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American Colleges Lack Real Student
Self-Government, Especially
Large Universities
"The hone to do all in its power to
foster understanding among the stu-
dents of the world, with the goal of
world peace in mind, is the aim of
the National Student Federation of
America, which met in Lincoln, Ne-
braska for its third annual conven-
tion on Dec. 15, 16, and 17," stated
Cynthia Hawkins, '29, speaking before
the board of representatives of the
Women's league at their meeting yes-
Miss Hawkins attended the conifer-
ence in Nebraska as the representa-
tive of Michigan women.
"tters International Institutions
"Of course, such an organization
has its limitations, but if it can fos-
ter fellow-feeling among the students
of the world and build up interna-'
tional institutions, it has done a great
deal," Miss Hawkins continued. "In
line with this purpose, it sponsors
student tours, with student groups as
hosts in. the foreign countries; these
tours are directed by the Open Road
Seeks ToDevelop Student Opinions
The N. S. F. A. in its national as-
pect has several tasks, she went on to
say. No doubt thengreatest is that
of developing student opinion on na-
tional and international problems, and
to make the student conscious of the
importance of these problems, as well
as of his part in determining the pol-
icies which the nation shall follow.
The American organization has estab-
lished definite relations with the In-
ternational Confederation of Students
in carrying out this purpose.
To name the standing committees,
Miss Hawkins affirmed, would be
sufficient to give some insight into
the work of the organization. Among
the most important is that on iter-
national relations; another is com-
prised of members of the travel com-
mittee, while a third is termed -he
"speakers' bureau." The first two are
essentially self-explanatory; the third
deals with the arranging of reasona-
ble rates and the availability of good
Student Self-Government Discussed
"The greatest lack," Miss Hawkins
stated, "in American colleges, was
felt to be the lack of real student self-
government. This is noticeable partic-
ularly at denominational colleges, and
large universities. The subject was
one, of special interest at the discus-
sion groups.
"Here at Michigan, the women, as
represented by the league, have an
organization of self-government
which, compared with other schools,
which they can justly be proud. It
is very competent. and something of
has executive, legislative, and judicial
powers; it is working on a point sys-
system for activities, and is in com-
plee cooperation with the advisers to
women. These factors were stressed
as valuable at the convention.
Miss Hawkins went on to deplore
the lack of an efficient and responsi-
ble student body on the campus as a
whole, claiming that student self-
government, as outlined by the feder-
ation, is in truth, only in nominal
form here.
Regular classwork as done by the
women taking a physical education
major will be demonstrated by
them Tuesday night, Jan. 17, at 7, o'-
clock in Barbour 1ymnasium. Friend
of members of these classes and th
general public is invited to atten
the demonstration.
The following program' will be pre
sented,: posture parade by all class
es, clogging by the sophomores, gym
nastics by the seniors, dancing by th
juniors, stunts by the sophomores
folk dancing by the juniors, a relay
by picked people from each class, and
games in which everyone participates.
Judges of the competitive numbers
will be members of the physical edu-
cation teaching staff.
Despite the darken
is enveloping the ca
thought which com-e
aminations now but
there have been a n
activities during the
On Wednesday two
dinners of interest w
Kappa Kappa Gamma
pha Thetasororities.
Prof. and Mrs. Louis
Prof. and Mrs. E. M
honor guests of the e
girls at the Theta hou
es to Prof. and Mrs
Dean and Mrs. Jose
Prof. and Mrs. Jesse
latter function roses
artistically decorated
Pledges Ent
A novel and enterta
had at the Alpha C
on Monday evening,
classmen royally fete
a renewed rushing p
Eight rushees wer
the Delta Delta Delta
day evening on whi
first signs of spring
pearance in the love
tions of tulips and pi
Announces En
A charming dinner
engagengnt of Miss
'27, daughter of Dr.
J. Wilson of Detroit,t
of Bryon, Ohio, also
dent of the Universit
evening at the Kap
house. Large silver
ing pink roses ador
from which pink sat
tended to the indivi
which novel annou
cards were tied.
Honored guests o
aside from Miss Wil
Walter J. Wilson,
Blackwood, Miss Rut
Dorothy Dey.
Hold House
The only house da
was held on Friday
Chi Omega house a
guests of honor were
ing Mr. and Mrs. Cl
and Mrs. Richard Gi
ble Bailie and Mrs.
A coming event of
the dinner heldnatt
house next Thursday
and Mrs. Clarence C
invitedsguests includ
A. W. Diack, Dr. an
bot, Dr. and Mrs. G. C
and Mrs. Joseph Bur
Mrs. Palmer Christi
Advisors Ar
This noon the girl
pa Gamma house ar
a special dinner in h
advisers to women,
Johnson, Miss Alice
Grace Richards.
