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March 25, 1928 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-25

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4 It4k



Thirty-Fifth Annual Concert Event of the University Musical Society Will Present Galaxy of Not

ed Musicans

For Four Days In Hill Auditorium

Program Array Draws Notable

Comment For Its Quality From Impresarios


- 'K)


Five Directors Of National Fame
Scheduled To Conduct
Well-Known Works


By Jenneth G. Patrick
Brilliancy, novelty, and a wide
range of musical endeavor will char-
acterize the six programs of the
thirty-fifth annual May Festival,
which will take place on May 16, 17,
18, and 19 in Hill auditorium. Opera
stars of the first magnitude, oratorio
singers, violinsts, pianists, organ-
ists, the Chicago Symphony orchestra,
the University Choral Union, and the
large children's Festival chorus will
combine their efforts in presenting
programs of outstanding merit, under
the direction of the batons of five dis-
tinguished conductors: Earl V. Moore,
general music director of the Festi-
val; Frederick Stock, conductor of
the Chicago Symphony orchestra;
Juva Higbee, conductor of the chil-
dren's Festival chorus; Percy Grain-
ger and Eric Delamarter, both of
whom will appear in the role of guest
Critics from far and wide have ex-
pressed in strongest terms their ad-
miration and appreciation of the mu-
sical worthwhileness of the event, and
have been exceedingly generous in
their expression of enthusiasm not
only for Festivals of the past but in
particular for the thirty-fifth annual
event, which they claim will surpass
all those which have preceded it.
Moore Known As Composer
Earl V. Moore, general music di-
rector, is one of the outstanding young
composers, conductors, and musical
authorities in this country, and is so
recognized by distinguished colleagues
throughout the land. He is an officer
of the National Association of Music
Schools and Allied Arts, and a mem-
ber of the important committee on
curricula. At the last regular meet-
ing of the music teachers' national
association in Minneapolis he was
honored with the vice-presidency. ie
has given many addresses and con-
tributed much to the conventions of
these and other state and national
groups of professionals. As conductor
of the University Choral Union he has
won distinction, and has led his group
of singers in the performance of many
works well-known to musical audi-
ences. He has also ventured into the
field of the unknown, having given
prominent works their first American
or world premiere.
Frederick Stock, conductor of the
Chicago Symphony orchestra, has
won the title of dean of American
conductors through his long Years of
service. Educated abroad, and with
the direction of his father and other
great musical authorities as a boy,
he came to Chicago in the nineties,
as a member of the Chicago Symphony
orchestra, then presided over by Theo-
dore Thomas. From an ordinary
player he was promoted to the as-
sistant directorship, and in 1904, upon
the death of its distinguished founder,
he was elevated to the conductorship.
For twenty-four years he has held this
position, and in addition to many con-
certs given in Chicago each year he
has taken his band of players on
tours which have criss-crossed the
United States in all directions. For
twenty-four years lie has brought
them to Ann Arbor to participate in
the May Festival, and in a sense the
orchestra has become so distinct a
part of the Festival that music pa-
trons coiing to Ani Arbor welcome
Stock and his orchestra as a unit of
the event
Tura Higbee Wel-Knowni
Juva Higbee, supervisor of music
in the Ann Arbor public schools, was
recently elected to her position
through her record as an authority
in this field. Before coming to Ann
Arbor she had won distinction in her
profession, and the results she has at-
tained with the high school musical
organizations have been remarkable.
Her groups invariably won recognition
from the first contests in which they
1- . .rAnn mTherdiPre.

