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March 15, 1928 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-15

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TH.MC..N DAL .:M...........CI

lY1 114411 AV,, i..VMV.


ANt R2ESIGNS World's Oldest Book Issued In 868 A. D.
)F PREMIER By Chinese Ine Honor Of His Dead Father AlC 3

Wha t is considered the oldest, bookmxvi Iima uscripis.

10 I VA A1S ITA' ItA N 1)W ILL


in the world is one whiich was "plii - The cave was 9t feet squnare antd 10 ! V '4E FlB E E PEIF"Ofia1 X.NCE
e~d \ fay 11, 868, by \Wanog ChlI, for feet high, nIdled wvith preciousmao- IW UNIVISIYStuetswl
reverenc(e ~t il~laetllodrii t e t01 el) scvi pi vol 1OWAiii ii'' asfar hack as this yellieu r the a T~ii nl spring band
of" his arenlts, 1' (lg o l a-ieW f Uii cint al. 'ritere were more'.concert, giv en by t he university band,
~c in 'a recent; issue o' r1 Uil bg, t han 1,40) iiboons -afl i tten on pa- free 01' char ge. 11 eret otore an ad~-
ji th master printer''s jounal . per I'- 1i114 a1S f'lesly 'p reserved * misS ion has alIwxays [een (:hea rged, butt
The hook which almost#, perfectly "thlough iiwyev- were xriit tnyesterday. thi ~ e pay aTlvl ex~ilel hs iii Oed( z
prineserved, shoves a. I cli iqte whiii co- lgtanoriich: e l~l~rt lb e conert m 1 a es enoerby
is indlicat ive of a long period of \ 0- i'~ril oatoiie ,eemla httc l' lonf tn bt enjoitds b
ItitiollThe wort: is not; as rud e x\.i s <ea led a bhol~t i 1025to prevent I lie li'a(tI
athe Europea n printilag of prye-:hook: from f0ilig inito the h1ands of I~l FlN
Guteber ties.This alicient vol- teen~ne.I a n)1> li o-jOO OT :.'1 ''V
ueconi si'ot5 itix Wpages a11dI 0 ucci eion Ithat. the(,oldest hook ill the 1
Shorter withIia. woodc'ut.,t .111 )0 .t si wl'~ vaafid 1111U ilIiIi D UMI --I OL(E -O
together to form a 1f, foot coot ill1110115and(*[, led in to a vault at la . r. leac i a ('(81'2fet: o- ;gt'ouiid that grades do not show at per-
roll. Each shee is 2a1v-e2tlce boller it'for
011(1 a.tfoot, xwide, iinic la tinglie I argo Eroe th11 4eii 0 tr1cruiet slbilit , a 1 )a rt lnott iiseniior
size blocktused. iand1(1lonioir stuiden't, has refuised to a c-
The book was found in a cahve in I 'p 1)iiitOl111 1111PiBt
the p~rovince of Kansu-a, 3n cli ma..1 I LIIJJ L JhA appIa, national 1h(nor1'fratecrnity.

pilane motors and a body for use in
ground courses, which have bieen go-
lag on for some time.
YA LE-St udeni s favor non-super-
vision fl(i examinations, it was shown
by a referendum taken recetly. The
vote was: for mnaintenance of the
pre'senti honor system, 263 ; for faculty
sup lervision, 143; and for ai system
with 110 supervisioni, 361.
iuuDu 1:) TO CiIE ET H3ATFES
-fehuu stud~leats here arie comn-

iiele~ tosay"hell. o, ~ys,"'or "hello,
gTis" when'11 meeting a group of febl-
lo , eiacodigto ,a.practice
I liagtt ated 118i semnester.
f l E Psycology%, stn lents at Penn
Stater, from a :itee:nt comp~latfon of
R~ at i'is itcs, havet,;'ml d that students
follo ingth contferenice plan of work
: v( tagc<about1(1 pwr (cant higheOr than
ths lloxoii; lip or(liaUy system,.
cytI ottleiilce plan, the student.
,,ilod.e l1w elitiof time prerlhed
anol t b cil ', ltswithIthis inistructor

