. .. . . ........ . . . -- - - - - .1 -- - ---- -- --- - - - I
VOL. XXXVIII, No. 125.
Present Central AMeriean Policies
Of United States Is Subject
Of ThIs Year's Conitests'
Ann nrucement of the men who have.
ditrs ofte: T'is is tile tenth of Previous to this the old-time county
a series of feature articles on campus in-
stituttions intended to develop their his- fairs and circuses had been relied up-
tory and tmaiorprinciples or organization on to supply certain amounts of
amtd manysgesent.
money, but these were fast becoming
Arbor people who do not deign to
serve as valets for their pets has been
Two distinct periods are marked in'
the history of the Michigan Union
Opera, periods following the greater
growth of the University itself. These,
taking their names from the Opera
titles, are "Michigenda" and "Cotton
Stcckings." Since the advent of the
first in 1908 the Opera as an institu-
tion has radically altered itself and
has at the same time created a place
in the college opera world that is
second to none.
Need of funds by the Union prompt-
ed the first Opera production when
b1n selected as the single expert it first opened as a club in 1907.
jud es for Michigan's two intercol-
legidte debates tomorrow night was
p-m t yesterday by Prof. James M.
O'Nedl, head of the speech department.
Prfe Wayne Morrison, of the de-
partnt of speech of the University e
of Miiinesota will judge the contest be-
tween the Wisconsin affirmative and Muscle Shoals And Merchant Marine
the Michigan negative at Madison, Poliey Problem Committees
while Prof. Howard Woodward, of Report Without Action
the department of speech of Western
ITe unive&'sity has been selected CLEAR SMALL MATTERS
to judge the debate between te CLA M L ATR
Stvich igan affirmative and the Illinois
negative in Hill auditorium. (y Associated Press.)
1.ark Thirteenth Renewal I WASH INGTON, March 14.-Con-
The contests tomorrow night will gress was back in low gear today,
mark the thirteenth renewal of the so far as work on its big problems are
Mid-West triangular debates between i concerned. The House did four hoursI
Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan. A work to get 2; bills off its consent'
year ago the Michigan negative was program, 36 others being blocked by
dejeated at Urbana while no decision objections; while the Senate got de-
was rendered in the contest between bates going on the emergency war-
Wisconsin and Michigan in Hill audi- i time officers retirement plan.
torium. The year previous to that Also, the Ilouse turned in a $36,-
Michigan defeated Illinois here and 000,000 slash of the Senate's $40,000,-
lost to Wisconsin at Madison. In 000for reforestation and conservation
each of these debates as for several in watersheds which will cause a
years previous, O'Neill who is now row in the Senate. Senator McNary,
coaching the University teams, was Senate chairman of the program, in-
coaching the Wisconsin debaters. tends to ask disagreement with the
For the Illinois-Michigan debate, House and settle the affair in confer-
Illinois is sending a team composed of ence.
t-wo Delta Sigma Rho men and a man The Senate did a little mopping up
experienced in intramural contests. on small bills before it got into the
Opposed to them Michigan is offering i emergency officers retirement matter,
a comparatively inexperienced team which is the aftermath of the World
composed of John E. Webster, '30P, war. After its talk-fest on that sub-
Lawrence Hartwig, '31, and Elliott ject, it ratified the supplemental ex-
Moyer, '30L. The men will speak in1 tradition treaty with Honduras and
the order named. confirmed nominations of a small
Moyer is the only Delta Sigma Rho flock of postmasters and the like.
man on the team. He gained his first The cotton slump inquiry got readyI
Varsity experience in the debates of for a cross-table meeting of attacker
last semester with Minnesota and and attacked in the allegations about
Ohio State. Webster is the president 'market rigging last year, completing
of Alpha Nu, campus literary society, its direct examination of W. L. Clay-
Last spring he was a member of the ton, of Houston. Texas, the attacked.
Alpha Nu freshman team that debatedArthur R. Marsh, of New York, at-
Adelphi.s rtacker, will be heard tomorrow.
