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April 20, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-20

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9 irl i ttn ttilg

Published every morning except Monday,
ring the University year by the Board in
atrol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively= en-
led to the use for republication of all news
patches credited to it or not otherwise
edited in this paper and the local news pub-
hed herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
aster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
rd Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
ditor...... ......... .Ellis B. Merry
ditor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
taff Editor..............Philip C. Brooks
ity Editor.......... Courtland C. Smith
Vomen's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
ports Editor............ Herbert E. Vedder
heater,'Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr,
ssistant City Editor . ..Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Zobert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
'aul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Sally Knox
Vargaret Arthur Tohn H. Maloney
Jex A. Bochnowski Marion lAcDonald
ean Campbell Charles S. Monroe
essie Church Catherine Price
lanchard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman
2larence N. ELaeoii~ Morris W. Quinn~
largaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
4arjorie Follmer Eleanor Scribner
ames ._Freeman Corinne Schwarz
Robert K. Gessner Roberte . Silbar
rlaine R. Gruber Howard F. Simon
aice Hragels.aw George E. Simons
foseph 1;. Howell Rowena Stillmian
Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone
harles R. Kaufman George Tilley
Viliaro F. Kerby B~ert. K. Tritscheller
.awrcnce R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
)oinald3J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
'ack I. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdhinv
Teleplhone 2121.1
Assistant Manager...George H. Annable, Jr.

voices--the anvil chorus of disap-;
pointed aspirants andscircumspect
candidates. The question bruited
about is an old one, but at the same
time it attracts more and more at-
tention due to the great changes tAk-
ing place in collegiate circles with
each passing year. Institutions are
becoming more diversified in their
standards and requirements, and the
problem of a faini selection on a
scholarship basis becomes increasing-
ly difficult.
The sect which annually attracts
the most attention is that which claims.
that inevitably many of the candidates
for the honor selected the easiest
courses throughout their college ca-
reer, sacrificing the means to the end
in the most flagrant manner. Anyone
acquainted with the conditions must
know that this is possible, but recent
studies indicate that it is highly im-
prpbable. An investigation carried
on by the Princetonian discloses that
the greaten number of Phi Beta Kap-
pas distinguish themselves in some
other field while they are in college.
Bringing this point closer home, those
who are elected can usually be picked
by their acquaintances and classmates
before the actual choice, because ofj
their extraordinary and persistent
gaining of high grades in all of their
subjects. It is all very well to say
that acknowledged easy courses can
be picked by students for the sole
purpose of making Phi Beta Kappa,
but it is indeed an expert at this
a -t of indolence who can select four
or five of these twice yearly without
exhausting both his own ambition
and the University catalog.

' WHAT ''
WE KNOW THERE should be no
post-mortems over yesterday's edition
of The Daily, but we can't help pass-
ing a few remarks.
* * *
IN THE FIRST place the world
must know that the managing editor
bunned his fingers when he tried to
pick up a hot slug (line 'o type) and
also dropped a galley of type. Out-
side of that he didn't do a thing.
THE STAFF EDITOR, who is al-
ways trying to teach the freshmen
tryouts how to become good Daily
men, read proof and if there are any
mistakes they are all his fault. Any-
way, chalk the first hundred up to his


Don McIntyre has announced a sin-
gle performance of "Gay Paree" for
the Whitney theater this Sunday night
at 8:15 o'clock. The company will
come direct from a two weeks run at
the Shubert Detroit theater, and will
be brought toAnn Arbor intact. Chic
Sales is still chief cutup, and is in
a way to make the Ida Tabell sketch
"He Knew Lincoln," quite famous.
Sophie Tucker has left the cast some
time since, but Rita Gould, Frank
Gaby, Ruth Lockwood, Douglass Leav-
itt, and Alice Boulden are still active
in the song and dance that accom-
panies him.
* * *
A review, by R. Leslie Askren
The general'impression. left by a
recital at the School of Music is one
usually of a series of very nice and
melodious notes strung together mere-
ly because they were so written in
the book. If it had not been for Vir-
ginia Tice's recital I should have
thought there was a cult there, wor-
sniping the well-struck note. As it

along fine until about 11:30 p. m.
when the City Editor happened into
the officei to see what was going on.
He was put to work reading proof.
He said he read it and found a lot
of mistakes but he didn't know how
to rectify them so he had to leave
l them alone.



was a great success and the-
came out despite the senior,

affair was, the young lady cleared the fair
paper name of the School of Music of any
night such implication by working her way
through an extremely difficult. pro-

s ays .

