WOM[N'S LEAGUE IIADeferred Rushing Causes Unfriendly
Relations Among Houses At Hillsdale
From China comies the announce- Dr. Sun Yat-sen, "sainted" founder
ment of the marriage of one of the of the Nationalist movement. She is
Friday The Thirteenth Furnishes
Motif For Yesterday's
The following women were guests
at the party given by the Women's
league yesterday afternoon in the
parlors of Barbour gymnasium: Miss
Grace Richards, Miss Alice Lloyd,
Miss Ione Johnson, Mrs. Louise Van
Sickle, Miss Ethel McCormick, Dr.
Margaret Bell, Miss Ruth Figge, Miss
Annis Hall, Miss Lauri Campbell,
Mrs. Elizabeth Woodward, Miss Doro-
thy Ogborn, and Miss Ella Rawlings.
The party was called a "Supersti-
tion Party" because of the date be-
ing Friday, the thirteet. Guests on
entering found themseves walking
under a ladder. Going further into
theparlors they saw posters on the
walls with mystic inscriptions and
superstitious bugaboos printed there-
Miss Velma Johnson provided en-
tertainment with a specialty dance.
There was dancing for all with music
by Edna Mower's four-piece orches-
tra. Afterwards there was a "Bread
and Butter" grand march. Refresh-
ments were served at the end of the
Hostesses were members of the
entertainment committee of the Wo-
men's league. Arrangements were in
charge of Jean Dow, '28, who was as-
sisted by the members of the enter-
tainment committee.
Fields Of Service In
HospitalAre Varied
According to Miss Dorothy Ketch-
am' of the Social S'ervice Department
of the University Hosital, this de-
partment is composed of three divi-
sions. First, there is the school di-
vision, second, there is the occupa-
tional therapy, and third, the social
case work.
The school department deals with
children who are in the hospital for
treatment, and who are missing their
school, work at home. The school di
vision has trained teachers, with stu-
dent assistants, who teach the child-
ren. The work is supported in part
by the King's Daughters and partly
by the University Hospital.
Workers Have Degrees
Workers in the occupational thera-
py all have college degrees with spe-
cial training later at either occupa-
tional therapy schools or the Univer-
sity Hospital. This work occupies the
patient while he is in the Hospital.
Training has a two-fold purpose:
first, the training of the muscles, and
second, occupation of the patient's
time. One man, who learned basketry
while a patient, earned over $300 aft-
er he reached home, by making bas-
Social case work deals with the ad-
justment of the patient to his dis-
ease and to his environment. Many
persons who enter the Hospital for
treatment arenot fitted to go back
into work they were formerly em-
ployed in. So the Hospital social ser-
vice fits them for some other em-
ployment and helps to find work.
Have 50 Workers
There are about 50 workers in the
department, including teachers, sten-
ographers, and workers. All work-
ers must be fitted and trained for
the work they are doing. College
degrees and continued study are
necessary. The workers wear yellow,
the occupational therapists pink, and
the case workers wear green. "Were
is a great opportunity for women in
social service," concludes Miss Ketch-
Such a delightful
three-layer brick of
ice cream as this
will meet with your
"That deferred rushing makes for
unfriendly relations among sororities
has been reported as thesexperiences
of Hillsdale cqllege," stated Mrs.
Waldo M. Abbot, patrone'ss of Pan-
Mrs. Abbot pointed out that the
sororities under the plan of second
semester rushing would be rivals the
whole first half of the year and that
there would be the constant suspi-
cion that rules were being disregard-
ed if any indications of acquaintance-
ship between freshmen and upper-
classmen were observed.
That the two weeks period of con-
centrated rushing has great disad-
vantages since it places a strain up-
on the entering women just when they
should get acquainted with the uni-
versity classes and do well in their
studies during the first weeks when
first and often lasting impressions are
made upon the professors, was the
opinion of Mrs. Abbot. A 'shortened
period of rushing to be completed be-
fore the official opening of school
work was the plan recommended
rather than deferred rushing.
Margaret Breer, '28, former presi-
dent of Pan-hellenic, said that accord-
ing to the experiences of other cam-
puses with deferred rushing as re-
vealed by discussions on the subject
at the Pan-hellenic convention last
In an exciting game yesterday)
afternoon Group I defeated Alpha )
Omicron Pi 26-15. The play was
rough and fast, with good team-
Swork and fine spirit on both
teams. The group did excellent j
playing in the center. Much
shooting was done on both sides,
Margaret Stahl of the group1
team displayed good work--as
did June Davis for the sorority I
Alpha Omicron Pi Group I.
Davis ........ RF ........ Zauer)
Knox......... LF ........Stahl
Hough........ RG .........Neyer
Boninee ...... RC .........Urban
Sackett....... LG . ... Treadwell
Jacton ........ C ........Neyer
'spring it had not been successfully
carried out except in small schools.
ThedUniversity of Pittsburgh has
adopted second semester rushing but
the problem there would not be as
complicated as at Michigan which has
a larger number of women students.