Harti i ir The coal committee heard from a
AS.L~ - - ----- -- iti c ai U~iiLLC ie,_ i _.
obsolete, and the college opera was
the solution. In the spring of 1908,
75 men produced "Michigenda" in the
Whitney theater and were given an
enthusiastic reception, the quality ofj
which has never been duplicated de-1
spite the growing elaboratene'ss of the
show and the time put into it. Campus
critical standards, too, have changed.{
Donal Hamilton Haines '08, wrote the
book, and Roy Welch, '09, the music
and lyrics for this first show, which
was a mimic of student life. "Culture"
followed this in 1909, and served to
tire the audience of Ann Arbor set-
tings. They have never been used
since that time ,and Operas have gone
all over the globe in search of color.
"Contrarie Mary" in 1913 was the ;
first Opera given under the Mimes
organization, and it was likewise the
first to be taken on a road trip. This
custom served to banish forever any
local allusions in book and music,
and a new identity of a professional
nature was established' which result-
ed in the most famous of all Union.
Operas, "Cotton Stockings," given in '
1924. This show completed a road
tour of more than 16 cities including
New York, Washington, and Phila-
'delphia, traveled more than 26,000
,niles, and cost $75,000 to produce.
Each of the Operas produced since
that time and including the last, "The
'Sanee to You," has supported the ye-r
putation of Mimes and the Michiganf
Union in the East and Middle West
with ever-increasing lavishness andj
,rofessional finish. E. Mortimer Shu-
ter has been general directr/_ of
Mimes and the Michigan Union Op-
eras since 1919, the period of great-
est development, and has been the
principal figure in raising the Operaj
to its present national pedestal. j
-- Canning fruit for local housewives,
taking care of little children while
their mother is away, manipulating
washing machines, speech-making,
(and even doing the ironing for some
women are some of the rather un-
usual ways in which men students
who work their way through school
earn their living, according to Mrs.
Mary L. Stewart, who is in charge of
the employment bureau in the office
of the dean of students.
"Furthermore," Mrs. Stewart said,
"We frequently place students in'
such work as window-washing, bar-
bering, cooking, selling various art-
icles, furnace stoking, working as a
carpenter, meat-cutting, ushering, and
collecting bad debts. There is no end
to the types of jobs to which students
devote their time in an effort to workj
their way through the University."
Mrs. Stewart hesitatingly tells the
story of the time that her office was
,!!Icalled by a woman who was going to
il's Fiji theth Wellman, ..9 sell some cows which were rather
General chairman of the Junior dirty looking and wanted students to
Girls' Play, the general seat sale for clean them. Willing youths were
which opens this afternoon at the found who proceeded to beautify the
box office of Hill auditorium. The I bovine creatures so that they would
play, entitled, "For The Love Of become alluring to prospective pur-
Pete," opens next Monday night for chasers. But although this was a new
a week's run at the Whitney Thea- . one for the employment bureau, the
ter f a c
one of long standing on the records
and from time to time requests for
such services are filled by students.
Once there was a call for someone
to tend babies, and a male student
was desired by the prospective em-
ployer. Before the applicant left for
his work, according to Mrs. Stewart,
he asked what to do in case the babies
should cry. "Why, spank them of
course," was Mrs. Stewart's reply, to
which the young man in question an-
swered that his heart would not per-I
mit such action, but he said that heI
would try his best and would invent
lighter means of discipline.
By far the most common type of
work is the regular waiting on table
for either board or room aid board
and there is a very large number of
students engaged in such work, fig-
ures show.
Wearing Of Pots Byv Freshmen To BI
.. 6- d. O i 4. 1 -I
"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" Otained
For Presentatlon Duriig
Week Of April 1
Because of the support given the
Rockford players' season of stock at
the Whitney theater, it was announced
yesterday by Don McIntyre that thb,
company's engagement will be extend-
Hartwig, whose only experience has self-styled "human engineer" in seek- edntecyond the originalten wieks.
