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March 10, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-10

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postagie granted by Third Assistant Post
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices:tAnn Arbo ress Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.....................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
" Staff Editor...............Philip C. Broks
City Editor............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor........... Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor............ Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor.............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
PaulJ. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Tohn H. Maloney
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Alex A. Bochnowski chales S. Monroe
Jcan Campbell Catherine Price
Pssie Chureh Harold L. Passman
Blanchard W. Cleland Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Edelson Rita Rosenthal
Margaret Fross Pierce Rosenberg
Valborg Egeland Lleanor' Scribner
Marjorie lIollmer Corinne Schwarz
James B. Freeman Robert G. Silbar
Robert J. Gessner Howard F. Simon
Elaine E. Gruber George E. Simons
Alice Hagelshaw Rowena Stilman
Joseph I:. Howell Sylvia Stone
J. Wallace Hushen George Tilley
Charles R. Kauftan Bert. K. Tritscheller
Willian F. Kerby Edward L. Warner, Jr
Lawrence R. Klein. Benjamin S. Washer
Donald K Kline Leo J. oedicke
Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdlig
Tack L. Lait, Jr.
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising..... ........Richard A. Mey.*
Advertising .............Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts................. Raymond Wachter
Circulation.............George B. An, Jr.
Publication.................Harvey Talcott
George Bradley Ray Hofelich
Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
Tames Carpenter James Jordan
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine McKinven
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Ona Felker Alex K. Sherer
Katherine Frohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg HerbertE. Varnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley
F.WT. Hammer Hannah Walle
Carl W. Hammer
Night Editor-G. THOMAS McKEAN
While others talk about the Uni-
versity college, and debate on educa-
tional policy, the Medical school has
seemingly taken one of the most sing-
ular strides in the field of education
recently accomplished on the campus
-the inauguration of the examination
at the end of the four year course.
To call this newly introduced test a
comprehensive examination is appar-
ently a misnomer, for according to the
announcement made by the Medical
school officials the object of the plan

for the Republican nomination seems
to be shaping up much as was early
expected. The Middle West will not
be predominately for Hoover, it is
plain, for in Wisconsin his name has
not been filed, in Ohio he will have to
do battle with a favorite son, and in
Illinois, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Iowa, and Kansas his chances of tak-
ing the delegations are extremely
! poor.
Lowden's campaign, nevertheless,
can hardly be expected to acquire
much strength outside of the essen-
tially agricultural Middle West, and
even in this region he rates as a not
overwhelming favorite. Hoover's pow-
er in the Far West, the South, and
parts of the East is not to be denied;
and though the candidacy of Lowden
is without a doubt the most formid-
able in the way of Hoover's nomina-
tion, it is by no means an insurmount-
able obstacle to the success of the
Hoover campaign.
It is with the highest regard and
most sincere appreciation for his long
term of public service that the people
of the state of Michigan will greet
the announcement that Woodbridge
N. Ferris, veteran senator and leader
in educational circles of the state for
four decades, has determined to re-
tire from, public life following his
present term in the Senate. Honored
with singular recognition as he has
been, fcr a man of his party, with the
highest offices within the power of
the state to bestow, Senator Ferris
has occupied a place in public estima-
tion equalled by few men of his genera-
Born in New York state in 1853,
and coming to Michigan for the first
time when 20 years old, to attend the
University of Michigan Medical school,
Senator Ferris soon afterward be-
came identified with educational work
in the Middle West. In 1884 his
career as a college teacher culminated
with the founding of the Ferris In-
stitute at Big Rapids, of which he has
since been president.
Few men have wielded a more sig-
nificant influence over the politics of
the state than Senator Ferris. Twice
chosen governor on his party's ticket,
he was induced to emerge from retire-
ment at the age of 70 years when, in
1922, the Republican party of the
state showed signs of decadence. His
victory in the election that fall was
more than a political conquest-it was
a tribute, sincere and fitting, of the
confidence which the people of the
state reposed in him. In 1924 he re-
ceived an equivalent cmpliment
when the Michigan delegation to the
Democratic National convention cast
their entire vote for him through the
majority of the 101 ballots.
The retirement which Senator Fer-
ris apparently desires is a retirement
which he has earned through years of
service; but it does not mean that the
veteran politician will cease to be a
factor in the life of the state. In the
counsel chamber and the convention
hall as well as in educational circles
Woodbridge N. Ferris will continue