Deferred rushing was voted down at
the University of Minnesota, and
while given a trial by other schools,
has generally been abandoned and
the former concentrated rushing
period reinstated.
One reason for the reported suc-
cess of the method at Leland Stanford
in addition to the fact that the plan
was given three years in which to be-
come organized, has been that the
university was in a position to make
concessions to the sororities to assist
them in meeting the practical diffi-
Florence Holmes, '29, president of
Pan-hellenic, stated in referring to
second semester rushing, "While
there are many points in favor of the
plan, the arguments against its prac-
ticability at Michigan outweigh them.
The suspense of rushing would be ex-
tended through the first semester and
the present friendly feeling among
sororities would be strained. Two
weeks of rivalry do not destroy this
feeling, but a whole semester of ten-
sion might do so."
IRequirements for the Junior
Girl's Display poster contest are'
as follows: The posters are to t
be 12 by 18 inches in size; must
be done in 3 colors includingj
Sblackon a white ground; and
must contain the name of the
play, "For the Love of Pete."
The contest ends Saturday noon,
Feb. 11, and the posters are to be
judged and sent away Feb. 13.
For further information call j
June Marshall, 9517.
Society Girl Plans
To TakeUp Flying
Following a 100 mile an hour
flight from New York to Miami which
is the first non-stop flight between
these two places, Miss Ruth Nichols,
Rye, N. Y. society girl, plans to go
into the flying business.
Accompanying Miss Nichols in the
Fairchild pontoon monoplane were
Harry Rogers, president or an air-
line in Miami and Major M. K. Lee,
retired business man and an amateur
Miss Nichols is the only woman
holder of an international seaplane
pilot's license and has been flying for
five years. This non-stop flight was
her second trip by air from New York
to Miami. The previous trip was
made in short hops with an aunt as
a passenger. On the non-stop flight
Miss Nichols was at the controls for
five consecutive hours and for two
shorter intervals. "Flying," she says,
"is the only real way to go any ap.
preciable distance."-
There are 53 recognized organiza-
tions of women students at the Uni'
versity of Texas, according to records
kept in the office of the dean of Un-
iversity women. There are about 671
famous Soong sisters to the defeated
but honorably esteemed Marshal Chi-
ang Kai-shek, resigned generalissi-
mo of the now scattered Nationalist
armies which, under his leadership,
once conquered half of China.
Chiang appears as the most matri-
monially romantic of n'odern Chinese
conquerors, because he has openly
persisted in wooing a lady known to
have refused him at first. Such a re-
fusal in China causes the suitor to
1. "loQ
"loseface," a disgrace so terrible that,
many Chinese have committed suicide
rather than endure it. The use of
intermediaries for conveying the pro-
posal usually circumvents this con-
tingency; but Chiang Kai-shek has
been obliged to risk his "face" be-!
cause his fiancee was that intensely
Westernizedn"modern woman," Miss
Muth iehOl1 kSoon; Meiliug.
N. Y. society girl, who plans In China "the three Soong sisters"
newlares fteratin a
n tlaurlstafter an ssare ladies of polite renown. The first
on the first non-stop flight! Miss Soong is the wife of 1-I. H. Kung,
now reported married to her late
husband's co-worker, Chen Yu-jen,
until recently Foreign Minister to the'
defunct Hankow Nationalist govern-
Last of the sisters is Mei-ling, Wel-
lesley, '15. Like her brother, T. V.
Soong, Harvard, '15, she has been
closly identified with the Hankow Na-
tionalist Government in which he was
Finance Minister. In person the lady
is charming, in mentality alert, in
speech sometimes caustic. Observers,
knowing her passionate Nationalist
zeal, are wondering if she married
Chiang Kai-shek with intent to rousel
him from retirement to renewed lead-
ership of a Nationalistic military
That instructors are not justified in
expecting honesty in college students
to seek
Broadcasting over WWJ, the Uni-
versity Girl's Glee club under the di-
rection of Miss Nora Crane Hunt,
will present a group of songs as a
part of the Michigan night pro-
gram to be given in the University
broadcasting station on Jan. 20.
"Varsity" will be sung by the club
at the request of Fred Lawton, an
alumnus, the author of the words.
Lawton, who lives in Detroit at pres-
ent, asked the club to sing his song
for him, stating that he would be
listening in at his home.
The program to be presented is as
1. Songs.
Laudes Atque Carmina ..Stanley
Varsity Arr. by Florence Shir-
ley, '24; words by Lawton.
Lindy Lou ........ Strickland
2. Songs.
Where The Bee Sucks (Shakes-
peare .... Arr. by Dr. Vincent
Wings Of Night ... Wintter Watts
Love's A Merchant..Molly Carew
Marjorie Chavenelle, '28, Detroit
3. College Songs
My Girl At Michigan .. Wuerthner
When Night Falls . . .Roy Dickin-
son Welch
Soloist, Dorothy Marsman, '30,
(Grand Rapids)
Come On Dad . .Phil Diamond, '21
Glee Club
Wynken, Blynken, and Nod, Nevin
Soprano Obligato, Carolyn
Slepicka, '28, Traverse City
Glee Club
5 Years Ago At Michigan .Junior
Girl's Play, 1914
From Eight In The Morning....