As delegates to t
over nine national w
tions which are me
ary 15th to the 19t
D). C., to discuss the
of war, Mrs. Henry
George W. Patterson
Rankin will go from
Of interest to all
announcement made
at the Gamma Phi B
made known the eng
Lorine Burt to Philij
Burt and Dow are
dents, the former b
the University, and t
uate student of Yal
"Although women are more con- Announcement has just come from I scholarships must be made before Tickets for the plays which are to(TO MEFT TOMORROW
scientious than men, as a general Bryn Mawr college of its annual offer February 1st; in the case of foreign be given by the Rockford Players at
ing cloud which thing, it may be noted that they are of 23 resident fellowships and 23 scholarships applications may be the Whitney theater, beginning Jan. ____
,mpus with the more slavish in proportion and in graduate scholarships open for comnmade ntalit.anfurtheridn 22, were discussed at the meeting of 1iss Lloyd, Ir. Bell to peak To Wo-
s with final ex- carrying out of outlines created by petition to graduates of any college taen In Jnior Girls Play; Cast
two weeks of, ohr. of good stanig ieshlrhp o ils with regard to the awards them- the Board of Representatives, held mnlin uir~il'Pa;C
umbe s ofsocial This in essence is the theme of an fori o en, and twolowshi ves may be obtained from Miss Grace Saturday morning in the Library. To Be Made Known
umber eefk.socialnterview granted b y Robert Ane hin women, aed two fellowrichaars aer sto woen . Studes a Reserve tiets wl sbedistrbuted -U-
fo m lnau t r eso r n thed Socioogyr d nea t- llhege maor e here. t ry M w ih aresain ersteden, Stdins theve tiaw ardsl e d sareu edpam ongr n hthcololeagu-col eghouseser st d ande am ay a e ben tA UTag eH Ous s TO ayB E U TA N N O U N CEDAN O U C E
ere given at the met. Resident fellowships, to the value ofewere.urged to see Miss Richards at the had through them. These tickets are
ar and Kappa Al- Angell continued by saying that$R each, are offered in practically earliest possible date. not dated and must be exchanged at With the first meeting of the entire
men are stimulated to create ideas tebxofc o h ikt o h ats
At the former, *etheybxfoffic for thuticketnforuthncast sheduledfor 4 o'coktmro
A trauss indulge in independentthinking everya reld oftured incluin ltay e - desired performance. Reservations aternoon, "For The Lve Of Pete,"
A. Strauss and'. guages, science, art, mathematics, W . A A.M em esT a epoe nt h e c
[. Gale were the during the course of their early life sychology, and philosophy. Econom- may Wphoned in to the box office of 24th annual Junior Girls Play, will
mosychologyvand Tphilosophy, o the Whitney any day after 10 o'clock go into rehearsal in preparation for
vening while the worentis moecon ive, how er o and politics may be studied Attend in the morning and may then be ob- its appearance in March. The meet-
se were hostess- whe is mor ou owevrsto through a fellowship provided by Jus- taimed either during the day or just will take place in Sarah Cas-
John Worley, tions. tus C. Strawbridge, while research in Members of W. A. A. are making before the play wellAngell hall of Barbour gymnas-
ph Bursley and Tpy Social Economy may be carried on plans to attend the central sectional Prices for the tickets are as fol-
Reeves. At the There are proportionately more A s through two funds of the Carola Wo conference of A. C. A. C. W., Ath- lows: Wednesday matinees will be hiu, and all participants of the play,
adpntaesamongwoe in tideateteihfeMeoiladteGrcH.y both chorus and speaking parts, are
than among the men. Nor is en erishoffer Memorial, and the Grace H. letic Conference of American College 50 cents throughout the entire house, requested to be present. Notification
a the tables. than amg the s te en Dodge Memorial offers two fellow- Women, which will be held this year 75 cents and 50 cents for the Satur- by mail or telephone has been made
th ale. Lollment limited to the selected few ships in Industrial Relations. ymi rtlphn a enmd
ertained who have brains, as the saying goes. at Ohio State university at Columbus, day matinees, and $1.00, 75 and 50 Ito all women who were selected to
ining evening was Approximately a third of the students These resident fellowships, award- from April 19 to 21, inclusive. cents for evenings. The dollar seats take Part.
