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March 28, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-28

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)


- - - - - - - - - -

I Volume 8.

lWuEox l)EiAr

INCH 118 Number 138.

To Deans and Department 1eads :
All nominaticns for the Henry Russel Award must be submitted on or
before Saturday, March 31. Kindly use the nomination blanks distributed the
first of the month. Nominations should be sent to E. D. Dickinson, Law
E. C. Dickinson.'
Readings by Robert Frost:
Mr. Robert Frost, the poet and former holder of the Fellowship in Cre-
ative Arts and the Fellowship in'Letters in this University, will give public
readings from his poems in the Mimes Theater, Wednesday and Friday
afternoons, March 28 and 30, at 4:15 o'clock.
F. E. 'Robbins.
To All Concerned:.
In order to end the misunderstandings which have attended efforts to
check long distance telephone bill's each month the following rule will be
effcctive after March 31:
All long distance telephone calls going out through the University Ex-
change will be placed with the University operator and not with the long
distance operators of the Telephone Company. The users of University tele-
phones for long distance purposes will merely give to the University operator
the same information that has been' required in the past by the long distance
operators at the central or main exchange. The University operator will
keep a record of each call and will thus be in position to check the bills for
long distance service rendered by the Telephone Company.
It is not thought that this new plan will in any appreciable way interfere
with the effectiveness of the service. The same plan has been in operation
through the University Hospital branch exchange for some time and has
given satisfaction there. There is not in any sense any curtailment of service
or convenienc'e; there is simply a centralization of the necessary records.
Long distance calls will be placed over "direct lines" the same as in the past
and no change whatever is contemplated by this new rule in the service at
the University Hospital. The plan has been discussed and approved by the
Shirley W. Smith, Business Manager.
School of Education, Faculty Meeting:
There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the School of Education, Mon-
day, April 2, at 12:45 o'clock, in the Ladies Dining Room of the. Union.
This change of hour is necessitated because of Dr. Adler's address at 4
o'clock on that day. All members desirous of {attending the staff luncheon at
12:15 o'clock. are of course welcome. The Faculty meeting will take up two
very important matters of business.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary.
Faculty, College of Literaturey Science, and the Arts:
A special meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, is called at t'he request of President Little for Monday afternoon,
April 2, at 4:15 o'clock, in Room 1035 Angell Hall for the purpose of con-
sidering the creation of a committee to set forth the points of view of this
Faculty with reference to the University' College to the Board of Regents.
H. C. Carver, Secretary.
Scientific Management-Pubtiu Lecture:
Dr. H. S. Person; Managing Director of the Taylor Society, will give a
series aof three lectures dealing with the History and Content of Scientific
Management, 'and its present significance to industry. The first lecture will
be given at 9 a.m., Wednesday, March 28, in Room 348 West Engineering
Building; the 'second at 7 p.m., Wednesday, in the same room. The final
lecture.wil be given Thursday, March 29, at 4 o'clock in Room 206, Tappan
Hall. All interested are invited to attend.
C. B. Gordy.
7Notice to all Women Students:
Applications for the Open Road Tour which is. being sponsored by the
Women's League must b- made not later than April 20. All women who are
at all interested should see me personally before spring vacation. There
are women from jother colleges interested in joining the Michigan group but
we wish to make sure that all Michigan women are accommodated first.
Mary L. Lytle; Leader, Betsy Barbour House.