Junior Girls' Play, 1927
Michigan Memories ..Brown, '22
Yellow And Blue ..........Gayley
The accompanists for the Glee club
are Grace Glover, '28, Bay City, and
Frances Morehouse, '30, Jackson.
INDIANA.-"How to Succeed in
College," is the title of a new book
published during the Christmas vaca-
tion by Dr. William A. Book, head of
the psychology department.
to Miami, Fla.
a gentleman whose august destiny is
suinmed up in the fact that he claims until more specific honesty is given
to be a lineal descendant of Confu-;i
FRius. The second of the sisters was grstl
internationally known as the wife, -Fenton, University of Ohio, as the re-
and later as the revered widow, of sult of tests he conducted there re-
Denver W omen Dress The experiment showed that 63 per
Final tryouts for chorus positions Cheaper Than Iost i cent of a class of women received aid
for the Junior Girls' Play will be 'of some sort during the examination.I
held from 9 to 12 o'clock this morn- How much (oes the colege woman These students either consulted their
ing in Sarah Caswell Angell hall of pay for her wardrobe? A surve taken notes, askingkneighbors for infora-
Barbour gymnasium. This will com- j at the University of Denver, recently, tion, or looked over on another's
reveals that the women attending thatsWt
plete the selection for the entire cast intuion of learning spend on an the room 31 per cent cheated, when
of the coming production. Women se- ;isiuo flann pn na
y m r. average of $480 yearly. e was out of the room, 39 per cent
lected for the speaking parts and cio- A reporter for the Denver Clarion and when he left them on their honor
rus selections today will be notified has concluded from the details of for a short length of time 45 per cent
by telephone, so that the entire cast this survey that the greatest differ- received assistance, Fenton observ-
may be present at a meeting at 4 ence between the college woman and ed.
any other girl her age is in her dress. Close connection between class
o'clock Monday afternoon, in Sarah The ' former, as a rule, wears more work and honsty in examination was
Caswell Angell hall, when a rehear- clothing though the total bill for her shown. None of the A grades cheat-
sal schedule will be announced, tho wardrobe is less for the whole year. ed, 33 per cent of the B grades, 80
author introduced to the cast, and She buys one comparatively expens- per cent of the C grades and 75 per
plans laid for imirediate inaugura,- ive costume while the wom'an in the cent of those in danger of failing
tion of earnest work. world of industry buys three or four cheated in some way. Only five of all
Tryouts are asked to arrange for of poor quality which together cost these students had been under the
some means by which they may re- more. honor system in high school.
ceive telephone notification, if they Interviews with several types of
will not be in town over the week girls on the Pioneer campus revealed
end. The play, sailing under the ti- that the average college woman buys
tie, "For The Love Of Pete," will ten pairs of stockings each year, Velvets
make its appearance in March. ranging in price from $1 to $3. She
or 4 pe cen oftheapproxim'ately pays $50 f r underwear and $15 for JU L L
ors$0f9 udrerad$1 o 16 43 per cent of the aprxmtl negli goes, Eto. She pays $125* for JU IL L I
1561 women enrolled in the Universi- coatse$s,0 fo. portpays $fternoo
ty who are members of these or- coatresses, and $60 for evening gowns. 342
The greatest numb nr of organiza- Her coats cost her about $40 a year,
her shoes $30, and she pays $15 for Nuts Sa L
tions of one type are social sorori- hwrs as, and sherpas ors
ties, of which there are 15. Seven
-11, -1;_ - - 4-- :...,.. 4i, - 1 1- ... les
Delta Zeta defaulted to Kappa Delta
the game which was to be played at 4
Miss Carol Hovius, '20, former Uni-
ver'sity of Wisconsin student, is now
going to travel so that she may see
all of the world that she can before
she goes blind.
Miss Hovius was graduated from the
University with honors and she taught
school for a year in Iowa. When she
wa's troubled with her eyes, she
sought the advice of specialists who
told her that nothing could be done
for her and that she would be en-
tirely blind within a year.
She told no one 'of her affliction
and keeping the entire situation to
herself she set out for Europe after
finding a companion for herself.
She plans to travel until darkness
sets in and then she will return to
the United States and attend a school
for the blind where she will learn a
useful occupation.
Toasted Sandwiches
. State
ted Daily
athletic organizations, three class,
one debating, one dancing, two dor-
mitory, one dramatic, three executive
one discussion, one home econom-
ics, seven honorary, three language
clubs, five literary, one music, and
two religious organizations are in-
cluded in these campus organizations.
Two University
with professional experience,
will act as partners to girls
desirious of learning to dance
Private Lessons
Reasonable Rates
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