T'OTHER NIGHT AT some time
after The Daily had gone to press the
cleaning and pressing establishment
I of Goldman Bros. caught on fire and
burned. All the clothing which was
there in the process of being made to
look better was destroyed or damaged
THE CAUSE OF the fire is not
known but it was thought that some
of the non-inflamable Miraclean
which the plant uses took to burning
and spread around the place.
* * *
AT PRESENT IT is not known just
what settlement the cleaners will
make for the suits destroyed. Those
who have clothes there have heard
many stories. Some say there will be
no settlement and others vary the
amount to twice the cost of the gar-
A POLICE GUARD had to be
thrown out at an early hour this
morning to prevent students from
throwing old suits into the shop. At
this time it was hoped that a large
settlement would be made.
* * *
THERE ISN'T A student in townt
this morning who has ever paid less
than $75.00 for a suit. Several of the
clothing stores in town wonder whom
it was they sold all those cheaper
suits to.
* * *
dents the loss from the fire is in the
neighborhood of $10,000,000; but ac-
cording to Goldmans the loss is about
* * *
IT IS ALSO reported by students
that hundred or so $5.00 ties were in
the plant. Personally we didn't have
any there but we wish we had. We
have lots of old ties at home and if
they had only warned us that there
was going to be a fire we could have
had a whole new spring line of ties.
* * *
ONLY ON ONE point do the Gold-
man Brothers enjoy themselves. The
building is very new and they could
not have paid more than two pre-
miums on the insurance policy. For
once it payed to have insurance.
* e 4
THE OWNERS OF the concern are
getting several accountants to look
over the accounts of reports students
will turn in. It is rumored that if
the total is more than all the suitsI
bought in this town in the laststen
Years nothing will be paid.
THAT IS A fairly safe figure, but
if it had been set at five years we feel
that there would have been no settle-
ment. From the little statements we
have heard from students who were
fortunate enough to have suits in the
fire, even seven years would have
been a dangerous figure for students.
Mr. Rolls:
Being from Chicago, it really
doesn't make much difference to us if
the University does put gates on the
Boulevard or not, but when it comes
to dodging state police in Dean Em-
ery's office we begin to get a bit
leary. Surely the dean isn't afraid.
We wouldn't harm him for worlds-

it's too much bother to carry our guns
to classes anyway.
not, Stuff.

TONIGHT: The Rockford Players
present Miss A. Frances Dade in "The
Patsy" at the Whitney theater at 8
O'Neill. Boni & Liveright, New York,
1928. $2.50.
"The only living life is in the past
and future..... the present is an inter--
lude....strange interlude in which we
call on past and future to bear wit-
ness we are living...."
The enjoyment of a moment's hap-
piness must be atoned for by an age
of pain; this is O'Neill's thesis as set
forth in his new, much quarelled over
play of nine acts. The life of Nina
Leeds is the vehicle of the idea, and
the author leaves no chance unused
to drive home his. philosophy that
happiness is a blessing too rich for
mortal enjoyment and must be paid
for by searing unhappiness which all
but destroys.
The technical innovations that
O'Neill has introduced have the gen-
eral effect of making the play as it
appears on the theater boards seem
to be an objective exhibition of the
novel. The device of making the char-
acters speak their thoughts carries
the story back into the mind, hitherto
the unquestioned domain of the novel,
and gives a tremendous impression of
conflict as well as infinite varieties
of irony. But he has gone still fur-
ther. The dramatic problem of Nina's
life could have been solved in Act Six.
There is a unity in the play to that
point and Act Seven is tenuous until
near the end when the interest picks
up, but O'Neill has preferred to round
his problem out by covering the whole
of her life-another prerogative of the
novel-and so makes possible Charlie
Marsden's ironic solilogy "oh, rus-
set-golden afternoon, you are a mel-
low fruit of happiness ripely falling!
....God damn dear old....! No, God
bless dear old Charlie....who, passed
beyond desire, has all the luck at
R. Leslie Askren.-
* *
Now that people no longer concern
themselves with the lives and deaths
of kings and queens except as re-
membered scenes of plays of which
they have already seen the last act,
and whose family affairs they no
longer have any concern totrecord in
their dramatic literature, there has
arisen a new type of tragic character.
This character is usually a person
who has in some manner managed to
glimpse the ineffable passing of
beauty, or to lear faiAtly the wild
winds of passion and ambition. His
interludes of this kind are few, but
their memory is an eternal torment,
an eternal reproach to his everyday
life. His effort to recapture these
powerful illusions is vain; he lacks
courage; hi imagination is not large
!enough to hold them; the only result
of his strivings is death.
Hedda Gabler, along with Emma
Bovary, is perhaps the character that
best shows the transmission of a hu-
man being into a devouring and self-
devouring monster, into a creature
full of a scorn that turns to a wailing
despair; into a woman whose life

turns into death in front of her very
eyes. Hedda Gabler is a, woman who
never learns that the way to the thing
she desires lies through the courage-
ous act, through the brave renounc-
ing of all self-interests that she may
attain to that disinterest, which is the
most self-interested of all interests,
and which means the accomplishment
of her will.
These things Elsie Herndon Kearns,
who will assume the role of Hedda
Gabler at the Whitney, Sunday eve-
ning, managed to catch in her por-
trayal of the part last summer; she
translates them into immediate min-
utae of personal reaction, whose ac-
cumulation makes the overwhelming
-Harold May.
Ever since he wrote "Les Noces,"
in which he attempted to put music
in the Absolute, making it find ,in-
spiration within itself, Stravinsky has
been seeking a method by which to
emancipate pure music from "story
music." Last week when the Boston
Symphony presented Stravinsky's
opera-oratorio, "Oedipus Rex," the
composer's ideal was heard for the

