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April 20, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-20

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All Tryouts, Chairmen And Commit-
tee Members Must Be Present
At O'Clock
All freshmen women included in
the list of those who have been chos-
en for the dances of the pageant, nur-
ses who have signified their desire to
participate in the activity, and chair-
men and members of committees are
required to be present at a general
meeting to be held at 5 o'clock to-
day in Sarah Caswell Angell hall:
There wil be posted in the gymna-
sium a schedue of rehearsals for
the various dance choruses which will
begin practice Monday. The tenta-
tive list of' the cast of characters will
be made known at a later date, there
being several roles which have not
as yet beenassigned by the casting
Following are the nam2s of those
who have been selected for parts in
the pageant: Frederica Baestock, Wi-
'nona Barrows, Mary Louise Behymer,
Ruth Bishop, Elsie Bliman, Martha
Boehmer, Hilda Braun, Lucille Cas-
sar, Helen Domine, Helen Joy Eb-
erle, Marie Edington, Arlene Evans,
Bernice Endlich, Ruth. Ellis, June
Foser, Florence Frandsen, Elizabeth
Fictell, Marion Goldberg, Virginia
Hosic, Bertha Howard, Elizabeth
Howard, Eva Jahr, Ruth Kelsey, Syl-
via Klein.
Hattie Kreye, Agnes Lally, Louella
Lawton, Marion Locke, Ruth Hand-
elker, Albertine Maslen, Arlene Mc-
Cauley, Jannet Michael, Frances Mil-
ler, Margaret Moria, Louella' P,.wton,
Jeanne Reed, Jane Robinson, Isabell
Royen, Louisa Rudisill, Marguerite
Schneeberger, Flora Shafer, Edythe
Snider, Bety Stout, Olive Stromeyer,
Adelaide Symons, Mary Taylor, Ruth
Taylor, Adele Tosay, Ruth Van Tuyl,
Katherine Wilcox, and Dorothy Wil-
To demonstrate their ability in play
writing and acting, the new members
of Mummers dramatic society present-
ed a play at the last regular meeting
of the organization. During the re-
mainder of the semester, study of
several one-act plays will be made, to
be presented later before the various
women's clubs of the city.
Girls .of Converse College, Sparten-,
burg, S. C., are abiding by the unan-
imous vote of the student body that
the use of rouge and lipstick be ban-,
ned. The action came on the sug-;
gestion of Mary Gee, the dean ofl

Russian Count Has Individ ual Opinion
Of Intelligence Of American Nation


r 1


America is a matriarchal nation and
is becmin2 more and more so. The
American Jirl is absclately original
and will cominate tfe country's
future. Bolshevism arid American-
ism will be the only two creeds in
the world very "oon.
These are a fcw of the observations
made by Count Hermann Keyserling,
ex-Russian nobleman, who spoke here
yesterday, during his tour of Amer-
ica. Count Keyserling has spent-
many years travelling from country to
country studying the people, and lec-
turing to women's clubs, as he con-
siders the women in this country more
intelligent, and the young ones most
intelligent of all. He says that the,
American girl interests him greatly.
"My first lecture was at Vassar.
Marvelous. I spent a day with them.
They are cultivated, -gay, dominating.
I study them. The American girl is
the ino-t original in the world. No
other country has anything like her.
This isra feminine country. When
your bright men do offer opinions,
they ,are bfeminine opinions. Now
Germany, Russia, and the Orient-
'Conrad Points New
Trend In Teaching
Of Art Of Writing
"Colleges are beginning to realize
the necessity for creative, writing
courses in their rhetoric curriculum,"
says Lawrence H. Conrad of the Rhet-
oric department (of the University of
Michigan. "Heretofore, they have]
treated literature as a science and
have tried to analyze it according to
set rules, but they have found that it
failed in giving any practical trainingj
to would-be writers."
In the last few years several col-
leges and universities have brought in
unacademic instructors to help stu-
dents who show the desire and ability
to write, outside of giving them just
the mechanics. Robert Frost and
Robert Bridges served for some time
in the University of Michigan in that
capacity, and Mr. Conrad at the pres-
ent time is doing that type of work.
"College does not make a writer,
but it helps to fit him for his work,
by teaching him to use his brains in
such a way that he can think more
clearly and express himself more
easily. The further they develop the
idea off assistance in creative writing
the more benefit would-be writers will
receive from a college education.
"Not much can be said for the form-
er system of teaching rhetoric, indeed
it rather held the development of lit-
erature back. In old times writers re-
ceived most of their instruction as ap-
prentices. De Maupassant is a good
example of that type. But writers
cannot be made, for -literature starts
as an exploration and ends with a
burst of surprise at what has been

