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April 05, 1928 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-05

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p ir4jjn n to a considerable degree the present
- courses without materially interfering
with the students' necessary time for
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in social intercourse. Plesident Low-
Control of Student Publications. ell's own university, Harvard, has
Member of Western Conference Editorial made some steps in this direction
Association. with the utilization of motion pic-
The Associated Press is exclusively en- tures as an aid to quick compilehen-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise sion.
credited in this paper and the local news pub- Whatever the situation, the system
fished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, which graduates men into life sev-
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate eral years after their most enthusias-
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- tic energies have been disipated,
master (General.ti enrishv bendipe,
Subscription by carrier, $4.o; by mail, seems on the face of it to be of
4ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- rather dubious merit.
sard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 492; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925 Agitation for the repeal of the three
MANAGING EDITOR per cent federal tax on automobile
JO H. CHAMBERLIN purchases, carr~ied on by powerful
Editor.....................Elis B. Merry lobbies since the World war, has again
Edior ichigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer reached Congress in tangible form
Staff Editor.:.... ..Philip C. Brooks
City Edito............Courtland C. Smith and again the tax has been defended
d4oxiens Editor...... Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor.k .......Herbert ,. Vedder by Secretary Andrew Mellon of thei
Cheate, Books and Music. Vincent C. Wall, Jr.trauydptmnason. Th
kssistant City Editor. . .. Richard C. Kurvink
oberi E. Fnight Edithomas Mcreas tax, it seems, since it effectively rais-
J. Stewart hooker Kenneth G. Patrick es the price of automobiles on the
Paul J, Kern Krsbanu . Smith, Jr. market, is attacked by the automobile'
Esther Anderson aepoly tmanufacturers and dealers in partic-
Margaret Arthur Tohn H. Maloney ular, while persons such as Secretary
rAlex A. Bochnawskl Marion McDonald
Jean Campbell Charles S. Monroe Mellon, who are anxious to reduce
Jessie Church Catherine Price income taxes, see in the motor ve-
lanchard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman
Clarence N. eb.,>:\Morrs V :Quinn hicle levy a means of raising vast
Margaret Gross Nita Rosenthal
Valbor Egeland Pierce Rosenberg revenue with no direct burden. on the
Marjorie 'hollmer Eleanor Sribner
ames 1. Freeman Corinne Schwarz larger incomes.
Robert J. Gessner Robert G. SilbarBohvesaebedlrly n
laine E. Gruber ".Howard F. Si Both views are based largely on
Alice Hagelshaw t-orge F. Simons personal interest, unfortunately, with
Joseph E. Howell Rowena Stilman
a Wallace Hshe Syvia Stone the possible exception that the auto-
Charles R.: Kaufman George Tilleyl
William F. Kerby I ert. K. Tritscheller mobile manufacturers have behind
Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr. them a large amount of popular sup-
Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
lack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling port from the purchasers of automo-
UTbiles. Secretary Mellon, on the other
(eleShNES STAFF hand, has the probable sympathy of
TeUIpone 2 A G . nearly all persons paying large direct
WILLIAM . MPUSCH taxes to the federal government, and
Assistant Manager....George H. Annable, Jr. also the support of that faction which
S.ifmay have fallen victim to his some-
Advertising.............Richard A' Meyw what dubious economic arguments.
Advertising... ,.......Edward L. Hulse
Advertising...........E.Joh W. Ruswinckel These economic arguments of Se-
cculation.. ...... Rayong B acht r.cretary Mellon, to further criticize the
Publication................. Harvey Talcott case, are probably the weakest points
Geore Bradley Ray Hofelich raised thus far on either side. It is
Marie Brummeer Hal A. Jaehn his contention that taxes must be
Tames Carpenter James Jordan
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr levied on a "broad base," so that in
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine McKinven times of great business depression the
Oessiee AlxEgeland orot . Scherer 'revenues of the government do not fall
Katherine Frohne George Spater off to any striking degree. One glance
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum at the automobile industry, probably
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley t.se i'u
E. J. hammer Hannah Wallen the most erratic and subject to de-
Carl W. Hammer pression and fluctuation in the Unit-
THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1928 ed States, should suffice to convince
even Secretary Mellon's friends that
Night Editbr-PAUL J. KERN a tax placed there is far from the
secure and regular source of income
he would like to make it out to be.
AGE AND EDUCATION The secretary of the treasury would
i To graduate from college, a youth seek in vain if he were to attempt
to find a major American industry
with a fresh and energetic outlook on which shows a larger seasonal and
life is a wonderful experience, with- annual fluctuation than the manufac-
out a doubt, and. it is this type of in- ture of automobiles.
dividual who probably contributes All of which goes to prove very
most to the life of his community little except that if the federal, tax
in whatever field of endeavor he on automobile purchases is desirable.
chooses to direct his efforts. When Secretary Mellon's reasons are far
college courses were generally four from convincing to that end. Personal
years, befolre the passion for length- interests have entered into both sides
ening and restricting came into vogue, of the discussion, and in that kind of
it was possible for youths to gradu- an argument the general public is all
ate with this viewpoint, in the full too likely to find itself confronted
flood of their boyish enthusiasm. Now, with blank wall when it attempts to
however, with professional courses re- discover the real facts, a situation
quiring up to eight years for com- which can probably best be reme-
pletion, the young graduate has be- died by a public hearing.
come a thing of. the past, and gray
hairs and bald spots are as much in1
evidence as fresh and energetic coun- Something new in the line of p-
tenances on grpiduation days. litical organizations is plannne i
It is exactly this thing, apparently.rg i sn
Washington, it seems, for the promo-
w ihhasA. atrtedte Lattention Otion of the candidacy of Herbert Hoo-
President A. l wrence Lowell of Har eadGien! rdGeno
var university and has caused himernor Fred Green of
yad unisiy aend hsased thim Michigan is going to head it as presi-
toermake his recent statement that ae .'_enoelidewll ttmp

