Adviser Believes Play Should Be Kepi, Schroeder, and Luayne Budge. American Architectural AssociationI
A Production By Juniors Chiorus No. 2: Jeanne Holland, Sho ny3yasao
For Seniors Lois Webb, Florence Sutcliffe, Irma Sho ny3yasao
Sanzenbacher, Evelyn AdamnsAine Miss Scott ascribes her early suc-

MISS ADE ELL 'Decorative Design In,


Wih heanoucmet f asSchell, Mary Robbins, ElizabethI cess to the im'proved methods of
chorses andpraticeschduleto he regory, Mary Alice Moore, and Leone training now available for young ar--
entire cast of the Junior Girls' Play, Lee. chitects. Fresh from schools and
meeting yesterday in Barbour gym- Chorus No. 3l: Mildred Frandsen, newly interested in the most modern
nasium, "For The Love Of Pete," 24th Louise Cooley, Mary Bowen, Mary theories, the young architects stand
annual junior women's production, Barclay, Delight Berg, Irene Dreucke, almost as good a chance .of winning
went into rehearsal in preparation for Isabel Hubbard, Lillian Schmidt, !a big compensation as experienced gr-
its appearance on March 19 at the Marian Keyser, and Bernice Shock. iets'taeMisSo.
Whitney theater. Chorus No. 4:; Katherine Marshall, 1 Ie main theory in buldiulg thef
Miss Alie Lloyd, adviser to wAomnf, betty Parker, fiuth I-fowlitt, Itelen ; heater- xv;s hat buildings sh~ould not
addressed the group. She spoke of ron irinaTennanlt , eal net t e f(O etne ~i vic
th itrcldveomn ftep a uriborn, iNlai'garet Roby, TBettina W1st t llill. Shle owes much , to
from a mere amusement by 1.thejinior Bulsh ,i1ia1'e luke, arugaret Moore, France. Germany, and America being
for the senior women to the uzndIer=- 1 oulselrray.r Agnes 1 letwig, Janoet ,toeuciintledi ugs( teh-
taking which it now is--a p~ublic0 per- oijes, Co stye Weeu'er, Vida Mc('lure, ate" (lami Elt sees built b~y .I. l. A.
formance running a wveek at th Iii Poti'ili11cn kinson, Anne Zauzer, (Cer- !and(I G. l<eret , the theaters in BIerin7 hatr
theater. 111(10Holto~n, Rn I lierinle Beardsley,'an1(1 lreienhavon iluili by H1err OS--
Miss Lloyd also a nnouincod thu iby 1and ia t H lceon 1Donov~an. a a n ndPsdn eto
the action of the Comzmitteel on ,>i- Chorlis No. 5 Mcarga i-el ( 'raanpt Oil, in Califorr a
dent Affairs the111,1y -will not 8plo:v iher; ri Jousi.A QE T1,7, rti ceo a\il'i, of whiichi
in Detroit. this year. "Last yeti this otlmy ( ralhaml. 1PP Onnor Jachi son. Slilr- .Cass( iillbert, preosi 110111o" t li a-
was done to aid iMrs. II end orson. wt,- Ma a 511(1(1, Ia garot Barr, I Int I i ou a I Aiii (I cmof I toil gin the 71 nu-
executivc secret ary ofthe 'A iiiite lNtit chlol, l~csl a' lradee, Ruth Finv, 0od Stlate;, vwas (a, me:ingter, .-.id ir1
council in her drive for thle Leag;, oE Iaeiti ISeSolonlni, and 1Jean'Campbell. he I si.11 showed exce~pltl hit1 hit \'
building. It monre than iiust itied it,,,f ('~hor~t~inos : sther icker~~, \il- bfecaurse of its generalI colt sept bitl, its,
going because it (lid make a very tidy mna ('ia wford, II (len II ichards, H elon a f-eplioneol ot Ie Idi li lt iOS <it t their
sum for the building. i'vori 11, teresa Jollait is, CharlotteI sollil ion. C. BInrdS3 i . oid
"It seems to mue," Miss Llzoyd w nt 1 Y1 ('5. Mal ;fret. Sage, dl Nena Phil. *lug tI hoIadopt ion of: the ((nniflhlt 0'S
on, "'that it should lremin p lrimnarily elltut 1 i id(ilu A n
at performance of the ;juniors for tllie T r'° , Aif 'TUI x. d' onfli0c'e(c.0d-with 1he0,theater. wats film--
