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March 10, 1928 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-10

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SXTRDAY'. MAR01H 10, 1929

1ill Be eeod1 (onsecutive Meeting
Of Tn Teams For Big Tein
3tat hamnplonshlp
Charles Kaufnian
For the first time in the history of
wrestling as a sport at the Univer-
sity, a Wolverine team will contend
for the Conference title on the home
mat, when the Michigan grapplers
meet Coach Paul Prehn's Illini, at
7:30 tonight in Yost field house.
This will be the second consecu-
tive meeting of these two teams to
determine the Big Ten champion-
ship. Last year the Wolverines also
led the eastern division of Confer-
ence and the Illini the western, but
Michigan was forced to bow to the
Indians at Urbana 12-9 in the title
match, giving the Prehnmen the Con-
ference championship for the fourth
successive time.
Teams Are Evenly Matched
Dual meet records indicate that
there is little to choose between the
two teams, as neither has come close
to being defeated this season. T'he
Orange and Blue's unbroken string
of six victories includes wins over
four Conference teams, in addition to
Missouri and West Virginia, while
the Wolverines have been victorious
in a like number of Big Ten match-
es, -besides conquering West Virgin-
ia, Ohio university, and Michigan
In spite of the fact that the illi-
nois lineup will include only one
member of last year's championship
team, it is expected that the out-
come of. the meet will be decided by
a very small margin, as was the
case last year when the result was
in doubt until the last bout.
Five Champions To Compete
One of the outstanding features o'
the meet is the fact that more in-
dividual champions than have ever
before participated in a Ben Ten dual
meet will compete. The Orange and
Blue roster includes two title hold-
ers, while Coach Keen has three Con-
ference champions.
Allie Morrison, National A: A. U.
champion in the 135 pound class for
the last two years is the outstanding
performer on the invading squad.
He will renew a rivalry begun last
spring in the finals of the National
tournament when he mniets Captain
Alfred Watson, 1927 Conference
(Continued on Page Seven)






