To Battle Creek To
SPA.Overcrowded Field Is English Teachers' OPEN
Problem,Asserts Head Of Appointments WILL
MUT war flIcr-I Of inter
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Additional Showing of Junior Pro-
duction To Be Given At Whitney,
Friday, April 27
Rehearsals will open again on Mon-
day in preparation for the addition-
al showing of the 24th annual Junior
Girls' Play, "For The Love of Pete,"
which will be given at 8:30 o'clock,
Friday, April 27, at the Whitney
Although the showing is planned
as a special attraction on the social
calender of the Michigan Schoolmast-
ers Club, convening here that week-
end, tickets are available to the gen-
eral public. They may be obtained
by mail order from Marie Hartwig,
'29, business manager, at the frelen
Newberry residence. Seats are pric
ed the same as the previous regular
performance, $3.00 for box seats, $2.50
main floor, $2.00 first four rows bal-
cony, $1.50 second four rows balcony,
and $1.00 for the remainder of the
The choruses will go into individ-
ual training again on Monday and
Tuesday, under the direction of Vera
Johnston, '29, chairman of the dance
committee, while the speaking cast
will devote its evenings to practice.
The entire show will again be asseim-
bled on Wednesday and Thursday.
"Everyone is looking forward to
the work and fun of rehearsals, and
particularly to the last appearance
of the 'dear old floating university'.l
Friday night," Miss Johnson remark-
The production, a satire on intel-
lectualism, has as its setting a float-
ing university. It received much fav-
orable comment from critics during
its appearance at the Whitney theatre1
the week of March 1924.
After a reconsideration of theI
question previously announced forl
the Portia-Athena upperclass debate,
the joint committee has decided upon
the following subject: "Resolved:
that the United States government
should cease to protect American cap-
ital invested in Nicaragua." The de-
bate will take place T'uesday, May 15.
The upperclass members of Portia
literary society are requested to pre-
pare a two or three minute tryout
speech on the subject for the meet-,
ing to be held at 7.o'clock, Tuesday,
April 24. It is urged that nirembers
be prompt in order to insure the com-
pletion of tryouts before the time of
the freshman' Portia-Athena debate
to be given on the same date.
More Scholarships
Are Held By Women
Out of a total of 106 fellowships
and scholarships held in the univers-
ity this year, 44 are held by women
students, and 62 by men.Of the fel-
lowships, 9 belong to wonen and 30
to men, while 35 scholarships are
held by women and 32 by men.
Since thereare several times more
men than women enrolled in the uni-
versity, and since only about 10 per
cent more scholarship and fellowship
awards are held by men than by
women, one would conclude that a
larger percentage of women than of
men have distinguished themselves
in this field.
Women have come out ahead in the
Phi Beta Kappa competition also, this
year, with 45 womni as compared
with 42 men were recently elected to
that organization. Perhaps this year
is different from others, perhaps
not. Anyway, the race is to the swift
and the wom'en are ahead today.
Several people from' the University
staff took part in the joint meeting
of the Michigan Hospital Association
and the Michigan Diatetic Asociation.
Miss Margaret Gillam from the Uni-
versity Hospital presided at the morn-
ing session. Miss Harrington, also3
from the University hospital, conduct-
ed a round table discussion. Dr. Stur-
gis gave a paper on pernicIous anem-
ia, and Dr. Newberry gave one on
Sponsored by the Battle Creek
branch of the Anerican Association
of University Women, the University
of Michigan Girls' Glee Club pre-
sented an interesting concert last
night in the Presbyterian church at
Battle Creek. Approximately thirty
women, accompanied by Miss Nora
Crane Hunt, director of the glee club,,
made the trip.
The numbers offered on the pro-
gram were: "Laudes Atque" by Stan-
ley, by the glee club off stage; "Vars-
ity" by Moore, and "Wynken, Blynken,
and Nod" by Nevin, by the glee club
(soprano obligato, Marjorie Chavan-
elle, '28); "Snow Flakes" by Rogers,
"Aloha' arranged by Sherwood, an,
"The Two Clocks" by Rogers, ijy a
quartet; Marjorie Chavanelle, '28,
Dorothy Marsm'an, '29, Anna Cope,
'28, and Ruth Ale, '28; '"Like the Ev-
ening Glow" and "A Lofty Mansion"
by Brahms, and "Ode to Saint Cecel-
ia" by Harris, by the glee club; se-
I lected readings, by Olive C. Stroh-
meyer, '31; favorite songs from the
Michigan Opera and the Junior Girls'
Play, by the Glee club; "The Second
Minuet" by Beasly, by Helen Gould
(in costume) ; "Chinese Mocher
Goose Rhymes," "Good Night Belov-
edl" by Pinsute, and "The Yellow and
Blue," by the glee club.
'he accompanists were Grace Glov-
er, '28, and Kathryn Evans, '30.
IWomen's suffrage has not failed,
but women have not received serious
consideration from the men leaders-
such is the opinion of Mrs. Franklin
D. Roosevelt, a woman with a rich
political background.
"There are virtually no women who
have any actual influence that counts,"
Mrs. Roosevelt said in an interview
for a recent magazine. "In order to
keep the women quiet, the men occa-
sionally give them 'small positions and
ask their advice onunimportant mat-
ters, but when it comes to big things,
the women are not consulted or if
they are, they find that everything has
been planned in advance anyway.
"This in no way implies that wom-
en's suffrage is a failure," Mrs. Roose-
velt goes on to say. "It is only a
statement of the fact that while to
all intents and purposes, the women
voters equal the men voters in num-
bers, it is the ideas of the men that
rule the party and the men who get
the offices. Of course, it is no differ-
ent with politics than any other pro-
fession: It took time for women to
prove that they could make as able
doctors and lawyers as men could.