LAying of Corner StAme of Michigan League Building:
The corner -stone of the League Building will be laid at 4:15 o'clock,
Thursday, March 29. The short exercises will be entirely in the hands of the
undergraduate women who have arranged the following program:
The University Band, a short outline 'of the history of the Women's
League by Mary White, '29, reading of the list of articles in the corner stone
by Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg of Grand Rapids, a 'short address by Regent
Sawyer, and the laying of the corner stone by President Little. The Girls'
Glee 'Club and the University Band will unite in the "Yellow and the Blue."
No invitations will be issued, but everyone interested in the League
work is cordially invited to be present on the League lot.
Elizabeth Nutt, President Women's League.
Visitors' Night, Angell Hall Laboratory:
The public is invited to visit the .Astronomical Laboratory in Angell
Hall to observe the moon on Friday and Saturday night's, March 30 and 31.
Admission only by ticket. Reservations must be made by calling the Obser-
vatory office between 9 a.m., and' 12:30 p.m., today. R. It. Curtis.
Michigan Academy; Annual Exhibits:
The first annual exhibition in the Sections of Anth opology, Botany,
Fine Arts, Economics and Socioluogy, Forestry, Geography, and Zoology will
be shown Thursday, March 29, at 8:30 p.m., on the second flcor of Alumni
Memorial Hall instead of in the Natural' Science Building as announced in the
printed program. Refreshments will be served. All members of the Acad-
emy, candidates for membership and guests are invited.
Z. C. Dickinson, Chairman of Local Committee.
Notice to all Possessors of Keys for the Natural Science Building:
In pursuance of the Regents' legislation with regard to keys. I will be1
in Room 3098 of the Natural Science Building on Thursday, March 29, from
2 to 5 p.m., fcr the purpose of stamping and recording keys.
All persons having keys for this building which do not bear the Univer-
sity mark, kindly call at the desk. It. Glenn Bixby.
Students .in Education:
Dr. Mark May of Yale University will be the main speaker at a dinner
sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa, Monday evening April 2. Dr. May has for the
past three years been conducting a very interesting inquiry in the field of
'Character Education" and will give the results of this investigation at this
time. Tickets for the occasion miay be hadi at the office of Phi Delta Kappa,
4016 University High School or reservations may be made by calling 22332.
The dinner will be held at the Michigan Union, the price being $1.25.
R. D. IacNitt, President, Omega Chapter Phi Delta Kappa
All Senior Engineers:
Mr. C. B. Collins and Mr. C. R. Wallace representing the Koppers Con-
struction Company of Pittsburgh, will be in Room 2028 East Engineering
Building today, Wednesday, to interview Seniors desiring a position:with that
company. The Koppers Construction Company designs, constructs and oper-
ates by-product coke ovens and gas plants. It has use for all types of en-
gineers. It is suggested that Seniors who are interested telephone Miss
McKim for appointment at phone 65.
Mr. E. W. Kempton, Educational Director of the American Steel and Wire
Ccmpany, Cleveland, will be in Room 2028 East Engineering Building to-
morrow, Thursday, to interview Seniors desiring positions with this company.
Appointments may be made by telephoning Miss McKim at University 65.
Alfred 11. White.
Business Administralion 102:
This class will meet at 9 o'clock today in Room 348 West Engineering
J. P. Mitchell,. Jr.
Seniors Lits:
Sentior Programs, Invitations, and Announcements will be on sale for
the last time' Wedne-sday, Thursday, and Friday, March 28, 29, and 30 in the
lobby of Angell Hall.
J. Albert Roesch.
Senior Engineers:
Only nine days remain in which to order your canes. These cf you who
have not done so are urged to do so promptly at Wagner's. The first ship-
ment is already in and those who were among the first 70 to order may secure
their stick whenever desired.
P. !1. Shoemaker. Chairman Cane Committee.