Jerry Engles and Marty Becker Coach Ilot'sfr eshimen tackmen
meeting in the flyweight division - - with a defea by Illinois chialed up:'
furnished the best entertainment of Both Squnds 1 Iae S.tron iidilidil a gainst themill i-v oavenge
,..,.::,.Per ormier. That Will IProde agns e, i ry o avg
s theevening in the all-campus box- I hat ViPtvid themselves this afternoon when they
the in ~~~~Fast ( oiipetiioiie aeuonWi
ing show held Thursday night in the compete with Iinnesota in a tele-
field house. The bout between Engles IAVKEYES TO FACE ILLINI graphic meet. Twelve ('Vents are oIn
and Becker was won by the latter by tle program, and trials will start
a small margin. In a meet that will test the mettle promptly at o'closk.a
The lightheavy-weight fight be- of both teams, Northwestern and Mu Potentialities o. the (onher year-
" fir ;1 a tween George Ryerson and Stanley nesota swimmers will compete today h-gs. who last week lest 10 Wiscon-
.fAs;.a Dearington was decided in favor of at Minneapts. These squads ale sin by a five POint n-argin. are not
Dearington by the referee, only after uonsidered among the strongest in th generally known. Coach Hoyt will
SConference. The urlenafrs< mrhave :'
r ,. anterp rund. Oscara Jose, 1927 T P sractically his entire squad in
:~::~ nnot yet be etnin u::met' the meet, with }.ut thr ee ci oure-tl;, ":'"r+} +. ex-r on.Ocr ls,12
capusheavyweight championr while the Gophers have lost only to tcepdons. Cook, high hr er will
pleated in his success by defeating Michigan.nsg
Bruce Manley. The free style events will bring to- prcbably be among the contestants.'
Captain Watson W. H. Berkowitz, E.M.A.A.U. cham- gether some of the best performers in ( Hoyt has recenity unearthed a dis-4
pion, won from Phil Weiss in an ex- the Conference. Schwartz of North- tance ma, l, oton, who has promise Teron 1onlhoe
IW ildcats W ill Hold hibition match when Wesley Sauve, western lost his first race of the sea- of developing into a good two-mile Conference 158 pound title holder
Detroit, was unable to appear. In an- son to Winston of Indiana last week. le may compete in this afternoon's foi 1926 and 1927 and ex-Varsity
Annual High School other exhibition bout William Step- McDonald and Wicks are fast in the tussle. . captain who will complete his third
hens and Frank Lathrop fought to a sprints, while Collopy is undefeated in The order of events for this aft- catas wilme his thi
eeyeaaaebr of Michigan matr
rack, Swim M eet draw. the quarter mile. Max Moody and ernoon is as follows: mile run, 65 as a member
The lightweight title went to Vic Sam Hill, Gopher veterans, and Waid- I yard low hurdles, 50 yard dash, 880 teams tonight.
_ _th- yHeim when he defeated Ernie Rush in erlich and Crocker will give the Wild- yard run, 65 yard high hurdles, 440
(Special to The Iail.) a fast match, while Joe Stein won the cats plenty of competition, especially yard run, broad jump, high jump, Independent League
EVANSTON, March 9.-High school featherweight crown by winning from in the 160 yard relay. pole vault, shot put, two mile run, deSettled
track and swimming stars fr'om all Harold Knapp. Thie match betwveen Northwestern possesses three stars, one mile relay. CIag-e Race S tld
over the country will compete in the the two Hawaiians, Jack Yuen and Lennox in the breast stroke, Hinch in --
sixteenth national interscholastic Johnny Texier, ended in favor of Yuen the back stroke, and Colbath in the FRANCE UNREPRESENTED g .n
track and swimming meet to be held and as a result he became all-campus diving, whohave yet to be defeated by NETSnowing under the Mt. Clemens
at Northwestern university here bantamweight champion. Big Ten opponents. They will meet IN INDOOR NET TOURNEY club quintet with an avalanche of ;
March 23 and 24. One thousand high formidable rivals in Purdy, Hill, and --baskets in the final half, the Ten
schools representing every state in the FRATERNITY TRACK MEET Skobba of the Minnesota aggregation. Competition in the national indoor .
union have been invited to attend the Another important dual meet will tennis championship will 'start todayCt
games which are the outstanding in-LANKSSENTOUT bring together the unbeaten Illinois in New York, and for the first time league court championship by a 29-
door athletic events for high school tankmen and Iowa. The Hawkeyes since 1925 there is the assurance that 8 score. Fairchild led the scoring
Itudents. Entry blanks for the annual in- have suffered defeat at the hands ofI the title will not go to France.
Moretha 50 hih shoolathete Mihign Tfor tie cannibals, garnering 18
More than 500 high school athletes terfraternity indoor track meet have Michigan and Minnesota. The Illini Sixty-four players were drawn for
from 55 schools in the middle west been mailed to all fraternities which swimmers have scored their victories the comletitien Wednesday at the of- points
eastern states participated in the entered the Winter Sports league. against the four weakest teams in the fbees of the United States Lawn Ten- Gould was the star on the Mt.
games last year. It is expected to These entry blanks, together with Conference. nis association and the list fails to Clemens club with 4 points. The fact
boost that niumber in the 1928 edition
ot th inberholastic. Wiligton all others for the meet must be re- The breast stroke will )' a featuie show the names of either Jean Bor-
of the interscholastic. Wilming turned to the Intramural office not event in this meet, with Capt. Carter otra of France, winner in 1925 that the Mt. Clemens five were cha-
high school of Wilm gton, Del., won later than Thursday, Mar. 15, as the of the Hawks matched against H1ol- 1927, or o' Rene Lacost', who took pions last year did not deter the
yearor the meet is to be held March 19 and 20. brook of Illinois, who has an un- away the crown in 1926, along with the speedy cannibal aggregation. The
second time and it is likely that the me is besheld Marchth blemished record to maintain. Shat- turf championship. Odelots were the runners-up in the
eastern team will make the jaunt The events in this meet will be the tuck of the Illini will meet strong \ title contest.
again this spring high jump, 65 yard low hurdles, 50competition from King of Iowa in the Nortllwostern and Northern, un- The five league leaders in class
Northeast high of Detroit and La- yard dash, half mile run, standing back stroke. Both squads have rath- beaten Detroit basketball teams, basketball were determined this week
Grange high of LaGrange, Ill., tied broad jump, shot put, 65 yard high ei' mediocre material in the free ('lash todiy to decide the city as follows: league one, senior lits;
for honors in the track events and hurdles, and the mile run. style.(hamionsip. league two, junior lits; league three,
both schools are expected to return Entries in the all-campus trackcstyle.
to fight off the tie in the coming meet to be held in Waterm-an gym-
games. Out of the 55 schools repre- nasium March 26 and 27 must be in -
sented in both the track and swim- by March 23.
ming events, 33 figured in the scoring
CHICAGOi-Louisana and N-eviada All makes of ma-1 S Ce umn
state cage champions have been in- mens an r esone
vited to compete in the University of isetnsideresd ong I
Chicago tourney.
the best in the state. The result of
DETROIT - Trhe Briggs bowling twenty years' careful building.
teams,- established. a new bowling' D . O R R I L L
mark for a five man team, by rollingDR
up a score of 3,126. 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615.

