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March 25, 1928 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-25

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J. -1 I - 1 11

SI'NDAY, '_11_ RCII 2,7-,, 1 2F



BOASTE ",- o




t1'11ie ,('e A I? 4ha se* lIrIi c' 'o ( a k 4.of 1'ii y
lduhi'eAr' A licong' N en r w' Ckkit i4'I>,To i:c :,


Almcost, never' before ha'rsuch elia
number of, operat'ic 'stars ibeen'H a =
: (wcdecl lit Ann Ar bor, as for ltic;
!)-;lh annual may tFestivacl. SiX ould-
stacidicig nieicicrs of lice X'ccIr,oi-
itaic Oper:,( companyIIV\Iilibepc's2t
Wihile tilh ueaicgo Civi;' Ojirci'(.r:-
p, iY xwill be rc'jreselctedicy two t,
ts leading;cc lights, a11)d1sitaris of d l("
L~a Sca la, 1riish INatLou a] Opera and
t he Anmericana Opera company wi]
pairticipat e. Other ncotabile examvpleas
of American art;xwill be heard. Tihe
list of Sopranos inl'udes Leonora
Co~rona, the spectacular Met ropolit an
ringe~r wihose triumph has been most
plea;SIng tto crit ics. ''Sheise a T rv(,xs
girvl vho has madle an enviaible r'ec-
ord andl one who wit Icin ten minlut es

jxau- 'Iid it 1: cplc ii 4.L" .lii i-j dl "1 :
lion I () L i' ;ci l'; c cccsrr ica ;
will b (huc's ('iva he i.)',s i

alo' l erd is '"A idca'" arole
has ninde (ist iitIx' 11(5


and c

one( in XVWhich lsheist15said(1t10he 11 and in thle children's concert oil Fri--1
51l'liI 551a1)1 C.(lay afternoon , xwhere she wiII Sing a
tunf t'tlt t'd fIn 4PC ~ ;io 1 ronlp of songs. All, thrcee 5(1111'a ha
MVarie TMon laa is a a tiit( 1hr AMerl- !Willbe hcearid i iIll(ebloom a nd fr°esh1-
caii Who0has Won rgloat istinction imess of their career.
not only ilri Eu coealc Opera ('(111- Tree (' ont rat os, all franc li
lr~anies, but, pa c t cularly iileItliefield Me[t i'c jin ai Op(''2 eolpa?1y, xill

singy ic} tile St, Fran cis''number;
and111 Margaret M-at zenailer will be the
pierformier at the openinig Festival
("oncert . All I lioe have won greal.
ist incion 11. iss Al ('00k was lheard
;u Ann111Airor several yNearis ag-Io.
Pau 'a Alil 101!;e atmdclTudor Ha vies
' ill. represent 1 leie ccot's, the first a
1-1ad in ,g str i'at icl(, Met rol')itan
I~ ~ ~~a~ tI;ci(011l i,2114he laltter fain-

afte r her first. auidition by the diec of tihe oratorio}. She xvr11Ini be heard i participate:
tor-general was the proud possessor t wic'e: in the Thlursday night per- jknowiedgecl
of a contract for leading roles. The l formance of St.. Francis of Assisi" ing ablility;