1'Oret ('lzd:
Prof. S. A. Graham of the Forest School will speak to the club tonight;
his subject will be "Forests and Entomology."
Meet at 7:30 p.m:, in Room 2D39 N.S.
Fred P. Struhso'ker.
tornedy CI1b:
Tryouts for the next Comedy Club play will be held Wednesday, March
28, at 3 o'clock in Newberry Hall. All members 'are urged to be present.
Roy G. Curtis.
liadio Club:
There will be a meeting of the Radio Club in Room 306 at the Michigan
Union at 7:30 p.m., today.
Walter Nelson.
Aero Inspection Trip:
The Transportaticn Club i's sponsoring a trip to Selfridge Field and Ford
Airport on Sa.turday, March 31. The party will leave the Engineering Arch
about 7 a.m., and will return in time for dinner in the evening. Transporta-
tion wil The by bus and the total cost of such will not be n1ore than $2.50
per person. Anyone interested may join the party by phoning D. E. Ross-
man at 8632. D. E. Rosnan.
Transporlation Club:
A meeting dealing with air transportation will be held tonight, March 28,
at 8 p.m., in Room 1042 of the East Engineering Building. Replacing Mr.
Stout, who is unable to appear, Mr. L. Lobdell, of the Stout Air Services,
Inc., will speak on the subject of "Air Line Operations." Visitors are cord-
ially invited.
P. E. Shoemaker.
Cercle Francais:
There will be an interesting meeting of le Cercle Francais Thursday
night at 7:30 o'clock at Lane Hall Auditorium. All members are urged to be
present and any others who are interested are cordially invited to attend.
3[lo S. Ryan, President.
A.S.C . .: .
Spring initiation banquet will be held at the Fawcett House, Huron and
Division Streets, on Thursday, March 29, at 6:15 o'clock. This will be a
joint meeting of the engineering faculty 'and student members.
I. M. Salmond.
(olloquium in Applied Mechanies:
The next meeting is on Thursday, March 29, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 248,
West Engineering Building. Professor J. A. Van den Broek will speak on
'The Factor of Ductility in Design." All interested are cordially invited to
attend. Please note that the meeting room 'has been changed.
IV.X. Coates.
Gargayle Business. Staff:
There will be a meeting of the entire business staff of the Gargoyle
Wednesday afternoon, at 4 p.m., in the Press Building.
R. 3L Read.
Michiganensa m Office Business! Staff:
There will be a meeting of the business staff of the 1928 Michiganen'sia'ni
at 4 o'clock Wednesday. Tom Yates.

Signia Gamiuua Phi:
Sigma Gamma Epsilon meeting
Wednesday, March 28, at 7:30 p.m.,
in Russel /Seminar Roaim', Natural
Science Building. Mr. C. H. Riggs
will give an illustrated talk on:
"Fossil Hunting in Argentina."
Ralph E. Taylor, Secretary.
Fresh Frolic Favors:
Persons wishing to secure Frosh
Frolic favors may do so 'Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons from 1 te
5 p.m., by presenting ticket and favor
stub at the ticket desk in the lobby of
the Union.
J. P. Diehl, Chairman.
Frosh Frolic:
There will be a meeting of the
Frosh Frolic Committee Wednesday,
March 28, at 5 p.m., Room 302 Union.
J. P. Diehl, Chairman.
Alpha Kappa Delta:
Members will meet this evening at
the home Hof Dr. A: E. Wood, 3 Harv-
ard Place. The spring election of new
members will take place at this time.
Richard C. Fuller, President.
Students, Colleges of Engineering and
The ,Classification Committee has
placed the limit of time at which a
course may be dropped without record
at the end of the eighth week of the
semester (March 31, 1928), except in
cases of continued illness or other ex-
tenuating circumstances. In all cases
the classifier should consult with the
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Sigma Delta Chi:
The last meeting before the Grid
Banquet will be held at 3:15 o'clock
this afternoon in the front office of
the Press Building. All members
must be present.
K. G. Patrick.
Mr. T. J. Gates will not meet his
classes on Wednesday, March 28.
T. J. :Gates.

We Invite Your Inspection of Our Complete Line of
Wedding Invitations, Wedding Announce-
ments, Visiting Cards and Social Stationery
The Superior Quality and Reasonable Prices Will Surely Please You

English Seminary:
Meeting Tuesday. April 3, Lib. 407. Discussion
papers. Students are expected to attend as many
literary or other. Get program in English office.

of. Michigian Academy
sessions as possible,

.. Hanfluuord.




The Gray Fawns

5th Annual Spring Frolic

of Cleveland, Ohio

This Band Is Playing the Law

Bud Golden Directing
His Eleven Wolverines
Michigan's Foremost Entertaining
"Hotter Than the Sands of the

Two Bands

" 0

: "

Continuous Dancing
Tickets at Slater's


Dance Friday Night

$1.50 per Couple



IAll SeatsI
R eservedl



IOrchestra .:.75c
Mezzanine ..50c

Tonight and Remainder of Week

Mimes of the Michigan Union presents


George Bernard Shaw's Famous Drama











Tom Dougall, Florence B. Tennant and Francis Kleutgen

With a Costumed
Cast of Sixt

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