"vIdent. The novel idea will attempt
American college students begin ac-
tive lifo work entirely too late. The souieacmiteo ,0 eu-
tvelife wrksdentrel tooate.rd Te licans in all parts of the country, all
venerable president of Harvard points of them men in public life, for the
'out that thle average age of students support of Herbert Hoover, and thus
entering college is more than 18 years, far the organizers report remarkable
which makes the average of those succesa
graduating from the long professionals More than half of the 237Repub-
courses over 25. If the average man icnembers of the Hu o Reb-
has passed the peak of his useful- picenemtmti s are expe o join
ness in a profession at 55 years of age, irnttmve, accrding to hoin
then,' nearly half of his life is spent che and ar ng o sen-
in preparation for the other half, and 3tor are also planning to become Hoo-
the really unbalanced thing about it ver men. Thus far the group is keep-
is that more than one fourth of this in t memeT hip t gr e
. ing its membership list secret, but
period of preparation is spent in a when the 1,000 naes are secured it.
final polishing priocess after the foun- is proposed to broadcast them through
dation is laid.
the nation, advertising in every me-
The situation works detrimentally topolis, town, and hamlet that Hoo-
in several ways. If the professional vr is the ar hoiceo the Re-
student desires to marry it involves ver i .popular choice of the Re-
either marriage with a girl far his .he idea, however, is too good to
junior or it requires his asking a girl be taken lightly. Not only does it di-
of his own age to wait at least three vert funds and energy front "safe"
years after she *has completed her vr ud n nryfo sf"
year afei~'shehas ompetedherHoover, states like Michigan to doubt-
education before starting her career. fl states where they can be of most
The only other alternative is mar-usbtispenaldvrsn
rmehie stillkib sesits potrenldvsi pro-
rig hl tl nsho-ni-pensities are tremendous. Like the
perfect and dubious makeshift at best, charge of the lighit brigade, it is some-
From another standpoint it means'
what of a dramatic affair, and it is
that the college nian is still in school,'r the most extensive c sm
a burdmoreoversthemmostaextensiveycam-
at burden onhissfamilyand et, paign effort thus far launched on be-
for at least five years after the aver- i afo n addt.T aeMci
" half of any candidate. To have Michi-
nnnrn4tinn.1 h. hb a nn thi. A h anir nO

