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Miss Johnson Names Proper Conditions OI
That Will Make Study Most Effective e S P O R T S
.,I MT[IAIM AT EASDaily Bulletin of Sportswomen
"Now that the last grades from I'll get a bid to the dance Friday,IIRTAM ' i __DailyBulletinof _______________
incomplete courses, X's, and 'not re- not much effective study will be
ported' work are being recorded, per- achieved. You might just as well The call to pl bdge has come to W. A. A. DELEGATES TO TEAM SCORES 463
haps a little reflection on mid-se- obey the impulse or make a com- !every Michigan woman. In compli- ATTEND CONVEN T N IN RIFLE CONTEST
mester examination study technique promise between the two conflicting ance with this urge the Women _
is not malapropos," observes Miss ideas. U eradt ampign o th , Louise Cody, '30Ed, and Marie Hart- Firing against the University of Ne-
Uridergradnat' committee,i.9h0* ovto tte hw ""- ur a utAL Q+.,+_ aeC_
i t ^" T1 " " T
Caps And Gowns Are'Worn For
Time; Attend Opening
QOf Junior Pla-
Thronged with senior women at-
tired for the first time in caps and
gowns, the Union was the scene last
night oof the annual Senior Supper,
which customarily precedes the open-
ing performance of the Junior Girls'
Recalling with pleasure their own
Junior play, the -seniors looked for-
ward with anticipation to the march
to the Whitney theater. There the
24th annual Junior Girls' play, "For
the Love of Pete," was given its in-
itial showing, dedicated to its aud-
ience of senior women.
The supper was enlivened by songs,
'VMichigan songs, and. parodies on
selections from last year's play, led
by Nellie' Hoover and Margaret Cole,
who were two of the male leads in
lEight 'Til Eight." Florial decorations
also added a touch. of gaiety. . Special
tables were reserved to Mortarboard,
f and Senior society. Guests of honor
of the senior class included Miss Alice
Lloyd, Miss Grace Richards, and
Miss Beatrice Johnson, advisers to
women, Dr. Margret Bell, Mrs. J.
A. Bursley, Miss Shirley Titus, direc-
tor of nursing, and Mrs. A. S. Whit-
Aparody on "Eight 'Ti,ll Eight," of
yjunior play 'fame, was composed for
the occasion by Sally Bonine, '28Ed..
At 7:30 o'clock the senior3 were
taken to the Whitney theater in buss-
es; the line was headed by the league
officers, followed by Mortarboard and
Senior society, and was directed by
, Junior Honor Guards.
Margaret Meyer, vice-president of
the senior literary class, was in
charge of the 'supper.
The first practice in class
baseball will be held at Barbour
gymnasium today, as follows:
at 4 o'clock, freshmen and jun- j
iors; at 5 o'clock, sophomores
and seniors.
There will be a meeting of Kappa
Phi today at 5:30 at Wesley hall.
There will be an inportant meet-
ing of Alpha Launrda Delta at 4
o'clock at Barbour gymnasium.
Women at Ohio' State university
gave a water pageant in which the
participants were attired as fish, and
Beatrice Johnson, adviser to women,I
in discussing the conditions rieces-
sary for proper study. And she con-
tinues: t
"The inspiration to follow with in-
satiable curiosity and vitality a cer-t
tain path of l:nowledge is an elusive
and dynamic quality. It is so deep-
ly personal in origin that perhaps it
is impossible to inoculate it subcu-
taneously. There can be no magic
formula which will attribute to us
the power to agree with Spinoza that'
the only form of permanent happi-
ness is the pursuit of knowledge andI
the joy of understanding.c
"It is comparatively easy, however,
Ito list several 'conditions which one 1
would expect to accompany effective £
study. First, unless you are looking l
up reference material, practicef
studying at home, or in some partic~t
ular nook where you have privacy. If1
you have a roommate, enter into a
n atually 'self-muzzling' agreement
not to talk to each other for a defin-
ite period time during the afternoon
or evening. If this seems too strin-
gent, then agree to talk for five min-
utes at the end of every hour.
"Next, get into comfortable clothes
and correct any needless environ-
mental deficiencies such as a stuffy
room, inadequate lighting, or a hope-'
lessly cluttered desk.
"Treat your mind like a chest of
drawers, shutting any which do not
pertain to the subject to be studied.
For example, if a cross-section of'
your brain reveals such items as: 'I
ought to write that letter to the
family,' or 'The toes of all my hose
need darning at once,' or 'Wonder if
Miss Audrey Glenn, of West Branch,
Michigan State college, is the only
woman member of the fencing team.
She was-largely responsible for the
victory of Michigan State college
over the Ohio Wesleyan team at
Delaware, Ohio, winning two bouts.
Miss Glenn who incidentally claims
the distinction of being the only fem-
inine member of a varsity fencing
team in the United States, has this
season won two out of three match-
es with mren. She will contest the
women's fencing title of Michigan
with Miss Joanna Savich, of the De-
troit Fencing club, in a bout to be
.in that city March 10, according to
plans announced this week.