beenstle hismhigheshooletraiinginede
been his high schoo raininba fo the ing information as to varied aspects Contracts have been completed obtaintle-
atof company activities and also more ning thefr tonita s ele
past two years, is the third member of denial of operator-railroad wage re- men Prefer Blonde," as well as the
the team. Hle is a member of Aepi uta osiaycags hstm first stock production in the country
Bth Webster and mIartwig are es- duction conspiracy charges, this time of Maurine Watkins' satrical comedy
ta hi e ensthis semester in from the New York Central railroad. "Chicago."E
tablishing precedents The territories committee put 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" has
being, respectively, thme first sopho- Gnim
gthrough to the Senate the bill for a Geen secured for the week of April 1,
more and freshman men, to make theE
Varsity debate team in reent years. , tongressional board of visitors for and will be presented with Frances
The subject which has been taken the Philippines and the foreign rela- Dade in the role of Lorelei Lei. Mliss
as the topicof .debats in the triang- Di1n" committee set the seal of its Bade scored a success in "The 1'atsey"
ular contests this year is "Resolved approval on the Washington radio last week, and a's Lorelei Lee will
that the present policy of the United convention to straighten out interna- play the role she originally created onj
States in Central America b con- tional air communication tangles.' thse last
pHouse committees were at work on sea ii
demned__Muscle Shoals and the merchant ma- "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" ach-
--- . rine policy problem, but with no ac- ieved nation-wide success as a play
April 4 Is Date Fixed tioi taken. The Senate's Muscle and as a book, and will follow the pro-
Shoals resolution is still to be diges- duction of Kenyon Nicholson's ihe
or A nnual Gridiron; ted in committee over in the House. Barker," which opens the vveck ofj
"Theshipping board, however, staunch- !March 25. In "Tie Barker" Charles
Banquet 300 Invited ly supported assertions that idsur- Warburton will have the Richard Ben-
ance rate discriminations against nett role of "Nifty" Miller, and Robert
With the mailing of outside iVi- Amercan ships is helping to hold ckHenderson the part of his son Chris.-
tations for the annual Gridiron ban- back development of the sea-going "Chicago," in which Francine Lar-
(uet, sponsored by Sigtia lDelta Chi, business under the American flag. rmore is still touring, will open the
professional journalistic fraternity, That's an element of the policy ques- week of April 15, immediately follow-
practically completed, local invita-_ tion, involving possible government ,ng spring vacation. The highest roy-
ions will be placed in the mails marine insurance activity. alty of the season is being paid for
some time next week, it was an- this current success, and an artist
pounced yesterday. This year's ban- i FG(IN RESTORING from New York will be brought on;
quet will be held Wednesday night, DEVASTA TED AREA fr the featured role of Roxie Hart,
April 4, in the ball room of the Ithe flapper mur -
Union. (rIy Asaociated Press.) While it is not possible for Elsie
Included in the list of special in- SANT-A AULA, Cal., March 14 - Herndon Kearns to be with the' con-
vitations, numbering between 25 and Relhabiliation work got under way any beyond the present week's run of
50, mailed this week, was one in- today in San Francisquita canyon return later," the season. "Hedda
viting William Hale Thompson, may- and the Santa Clara valley which Gabler" is scheduled for four more
or of Chicago, to attend the annual were laid waste early yesterday with performances this week. Miss Kearns
stag affair, the invitation committee the breaking of St. Francis dam with is featured as Hedda Tesman, and
reported. Inasmuch as this year's a known death toll of 251. Charles Warburton plays opposite her
razzfest will be staged amid the set- While searching parties continued as Judge Brack. The production is
tings of a national political conven- to bring in additional bodies recover- especially interesting because of the
tion, it was deemed expedient to ed from the silt and slime left in the Ibsen centennial being celebrated
bring the well-known Chicagoan to wake of the flood, telegraph and tele- throughout the world this year. Miss
Ann Arbor for the event, is poss- phone repair gangs, steam shovel, Kearns is forced to return to New
ble. The rest of the invitations went wrecking and bridge crews took the York Sunday because of illness in her
to state and nationwide officials who field in the first steps to restore the family.
