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March 20, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-20

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MARCH 20, 192

4c3tr gtan O4tiIg
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited'to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
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Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter Special rate
)f postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
nastei General.
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
iard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
taditor .. ..Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.Charles E. Behymer
Staff Fditor............. Philip C. Brooks
City Editor.. .........Courtland C. Smitht
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor. ...........Herbert E. Vedder
Tieater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall,,Jr.
Assistant City Editor...'. Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas _McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson lohn H. Maloney
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Alex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
essie Church Harold L. Passman
Blanchard W. Cleland Morris W. Quinn
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Marjorie F,)llnier Corinne Schwarz
J ames B. Freeman RobertG. Silbar
Robert J. Gessner Ioward F. Simon
Elaine E. Gruber George E. Simons
Alice Hagelshaw Rowena Stillman
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. Wallace Hushen George Tilley
Charles R. Kaufman Bert. K. Tritscheller
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Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager...George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising......... .Richard A. Meywr
Advertising .............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising.............Edward L. Hulse
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Katherine Frohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley
E. J. Hammer. Hannah Wallen
Carl W. Hammer


MARCH 20, 1928

Almost. countless times have the
women of the United States been
criticized through publication of ar-
ticles setting forth in no uncertain
terms, the shortcomings of American
women. Perhaps the articles of this
type which strikes nearest home is
the criticism by M. John B. Cloppet
of the Romance Language department.
M. Cloppet cites as faults: .lack of
feminine quality, indifference, lack of
charm and warmth, crudeness, selfish-
ness, too much sophistication, and
complacency. He contends that they
are more interested in their husband's
money than in the husbands them-
selves. He says that they are not
really well dressed because they mis-
take a rubber stamped style for real
individual chic.
Women vary as do men's opinions,
so this cannot help being a rather
broad statement however true parts
of it may be. We must agree that
American girls are often rude, and
that there are many who more closely
resemble a victrola than the charm-
ing creature that man idealizes as
woman. They are sometimes selfish
and spoiled, but who other than the
men are responsible for that?
We all have our shortcomings, but
we, as Americans should be proud
of a type of woman equalled, by none
other. Perhaps M. Cloppet's actual
experience with American women has
been too limited to allow him to real-
ly appreciate their real charm. We
might ask there why are so many
American born ladies of European
nobility if they are handicapped with
such a deplorable lack of charm. In
what other country could one see
women in'generl as well dressed as
are American- women? Certainly there
are conventional styles that are gene-
rally followed, but surely such a con-
dition is more restful to the eye than
would be the patterns which would
appear on the streets if every woman
in America tried to see how very in-
glividual she could be.E
M. Cloppet graciously allows that
American women may outgrow the
prevalent type as the country grows
older, but would it not be much more
satisfactory to all good Americans if
our women remain a truly American
type? And that they must do if they
are to live with the American men of

occasion is the debate between S. S.
McClure and ,Dr. Vincent Nitti, whose
appearance will be the first for either
man in Ann Arbor.
Best known as the editor of one of
the most virulent anti-Fascist pub-
lications in Italy-"The Black Bird,"
.Dr. Nitti, who is also the son of the
former exiled Prime Minister Fran-
cesco Nitti, Dr. Nitti is well fitted to
take the affirmative side of tonight's
debate, "The Rule of Mussolini-Is
It Injuring Italy?" Mr. McClure, on
the other hand, who is publisher of
the magazine 'bearing his name, has
just returned from making a study
of political conditions in Italy and
is well prepared to argue the nega-
tive side of the question.
All in all, tonight's debate, in view
of the eminence of the participants and
the subject matter, should be inter-
esting, informative and very much
The statement given out Sunday by
Cardinal Mundelein, of Chicago, to the
effect that the pope has no interest
whatsoever in the American presiden-
tial election is neither significant nor
consequential. In spite of the at-
tempts made bySenator Heflin and
others to stir the embers of religious
prejudice in the United States, few
feared or anticipated any interference
by Pope Pius; and if such interference
had materialized it would have meant
little but defeat for the candidate he
The question of religion will be an
issue only so far as it is emphasized
in the public mind, and the surest
means by which to prevent it from
attaining paramount significance is
to ignore it for the major problems of
public policy. The smaller the men-
tion of the Vatican and its connection
is held, the more opportunity will be
presented for waging the presidential
contest on a basis of merit rather than
In accord with their recent decision,
thousands of Chicago church mem-
bers joined in a noon-day prayer meet-
ing recently for "deliverance from the
most degraded political situation in
the history of the community."
By admitting that the political situ-
ation is very bad at the present time,
the people and church members of
Chicago have succeeded in winning
half the battle, but prayer alone can
not accomplish the rest. A complete,
workable political program within the
city itself, a program depending upon
the exercising of unerring judgment
I and unlimited energy at election time
is also necessary.
As long as thousands of good citi-
zens and good Christians are willing
to sacrifice time and ease and perhaps
money to put across the plan for
which they pray, there is no reason
why "the degraded political situa-
tion" cannot be cleared up. The thing
to remember is that it can not be
accomplished miraculously.
Translated into practical terms, the
practice may result in doing the com-
munity a worthwhile good, and the
practical side of the problem entails
going to the polls at election time and
voting as they have prayed.
The Gridiron Banquet looms in the
offing, as the bane of a B. M. O. C.'s
and faculty nitwits. Now is the time
to make sure that the closet door is