they are patriarchal natirns. France
and Spain are matriarchal in a differ-
ent way." He illustrtes this by say-
ing that America has prohibition be-
cause her women do not like to drink;
they do not need stimulant.
"Aren't you interested in the yuUv$
men?"someone asked him. "Oht.t
will all grow into Babbitta. Some ma-
.tons I hcuid study 'through the
young men, but America through her
young girls.''
The. count considers his "Travel
Diary" his best book because, "it took
me seven years to write; because I re-
wrote it again and again until it is
perfect, and because I have revealed
the soul of nations." Count Keyser-
ling never learns a language, although
he speaks many fluently. He just
"knows them all through understand-
ing the people." He objects to being
given information; he absorbs all that
without being told. He never even
reads newspapers.
At the last regular meeting of
Athena literary society, the team 4for
the upperclass debate between Portia
and Athena, on the subject, "Resolved:
that the United States should cease to
protect American capital invested in
foreign countries," was chosen.
The team will be composed of All-
etta Morton, '29, Ollie Backus, '29, and
Julia Wilcox, '30, with Freda McMil-l-
an, '30, as alternate. A committee in
full ;charge of all arrangements and
who will coach the team was also ap-
pointed. The members of this com-
mittee are Dorothy Weed, '29, chair-
man, who will be assisted by Lois
Webb, '29, and Mary Louise Brown,
'30. All of the members of this com-
mittee have either served on the Var-
sity debate team or as alternates. The
date for the debate has not yet been
All members of W.A.A. are in-
vited to be present at an open
meeting at 4 o'clock today at the
field house. There is a rumor
to the effect that Dr. Margaret
Bell will speak on the subject I
of the coming convention of
A.C.A.C.W. at Ohio State univer-
Permission has been obtained
to drive cars to Columbus. All
those who plan to go to the
convention and have not yet no-j
tified the committee are re-
C quested to call 3318.
New Process Records
1326 Rain or Shine
Forever and Ever
1335 Mississippi Mld
illy Mlelanchioly Baby
Red Nichols and
Charleston Chasers
1337 Ranona
In My lBouquet of Mei-
ories Ben Selvin & Orch.
305 Maynard St.
DIAL 7212

Will Feature College Son ' nPro. AiRecreational Work
gram; Battle Creek Branch- GO uL MANAGER' LFe
A, A. U. W. to Sponsor Concert LLICovers Broad Field
THIRTY WILL G0 ON TOUR f AAM Athletics offeb women of toda n

Favorite songs of college days, es-
pecially appealing to the University Eighteen holes played on the Uni-
alum'ni, will be the feature ci the versity golf course -makes one eligible
University of Michigan Girls' Glee for a place on one of the class golf
Club concert which wil be teams. Each person is requested to
Battle Creek at 8 o'clock tonight. hand in two nine hole scores either at
The Battle Creek branch of the the field house or to any of the golf
American Association of University manager: by Friday, April 27.
women is sponsoring this concert, Due to weather, which has not been
which will also feature several clas- conducive tfj outdoor golf, the teams
sical songs. have not yet been selected. It was
Mrs. Nora -Crane Hunt, director, originally planned to announce the
will accompany the club to Battle teams during this week, but with the
Creek. Thirty women will go on first play on the course beginning
this tour including Grace Glover, '28, only the latter part of the week, it
accompanist, and June Marshall, '29, has been decided to extend the time
assistant. over to another week.Whether one
Among the numbers which the club one exps ts to try out for teams or
will offer are, "Wynken, Blyken and not it is hoped that all who play will
Nod" by Nevin, to be sung by the hand in scores so that their names
entire club with a soprano obligato m-ay go down on, the list of ta;se out
by ;Mafjorie havanelle, '28; "The for golf in their class.
Two Clocks" by Rogers, sung by Mar- Indoor practice has been going on
jorie Chavanelle, '281 Dorothy Mars- at the field , house since vacation.
-m'an, '29, Anna Cope, '28, and Ruth Much enthusiasm has developed since
Ale, '28. the winter season and through the
A unique -number of the program faculty-student tournament which was
will be "a song in costume", act pre- played several weeks ago. The regu-
senting favorite selections from the lar classes in golf as well as those
Michigan Union opera and the Jun- taking elective work will go to the
ior Girls' play. The concert will end University course today, if the wea-
with the singing of "The Yellow and themi is favorable.
Blue." " Report to Albertina Maslem if you
Similar tours to this have been tak- are a freshman, to Marjorie Follmer
en by the Glee club each year and if you are a sophomore, to Dorothy
many cities in Michigan have be n Lyons -if you are a junior, and to
visited. Nellie Hoover if vou r ea to

.A, 9? VL - y 18 .
only the opportunity to lead a health-

The mid-term grades for all co-eds cement
at the University of Washington are
mailed by the professor to the of- Rege
fice of the dean of women; the schol- fesota p
arship chairmen of the various hous- ses noi
es call for them there. inspect

Spring flowers


Reasonable Prices
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ERHAPS you want
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your handbag-we can
supply whatever shade
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Gloves-either silk or
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