have attended past gridiron banquets, 1 stricken area to its former beauty
or who would be interested in at- and industry. TEN MILE SWIM
I MI. u~~~c~u~a~ion of washin~g dogs for An LieCĀ«ipisr icpiayL
IMarie Hartwig, '29, is the business Annro nde ction Malsy; lieTaken
manager of the play and will have. Ain yiTe
charge of the seat sales to the gen- ICONSLER
eral public. It is reported that the N E HONOR SYSTEM
demand forsets fro aurviha
Ibe n sat r hs m ar, duae'J i~ i A URAI~I Definite sep'toward enforcement
to tofni nt tradition of the freshmen pot
beten iinuriu yi skathiseam de V L of the stepsVE L CA HO
will be taken by the Student council
1 as a result of action by that body at
Various Aluminne Bodies Throughout its weekly meeting held last night at
G ILS' PLAY TICKETS Country View Fin 'll Which Makes the Union. The council went on
SFirst Appearance Iere record overwhelmingly as favoring
H#ILL B[. SOLD TODY DEPICTS LIFE OF CAMPUS the first step in the program of en-
forcement will be a conference with
' Tickets for the Universitymon several freshmen class officers to
n To Start Monday Night For ixr moving place the matter before them. If
Perforninces Including Formal picture, which have been placed on these regular steps do not succeed in
And Aluinae Showing sale at all of the bookstores, are sell- bringing about a regard for the tra-'
ing rapidly, according to an announce- dition it is quite possible that disci-
IS FIRT PUBLIC SELLING ment made yesterday by Elsie Mur- plinary action will be taken against
Iray, '28 chairman of the committee the worst offenders, according to Stu-
Tickets for the 24th Annual Junior from the Women's league for the dent council officers.
Girls' Play, "For the Love of Pete," event. The moving picture will be It was also resolved by a unanimous
which opens at the Whitney theater shown next Monday night in Hill au- vote that the council make an effort
next Monday night. will go n sale ditorium, with an admission charge to revive the tradition of wearing caps
from 1 to 5 o'clock today at Hill audi- of 25 cents, and all proceeds will go and gowns on the campus, which hasj
torium. The sale will continue from 9 for the benefit of the Women's league fallen into neglect in recent years.
:3 to o'clock mr d f 9 j building fund. .Several year's in the past it was the
to 5 o'-lock Saturday. The University moving picture, custom for all seniors to wear their
T (s iS it pblk-whichwas filmed last fall under the caps and gowns to classes each Wed-
ets, ai at-Vance sale ofting been supervision of University officials by nesday between Swing-out and Com-
made by mail order. There will be the Metropolitan Moving Picture com- mencement, and an effort will be made
six performances, five evening shows I pany, has never been shown publicly by the council, through the honor
and a mat inee on Saturday, March 24. in Ann Arbor, though a large iumn- societies and the senior class organ-
Tle iai jal appearance of the produc- ter of alumni organizations through- izations, to bring about a renewal of
lion on Holiday will be made before out the country have witnessed the the observance of this custom.
toio o on, ill bpenmadebfor- film since its completion. Its primary It was reported by members of the
ae eing traditionally dedicated to object, when originally prepared, ac- committee in charge that the work
them. cording to University authorities, was towards securing the Burton memorial
Friday ight is by custom Formal distribution to alumni organizations is progressing, and that a definite. an-
night, and Saturday is Alumnae night. at far distant points, many of whose nouncement may be made in the near
members are unable to visit the Uni- future concerning the proj'ect.
Alumnae night is marked by the re- Inbe ovst h Ui
turn of many participants of former versity campus for years at a time. John Starrett, '28E, treasurer of the
junior plays, and the evening is en- e principal parts in the produc- council, reported that the University
lIrvie by impromptu presentations of tion are taken by Marian Welles, '28, treasurer had failed to approve the $50
poplar iv sos and dances from recent Jo Chamberlin, '28, and Nathan Potter, payment for membership of the Uni-
'98, though the action of the chiarac- versity :n the National Student Fed-"
Tikt lire l)iced at $3 for box te's merely serves as a basis upon eration of America, though it Is Cx-
a for the ewtiie hai floor, to display the various phases pected that through conference with
( fi rhe siirt four rows balcony, of University life. Some of the most I J. A. Bursyey, dean of student's, the
t .5) s. ie next four rows, and $1 interesting pictures of the film ac- 'matter may be settled without petition
for the remaind'er of the house. Dur- cording to University authorities, are to the Regents, whoseruling prevents
ri the Week of its appearance tickets the close tips taken of the Navy and the payment. Starrett was appointed
ill be obtainable only at the box of- Ohio State football games, together as a committee to investigate the mat-
lire of thme Whitney theater. with pictures of the crowds at those ter.
fit<.ofl'i the eciit (:rhater frci- A letter received by Courtland C.