IT WON'T BE long now before we
pack up and get out of town. Going
home is always wonderful because
everyone looks at the big college boy
going down the street.I
* * *
WE IMAGINE IT is great to live in
a real small town, like Gary or Mar-
shall, Michigan, or some place like
that and make the natives sit up and
take notice as you walk along the
* * *
It -_ - -rJ-A-
In case some of the students are
broke, as most of them are, they will
take one of the above means of get-
ting home. It is really a very efficient
method if you don't care how long it
* * *
WHEN ALL THE boys arrive home
they will dash to the garage and take
the old car out for; a spin. Everyone
likes variety and novelty.
* * *
In taking a drive along the avenue
it is well to keep an eye on the cops
for they often have tickets to give
away. Now in Ann Arbor a student
has no cause to be careful, but else-
wherje it is different.
BUT THEN THERE are the pleas-
ures of being in the old' home town
again. When we go home to Chicago
we put on a bullet proof vest and
walk around just as calm as though
we were in Ann Arbor, BUT NOT
* * *
w -
ay - a
Yes, as you see in the illustration,
it is nice to be in the big city again.
,Despite the gun men the shows are
enjoyable at times.
* * *
BUT THERE IS always a danger in
going home. However, it is a dan-
ger that is run into all over the

TONIGHT: The Varsity Band
hnd Glee Club will give their
spring concert at 8 o'clock in Hill
TONIGHT: The Rockford Play-
ers will present Bernard Shaw's
"Cialida" at 8 o'clock in the
Whitney Theater.
TONIGHT: The Students' Re-
cital in the School of Music audi-
torium at 8 o'clock.
Tyler's revival of "The School for
Scandal' in the New Detroit
theater (Detroit).
* * *
A review, by Robert J. Gessner
There are certain times when we
are compelled to forgive the students
of the School of Music for all the
sonorous belches and other compli-
cations they emit from the basement
windows of their practice studios.
And such times are when they pr-
sent recitals of the quality of the one
given yesterday afternoon in Hill
auditorium on Theodore Dubois' clas-
sic, "The Seven Last Words of Christ."
The ability of the soloists along with
the unity and oneness of the chorus
and the orchestra were of the best
grade heard in a student recital dur-
ing the past few years. We even must
forgive Roy Langham for what he
does over at Mimes, in lieu of what he
produced yesterday. It can be said
of Langham that as a student conduc-
tor, presenting a pure musical pro-
gramn, he is exceptional, and much of
the success of yesterday's perform-
ance lies at the tip of his baton.
Of the recital as a whole nothing
detrimental can be said, but in re-
gar to the three soloists a few criti-
cisms are warrtnted. The soprano,
Carolyn Slepicka,. has beautiful tone
quality and a technic that is passa-
ble, but she sadly lacks power. It
seems that she has placed her tones
at a premium for the sake of effect,
rather than balancing her technic for
the, sake of the music. However,
Stewart Churchill, a tenor, success-
fully intertwined the qualities of his
voice to give us the most outstand-
ing singing of the afternoon., He
has power and at times he uses it
intelligently, but too sparingly. When
he sang we wene aware that he could
have gone further, but was too timid
to try. Yet, I suppose, it is better
to do what he did, rather than take
the awful chance of forcing the voice.
But just th'e same we were left some-
what unsatisfied, because we were
aware . of his potentialities. Otto
Brown, a baritone, has the sweetest
voice of them all and also the soft-
est. His weakness, too, lies not in the
tone quality but in what he does with
that quality. It is odd that the three
soloists should be mutual in their
weaknesses, but not until they have
overcome this fault will they be able
to sing with the greatest possible
A program will be given by Mary
Alice Case, Dor Legg Helen Gould,
Philip Stern, and Beth Hamilton in
the Students' Recital series in the
School of Music auditorium at 8

Phone 602 or write 61 E i i uron Srrevt
E. 0. Euebler, Steamship Agt., Ann Arbor




a specialty for,
twenty years.
Prompt Service, Experienced Oper-
ators, Moderate Rates.
17 Vekrs1Q Arendp.- Ph nnP go!.M-