[hi Omega house eitA g an thtde- inti ofprevious attain- The National conference of A. C. A. are at the front of the main floor; the At the tom'orrow, Miss
hiOeahueelecting courses in the sociology de- ed rcgiin peiuIh Atth meeting tmroMs
when the upper- partment are women, and their level ments, are open for competition to C. W. meets every three years at. 75 cent seats in the back of the main Alice Lloyd, adviser to women, and
d the pledges at of scholarship is, on the whole, high- graduate students who have compet which time delegates from every Wo- floor, and the front of the balcony, Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the wo-
arty. er than that of the men. d at least one year of grad e wor men's athletic association in the and the remainder of the house is 50 men's physical education department,
after obtaining their first degree. i
e entertained at Angell believes this to be typical of coTe nSgefferfs emorialcuntry gather and discuss problems cents. The accoustics of the entire will speak. Minna Miller, '27, director
house on Tues- the state of affairs in all co-educa- . . e H M and dilemmas which arise in regard house is unusually good, according to of the play, will be introduced to the
.ch occasion the tional universities. Women are not Fellowship is offered to a studen de- to women's athletics. In the spring Evelyn Osborn, who conducted the cast, and the list of rehearsals an-
made their ap- only more conscientious than meni siring to carry on researc in $e of ach year which intervenes be- meeting, and voices from the stage nounced. Those women who will carry
ply table decora- class, but in most lines of endeavor hysics or chemistry. It totals $1200 tween the national conference, sec- can be heard plainly from every seat. the speaking parts will also be made
ussy willows. A case was cited of a group that had s to Be held during one yearts tional conferences are held in differ- Season tickets are: five for $4.50, known to the rest of the cast, and the
gpagenient individual appointments for consulta- must be students who have done ad-I ent parts of the country. Michigan six tickets for $5.50, seven tickets for mystery surrounding the author of
announcing the tion. More than eight times more vance graduats who I s included in the Central section. $6.50, and eight tickets for $7.50. the play will be cleared up when she
arjoriWilonghennfailedtoappearthanwomen. anhehldegrdfatelowsk. pi. A delegate will be sent from the Plans for the annual fancy dress is presented to the group. The cast
and Mrs. Walter It is probable that the best women's tedo devoteatfeaonhl1sfer-University of Michigan to confer with ball were discussed. The problem will meet with the members of the
tod Herer Werter colleges have a group of students who pected to devote at least one half her other members at the conference, and brought up to be solved was whether executive committee, as well, and it
o Hformer stu- are the intellectual superiors of the time to the department in which the, it is hoped that many others will avail it would be best for the women to is expected that a brief synopsis of
waa eld lsta women in this university. This is due thepresentation ofathesin tori shom themselves of this opportunity. Ac- come dressed individually, or as units the play itself will be revealed at the
y, as eldlas t th hih sanardof he ntanc th prsetaton f athsisor n smecording to the Michigan women who jfrom each house. The objection rais- meeting, although this will not be
pa Alpha Theta ttquirementstother manner, that her studies have attended the National conference at ed to the latter plan was that when made public as yet.
baskets contain- Asets. m not been without result. Cornell university last spring it was the women of each house are dressed
ned each table, Resident scholarships, of $350 each, an extremely valuable experience to
insraese'versities being superior to 'our own, a eaaddt addtsnx na xrm a eeprec alike, they stay in groups, whereas ww ww wwww w w
in streamersex-vnge believes this is due to envir- may be awarded to candidates next in them. the object of the ball is to get them
dual places toAngenl beli tis. He toinvirs merit to the successful applicants for The Physical Education department acquainted with each other. When
incement place onmental conditions. He maintains the fellowships. There are 20 such of Ohio State is interested in conduct- the women dress indiBuidually, they Uty Shoppe
that the men in these institutions shoarhis.Inluediltesae tB auyehyp
f the evening would probably surpass the men here th obertsG. letin Memora ing a field or play day with W. A. A. are able to use costumes which have Special Monday and Thursday
son, eeninsjust so far as the women surpass cd. at the time of the conference. The been used at previous parties. The Wave, 50c-Shampoo, 50e
ss Eleth the American students. scnolarships in Industrial Relations. executive board of Michigan's W. A. matter was left to be discussed in Finger and Water Wave, 75c
Miss Elizabeth Foreign women are encouraged in A. favors this plan. each house and be brought up at the Your attendant will be Miss
h Dunn and Miss T Ctheir studies by the offer of five schol- next meeting. The question of the date Moran-one of Detroit's leading
bDnanMisNOTICES arhisof$00oac.rhsapicn
must present work equal to apbah- IMPORTANT JUNIOR NOTICE of the ball was also left to be decided operators.