Fol .iln the recent craze for edu- contests.f-te Smith,1 28, president of the Student
c'tion on ithe high seas, the locale ofarthepictures included in the film >ouncil, from Joseph Pointer of New
Ihe play is on a floating university. are those of the various campus York city, urged th'at the Student
iealin ts-it does with education and buildings, especially of the newcam- council lend its support, by petition to
those to whom it is entrusted, it gives pus buildings, and also scenes of the Venezuelan minister at Washing-
a gliip e into the personal life of the prominent campus institutions and of ton, for the release of more than 200.
Srd 3al profession, embellished prominent members of the faculty. Venezuelan students imprisoned by
wl sricsoe fun and meritorious None of the seats for tme Presentation the present Venezuelan government.
mi'ol iies.nwill be reserved, and officers of the The matter was referred by the coun-J
MrieoHartwig, '29, is business man- Women's league expect a, virtual sell- cil to Courtland Smith, 28, president,
ager of the play and the tick'et sales out for the presentation Monday for reply.
re in her hands. The general chair- night.. Tickets not sold at the book- A report on the honor system-was
man of the play is Elizabeth Well- stores will be ilacedton sale at the read by John Gilmartin, '29E, and was
man, ' and the directing is in the Iu rium Monday. referred back to the committee for
hands of Minna Miller, '27. further consideration.
LLIrqvestigators S e e k Cap Night plans were reported as
LAW CLASS WILL -.- . proceeding satisfactorily by Starrett,
HOLD GATHERING Additional Evidence chairman of the committee, who also
Tickets are now on sale at $1.50 e T p t D ' (event had not been decided upon def-
apiece in the law classes for the In Teapoteomep ehse.nte. y e
gathering of the freshman law class Initely.
to be held Monday night, April 2, (By Associated re. c -. ,"v 7 rrISAl17
Preacher P ursues Graduate Work At
Columbia University While
Doing Other Duties
As the second speaker of three who
have been procured to address the
Student Sunday convocations during
the spring series, Rev. John Schroeder
of Saginaw will deliver the address
next Sunday morning in Hill auditor-
ium. The first speaker on this series
was Maude Royden, who spoke here
several weeks ago to the largest aud-
ience which has ever gathered in Ann
Arbor for a religious service, and the
speaker who will preside .on the Sun-
day following Rev. Schroeder, Sunday,
March 25, is Rev. Karl Rieland, of
New York city.
Reverand Schroeder is a young man
who has had an active and full life
which gives him an excellent train-
ing and background for his chosen
profession. He brings to his activity
as a preacher a rare vitality which
marks him as a popular and persua-
sive evangelist in the best sense of
the word, and his contacts with 'some
of the leading men of the day have en-
abled him to view the world with a
balanced and sane viewpoint which is
the result of his experience.
Worked Way TLuoughi College
Being the son of a family in but
moderate circumstances, he early re-
solved that his college education
would be the result of his own efforts
and work. He graduated from the
University of New York after having
earned his own way, and immediately
began work on his graduate studies
at Columbia university. During the
time that he was, working in the
graduate schoolat Columbia, he was
also taking work at the Union Theo-
logical seminary, was house master of
the Cathedral Choir school, acted as
assistant at the Brick Presybterian
church, and tutored in mathematics--
all of these activities at the same time
It is said by those who know him,
that Reverand Schroeder has a most
engaging personality aside from his
intellectual capacity. He has been on
intimate terms with the outstanding
men in his profession who have ad-
mired him and sought his company
'socially. The late president, D,
Eliot of Harvard, regarded him highly
and sought his companionship. Both
Harry Fosdick and Willard Sperry,
cutstanding preachers of the United
States know and like him, and both of
them regard :Schroeder as their warm
Schroeder Was Sperry's Assistaut
Schroeder's friendship with Dr.