Before women can expect equal polit-
ical preferment they must work as the
men do; they must study history,
economics and political methods, and
they must mix with people."
Co-eds in. German universities do
not use cosmetics ofany kind, not
even powder. Rouge and lipstick are
characteristic of the lower classes of
womed in that country, and are
shunned by any respectable woman.
Plans for the coming A.C.A.C.W.
convention at Ohio State university
were discussed at the W.A.A. meeting
held in the field house yesterday after-
noon. Gladys Appelt, '28, president,
announcedthat about 18 representa-,
tives, besides the official delegates,
Betty Smithers, '29, qnd Louise Cody,
'30, would leave on Wednesday after-
noon for the 198-mile drive to Colum-
bus. A very interesting program was
announced for the convention. Ar-
lene Unsworth, '28, told of the na-
tional convention held 'at Cornell last
year. Dr. Margaret Bell gave a short
talk congratulating the club on its
large delegation.
The president also announced that
class baseball will start next week;
Intramural baseball will continue.
The semi-finals are now being played.
Individual outdoor sports, such as
hiking and canoeing will start soon.
The manager, Margaret Ohlson, '30,
has some event planned for every
week-end, and those who are interest-
ed should watch The Daily for an-
~ The schedule for Junior Girls'
play rehearsals for next week is
as follows: Monday -and Tues-
day: 3 o'clock, "Love of Pete"
chorus, in Act I.
SOld Fashoned clhorus 1
4 o'clock, All soldiers and sailors I
Faculty chorus
5 o'clock, Sensation Seekers
I Thursday and Friday: 7:30
jo'clock, the entire cast, all
choruses and principals, to go
throughthe entire play.nt
I Anyone who cannot be in this
:performance of the Junior Girls'
play is asked to call Vera John-
'son today; also all those who ,
cannot attend the rehearsals as
scheduled are asked to call her
I immediately.
women graduates, in homre economics
are experimenting with rats to show
the varying degrees of protection a-
gainst rickets by the use of Cod liver
oil, sunlight, and the ultra-violet ray.
They are also conducting an experi-
ment to determine a method to teach
Chinese children the value of food
in the diet. They are using typical
Chinese foods and, analyzing diets to
show; their relation to food values.
French is the most popular foreign
language in} the University of Wash-
. "There are, of course, more women
than men in the teaching profession,"
said Mrs. Hellen Shambaugh, secre-
tary of the Bureau of Appointments,
speaking of teaching as a profession
for both men and women. And there
is a difference in the subjects they
teach. Women more often choose
English, history, or some language,
while men take chemistry or physics.
The number of men and women in
mathematics and general tscience is
about equal. The greater number of
requests from high schocls ar6 'for
women, while those from colleges are
for men.
"The teaching profession at the
present time seems to be overcrowd-
ed, especially in certain fields. Eng-
lish seems to be the most crowded.
At the present time we have in our
files 253 applications to teach English,
while the next highest is history, with
only 97.
"The choice of a minor is of more
importance than most students seem
to realize. There are certain combin-
ations of subjects which are always
asked for, while others will not be ac-
cepted. For instance, English must
often be accompanied by Latin. The
current idea that English and history
is the ideal combination is not right.
But mathematics seems to be the ex-
ception to all rules. There i's no fixed
combination of which it is a ;part.
Out of 13 different requests Ilhave had
for mathematics, there have been 13
different combinations. who are p
._ __
To those who care to know:
That Mrs. Hanna, or better known as Mrs.
Mangon, formerly finger waver at the
Campus Beauty Shop, is now located at the
Miladies Beauty Shoppe
Phone 8383 Over Chubb House
y i lill w ,
Lenses and Frames made
To Order
Optical Prescriptions
State St. Jewelers
~.pIII III Nil
Fashion and Fabric Trends
Friday April 27th, 3:00 P. M.
r 11
The Cape is Smart
For Sportswear
Especially chic is the short cir-
cular cape, which replaces the
cardigan jacket in this new
sports ensemble. The young
modern will find it swagger for
balmy days if fashioned of nov-
elty tweed, twill or homespun
. . . tho heavier silks, such as
Shantung or tussah, will prove
effective later in the season.
A variety of these new mater-
ials await selection in our piece
goods department. The design
No. 1979, is at our Butterick
Pattern counter.
In addition to our very low prices on
For Men and Women, we will give for a limited time, A PAIR OF
We want to sell more SHOES and introduce our new HOSIERY
In the newest styles and leathers, m arke d especially lo w f or
this selling event at
$5.85 $6.85 $7.85 $8.85
And a beautiful pair of $1.25 Ser-val Hose, any shade, FR E E
with every pair
We Are Offering Some Very Special values in Black an d T an
Oxfords at
$6.85 $7.85 $8.50
And a pair of New Spring Hose FREE with every p a i r. Th i s
offer also applies to our New FLORSHEIM Oxfords-most
styles $10.00.
A New and Complete Line of SER-VAL Hosiery for M e n a n d
C Good
Paris Sponsors the Silk Ensemble
This Ensemble $9.77
The cape and skirt of this smart tensemble requires 2 and 7-8 yards
of 39-inch silk, which at $2.25 a yard equals $6.46. The waist re-
quires 1 1-4 yards, and at $2.25 a yard, it costs $2.81. The total cost
of this frock, then, including the Butterick Pattern 1979, at 50c, is
only $9.77.
11111 f