Manrion q

Feix'a, 5li( av
" o ltsfnill-
c~ocki, wvho xiii

Ols byV rec 001 0()Iihiss lii' ese xit ii
the Britiushc Nafioccai Oper'c A %
Ia c );cl toi a c' thI cis coll~itry for a
I'cw \v( oh!; slt'cy, <chciric; wb ('iche was
to ffii ;'vec~rli icci'tail ec occ~ct
isl i hciladc!Ilci ndtIc 1:1111Ic ist . i e vas
Iiclr'llle Ito cremiaicl over' for tile-
11tai' i'>'st ira icn ordcer' ltlhe mit'lct
scict", 11c' iervy I eccor rle('ill 1 i(he ';
Fr~miS of 'As Ii'' 1cldlle'a workl
11cc ' Wicc'hci:,iceutifl' ci elsh x'ciic'
is parit icuclarlyv adapteds. ''icel'esh'
1' scrlllyc, Tli ccoc'f ice1' :seemlto
haIveomecled iiil1cth tufid cof tenor
5iti- .,acildAlc'. visis I ilocc~
iticnI's lccccsical art at. it s be t.
itllicdi'it' HcceI n fit .14
Ihitil Xi iocs, is iiic wwlcomaier' to
I ti-oiws iicc i c' 151s. At tlie
1(1 h lrooim ci Oicer'a (ciJiilly Ie is
()IIce or I'l(!Ice 1llc al l 51b' 's fat silcgi'c's,
accd Icis pccil cayal of the role of
liii lames''icc Vei'di's great "Aida"
is all event: 1(o le anticipat edi xith
th c 'great est of SaIt isfac('11011
Blarit onles will lbe ('citribit edl by
I ice M Aet ropolit an Opera companly ldI
f ~ie Amer'licani Opera coinpaily. Ma riol
Itas l is looked UIpon by critic's and
th ligreat oplera going publlic of Newi
Fork as the logical successor of
SPas quale Ama to. Nowv in his prime,
1he wvilIl be heard in Ann Arbor for
_ ce firstI inie. One of hlis leadingj
rioles is thIat of "Amanasro" in thel
"Aida" performance, thus Ann Ar-
- Ior's May Pestival patrons will have
ic opportunity of hearing this great
1, siliger at his best. ie possesses a
powerfull melodious voice of spilndidl
velvety text ure, which he handles as
_ on] y the great Italian singers seem
ao be aide to do.
ilaymind Kgcli is a young Ameti-
canl singer, xxhlo has distinguished
h1ims.elf in the iranks of the American,
Opera company, as well as inl cons-
cer t performanices throughout the
'otilitry. le is also neCw to Ann Ac'-
ioi. lHe xvili sinig onl the Tihursday
11iglit, progr'amn alonig with ii ci tall a,
-1Alc c (andaillD avies ill the "St. Fran-
1 i ss Th 1tt;icn
IA single bass will piresent.that: im-
Sp01l'It icra ll('iof1 11u15ic, and a t re-
med lus reprcessrcct a le it wvi Ill)beill
lice lPel'sou of Chiase IBarmoio, or
('ha se ;tykes. Mc'. iaromeo xvas born1
a icd Imioug;lt 1u1n in Michligan ; lie
;raduated fron't tie Iuniiversity School
oi MIusic, havxing st ndiedcl inder Tbheo-'
dc IIa c'risoll, a iid also fr om thle
['ciiveisit y of Michiigan. As a stun-E
d ci 1he w as lpromillelit Aiall fnc-S
ci' I cci versi I y nusical actiAvities. i14,1
«WSa star (i'solocist oi lie gleep('111b,
ook piiloiieiit icsci'ti(,cIte imich igaic
1' coon O(Perris of' his day, and P11 i't-