"Outline the plan of the lesson, fx-
:ng intellectual pegs upon which
other facts hang. Don't try to re-
member all the details, for one of the
most important results of a college
education is that of knowing where
the source of accurate data id.
"Keep your work up regularly.
Trying to cram it in before exams
is like attem'pting to fill a quart jar
with a gallon of liquid. The nervous
system can't take care of it.
"Finally, if you are over 18 and
you never sit down to your study
with a mental appetite or a sense of
thrill in hunting out and trapping the
elusive assignments, then something's
wrong. Close your books, pack your
bag, consult a vocational counsellor,
and hunt a job. Eearn' your own liv-
ing until you find some particular
field of work which challenges you,
then come back to the University and
learn more about this subject. Often
a year of self-support proves a mir-
aculous. intellectual pathfinder."
is holding a series of Bridge teas at
every sorority and dormitory on cam-
pu's, March 31. All the teas will be
held on this date, and a regulation
price of 75 cents per person for the
privilege of playing has been set. If
one person wishes to buy an entire
table it will cost her $3. The bcne-
fits of all the teas will go to the
Women's league fund as the precedent
established last year, and it is hoped
that this year as large profits will be
dlerived as herotofore.
Refreshments will be served at all
the teas, and each house is allowed
to keep 15 per cent of the money it
takes from the tables .to pay for re-
fresment.. It is hoped, however,
that a large number of the houses will
pay for the refreshments out of their
own house treasury'.f.
If any league house desires to have
a bridge table in one of the larger
houses, or if it desires to give a tea,
it may do so by calling Margaret Bush,
'30, who iis in charge of arrange-
official delegates of the Women's Ath- 'lege rifle teams in a telegraphic meet,
letic association to the sectional con~- IteMcia oe' emmd
ference to be held at Ohio State uni-
versity, April 26, 27, and 2S. iscore of 463. Knox college was also
Although these two women are theI scheduled to fire, but cancelled its
only officially appointed delegates to ;contract The five highest scorers
go to Ohio State, practically all of the
rCoo, '29, Helen Clinton, '29, Maurine
making plans to attend the conven- g r2fL, an Melegrai Te,
ton Othe peole wtho wat- thoscores of the competing teams have
will probably be able to be accom-sctre bn 4. ncole.
modated,g si e its eee a theetre, n
since ipt s dee thatesti c ., general meeting is to be held in
representation from Michigan be as Athenear ftueenGsok, mhead r
large as possible. Engaging a priv- utheature, Irene Cook, manager
-' . Cf the team, announces. The puir-
ate car has already been suggestea as
a means of transportation.
The selection of a junior as a dele-
gate to the national conference is cus-
tomary. However, the precedent of
choosing upperclass women to repre-
sent the organization was set aside
this year in order that some member
of the class of '30, might attend a
conference before 193M when the na,
tional group will assemble in Ann
By K.
If the effect of the women's vote
in the coming Daily Presidential poll
of tomorrow compares favorably
with the effect of the same 'vote in
each of the national campaigns since
the passage of the 10th amendmentI
there will be a factor of added in-'
terest in the experiment. In in ef-
fort to encourage the expression 'of
their political opinions it is urged
that all University women take 'ad-
vantage of the straw ballot.
The ballot has been instigated by
The Daily in an effort to determine
the feeling of the campus at large
". P.
regarding the prominent men of both
parties that are being mentioned as
possible candidates for the Presi-
dential nomination. There is com-
monly so much written and said in
every-day circles that the issues are
I clouded rather than cleared up. But
University nmen and women, it is
thought, have the advantage of train-
ing and acquaintance with contemp-
orary conditions necessary to form-
ing of sound judgments. The poll'
will afford an opportunity for a re-i
presentative compiling of the vote of
University women, according to pres-
ent plans.
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GETS $100.00!!
Bill and Jack were typical college boys
-always broke! To make their expenses,
they had thought of running everythig
rom a hambur2'er stand to a near-beer
factory - somehow these plans never
,Billwe've cot to sell something that
is good and at barg in prices."
"Jack, I've beat yo'l to it."
"The same wonderful idea struck me
the other day when I was looking at a
hole in m_, sock, so I wrote the Super-
wear Hosiery Company of To First
Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minn., who
cater to college men's furnishings, and
who are the largest advertisers in the
country sing men'sehosiery exclusively,
direct, and just received their complete
selling outfit FREE, and Jack, it's a
knockout! Every color, fabric, and fancy
style a fellow could want! sn different
styles-and say-they've also got aline
of the snappiest men's silk rayon under-
garments-one and two-piece suits.
"Jack, I'll have every fellow on th
campus outfitted with a supply of spring
and summer socks and underwear!"e'
"Jack, send for it yourself, there' -
room for several fellows on the campus
with . ,o men buyers. Write them to-
day for their complete selling outfit."
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