Lamui bertmen Must lown (ophers to
't'ieirridiai Cagemen For 1928
('onference 4Championship
Tonight's finale between Purdue
and Minnesota at Minneapolis will
probably dctermine the occupants of
the first and last places on the Big
Ten rung basketball ladder, unless
Illinois upset predlictions by beating
Wisconsin last night.
Coach Ward Lambert's Boilermak-
ers, now credited with nine victories
and two defeats and Coach Dave Mc-
\Millans' Gophers, now debited with
two victories and nine defeats are as
weirdly matched opponents as the
schedule has pitted together through-
out the season.
The Minnesota 'squad, however, has
revealed occasional flashes of unde-
niable drive; and Purdue has evinced
occasional signs of cracking under
the wearying'strain of the long camn-
Cephers Show nPotentalities
The Gophers last displayed the pc-
tentialities expected of a squad of such
players as Nydahl, Otterness, Walsh,
and others on the roster really are,
when they forced .the third place
Northwestern five to rally in order
to eke out a 41-36 win.
Purdue looked dismally weak
against the Wisconsin Badgers less
than a week and a half ago.
Another championship will also be
decided when the giant Purdue center,
Murphy, essays to overtake Michigan's
leading forward, Oosterbaan who
holds a 15 point margin for premier
scoring honors.
freshmen engineers; league four,
sophomore medics; and the senior
physical eds are the champions of
league five.


Produced by Fownes
famous makers of gloves
An entirely new and original idea~ -
Pigskin looks smart, wears forever
The pigskin in this coatee has been worked with a
special treatment.
It has all the durability of this sturdy leather, yet it keeps a velvety ,r)
softness, even after being weather-beaten. Wonderfully warm,
and very supple. It gives with every movement of the body and
never binds. So tough you simply can't tear it.


100 Suits from our fall
and winter stock
$ 3750
A lesser number of fall suits
---mostly medium and dark
finished and unfinished
All overcoats


,Youth on a lark ...,
to Europe
Dancing, swimming, playing-
Go over with the Younger
Generation in the rollicking
Tourist Third.. .and have more
money to spend abroad .. .
(Round Trip)
in Cunard Comfort
Go the economical way with
adventurers of your own
age-people who are deter-
mined that they will see,
and get all the advantages of
having seen, Europebutwho
want to save their money to
spend while traveling there
and who enjoy a trip on the
ocean for its own sake.
Do you realize how very
inexpensively this can be
done on big Cunard ships
such as the CARONIA, CAR-
You are berthed in a com-
fortable, clean cabin, you
have good food, nicely
served, with ample deck
space and you enjoy the
companyof your own kind
of people ... because they
are others like you who feel
the adventurous call of trav-
eling Tourist Third Cabin.
You will dance on moonlit
decks to the rhythm of a
college orchestra no feet
have yet resisted. You will
swim in salt water in an im-
provised deck tank. You'll
play the delightful.deck
games that youth-on-a-lark
devises. And there'll be
bridge, - - and conversation;
--and sometimes lost
sleep! But of course you
have your choice between
missing sleep and flan.
-Ur ru -= -i -r







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