locked and the ghost is well in the
dark at the back.
(The Grand Rapids Herald)
The ancient town of Croydon, Eng-
land, has just held high festival in
honor of its bell ringers. The occo-
sion was the completion of an 18-ton
bell which will be added to the caril-
lon of 53 bells in the cathedral of St.
John the Divine in New York City.
This "Great Bourbon"-the largest
bell ever cast in England-was
sounded for the first time. * *
Some day, unless the State of Michi-
gan is atrophied with the basest of in-
gratitudes, Croydon will be casting a
mighty carillon destined for our own
Commonwealth. The accepted pros-
pectus at Ann Arbor to honor the
memory of the late President Marion!
L. Burton is a beautiful Campanilel
crowned with a symphony of bells.I
A Campanile-tall, like him, with its
'vision in the heavens. A Campanile!
-rooted in bed rock, like him, with
the eternal verities for a foundation.
A Campanile-speaking through its
chimes which, like him, are attuned
to the souls of men. * * In his all'
too brief service as President of the
University of Michigan, Dr. Burton
mae verlastinz imnr- ci nn to

McClure will engage in a debate on
Mussolini at Hill auditorium. It is
rumored that Mr. McClure, who sup-
ports fascistism is being supported by
the manufacturers of black shirts.
* * *
to Ii Duce himself to attend, but he
sent regrets saying, "I have heard
that the Americans are crack shots
with pistols, rifles and machine guns,
I find that I have a lot of work which
keeps me in Rome."
* *.*
IT SEEMS THAT several Italians
have taken pot shots at Mussolini, bul
the closest they came was to shave
off a piece of his nose. At that we
don't blame him for not coming to
hear the debate for he probably thinks
we have a host of cowboys wande'ring
around shooting up people.
- . * * *
ing engagement of the season roach
Miller of the Junior Girls' Play re-
moved her star performers to the
Allenel hotel Saturday night for rest
before the battle.
; *
that she had removed her players to
this place to keep them away fron
the crowds and excitement surround-
ing the great event. She also expects
them to go onto. the field or stage,
with confidence and feels sdre they
will emerge the victors.
* * *

TONIGHT: The second perform-
ance of the twenty-fourth annual Ju-
nior Girls' Play will be given il the
Whitney theater at 8:15 o'clock.
*. * *
A review, by MarIon L. Welles
The best thing about young, viru-
lent and growing institutions is that
one can say with perfect truth and
sincerity that each year's performance
is "the best ever." There are no tre-
pidations, no doubts as to propriety,
no inffingement upon critical solemni-
ty and dignity incident upon pro-
nouncing "For The Love Of Pete," the
"best junior girls' play ever."
The music, the costumes, the plot,
setting, dancing-in large general
terms, "For the Love Of Pete" is the
best junior girls' play in four years._
Play by play, the junior production
carries a galaxy of ungovernable
American students on a Floating Un-
iversity, headed by a faculty of price-
less types of professorial incapacity.
Jean Currie as the abstracted Profes-
sor Pettibone had a reddish beard
strongly resembling that of Professor
LaRue. Especial attention is due tol
Alma Schierich as Professor Fisbee;
it is hard to imagine a taller, more
more angular, more detached speci-
men of faculty. Perfect!
From faculty to students: Theodora
Maloy was undoubtedly the best male

Beginning Sunday, 3arch 1
Prices-Nights, $1 to 3. Wei.
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Wi e to $2.) -(In P alu
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rices: Nights, 50c to 92.50; Sat.
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Granger s Academy