seniors. Last year the trip to Defot ro illesA0, b th fct.tht athughth
prolongedl the training an extra Nweek 01" _:JkJN OR PLA~Y ~jll50i bthe fao11;zlctehatlthouhOte
This was found to be extremnely
-.onlIy oue1shoiiWn g a theat oer ,(1:,o. ['ho
strenuous, and on the grounds : orhfe s biul vr kle
health and schlarship it wasp,(decidda(lieti biul eysilled
that the play should not go out phs n
year." t
Elizabeth Wellmnan, chairman of the JOBEN WO A
play, stressed the importance of !-' FAS' UNIQUE
health, asking each woman to ace i
the responsibility for gauging her own One ot the unique jlbs, in -the
ability. The group was also reminded country is held by Miss Claudine
that scholastic eligibility is absolutely Bourland of Roeksprings, Texas. She
necesaryis secretary of the American Angora
Merle I. Raine, aut hor' of the p,1 ' ..,- (I' re u soitina1( is re--
was introduced to the east. l ' ut ed to 1(110w more about goats thlau
Minna Miller, '27, who will direct ma. --:1n (tIiO \ lT I1v. ithItheb 0:1)0551111
the production, then notified te-.'Iecfto Ifr.M Amr f ig-
women of their various positions aindj ton, N. M.
arranged rehearsals for those hold ig IVmiss fiourlanld handles tl 0registra-
spekin pats.' Se xll'ose~i110' ionl pa pers on the hlerds of all the
appreciation of the opportunity to - 1,oial"lls eles.Siesafin-
work with the play and was eheerfniul liar ti~ure at thei livestock exhibit.ions
as to the success of the undertaking i Ovrtecuty
if 'proper cooperation were had fronm Several years ago Miss Bourland
the cast....................................became interested, in ranching andl
The list of :speaking parts includes k ethrpoesonwihwssho
tefloig women: Geadn'o-teaching to take the position of sec-
ter, Shirley King, Elaine Gruber, Daor-- rotary of the goat breeders' associa-
othy Ackerman, Julia Ferguson, Theo- -Photo by Spedding tion. She rides with ease, is a leader
dora Maloy, Jessie Church, Jean Cur- :'l rle ine, '29 in church work and finds time to
nie,' Barbara Croell, Velma Johnson, Whose play "F'oi'rTe Love Of take an active part in civic affairs.
Alma Scheirich, Elizabeth McCurdy, Pete," has been seleceod as the Jun-- Ilni tt optl o h nae
Mary Ptolemy, Dorothy Lyons, Theo- Ilior saGirls'as orth isae
dora Nickels, Elizabeth McIntosh, - irspay for this year. The wom'oen patients are interested in
Agnes' Hoffman, Helen Francis, and .BEAUTY CULTURE USED the treatment they may receive and
Helen Gustine. many of them have become skilled
The choruses are arranged as fol- AS CURE FOR INSANITY assistants in the work.
lows: Chorus No. 1: Madelyn Rosen- -- "While statistics are not available
berg, Brownwyn Burns, Helen Rankin, Women seldom lose their minds so at this time to show just how- much
Irene Finnegin, Thoma Sutton, Flor- completely as to fail to take any in- mental improvement may be attribut-
ence Holmes, Beatrice Cowan, M4ary terest at all in marcels and mud- ed to this m'eans of helping to cure
Ptolemy, Bernice McHale, Madge packs, according to Dr. Alexander S. insanity," said Dr. Hershfield, "there
Brook, Barbara Fleury, Helen Craw- Iershfleld, state alienist for Illinois, is, nevertheless, a decided change for
ford, Olive Todd, Adelaide Townsend, a nd working oun this theory, beanty the better in the women patients who
sistants." parp jrs ha ve been establishedl in thIt! take t reat ments and who act as as--

