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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
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Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
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Editor........ ....Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor..............Philip C. Brooks#
CitynEditor...........Coirtland C. Smith
Women's E~ditor........... Marian L. Welles
Sports Iditor. .. .... Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books anLMusic.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
"Telegraph Editor............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
R obert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
Stetwart Hooker Kenneth G. Patick
aul J. Kern t Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Marion McDonald
Margaret Arthur Richard H. M ilroy
Emmons A. lonfield Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie Church Harold L. Passman
Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. uin
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie 'oilmer Edward J. Ryan
{ames B. Freeman David Scheyer
Robert J. Gessner Eleanor Scribner
Elaine E. Gruber Corinne Schwarz
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William F. Kerby George Tilley
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Telephone 21214
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public press to consider such factors
when reporting the event of an execu-
Whatever else may be said of or by
"Big Bill" Thompson, mayor of Chi-
cago, his judgment is progressively
sound in urging landing fields and
other aids to air navigation in Chicago.
When he says, "Get the business of
the sky," Mayor Thomposon shows
a quality of foresight that obviously
was lacking in some of the other
projects with which the erstwhile
mayor has been affiliated.
Without any doubt, the day when
"sky business" can be counted upon
to take one of the leading parts in the
world of commerce is not far distant.
The irresistible publicity of air ex-
peditions as handled during the last
year by the world press, has shown
this to be undeniably true.
Farseeing officials in other Ameri-
can cities would be wise to remain
active in encouraging the same proj-
ect, that of establishing aviation fields
in their locality. The next decade is
certain to witness the beginning of
commercial aviation, and the cities of
vision are the cities that will profit.
Peace and good will, or something
like that, seems to have settled down
upon New York. Heywood Broun is
back on his column in the New York
Referring again to the headline,
"Stable Year Ahead," one reader was
quite surprised at the forecast, with
Henry and Chevrolet as busy as they
"Airport Boosters Arrange Meet-
ing." Will this mean that we will
have an airport or another service
The enthusiasm of the Michigan-
Indiana game should carry several
thousand students through their final
examinations with flying colors.
"Police Cover Strikers with Guns
After Clash." Just another case of
locking the garage after the automo-
bile has been stolen.
France is asked to invite powers to
a discussion of move to repudiate war.
Now the French foreign minister can
come to bat in this latest game of!
We (and we don't mean Lindy)-
"Guess I'll pledge B. M. 0. C."
Roommate-"Just what is that sup-
posed to mean?"
We-"I'll try for the Rolls job."
It-That's a real joke-I mean
your trying."
We-"Well, I'll do just as Ben Bolt
says. Use my natural style. Write
just as I think."
It-"That's right, they want light
stuff for the column.
* * *
At last they have found a way to
solve the oil waste problem that has
been baffling America's greatest sci-
entists for years. They're going to
pass a law against it.
* * *
Which reminds us that there's been
niore slush in Ann Arbor in the last
few days than in Teapot Dome in the
last ten years.
* * *
Don't get discouraged because the
team hasn't been winning lately. Stick
by the guns with the old Michigan
spirit and you will be rewarded-we
have a track meet with Harvard this
* * *
Just heard a rumor that the auto
ban is going to be raised, It's going
to be raised to include aeroplanes.
* *,*
Freshmen: "Doc" May is giving a
smoker in Waterman gym, Thursday
at four.
G. A. Mtay.
* * *
The dumbest Frosh we know is the
260 pound freshman who is dieting on
toasted rolls. He wants to write the
column some day.
* * *
Fronm A Freshman's Diary
Saturday, Jan. 7-7:00 p. mn. At-
tended wrestling meet at the Field
Shouse. Was disappointed at the lack
of interest taken in wrestling in the
9:30 p. m. Called on Mary at her
league house. Was impressed with
the interest taken in wrestling at the
* S*
Of course we've been to the new
Michigan theater. Don't like the
place at all-the cheering was ter-
rible. The show didn't have' any kick
-at least we didn't hear it.
For awhile it seemed just like the
new stadium. Our seats were so far
back we thought Tillotson had handed
them to us.
1 * * .
It's too bad that it's the only place
they will show vaudeville. But there'
one consolation. We won't' have to
donate any more pennies to the actor
I - - - ,
sity Symphony orchestra, under the
baton of Samuel Lockwood, Mrs.
Maude Okkelberg, soloist, in a Faculty
concert at 4:15 in Hill auditorium.
* * *
The Owen Davis Pulitzer Prize play,
"Icebound," will be presented by
Mimes for the week of Jan. 23 in their
theater. The cast which has been
selected went into a first rehearsal
yesterday afternoon, and will be an-
nounced the first of next week.
An interesting note in connection
with this play is that Gertrude Law-
rence, late star of Charlot's Revues,
is now in London with her last sea-
son's New York success, "Oh. Kay!"
and at the same time is playing the
heroine of the Owen Davis piece for
a Sunday evening performance and a
Monday matinee. The indication is
that Miss Lawrence will in the future
devote herself at least part of the time
to the so-called straight drama.