''.- Aida" 'Occariig I ceh e I l'Iit seasoni of
a? lie ('ii it 'g O M'.c il . t eh a 1 1 5S su n g
c'v ~ r ab t ilce ;'s ' ic x1 v eekai, and Ias
%\(;1! lcf'r illiel,'1 t a 1)121'' dmonti; 11he
sc cl ogicci;:liica'eu 1'Iillitiiliil
cci c~c'aIIIia "Aicclc
A role iii uvlcic'ii ic ticct u a rl'y ox-
('('s is Hi la c ,;1' (II( ' '"K in '' inl " Aictal '
Iii: d( lidity, p cof' Ie t L1,i111, W ell
lcicccuicc t ' i :irc f 1i 1< ' p11'iiicularly
1f o ' t ih e g ' ' l ~ e ( i I O ' i g ' ju s t ,
Jras tile t ile r i'cclc iS ic: i lciy adtcpl -
ead 'o r 1\li e i ti c ' 5 o t hi e r' g c'c'u ct o p ' ':c a
stir, 'l llc' lk c'ruse. M ils: cl ,11 D irector
141coic, ii i chocsillg \Verdti", '"Aidti'"
tis yeall' fo' thle ('iosicig l'Nst ival
yong(.ct, w aus in Ii celic'd not, oily b -
c'11'.15bec-'tai, ctr i en clv 11o I lch ' wo r'k it:self
aI llci tic ' t':cc'i th a t. it, ii rt ]to tcc t 'l~ i.
ho tl ill :'c n cm Ar'b rc~ r l's'xs'cc year,,
liiilit. 1v ['1511 ci' till ' i':u thail : it.
wouldn hi gix'. ?Mich~liigan 's I'Qsel)0(lla-
tix'eSicc the ope'ra wo'lcd an o0ppor1-
tuniit y oif binjg heard'cat thieir 'verIy
-- iest.
Thr'tee01o1t-.hidling iiistrcument alists
will bei e (ari: Bennio l t inof, violin,
P ercty (ii'a lcgei', pianio, 1and(1 Palme'r
1Ir. It biicof is a. youing man gin
t'i'arn-i'fro Nexw Yo c k's great ]East-aside.
As a youncgsteorice caine to the( atteci-
11(11101ofctic(almsica~l plePl, acid
tilcoug li a clombiniationi of circuim-
stalic('s almost unblelievablie wals
finally mrade a student of the great
TLeopold Auei', the octogenarian violin
I teachier, whose work has been so well
exemplified by T-ieifetz, Elman, Sel-
(let, Rosen, Hlansen, and others. Ra-m
binof took. New York b~y storm only a
shiort'tine ago with his de~but, and it
was a most fitting climax to his mu-
sical activities for the first season
c that he should lbe heard at Ann Ar-
Ii bor's Festival.
(.9r ginger III TreI.e Roles
Percy Grainger, who will be0 heard
in ltce Fridlay night concert in the
role (if bothi conduict or and clomposer',
wvil---lihihard Satucrday afternoon in
lih W -wc i ihiss nmaior iole of 1Piano10soloist, a1
and ticanii 'athe'r1' ique cii (onn'biiiation. M ir.
Studyicng;Grainger is one of the outstanding
of that piano) vir't uosos501 the day, k rnown
,vas then ixwherever mniic is played1. I-ie ias
iu m] i 01 loueolpractically every civilized
d inalxy'couintry icntihe'xvoi'ld, and has reveiv-
lcossillc c ed ovatIionis be'oi'e the most critical
e amlouis mnlsi('al andienees in every great mu-
hei'e for sic capital.
lg Icass , 1Palmer Christian ranks as one of
hat, \'Oii, Amecia's greatest concert organl-
Oil 1(1111'gists. Jils e1'Vi('es are ill continued
> ope c cl'emand fr'omi coast to ('(ast, and dumr-
2s( ca m-d igice pIc.eselct year 'he has played
c110111 (Itof jlt gu'ir'a t oiehiesti'a s and with the
Cic('ng(, iliost digniified mulsic'ai societies from
icrelliatel y Sana 'aneco to Nw Yoc'k. A year
rc'a t' ;a ici agc) xvii c'ii i'0 , ' g lr t t or ganists w ere

r w II I .,..,

Paul X111 huge

I 4f

tival. Leaving Ann Arbor
into service during the war,
sient: several years in Italy
uncder the famous master's
:gong-loving country. He0
engaged to sing in the vai'io1
(ipl Iopera, commp~anics, an(
won thie gieatest i ulmphi
here by bceing ('all ed to t1cc
La Scala Opiera at !Milan, xv
three years lie xxas the 10211
singing te h'a vy rles(' of ti
ancd Speniding ipls umuers
I thr'oughitihe Sofct h nierc'
hiouses. l1 2'55 112111 a ycear
prl'sari1() Johnusonl, dir'ect(V- gc
11lie Civic Opera company of
heard him at Milan, and iinn
eucgagc'ctint cc ircn i aoa (it

a. w M.,,, ,
. ,

Fy y "f
4 '

-c concert1iis. Oncisevec'al Icceal idlns as lice iss i 11(1' for'the Oc'reiit 'Nexw York Mr. Chlrist Ian
ic' ccc mcinor r' oles at thbe May Fee- 1(11icago season. 1He i'e'ently sai-illp m'iia

reOpr'esen ted

of _ j

41p, r





Eare most anxious to prove to you-
that we are offering the best suit value
obtainable in our hard f inished worsted

About the way we run° our business
is one of the pleasantest jobs we have.
We are proud of the modern
equipment we have installed
to turn out good work.
We also are glad to see the same cus-
tomers come back from year to year.
Our New Phone Number
Is dial 9495




Topcoats of English 'Tweeds, $35'-
S--*I1 TT r-4£N ,

II fhP rlri andin ri II

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