OF HOLLYWOOD' School Of Archil
y' f° $"The primary interest of the women'
.. ~in the School of Architecture is de-c
z 1 = <: :. corative design," stated Prof. Jeant
.' Paul Slusser of the School of Arcli-i
lecttlre, "for they desire most fre-
c,, ently to enter interior decoration.t
In this school they get a sound fours-
1 ~dation in intensive architectural
drlawing which is a great asistance
to thIiem in carrying out their aim.
Other courses such as mine in el-
menitary drawing with seven women,
'.. >" ? .: ' andl 37 men, life drawing with. five
wom~en and 28 men, and water color
paitin with six and 26 respectively,
anigalso form a large part of the work
of the women students who comprise
about one-sixth of the class.
"Batik work is the most popular,"
continued Professor Slusser, "and it
~ is a course which is taken by girls
s- 'iw s"::>" _ -* in the School of Architecture for the
,l most wart. Prof. Myron B. Chapin
. ;gives this course wihich is the prac-
. -~~ Itic8al aplicati on o ~the' principles of
'lesia 1 and color which the student
r I)~as le:~uued. They make ver'ybeaut-
t itulticl ies otf(dress such as scarfs
!:' nd lhiouises as well as intereostinug,
V.1111l haingings.
"1 havie been told( that 'All gelner-
l i ;s I' r~ilizc Oaf-n
"1[llwol fo~tlle~ , n 4IIll owed by 0one oW§the leading roles'
ll oywo tnr:ll)t -Jinli e West erntour of '"Geit lemien
lx-wood's act ors ar10 11(t1"' ;1 Vs Fl- ]'re'-fer 1 Ieu des,'' wlti-h in Iturn took
cos la do. clhi onlljH og;ert e oplen tlg Itor ito the movies auud I ollwoodl.
with the tR -ckfor-d ]'la yers S~litlda y .\ i s ]1)auto' is 1S) vea l d an1 , it - ; s
f evenit ag, .1 anltal v 92, in tlI,' \Vi itlcy p; aid, One of t1e0 mosftleatifl 1111(1
hea ('1i..\hiss I lad 0 8 ulivo'l ill Ann ehl'lrilig act loswes ever to play withI
$1'cl lt 4lcal 's w nil trith 'tt a liis popular comnpany. Robert, Brlii
tea i]-(I ai's oI it Fx ase Iderson, ietroteRockfr11 -
;MI e-o~ v:)' \-]lac ertin i(llyvwololttcrs, enlgaged 1101' 1 braough Thlomasi
giid has quit n ~pltn red the (01111)811y Ben toli. selectedttfront 1Michiga 11 this
with hileu brlt nt and viva''iolus polSoit- sll niunr to ,IpP08 r witi PUit ed Ar-
11111 . v. ists.
" Iltere is a. ta5(ination lbou111 I 11 1101 "H ollywood is fll] of tragedy too,''
Iyx woo t solf that is irl-Osistabtlebut TMiss Dad te conced 1(. 'I was fortui--
t (0 as1 eu-s It ionusol 5th Ile st ab-ses- '11110to t ' 1)0utndierregular (0111ratl
peciial ly-live ii leii 11 uely artifi crl x wii[Iihe Fox eoll-ua 'ty, }hut t he'(1111t -
atmosphere, c0onst antly fearful of Iloss tnmbers of girls--almost all rar-I
111toir position ( as t hey have a. rightI isliiugly b~eautiful, for beauty is the
to be) and(1stivling to live up to the! chieapest commodity ini Hollywood -
glamorous life their p~ress-agents have v'illo literally do not kinow from lay
created for the(m," M~iss D~ade contin- to (lay wherthtie iiext penny is coin-
nied. "The worst, feature of picture ing from and are entirely (dependent
work itself is the hours of waiting on on occasional extra work f-ormn an
the set, in unc(omfortable make-up, army of pathetic, pathetically hopeful
whlile lights and everything but the artists, mbst of whom have not a
actor are patiently considered. After chance of real success. The theater-,
hours of tiresome waiting one is ex- on the other hand, in-ay be more cell-
pe(-tedI to finially appear as fresh and tered in a tew of the large cities anud
vivaciotus as the stat- wh~o walks onto outstanding companies but the work
the set at t he last momnit." is far mor-e satisfying and ;just."
Miss Dade's home is in Phliladelphia- Miss Dade's role in "'The 13th
whilit heor firt. experienci- on Itho 4 Chair-' will be Mary Eastwood, to be
stage wats witl]Hbert Maclauuph- ollowed by the pretty chaperone in
hlli's bitmtus ctolnpit y in C'levelaitd, "Cr'ad le Sttatchers.'"