~March1iS Toaster Month
tjfarch has beenff''
designated toaster month
the country over. Man-
ning-Bowman "Tip and
Turn" Toasters are bei
offered this month in
combination with a seven
piece Toasted Sandwich
Service of"Golden Glow"_ _
Limoges China at a price
only slightly higher
than the toaster alone.
During March only, $6.50 COMPLETE
she Toaster and the
A small payment delivers -
Service together for balance, with your light bills.
Telephone us to reserve your set

is to serve the purpose of a general to be a potent force-and it is with
estimate, a final adjudication, of the downright sincerity that the people of
fitness or unfitness of the student Michigan-of both political creeds-
who has completed his scholastic will wish him a long and fruitful fu-
work to enter the career of medicine. ture in the private life to which it is
From this standpoint it in reality re- his apparent wish to retire.
moves certain barriers, for, according _._......
to Dean Cabot himself, the fact that a LINKING THE LAKES
student may have failed in a minor Construction work on the new Wel-
medical course will not react to his land canal connecting the Great Lakes
detriment if he convinces the examin- with Canadian waterways so as to
ing committee that he is qualified to permit the passage of the larger Great
enter the profession. Lakes ships through it and around
In a certain sense the Medical Niagara Falls to Lake Ontario, is re-
school has had this final examination ported to be progressing so well that
in the past in the form of the State the canal will be ready for use in
Medical Board examinations. Never 1930. The old Welland canal now in
before, however, has the final test use is available only for boats under
been coordinated with the actual pro- 265 feet maximum length and draw-
cess of granting a degree, and from this ing not more than 14 feet. Locks of
standpoint it assumes a much more the new canal will float the lake
real educational significance. leviathans in the 600 foot class and
The idea, to the outsider, seems to lock them 326 feet down to the level
be an excellent one. It is perfectly of Lake Ontario, while the easterly
obvious that there are more complex limit of their former route will be ex-
qualifications required by members of tended from Buffalo 200 miles or more
the medical profession than the mere to the lower end of Lake Ontario.
ability to memorize chemical formulas Inasmuch as the completion of the
and recite members of the human new canal will leave the shallows and
anatomy. A man who plans' to come rapids of the St. Lawrence river above
in contact constantly with all degrees Montreal as the onlyremaining bar-
of human kind, as a medical man must riers against the passage of Great,
necessarily come in contact with these Lake ships from Duluth to the sea,
bizarre elements, not only needs but great significance may be attached
deserves more training than the "pill to the construction of the new canal.
and test-tube"' variety which used to At a cost of one million dollars Cana-
be his measure. da is supervising the building of the
On the whole it would seem as new Welland canal wholly within the
though the Medical school adminis- Canadian borders. Obviously, as noth-t
tration has accomplished a real and ing more or less than a sound busi-
invaluable end with this new stroke; ness proposition, they have in mind
and certain it is that to bring educa- the greater usefulness of the new
tional examinations closer to the pur- Welland canal as an essential part of
pose of the profession which they the proposed international sea cut
serve is to achieve more nearly the through the St. Lawrence.1
desired ends of professional educa
tion.; If Big Bill investigates, he may find
E_____________NIP_ 111]11 n f't , (, }t .,. rn r.3.......



University moving picture, is fianlly
coming to town. Tickets are only
25c which means that you can see this
picture twice instead of going to a
regular show in town.
THE PLOT OF the picture is thinly
woven so it will probably take most
of the students two sittings to see
the plot. But then you may see your-
self in the picture and one always
has to sit through two shows so that
he may see his own face.
* 4;
TODAY WE HAD a strange experi-
ence. We were called to the phone
and when we got there a voice start-
ed speaking to us. It was a girl's
voice and we thought that she had
the wrong party, but it wasn't so.
IT SEEMS THAT this party, who
called herself a Senior, had inter-
viewed Prof. Pardon for us. The
main line of his argument was that
he didn't like dogs. It seems they got
into his yard and made too much
noise, but he didn't like tiem anyway.

"There is a time in every man's educa-
tion when he arrives at the conviction that
envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide;
that he must take himself for better or
worse as his portion; that though the uni-
verse is full of good, no kernel of nourish-
ing corn can come to him but through his
toil bestowed on that plot of ground which
is given him to till."-EMERSON.


101 N. Main St.

707 N. University Ave.

first time in America.

Without thea-

trical devices, for the participants

11 i 1 11

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