aCompletion 0 $7,000 Instrument
Effected Before Date
- kOf MIly Festival
K..' OS The blue curtain that has been
~ ~hangihg over the stage in Hill audi-
torium during most of the present
season has been removed. In its
place is a row of organ pipes, once
more, that may not be as decorative
J -4N but has the virtue of indicating what
{ is back o them; for the new organ
in the auditorium is nearing com-
>' tY I pletion, and its dedication will play
merle Alcock a prominent part in the next May
Benno__abinof Margaret Matzenauer Percy Grainger Leonora Corona Festival.
his best in the Saturday afternoon These display pipes that greet the
the results which have been found inp t
musical immortality, according tonconcert. eye are the same as were used for
contemporary critics. At the coming the musically-developed lives of the Prs former instrument; in addition
Festival the auditors will have the students who have participated. I about twenty per cent of the pipes
opportunity of hearing him in all Four major choral works will be ist, whose splendid recitals in o te r e the
tunity hearingtes in as heard this year: two works which will auditorium on the old organ, and his of tie old organ are reused ingthe
three of these c apacites. He hasne
p icldeth ful igt' pefomace,'engagements from one endl of thenw tosae money, as shipping
been induced to come as a guest con- include the full night's performances, them to the factory and back and
ductor to wield the baton over the the monumental "Aida" of Verdi, with < country to the other have brought
doto t will he catnosedte him world-wide fame, will have the mnodernizing themn is very expe-
University Choral Union and the Chi- which the Festival will be closed honor of playing the eicatory ium- sive, but merely to save the waste on
cago Symphony orchestra in the per- Saturday night, and Pierne s-h ber when the new Frieze memorial standard, usable material. The en-
formance of one of his own works- found work, the St. Francis of As- organ will be inaugurated. Mr. Chris- tire rem-ainder of the instrument is
the "Marching Song of Democracy," sisi, which will be heard Thursday {ftian has played under the most digni- new, and the best example of pres-
a strong, stirring, patriotic number night. Both works will require the fled musical auspices in this country ent-day organ building.
the theme of which is well-expressed services of the Chicago Symphony or- and abroad, and not so long ago All Eets Possible
1 title th following day chestra, the University Choral Union,
ie will appear in his better-known and a list of outstanding soloists. the American representative i the The uninitiated is invariably
capacity as piano soloist, appearing wnThey will both be conducted by Mr. great concert i New York when amazed when he has opportunity to
city as po oist a ng Moore. On Friday afternoon the chiil- [America Belgium, France and Italy look into the organ chamber and ex-
with the symiphony orchestra and -rnwllpriipt n~nAeian(~re represented by specialists from amnatcoergehelyutf
Frederick Stock directing. dren will participate in eau American£ amine at close range the lay-out of
dickaStock WillCondct work by Hyde entitled "The Quest those lands. a large organ. The size of the larg-
E 1DehaCarier, WssiAdonduc - of the Queer Prince," the name of Citir Ihn Annirbr ayest pipe, thirty-two feet long by ap-
Eric lDelamarter, associate conduc- ' whcisisliniaieothsprtAoghrteAnArr My
t hic isitslf ndiatie o th stlt ltoethr te An AborMayproximately two 'feet square calfs
tor of the Chicago Symphony, who is whicndts cntsent it is atracpive Festival will assemble a group of orome twon'er, but nolmor
also a composer of distinction and a and the content. It Is attractivemusical celebrities which is seldo for some sort of wonder; but no more
concert organist of wide recognition, tuneful, melodious, well adapted for g in so than the smallest pipe, which is
willceoad stohestr cgiincidensviesadoenwihbrought together in any place i bu orice ogada ag
will lead the orchestra in the dedi- children's voices, and 011 in whi h America. In addition the audience about four iches long and as large
catory program for the new Frieze the color and youthful enthusiasm of Mario Basiola will contain music critics, music y- in diameter as a straw. Peculiar
Memorial organ, which will be com- ers, and distinguished musical author- shapes-conical pipes, and then in-
pleted at the time of the Festival. It veloping a general cultural and ar- room for full sway. The other choral Italy. As a singer of the deep, heavy isities from all over the country, who rsembli s are seen; straight tubes
is being constructed in Hill audito- tistic spirit in the city of Chicago, work is the Marching Song of De- bass roles, he is said to be unexcelled, rare drawn to Ann Arbor each season esembling a tin whistle, and then
rium at a cost of $75,000, by the out of which has sprung many other mocray, which tells the story in its and his numerous appearances this to witness the performances which tubes with a bell at the top; there is
adhsnmruapernethsItonewseteof triangufarmtubes which
Skinner Organ company. Palmer musical endeavors. Fortunately for title, like "The Quest of the Queer year with the Chicago Civic Opera are built by Director Moore out ofne set of triangular tubes which
Christian will preside at the organ, the Ann Arbor May Festival the cor- Prince. Percy Grainger is said to company have won for him unstinted innumerable forces of all sorts and give forth tunes of flute-ike quality;
playing a work composed by Mr. Dela- dial relationship that has existed be- have risen to great heights in the praise He will be heard here in one descriptions. row after row of metal reed pipes
marter. tween the orchestra and the Univer- production of this work, and to hear of his favorite roles, that of the The wrk of assembling such pro- re inclosedr which 'give out many
marteritpeforedby the Choral Union, the andnin"the."Aida."rk.owood-windliffectc, and,
The University Choral Union is one sity Musical Society has made it pos- it performed "King," dRamphis" in the "Aida" grams as have graced Hill auditorium orchestral wood-wind effects, and,
of the oldest and largest student sing- sible to bring this group to Hill audi- orchestra under the baton of the noted Auer's PupilPresented during the past fifteen years of May with the large pipes, the snarl of or-
ing groups in existence. Now in its torium every year for more than a composer, conductor, pianist, will be Three outstanding instrumentalists Festivals has well been repaid by the chestra brass instruments.