"Rain or Shine," the new Joe Cook
musical comedy, after a twice delay-
ed opening, due to the necessity of re-
modeling the stage at the Shubert
Detroit to suit its proportions, will
continue at that theater. Produced
under the aegis of Messrs. Jones and
Green-late sponsors of the Green-
wich Village Follies-it is remarkable
for the presence of some Tom Nip
dancers, Tom Howard in the cast, a
book by James Gleason and some
Jack Yellen music. It has a plot
which Makes Mr. Cook the owner of
a defunct circus. Remembering the
varied talents of Mr. Cook; this setting
must give him considerable occasion
for exploiting most of them.
* * *
No matter what else may be said of
Paul Koschanski who appears in the
Choral Union series this Wednesday
night, he has at least to be given
credit for the fact that he is one of
the few musicians who has made
annual American concert tours since
his debut in 1921. Most of the younger
European musicians have to stay away
after a few seasons every now and
then until they have regained some
of the spice of novelty.
Koschanski is primarily famous for
his interpretation which was consid-
ered something exceptional a few
years ago. Since then he has become
rather more of a virtuoso, but this
was probably due to the demands of
American audiences. Incidentally he
is a professor of music in the Con-
servatory of Warsaw.
('harles Lucieto; New York; McBride
Lenses and Frames made
To Order
Optical Prescriptions
State St. Jewelers
Come in and examine
We are having a wonderful sale on this Champion of
all portables. "Everybody wants one." Anyone can
quickly learn to use one. It is a time saver and time is
George Bradley
Marie Brumler
James 0. Brown
ames Carpenter
James B Cooper
Charles K. Correll
Barbara Cronell
Mary Dively
Bessie V. Egeland
Ona Felker
Katherine Frohne
Douglass Fuller
Beatrice Greenberg
Helen Gross
%. J. Hammer
Carl. hammer
Ray Hotelich
Hal A. Jaehn
James Jordan
Marion Kerr
Thales N. Lenington
Catherine McKinven
W. A. Mahahfy
Francis D. Patrick
George M. Perrett
Alex K. Scherer
Frank Schuler
George Spater
Wilbert Stephenson
Ruth Thompson
Herbert E. Varnum
Lawrence Walkley
Hannah Wallen
Night Editor-PAUL J. KERN
In striking contrast to the profes-
sional trend of modern football, De-
troit high schools have adopted a
plan whereby coaches of their ath-
letic teams would not be allowed to
direct any part of the team after the
contests had started.
Responsibility for substitutions and
other matters generally left in the
hands of the coach, according to the
new plan, would rest on the shoulders
of the captain. In fact the coach may
only interfere when the physical con-
dition of the:players is ignored by their
money. Themes should be typed-Theses must be.
Merrick Heirloom Rder s Pen Shop
Chinese Rugs Authorized Dealers. Complete typewriter service.
N ew shipm ent of room sizes lso new ship ment of sil% _
SAso new shipment of sil
s Chinese embroideries too late
for Christmas, "at greatly re-
duced prices.
Merrick Studios
' 928 Church St. -
Evenings by appointment only.
6 iillllt1 iID iiliilii 1ilil i il 9@t s
_______ _at GRANGER'S
COOPE sS IThere is no better recreation than
KITCHENET'TE dancing, and there is no more
enjoyable place to dance than at
Granger's. Every means is taken to
.emake every one of the parties the
Noodle Soup
Pear and Pimento Sal'ad, ultimate in real enjoyment. The
Fried Chicken - music, the surroundings, the soda
Roast Veal fountain service, all combine to
. Mashed Potatoes make Granger's the ideal place to
Sweet Pickles
Green String Beans .dac
Rolls-Coffee or Milk You will find the same good time
ce ream at all of our dances. There are
5c three every week.
The Best Sunday Night Lunch -
in town.
Chicken or Meat Sandwich
Milk or Coffee D c E v
Pineapple SaladD g
Cake. vednesday, Fridat
and Saturday
KITCHENETTE I ____Granger's Academy
Over Derrill Pratt I
I" I. -.-__.__-.__.- -- _- _ .................__ _ _ _.-- - - - . = _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _
(Daily Iowan)
Knight Dunlap, in The American
Mercury, says the fight between fun-
damentalists and evolutionists is
based on an illusion.
Other philosophers have voiced the
same thought. An intelligent con-
temporary of Darwin advanced argu-
ments to show that one could believe
in the Biblical theory of creation
and the biological theory of evolution
at the same time, and still be classed
as perfectly sane and consistent.