2.0 a 7.10
3.35 ARCADE.
"Ladies' Bargain
Every Thursday. UVp1on admis-
sion during first show every
lady will be presented with a
niniered ticket. The Iucky
person receives a niaircel at the'
"O~ampu111s Beauty Sliop*"'
Woodward, at Eliot
NIGHTS, 75c, $1.50. Mats. Tues.,
Thurs. and Sat., 50c, 75c
Beginning Monday, April 2
A Thrilling Dramatic Play of
Joan of Are


Ann Arbor, May 16, 17, 18, 19
1000 Grantd St., Denver, Colorado
Telephones Main 7462 and Main 3955
March 6th, 1928
Mr- Charles A. Sink, Pres.,
University School of Music,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Dear Mr. Sink:
In looking over your prospectus for the
coming May Festival, I note that in the en-
gagement of artists and the choral numbers
on the program, you maintain the - high
standard musicians of the country expect
from you. The ears of musical America
are constantly watching your work.
With very good wishes for successful
festival, I am
Very truly .yours,
(Signed) Edwin J. Stringham,
The Denver College of Music.




Beginning Surnday, April I
Return by Popular Demand
Abie's Irish Rose
Nights 50c to $1.50
Wed. and Sat. iatinees roc,to
$1.00 Plus Tax

Course Tickets-$5.50-$6.00-$7.00



' 1



-: -


y ,fv


1ssEN PA

. .


Now this young student has run
into the danger we have been speak-
ing of. And then this is spring so
we warn everyone to walk around in
a daze and they will be safe. Remem-
ber, this is Leap Year.
Dear Jeb:
Well the Law grades for the first,
semester are out only eight weeks
after exams. The Law Faculty cer-
tainly are doing their best to teach
the boys the value of delay in legal
procedure by practical examples.
I think "The Chancellor" deserves
special mention. For two semesters
he teaches us one of the main ad-
vantages of Equity is its speed and!
then Equity delays our grades three
full weeks.
Poison. IVY

The Varsity Band and the Varsity
Glee club will appear in joint con-
cert tonight at 8 o'clock in Hill audi-
toriurm. With the exception of tra-
ditional College songs the program
is an entirely new one and features
several solo numbers.
Marche Militaire ... ...Schubert
Overture, "Barber 'of Seville" Rossini
The .Debutante (cornet solo) ..Clarke
Moonlight Sonata.........Beethoven
"Tannhauser" (selections) .. Wagner
Were You There..........Burleigh
Prelude and Siciliana ..... Mascagni
Execution, (baritone solo) . Southwell
"Yellow and Blue"..........Balfe
College Humor magazine did two
things: gave a car to a Michigan stu-
(lent, andran an article about Michi-
gan by' G. D. Eaton. The joke is ob-
vious to everyone but Eaton. He be-
came sentimental in a rather beery
fashion. The gist of his article is that
while he was at Michigan he was a
ihell of a feller,' and that in Detroit
the best liquors are still obtainable
at pre-war quality, but it was all put
in so naive a fashion that the effort
at Menckenism- an effort at best
passe-resulted in what Mencken

On your first trip abroad, you are doubtless
prepared to see lots of interesting things .-"icebergs,
perhaps'exclusive French restaurants serving
corned beef and cabbage-cultured Englishmen
who do not wear monocles, or say "Old Bean".
Probably you would not even register surprise
if you found high speed Otis elevators apparently
as much at home on the Leviathan and other trans-
atlantic liners, as in the finest buildings in all parts
of the world.



Dear Jeb:
I am informed through the columns
of the DOB that the poetry editors of
the Inlander will meet on Thursday
for consultation. Of the 746 possible'
wisecracks that this sage little no-
tice gives offer to, I, shall submit this
one. It may be that, after all these
years, the Inlander is finally going
to print some poetry.
La rk

age artisan na~s reacne ed e peaK or
his earning capacity, and it means
that he must lie idle while others 'his
age already are contributing to thet

gan's governor at the head of the
movement is no inconsiderable honor
to both Governor Green and the
t stf[f I

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