By Hot Stuff
Chapter III
Well, there I sits while the subma-
rine glides into port. The captain and
the crew escorts us to shore where
I spies Stuff and his jane just beg
helped out of an airplane.
Well, I follows the lines of least
resistance-Stuff and I and the girl
friend being towed gently over - to
where a patrol wagon is awaiting us.
But, lo and behold-the driver of the
car is missing. (I has it later on
good authority that this here chauffeur
has sighted a pretty little nurse strol-
ling along the river and has gone
the way of all flesh.)
Well, the captain calls the station
for a driver, but it seems every single
cop- in the hamlet is at Dean Emery's
office protecting him from the assalts
and battery of sundry students who
has been refused auto permits.
no it comes to passtthat we has
no driver. We gives the horizon a
dirty look and off yonder. we sees a
dog-and Professor Hobbs comes up.
The captain of the bloody crew pops
the question.
"None of us can drive," he says. "In
the name of the law, will ye drive
this car for us?"
"Oh, yes," says Hobbs, giving the
captain's skull the once over for signs
of quartz, "Oh, yes, BUT NOT TO-
{ (To be Continued)
poem from a contributor which is too
long to run completely. It seems that
he went to the dental clinic to have a
filling put in a tooth. The professor
in charge of the department had the
student working on the tooth take out
the filling and replace it five times.
Finally, the professor decided it
would be best to pull the molar, we
print the poem from that point on:
my embryo dentist took a firm
hold with his pinchers and pulled
the tooth out when the professor
who had j
been watching him said here my
that will never do you did that
very poorly
you must do that ove again.
now mr. rools i am a patient
man but
at this stage of the proceedings i
became restless i might say
irritated and so i took my hat
and quitely left.
the beaver.
( Poison Ivy: Alice was really
lost, what shall we do?
* * *
TO PROVE THAT out contributors
are real persons Poison Ivy has sent
us a list of his specifications which
are on file at our office and may be
seen on request of any girl, consider-
ing that this is lea year.
* * * I

character in any junior girls' play
which enters this comparison. She
look the blase, indifferent, spoiled
youth, devilishly like an Arrow-collar
ad, and yet irristably attractive. Her
"Peter Blues" was one of the most
popular numbers in the show. Peter
was a °man of expression, facial and
otherwise, and best of all, the leading
man could really sing!
The eternal triangle, "with a new
angle" was completed by Geraldine
Porter as Nancy and 'Shirley King as
Clare. They made a comely trio, the
girls were pretty, danced well, and
sang well.
'Still more prominent and excellent
in the first act, were Elaine Gruber
a's Sally, Elizabeth McCurdy as Tom,
Jessie Church as Alcibiades Prouty,
Dorothy Lyons as the Prime Minister
of Media, and Dorothy Ackerman as
Phoebe Small. Sally and Tom were
the sensationalists, seeking to make
their love effect the universe and find-
ing in the end, that it was seriously
like most other loves. Dorothy
Ackerman was such a surprise; from
the plain biologist to the exquisite
dancer-and the buggy song!
By the end of a lively, varied play
it is sometimes hard to remember the
opening scene. In this case, Barbara
Crowell as the old Captain Blake and
Mary Ptolemy a's the sailor on the S.
S. University opened it well with a
smart repartee successfully carried
across. One item is worthy wide-
spread publication. The captain was
worried about the condition of the
ship and the young sailor asked him
'if the ship wasn't all 0. K. "Isn't
everything al tight inside?" And Cap-
thin Blake pt his hands on. his hips
and said, "Young man, this isn't the
Union Opera trip!"
The ppening chorus, in fact all of
the entrances and exits were easily
executed. Easily and original.
Throughout the production, there ap-
peared evidences of careful directing
both of the cast and the dancing.
Clever and new 'effects were ever in
view. It is a distinct handicap not
to have more superlatives in a criti-
cal vocabulary because every aspect
of the play deserves high comment.
Vera Johnson should be compliment-
ed on the dancing of the choruses and
particularly for her own specialty
This year, the writer of the book
went back to the highly amusing pas-
time of panning members of the fac-
ulty. Direct reference was made to
Bruce Donaldson, Ira Smith, Fielding
H. Yost, "Poly Sci Brown." "Arty"
Cross and in avery subtle way, Prof.
Jack. Box number two will be re-
served for these faculty members to-
The opening chorus, the Sensation
seekers, and the soldier's chorus, were
among the most popular choru's num-
bers while "Blue Eyes," "For the Love
of Pete," and "Elusive Man Blues"
were popular song hits. Too much
praise can not be given the orchestra
for perfect acconipaniment. This is
of course, due to the fact that the
leader of theuorchestra, Edna Mower
also wrote the extremely good music.





Vacmationinl Eu r(pe!t I
All Expenses Paid
NIF day next summer you will watch the fading sky- II
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three smashing ineals and marny earty 'tween-meals snack. Home-after the vacation of a lifetime.o.
TIME-The WeelIy Newsmagazine-Offers You This Vacation.
in return for your work this spring as TIME'S subscription representative. This is not a contest. Spqcial ar- V
rangements made with Thos. Cook & Son make possible this amazing generous reward for your efforts. Write EE-
for details today.
--- - - -.
---- -- -.

:f i




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