terests Women In
tecture, Says Slusser
alizations atre fals~e-inch (ling this
one' bitt I believe there are a fe;'r
things which may be stated concern-
ing the differ'ences of men and women,
which wvill contain trutth. I have no-
ticed in a number of cases that wo-
men students have a very dlifficlt
thu-c at first and later they do sonic
of the most brilliant woi-k of the
The detailed planning and the math-
ematical calculatiots itave uch more
appeal to the men while the women
seek the creative to a surprising ex-
tent. That is the tendency of the
latter is toward the work in which
taste is the prominent factor. A wo-
man is fascinated by chtoice of color
schemes, selection of furniture, for
'her leaning is toward the aesthetic.
Students of both sexes are somewhat
impatient during the long hours in
which women get quite fr-ankly bored
andi the fellows want to go smoke
ver 1Woftenm," Said 1ProfE. Slusser.
WVve have a. numberof 1 wnitfrom
the 'lit' scihool wxho come~ overA here
to ,t ake art work dturing thirt regular
so10 I o1, loebOi~OIecauise they want: to
go into art wortk, iutenCsivel y afte-
tme career' 'of ailt itist fr-equment ly (1(
('x(cept~iomal work(. Examiples of them
of Mliss Virginia 'Bacon who gr-aduat-
ed two years ago acid who is 51tutdy-
ig atI. lpre(senlt.lm in[e Art InIistit use
of Chicago w1('m-('shle is(101nt, work:
1which lives uip to the acettual promise

I she showed here at Michigan. Another
woman student of ability was Miss
Mary Lou Loomis who used the
School of Architecture as a half-way
house by taking courses here while
site did work.- in the 'lit' school. She
is nowv at the Pratt Institute of New
York City where she is taking up
commercial art.
"My ideal art education? Well there
is no place for ignorance in art,"'
stated Prof. Slusser. "It takes back-
grounid and education to make a suc-
cjess and these may be obtained in
any way whatsoever but it seems
toI me that the ant work should beC
s~tarted early along with the regular
education. An artist cannot be back-
"There is opportunity for girls of
the 'lit' school interested in art to
take several courses in this school
for which credit is given in the School
of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
These include such popular courses
as pen and ink, pastel, oil painting,
and batik. Women are in any of these
Sdrawing courses like perspective and
architectural ornament, drawing from
tighlt, water color' painting, dt-awing
su ant ique, 11n(1drawving from life.
01-110 STATE---T11ere are 68 for-eign
astudents at, Ohio State niversity thin
I YOili.


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ockford Players hvethe, great honor to presett







KN66 The


Ch dv 99

Bayard Veiller's King of Mystery
Plays "Who Killed Edward Wales"


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