forty-ninth annual season, it has had quarter century. an event long to be remembered. will participate in the Festival pro- notice it has brought to the com- And not only are there various
a most remarkable career, having per- Will Feature Children's Chorus Corona to Smg Fiday grams: Benno Rabinof; a young vio- munity and to the University as a shapes, but there are various ma-
formed in public nearly all of the The children's Festival chorus was Leonora Corona, of the Metropolitan linist from New York's East side, who whole. The officers of the University terials; at first glance there seem to
world's larger choral works, and organized a dozen or more years ago Opera company, Leone Kruse, a Mich- was brought out by the great master I School of Music are every year in be just two materials-wood and
many of the sialler ones. In many for the purpose of developing a love igan girl of Munich, Berlin, and the teacher, Leopold Auer, who is said to eceipt of letters from all parts of Ietal-that are formed into organ
instances works of wide renown have of choral singing among the school Chicago Civic Opera company fame, be the creator of more violin vir- the United States and Europe com- pipes; but close observation shows
been-given their first performance by children of the city, and also to in- and Marie Montana, schooled i the tuosos than any other great peda- menting on the May Festival as an different qualities and tnhades of
this organization. ject into the Festival a spirit of youth- bes traditions ot Italian opera and gogue. Babinof is claimed by those institution. The tone of these com- and tnare of
The Chicago Symphony orchestra fulness and freshness. The wisdom an oratorio singer of note, will par who have won distinction as musical I ments is one of marveling that prac- in various weights and Proportions,
was founded by Theodore Thomas and of this augmentation has bcen fully ticipFate; Corona will e the star ti lprophets as probably the greatest of tically every great and near-great ofll of which are necessary to the
stands as one of the most remarkable justified by the enthusiastic reception iday nght concert, Kruse the the youthful vioinsts who have ap- the world of music has at one time production of the multitudinous tonal
of American musical bodies. Its in- which the chorus has received from singer of the title role in the "Aida' peared on the musical horizon during or another been heard in Hill audito- combinations.
fluence has been tremendous in de- music lovers in attendance, and from performance, and Montana will be the past decade. His recent New York rium and that these concerts and Includes Wind Mechanism
heard in two concerts-the "St. Fran- debut was a sensation and immediate- performances have been brought with-
UNIVERSITY ORGANIST; KNOW N FOR cis of Assisi" on Thursday night, ly musical societies throughout the in the range of any who cared to at- ornaenl of these pipes would be merely
S COMPOSITIONS TO PLAY DEDICATION and as a specialsoloist in thehii- land clamored for engagements. Ann tend. Almost every artist summoned mental, ho veran tout some
descocto Frd afe o Arbor is one of the musical com- here appears as a rule before audi- "ath o nd isu
Marion Telva, Merle Alcock, Mar- munities fortunate enough to have ences which have paid highly for the eath of life" pf the organ is sup-
gaet Matzenauer-all three leading an early appearance. lie will par- privilege, but under the cooperative plied , in Hill auditorium, lay a
contraltos of the MetropolitanOpera ticipate in the .children's concert on system practiced by the University s power electric
.ompany, will represent this type of Friday afternoon. Percy Grainger, Musical Society the item of profit is severwhressus-rsngind nder
- voice. Matzenauer will be the stari as mentioned above, first won distinc- one that is hardly considered. As a several pressuresranging from 6%
ix+ - at the opening concert, appearing in tion as a piano virtuoso, and if his result the attendance on the part of 27 ches-to the wind-chests on
several of her favorite operatic arias; great success as a composer and a both students and outsiders is enor- which the pipes are placed. But even
Alcock will sing the heavy contralto conductor have won new laurels for ious, and a corresponding interest in now no results would be obtained
Iyrole in the "St. Francis" number; him it has by no means detracted things musical, a. judgment of the without some mechanism that would
while Marion Telva will essay the role from his original position: Under the good and bad, is encouraged in audi- admit the wind to the pipe at the
of "Amneris" in the "Aida." All proper time, and it is this feature that
baton of Frederick Stock he will give tors who would otherwise stay away.
three are outstanding stars, and each ---- ---is perhaps the most amazing in the
is especially gifted for the numbers MUSICAL DIRECTORS COMPLETE ALL niodern organ; instantaneous re-
whic thy wll b reuird toper E sponse and rapid repetition are d-.
form at the Festival. CONTRACTSFO FESTIVAL A T S S maned by modern playing, as well
"Amlrs r oAmt as the most absolute control of del-
Mario Basiola, the outstanding icate degrees of shading. All this is
"Amanasro" of the Metropolitan, will procured by means of te electric-
oe heard in his favorite role. He is pineumatic action, into the construe-
said to be the most logical successor tion of which entes, very literally,
to Pasquale Aiato, and sings as that mile after mile of wiring, and mag-
geat atwist sang in his prime. Tis- nets bythe hundred, and wind-tub-
will be his first Anni Arbor appear- I- kfog, and relay rooms, and other de-
a n e.tais that seen~ beyond the compre-
IRaymund Koch, who has won (s- £ en sion of te layman.

tny.ion as a bariito e in the Amer l- The console, or keydesk of the
can Opera company, will appear in anew organ is built along traditional,
the "St Francis also. e is a young Ior Cathedral, lines, the stop-knobs
i American, and one who has rapidly «[being on jambs at either side, and
forged to the front. the couplers across the top over the
Chase Baromeo, brought to this I tupper manual. This type, while per-
country from Italy where he won his baps not as new as later develop-
spurs in the various Italian operas ments, is nevertheless the most com-
and finally was chosen for leading E fortable type for the concert organ-
roles at the great st of them all-the ist, in addition to which it is much
I La Scala at Milan, will le welcomedm ndsonvi and . .,aroiIVo "ur

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