LSha kespeare
bout Coca-Cola

Delicious and Refreshing

Advertising............Richard A. Meyiwv'
Advertising.............Edward L. HulseC
Advertising.......... John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts............J.Raymond Wachter
Circulation............George B. Ahn, Jr
Publication............ .. Harvey Talcott
George Bradley Ray Hofelich
Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
Tames Carpenter James Jordan
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromel Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine McKinven
Bessie' V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
una Felker Alex K. Scherer
Katherine Frohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley
E. J. Hammer Hannah Wallen
Carl W. Hammer
FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1928.
Night Editor-PAUL J. KERN
With the instigation of the tutorial
system to take place next fall, the
Medical School will have accomplish-
ed what is probably the last of a group
of almost revolutionary reforms an-
nounced within the past 12 months.
First the system of admission was
lifted from a merely mechanical pro-
cedure to a personal basis, then the
comprehensive exarnination was an-

Undeniably the grading system is*gram to a perfectly splendid finale,
not a perfect solution of the merit and proved at the same time that
problem and for that matter it never LOOK OUT she could rise superior to what seems
will be. There is no available al- to me an unfortunate selection of num-
ternative. The only way left open forthers.
improvement is for the faculty mem- joIf I understand her music rightly,
bers alone, who can in some degree $.Miss Tice is more an emotionalist
of personal effort turn attention to than an imagist. Music appeals- to
the actual benefits to be delived from her more as a sensual experience
I A.n .Ithan as an intellectual or techni-
a study rather than to the visible at-
tainment of grades. The latter are Mephisophele, the one who wrote cal exercise. Consequently the ap-
mere indicators- valueless without part of this column yesterday, is here pearance on her program of selections
something to back them up. , pictured in an angry vein. He is from Debussy and Bach has in it the
about to heave something at the pro- elements of the ironic. She did mar-
REVIVAL sacross the scene. velously well by both composers but
AWELCOMEREfAssordashinin connection with Debussy certainly
The announcement that Cap Night she must have felt herself indulging
this year will be held again in tra- WE WOULDN'T HAVE printed this him in the childish pleasures of draw-
photograph, but Mephistophele insult-;.
ditional Sleepy Hollow, and that there p ing figures in his ice cream. The
will again be the traditional speakers ed us yesterday. He called us a jug Beethoven Sonata and the Chopin
when everyone knows we are a whole Ballade, however, were hers real milieu.
and atmosphere is welcome indeed tank.
She seemed at home here, perhaps
to the University student body. The * * *
more particularly with Chopin, for
casual farce perpetrated last year COUNCIL ACTS through the dramatic bravado she
under the name of Cap Night, when WE ,DON'T KNOW what happened maintained a charming lyricism which
the freshmen marched to South Ferry to the Student Council, but something made this the most successfully play-
must have, for they did something ed number of the evening. The senti-
field, burned their caps, and returned the oiher night. mental inanity of the Gluck-Brahms
with no further ado assumed almost * ! * Gavotte and the scaly glitter of Liszt's
the proportions of a travesty on the THEY SHOULD BE congratulated Etude were unimportant incidents in
revered tradition, and the whole effort for arranging to have Cap Night cere-I the course of a graduation recital. The
might better have been abandoned imonies in Sleepy Hollow again. Tra- final number, Raff's Rigaudon, was
than continued in such a guise. ditions are traditions and should be a tour de force. Exceedingly difli-
The ceremony of the burning of the respected, cult' Miss Tice still kept it from be-
pots is one of the most beautiful and * * * coming an exercise and made it in-
impressive of the school year. it is THE FIRST OF a long line of Mich- stead brilliantly carefree music.
one which has made a deep impress 1 igan all-Americans is going to be the R. L. A.

Ix X,.*
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her, nor custom stale
her infinite variety"
What Shakespeare wrote ofCleo-
patra finds echo in the thoughts
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perennial youth of the Coca-Cola
girl-the fair one you see every-
where so temptingly suggesting
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The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta,~Ga.

SII, Scene 2


r . , ; , . r
.o ..,

nounced as an innovation, and now
the last of the logical cycle of re-
form, the tutorial system, has been
It is curious to note how, as the
American educational system adds age
to its enthusiasm, the most advancedt
theories closely approach the system
in use in the ancient colleges of Eng-
land. The tutorial system itself,<
though it represents an undeniable
forward step in the system of profes-t
sional education here, is almost as
old as education itself in the country
from which it emanates.
The'e are marks of distinction, nev-
ertheless, which mark the plan as in-
stigated here as distinct from its old
world ancestors. In the first place
the student will do his class-room
work as before, and only when he
desires to coordinate the work of dif-
ferent courses will he interview his
instructor or tutor. The plan here,
moreover, will be definitely linked with4
the apparent desire for personal con-
tact between students and instruc-
tors which has seized the Medical1
School administration-contact which i
is only possible, of course, in a pro-
fessional school of comparatively
small size.s
All in all the recent changes in the.
Medical School administration, takenI
together, constitute what is probably!
one of the most advanced programs
adopted by any school or college of
the University campus in recent years.
It means that students will have ad-
vanced from thein, old basis of me-
coanical absorbers for academic!
knowledge to professional associates
of the men whose experience and7
knowledge entitles them to teach. Itf
means that the personnel of the Medi-I
cal School student body will be of a.
high character individually, and it
means that medical graduates of the1
future may approach very closely the
ideal of professional training which;

in the hearts of Michigan men for speaker at Cap Night. Jpdge Willie
generations, and it deserves a better Heston, who is said to be as good
fate than that accorded it last year. a judge (of liquor or what have you)
The revival of the event, in its full as he was a football player is the

* * V*
Palmer Christian, University organ-
ist, who has been little heard from
this season, due to the absence of the

significance, by the present Student!