I Mr. Dunlap uses much the same line
of argument; but he puts it in simpler1
form. He requires only that one be a
leaders. This might tend to lead to He builds up his case essentially as at the Maj. 'ad Sams9 $2-0
inefficiency as regards teamwork, but follows: 1'. l. A review, by Paul J. Kern.
could be avoided by instruction in The scientist has discovered that * * * If the World War was won at all by
student leadership, the World changes in an orderly man- I ANOTHER APPLICANT anybody, as we have every reason to
On the other hand, moreover, it is ner, in compliance with certain na- ANNOUNCES 1IS PLATFt)Rfl believe that it was won, it was not due
a generally recognized fact that a play- tural laws. He observes that this pro- I see where The Daily says that al- to the thundering guns of the Allies,
er participating in the game is more cess of change has continuity and, (if most anyone is welcome to the job nor the millions of men which Amer-
likely to know just what. is going on he is logical) that this continuity may of toasting The Daily Rolls next se- ica shipped overseas, but to one out-!
and what is needed-. In this respect, be infinite in both directions. The mester. How woulld I do' standing secret service agent-Charles
the captain would have the upper fundamentalist agrees with this theory * * * Lucieto. The man admits it himself.
hand. of natural, orderly change, but he be- I am a great sneerer. I can sneer Whatever the veracity of Lucieto,
Coming as it does, at a time when lieves that the whole process began at almost anything at a moment's however, and whether or not such a
professionalism is playing an ever- only a few thousand years ago. notice. With twenty-four hours notice person ever existed at all, the yarn
increasing part in football circles, the Now, let us imagine that God, I can sneer for a whole cohimn. he spins about the war and its in-
plan proposed by the Detroit high I omniscient and omnipotent, decides to * * * trigues is without a doubt among the
schools seems to presage much for create a universe. He considers all As for my platform, I firmly 1e- best reading served in a long time to
the future. Its results and subsequent possible universes and finally chooses lieve that anything that is tried and the avid patrons of the "detective
success, if actually put into effect, to create one in which events will true and traditional is a lot of bologny. thriller." Dozens of fellows have
should be highly interesting to the work themselves out according to pre- * * * written about the catching of crim-
observant "higher-ups." arranged laws. He then considers Am I eligible? I'll have to refer you inals, but few have told tales of the
the problem of what stage in the de- to my profs. But why bring that tp? Allied secret service during the war
EXECUTED velopment of that universe He shall * * * which command the breathless inter-
Amid the sobbing wardens of New create it. Obviously, his decision in I have no raccoon coat. Will that est of Lucieto's tales. From the time
York state and the dripping yellow this matter will not change the char- spoil my chances? the story opens with Lucieto watch-
press of the entire land, Henry Gray acter of the universe lie is to create. * * * ing Germans making explosives at the
and Ruth Snyder, two murderers, It will still operate according to fixed Krupp works through the entire ga-
were executed Thursday night. A great natural laws.pIwdeinaydr m oe v e mut of wierd tales, the book is noth-
deal of the material published about If he chooses to start the systempowder ay fom. My one vice ing less than absorbing.
God help me!-is an insatiable cray- Se
them was distorted and warped from in operation at the stage which corre- ~Soire of the achievements for which
ponds to our 6,0eing for chocolate malted milk. Buti
its true proportion, but still more of spnDsa ou ,040 B. C., the universe.. Lucieto modestly takes credit are the
itsil trueiproportionebuttstilltmoreoofitsmaybe if I had a steady jobj I could
the material was sheer "sob-stuff," 1will obviously have at the time of its mgyfe f hid v inidiou it, prevention of a German invasion of
broadcast with the sole intent of creation the very same characteristicsrs Switzerland, the harrassing of the
arousing public sympathy to the point as it would have had if He had begun !*submarine campaign, the complete de-
where the public would buy news- it fifty million years earlier and al- Do not ask me to wime to talk to feat of an attempt to burn up France
papers. lowed it to develop to that particular you in regards to the job. I am not with diabolical capsules that ignited
This glorification of the American stage. one to do myself justice in speech. I things, and the gathering of reams of
murderer during the closing hours of Mr. Dunlap compares the universe can write anything but I'm a dumbell information which finally consum-
his life may not be viciously bad on to a great cross-word puzzle in which when it comes to saying it. Besides, mated the defeat of the Central
the surface, but underlying it is an the squares are filled out accordinglmy voice has a way of going soprano Powers.
extremely dangerous tendency which to pre-arranged definitions, corre- when I am out in company. The writer shows, of course, the
ought not to be tolerated. It is all too sponding to natural laws. The funda- * * * derisive attitude toward his antagon-
easy, several months or a year after mentalist chooses to believe the puz- Do I get a break? ists which befits the feeling of a
the crime has been committed, to for- zle was begun with part of the square Hopeful Applicant. Frenchman toward a German, and
get the crime itself and focus atten- filled out. The scientist believes it * * * doubtless the waving of the flag
tion on the punishment only-a prac- may have been begun with all the i) THOSE BLOODY EASTERNERS which is done at the top, bottom, and
tice' which is sure to undermine our squares empty. In either case the middle of each page is part of the rea-