Camps out of Michigan These are lo-
cated at Camp McCoy, Sparta, Wiscon-
Win, and Fort Sheridan, Illinois.
There is a new man in charge of
the military training camps of Michi-
gah this year. He is Phep Newberry,
son of former United States Senator
Truman II. Newberry. Newberry has
been commissioned civilian aie for
Mchgan to the secretary of war by
Secretary Davis. His commission
runs for four years, and (uring this
period he will be in chage of the
training camps operated by the United
Mtates- government in Michigan.
Citizens' committees for the enroll-
mxent campaign have been formed in
overy county in Michigan. These com-
mttees include county chairmen, as-
sisted by men and women interested
in the camps and medical examiners.
Because Michigan secured several
hundred more enrollments last year
for Camp Custer and Fort Brady than
thle quota assigned to them, the actual
enolment campaign this ycar has
started several months earlier. More
than 300 of the men who attended the
camps last season have already signi-
fiied~ their intention of returning this
The sixth corps area, which is com-
posed of the states of Michigan, Ili-
not, and Wisconsin, will be asked to
furnish 4500 men for the summer
camps in this corps area. Michigan
has- been allotted to furnish 1,878
of this number.
Young men between the ages of 17
and 24 years of age, of good1 oral
character and in good physical condi-
tiou, are eligible for entrance into
these government training camps. The
training covers a period of 30 days.
AUexpenses, including transportation,
to camp, and back home, food, uni-
form, underwear, soes, socks, bed li-
e, medical and dental care if neces-
sary, are paid by the United States
The two Michgan camps, at Camlp
Custer and Fort Brady, and Camp Mc-
Coyr will open this summer on July
2$ and close on August 24. The camp
at Fort Sheridan will open one lay
tter, on July 27 and close Augst 25.
Information regarding the training
canipe, application blanks, can be se-
cured by applying or writing to Phelps
Newberry, whose office is located in
443 Boll Tower, Detroit, Mich.
Health Service Has
More Cases DurIg
Month Of Februa ry
Student health during the month
of February did not present any uni-
usual problems, according to a re-
port given out by the University
Mealth Service. Buttie number of
cases of sickness was considerably
larger than for the corresponding
periods of the past few year. S-
were colds have been so prominent as,
to keep the entire staff of 25 doc-
tors, nurses, and assistants extreme-1
ly busy during the larger part of
the winter.
Excuses from required work and
class attendance usually present)
rather difficult problems, accordig
to Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Director
of the Health Svice.
"t some, collees tic e ath cet-
partments pass capon all readmis-
sions to class. Tht plicy lipai-Limch
of value, but it is difficut to execte
with justice to the student, the cur-
riculum, and the self-respet of the
department," Dr. Forsythe said.
"We have never felt that passing
upon all readmissions was worth
trying here. Excuses are not issued1
bey us, but we hope that our state-}
ipents of known facts are helpful to
the instructors in deciding questions
of excuse," he continued. "Students
may at first resent our refusal to is-
sue statements without first hand
knowledge of the facts, but they us-
cally understand after a short time
that under any other policy or
statements relative to any question
would boon lose validity, even to


this prlovince is the city of 'Tan -b il-
aug which is famous for its caves of '
a. thousand Buddhas. Dturing the
year of 19(00 a -imiendicant. Ipriest who
was restoring one of thei se caves to
its former magnifcence, discovered,
in repairing a fresco, a brick back-.



11lL D

%N jI40

: 11 - fj I"..

j boitt a. im; , formierltypathologist
for thle Northf Pacific forest district o1'
the feder lI forest service, and who wat,
re caI lx'apipoinut edl (irector' of the
Northe astera forest exeriment sta-

ground instead of the usual stony jion at Amherst, Mlass., was the prin-
one. U.pon removal of the bricks lie, cipal speaker at. a spiecial meeting of1'
found a secret chamber p~iledl high the Forestry club Tuesday night..

(Iass:'s in flying arie to be given under
the aiupices 01f the Aero chub, if suf-
ficienlt inlterest is evincedI by the sttu-
d oents. The c~l)b has already made
c:ollsido~rable priogress, lhaving lit ted
aip a. (1111) iifouse all(]( swc 'nredl two aero-

Rent a good Typewriter. Your favorite male at
Phone 8950



Announcement has been made of 12
gradluate fellowships.- offered by the
Michigan college of Mining and Tech-
nology for $1,200 each, which may lbe
1 f interest to men specializing in
chemical, electrical, or unechani..,al
engineering, chemistry, phlysics, 01r
The holders of these fellowships
will he engagedl in the study (if the
various problems ini connection with
;the general research plrogram at the
i college for which th~e State of Michii-
I gaii has provided the 'sum of $50,0t0
I for thle coiming year. this pirograni
deals with the iron and(1coIperire-
sourYces ot Northern Mic higi in, andl
wiitli their ut ilizat ion.
Appropriate parts (of this research
program arecon~iducted ini(c-ol)rationu
with mining complanies, the LUnite(1
States Bureau of Mines, tihe United'
I States (Coast andi (leodetic Survey, and
the Carnegie Iinstitute Departmnent of
ITerrerl iial lagnetism.
CORNELI,- Trecmen's Student!!
Council of Cornell university has re-
c ent ly refused to grant the request
(if the senior women for adlequate
space in the Class Day b~ooklet and
a ihart iiiIthe ('lass DaLy exercises.
11711111 ES
for ail inalies of
rjY P ll RTE US
Rapid turnover, freshm stock lzmires
best quality rtt.a ntodlerate pruke.
0. D. M RR IL L
17 Nickels Areade. Phone 1615.


r v


T. At S


iiiosxi bo alttdiiul story ever;
--The~ most beat mihulpi(I ure
IiIlmt4l--(gee: lEitifs ,good.
w 4;
r ET/

t ! "
1 s
1.'-- - a
~""--~ >~E
I V'.ti
"t" h
- ' I,, / frper-'.---'-- f/ 41
L l . s ' "et~ ' ?"':-'..;A:. :t

ii ef'e Is he I It i'iihiitg iic t re at lI., 1,q ut1
'4 111h ma-, net ic t{metl (iartI~o wiiik fex
'r't'0l('sI triliziiilpf. ihMre ex('uf ig t~Ihll
"lliabnez's 'Torrentii." Thti'e 5Q(1uc i e than
"''ie e l'e tr ess2 More roulnini ic even- ti a it
"[f''esit amldidsle D vit"
G'c..Ca rho is irliee~d "Thle Divine
i'F oma!:'+;

The Eternal Feminine Personified!

ยข r 41.

- Victor Seastroin
.ove _Ife of [lie

Production Inspired by the
Immortal Sarah Bernhardt.



Ali Excel'lent S urroundinmg
specia-Il Bill

as DI







. --

2:94) ala ,,Celebration W eek o ac
2:0 ofMac 1t


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