Dance ms peet)ok qajt bc-later11 .Ui.Da 12
Dne of the week All m embers of the proposed chap- elor's degree. m ___the cls1 1mU iDom-
evening at the ter of Alpha Lamba Delta are asked European travelling fellowships, Members of the costume coG r -_ay
t w hich several to m eet at 4:15 o'clock tom orrow w ith w hich are offered to students w ho ill m ee t at 4 o'clock T uesd ay, 11111111 Miss Lloyd in Barbour gy mnasium . carry on their graduate work at Bryn
pre en , i cl d-M iss Lloyd in Barbour gym nasium.- carry on th i graduate wor at B ynn ro m 24 f He n N wb r
present, includ-There will be discussion of the .chap- Mawr may be of terest to wome in room 324 of Helen Newberry
ifford Keen, Mr. p- Mresience.Ityi veryimpotantrest1T toF women 9-
egory, M ter, and it is very important that who are hesitating about a school for reside.cye. Itisenrimportant TH E BIG EVE NT
all r Melvin.all members be present. graduate-study. that everyone be present. T-
5. inte r y lv i n. e A pplications for the fellow ships and ' _ _ _ _ _(__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
interest ll be Intramural basketball games sched- a IThursday, the Nineteenth
thein Beta o hDi uled for Monday, Jan. 16, are as fol- .............................................................
'ook in te h Onr r.lows: at 4 o'clock, Theta Phi Alpha - -
e: Lr.tandMsvs. Alpha Xi Delta; at 5 o'clock, Del- The Drawing of Coupons for the
ed Mr. Hagd Mrs. ta Gamma vs. Delta Delta Delta, and l
Mrs. Hugh Ca- Chi Omega vs. Pi Beta Phi; at 7:30, kE NI H T Fee emen
sl Huder. an Betsy Barbour vs. Alpha Gamma Sig- - . . Wodd a lo-
sley and Mr. ands
ma, and Alpha Epsilon Iota vs. Adelia Begnning 75c. .,EFUA
an. Cheever. MONDAY, Th=iaes.,
e Guests The Book section of the Faculty JAN 16 Over Graham's
s of Kappa Kap- Women's club will meet at the home JAN.---_PI, A Y 11 0 U7S E5v
e entertaining at of Mrs. Emory W. Sink, at 2:30 on
onor of the three Tuesday afternoon, at 1546 Packard. Drawig at 8:30 P. M.
Ms BetieMrs. G. F.. Uhlenbeck will assist. iTT
Lloyd and Miss Delta Delta Delta sorority announe- A FUNNY SHOW All Our Friends Invited
es the engagement of Kathryn Fran-
he conference of cis, '28, to An'thony F. Haven, '26E % lliliU11111ii 11111111111111ItIIIFIlilliilillllllllllllilllltlllllllll llll
'omen 's organiza-
eting from Janu-__
h I inW .IIh~iIstn I 1 Desigjned to miake you laugh and it does! : i
causes and cure
E. Riggs, Mrs..
a and Mrs. T. E.
Ann Arbor.
students was the
early in the week
Seta house. which
agement of Marie
p Dow. Both Miss
Ann Arbor resi-
eing a senior at
the latter a grad-
e university.
Clearance Sale of
Jewelry, Sweaters, Etc.
The Quality
Hemstitching' Shop
721 N. Univ. Phone 9712
Set on a peak of wise cracking barely equaled and never excelled!
Sam Janney's New York Wow
Lovely Showing
of ntew S
SPrinlresses j
..*.- I
Francisco -Boyce
Photo Co.
The Eastman Way
as low as
in a drastic clearance
. a
'' .
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Lovely, youthful fluffy things
that help enhance youthful lovli-
ness. Here is an .opportunity to
buy at a tremendous saving, the
newest of the new, in design,
color, and material-in fact, you
may have two frocks at less than
the regular price of one.
Fashions that
Lead into Spring
Already the magic wand of
fashion is beginning to trans-
form our wardrobes from the
passing winter modes into
lightened and gayer Spring-
time styles. Every new frock
in the store today definitely
anticipates Spring, and their
details are indicative of the
true Spring mode.
Colors, too, brighten the
mood-sea blue, beige, na-
tural color, soft prints and
rosy beige, Lucerne blue,
cafe cream. The thrill of
fashion once again lures us
on into the fascinations of a
new season just begun.
$ S n 7 5
(Second Floor)
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'he Ensemble Sways the
Spring Mode-
Jackets are longer-
Velveteen is an important
Navy and Yellow are two out-
standing colors-
Tailored suits are still good-
Afternoon dress has a flutter-
ing, fly-away air-
,- -.;
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