AC -irr

.# 3' '


council is an act worithy of only the * * * Twilight Organ Recitals, left yester-
the highest commendation. IN SO FAR as the Judge is a Yost day to fulfill concert engagements in
product he will probably tell us that New York, Washington, and Prince-
The movement to force Congress to determination is what counts, there ton. Mr. Christian, by the way, pro-
do something worthwhile is danger- was once a boy who was too light mises several Wednesday afternoon
ous. Valuable intellects such as those to make the team but-, ah, no, this Organ recitals after the dedication of
there should not be wasted on the isn't Yost speaking. the new Skinner organ at the May
mere good of the public. F * A Festival.
When things come to such a pass, THE COUNCIL ALSO made plans ARISTOCRATS
something ought to be done about for the coming spring elections when 'Wintersimoon," a novel by Hugh
it. the students give national politicians Walpole; New York: Doubleday.Dor.
a few lessons in trading votes. an and company; $2.50.
In Hugh Walpole the field of letters
EDITORIAL COMMENT . USUALLY THERE IS just a little has at last found a great humanitar-
lessUALLY THERE IS jt ay litt Ian who can be sympathetic without
lespolitics played than in any fourben ntm ta.FryrsM.W-
TRADITIONS average presidential elections. Of being sentimental. For years Mr. Wal-
(Minnesota Daily) course there may be some students ple has taught us that spiritual lone-
Alumni of many of the older East- grow up and it is the pupose of the ss is one of life's tragedies. This
ern collges are aclessond tispthe keynote of his "W inters-
en colleges are accustomed to point who plan to be politicians when they i moon." "Wintersmoon," much like the
with pride at the "fine old traditions" University to fit us for the future. moon." of Dersmoch, u the
of their alma maters. While some of "Jalna" of De La Roche, is the temple
these traditions are of undoubted val- of generations of Family itadition.
ue, a large part of them are genuine .TThis pajticular family tradition is
MICHIGAN IS GOING to be repre- Ifortunate in being
absurdities. For instance, at one gtented at the first collegiate flying t i tr o h fthe sub-
well-known New England university, mett e eda Mth! fed n stantial thread of the tapestry of
wellknon Ne Enlan unierstymeet to be held at Mitchell field. One English political and social life.
only seniors may smoke pipes on the of the prizes is going to be given to Wildherne Pool, youngest lord of
campus; students in the other classes the University students who manages 'Wiern net rd
must, confine themselves to cigars,hWintersmoon, married Janet Grandi-
to, get a flying machine off the ground.
cigarettes. and chewing tobacco. Other thson simply to obtain an heir to the
customs, not so absurd, such as a Pool estates. The contract was made
standad way of dressing, speaking, THE OTHER PRIZES will be on a basis of, friendship and state
and behaving, tend to make all the awarded to the schools which have that Rosaliid, the sister of Janet, was
students as much alike as possible, to the best looking machines or outfits-I to be comfortably provided for. In
subordinate the individual to the Charles Lindbergh, one-time resident return Janet would carry on the race
group. of Ann Arbor, also know for other and decortum of "Wintersmoon." All
Treasons, is goin gto be a judge. We might have been well had not Janet
regarded as symbolical of the stereo- hope he remains loyal to his home , fallen in love with her husband short-
typing process to which many insti- town. ly after her marriage. To complicate
tutions subject their students. The matters the author has Rosalind de-
system is often defended on the . SIIHHHHI? A SECRET sert the love stricken Janet, thereby
ground that it instills a unity of feel- WE SEE THAT the basement of proving herself the bad sister and an
ing into the student body and makes the Union reevals secrets never be- example of the loose younger genera-
it an easy matter to spot a person fore known to the student body. Ah, Lion.
as an alumnus of such and such a that's where the faculty gets it. But after an unusually long period

" "

like -ob dy9 business,
I KNOW what I like in a pipe, and what I like
is good old Prince Albert. Fragrant as can be.
Cool and mild and long-burning, right to the
bottom of the bowl. Welcome as the week-end
reprieve. Welcome ... and satisfying!
No matter how often I load up and light up,
I never tire of good old P. A. Always friendly.
Always companionable. P. A. suits my taste.
I'll say it does. Take mytip, Fellows, and load
up from a tidy red tin.
1% ~ A uu0u u'O




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