Sperry is especially significant be-
cause of the fact that Schroeder was
at one time assistant to Dr. Sperry
at the Central Congregational church
in Boston. It was from' this church
that Dr. Sperry was called to become
Dean of the Harvard Theological
seminary, at which time he left
Schroeder the job. But soon after,
appreciating the opportunities which
existed elsewhere in the field for a
young man, he relinquished his place.
Rev. Schroeder is coming as the re-
sult of the efforts of several members
of the. convocatlons commfttee ap-
pointed by President Clarence Cook
Little, and the encouragement of
several of his friends in Saginaw who
feel that he is distinctly fitted to ad-
dress a University audience.
Engage Ted Weems'
Orchestra To Play
At Freshman Dance
Ted Weems' orchestra, of Kansas
City, Kan., has been engaged to sub-
stitute for the Goodrich S'ilvertown
band at the Frosh Frolic, following
the cancellation of contract by the
New York organization, it was an-
nounced by the committee in charge
of the annual formal. The Weems
concern are Victor recording artists
and have proved to be very popular
in the west. The orchestra played the
past summer season at the Hot
Springs, Ark., country club. The or-
chestra is soon to start for the East
to fill an engagement, and by a happy
coincidence will be able to stop over
in Ann Arbor the night of March 30,
the date of the dance.
Negotiations are in progress by
members of the Frolic committee to
have movies taken of the affair. In
addition to this there is a possibility
', I
at 6:30 o'clock in the Michigan Union,
according to George E. Rich, '30L,
president of the freshman law classj
and W. ('arl Bauer, '30L, secretary of
the class, who are in charge of ar-
rangements for the event. The pur-
pose of the affair is to bring about
a closer feeling within the class and
a better contact between students
tending this year's affair.
The price of tickets for this year's
banquet will be the same as last1
year, it was definitely decided at a
committee m'eeting yesterday after-
noon, the price being set at $2.75.
Tickets will be limited to about
300, as in past occasions, it was, de-
cided yesterday, although invitations
Meanwhile a committee was organ-
;zed here to formulate a gen-
eral rehabilitation program. Speak-
ers charged that the city of Los
Angeles, which built the dam as part
of its water system, was responsible
for the disaster.
Red Cross and county and city or-
ganizations kept step with all de-
ENTRIES CLOSED and membemrs of the faculty. I
:According to present plans a din-
With registration closed for the ner, a novelty program, an address
Union ten-mile 'swim, it was an- by some man not yet selected, and
nounced yesterday by William Jeffries, speeches by m'embers of 'the fresh-
Grad., president of the Union, that E;man class and members of the facul'
more than 190 have enrolled to take ty will make up the program for the
part in the contest. night.
The distance of ten miles must ie The occasion will be a revival of
WASIINGTON, March 14 --- The
branching trail of the Senate oil in-
vestigation led toward Chicago to-,
night as two members of the Teapot
Dome comrmittee-Nye and Norbeck
-headed for that city to explore fur-
tiher ramifications of the Sinclair-
Continental liberty bond transactions.
As a sub-committee, the two in-]
vestigators will hold hearings in Chi-
cago tomorrow, Friday and Saturday.
From the two-score of witnesses who
have been summoned, they hope to
get a line on how some of the bonds
contributed by Harry F. Sinclair to-
ward wiping out the 1920 campaign
deficit of the Republican party were
used. There may be other develop-
Semi-final matches in the Inter-
fraternity bridge tournament in both
the major contest and the consolation
tourney will be played off tonight in,
the Union, it was announced yester-
day. The finals in the match will be
held Friday.
In the main tournament of the'
semi-final round tonight will be
teams from Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Sigma Alpha Mu, Zeta Beta Tau, and
Phi Kappa Sigma. Teanis in the con-
solation tournament include Phi Del-
ta Theta, Sigma Pi, Pi Kappa Alpha,
and a fourth team as yet not an-