1. 141AY.1L ARC'.TT ! .1 Al2
Published every morning except Monday
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Editor.....................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor.........Philip C. Brooks
City Editor........... Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
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Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor.. . ......... Ross W. Ross
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Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
aul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
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Alex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe
t ean Campbell Catherine Price
ossie Church Harold L. Passman
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Margaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg
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gally Knox Joseph Zwerdling
Pack L. Lait, Jr.
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ona Felker Alex K. Scherer
Katherine Frohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Vrnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkey
F .1. Hammer Hannah Wallen
Carl W. Hammer
Night Editor-ROBERT E. FINCH
With the general breaking down of
college spirit which has taken place
throughout the country in the past
few years coincident with the increase
in enrollment, it is only natural that
there should be a breaking down of
respect for traditions. When the whole
of a student body lived within a block
of its University campus, the atmo-
sphere breathed the essence of college
spirit; but with the dissemination of
a student body of more than ten thou-
sand over several square miles of
heterogeneous territory, the close knit
eirit nf-o lPLe e unity is nuite natur-
and Finland. The body hastened to
sink the matter into the special com-
mittee sessions principally because
sparks flew as soon as it was broached
in open session.
The attitude of Hungary in the
whole matter is rather shady to say
the least. Indications are that the
running of weapons from Italy in di-
rect contradiction to the provisions
of the covenant has been going on for
some time previous to the discovery
of the freight train at St. Gothard.
Appearances were not assisted by the
action of officials in first denying the
act and then destroying the shipment
before it could be investigated more
closely. The complaint against Hun-
gary is being brought by the little
Entente of Rumania, Jugoslavia, and
Czechoslovakia. When the matter
came up before the council General
Tanczos, Hungarian representative
declared that the action of the three
nations in bringing the complaint was
not of the sort to encourage relations
between the countries.
The whole affair will give the
League an opportunity to test its
powers of arbitration and execution.
An apparent evasion of the pact by
one of its members is rendered more
ominous by the fact that the coun-
tries involved hold the key to a po-
tential powder box in the Balkans, the
present danger spot of Europe. There
can be no half-way action at the Sep-
tember sessions, and if the smaller
countries can flaunt their defiance
successfully in the face of the League,
it is truly nothing but a falling mask.
Dr. Albert M. Barrett, director of
the psychopathic ward of the Univer-
sity hospital, in his report submitted
to the state welfare commission, has
again sounded the warning note in re-
gard to care for the insane of Mich-
igan. It is almost common knowledge
that the state facilities are totally
inadequate in this regard, and Dr.
Barrett has only given the solid sta-
tistics to back up previous judgments.
The seven state hospitals have long
been overcrowded with patients. All
moves for correction of the situation
have been nipped in the beginning
by the administration, with the excep-
tion of a few enlargements of the
present hospitals, and these can never
work a change, Dr. Barrett contends.
There has not even been a report on
the hospitals since 1915. It is thought
by officials that nothing less than the
construction of entirely new units can
cure the present ills.
It has not been so long since the
director of the Detroit welfare de-
partment admitted that there were at
least 500 persons loose in he city who
should be confined to insane hospitals.
Shortly after this there were in De-
troit several instances of depradations
directly traceable to characters of
questionable mental ability. None of
these have been particularly danger-
ous so far, but there may come a time
when the warnings of facts and fig-
ures regarding the insane of Michigan
will echo hollowly in the ears of the
I1 I
BELIEVE IT OR not, and we know
it is hard to believe, but the sale of
the 1928 version of the Michiganensian
will end today.
IT SEEMS THAT it is a great gag
with the Ensian to say that the sale
will end and then continue it for a
month -or, so The thing is that they
expect a big rush on the day that the
sale is to end and it never happens.
* *
serious and if you haven't already
purchased the book do it today for
$5.50. The reason that they are end-
ing the sale is so Ihat the senior class
officers can take up worrying stu-
dents for their dues.
: * *
VERY SHORTLY THE senior class
will notice that the last day for pay-
ing dues has come. Then they will
-try and make you believe that they
will not take your money after that
When Girls Get To Be That Size Be
Careful During Leap Year
Mr. Rolls:
The two of us, Hot and Stuff, were
at the PENNY CARNIVAL the other
night. While Stuff was playing with
the bearded lady, I plunked out a
nickle for a dance with one of the
dames. I'm still trying to figure out
whether I got my nickel's worth. I'll'
know next week when I take her out.
We were almost thrown out of
Barbour gym last night when we
started to crawl under one of the side-
show tents without paying admission
-and the doggone tent screamed and
backed away. Now I ask you, what's
a man going to do when girls get to
be that size.
Hot, Stuff.
that the traditional cap night be held
in the arboretum. This is impossible
because the gates will be closed at G3
o'clock and the students wouldn't be
able to enter to throw away their
1 __ _ _ _ _*
TONIGHT Tile Rockford Players
present Barry Condor's "The Patsy"
in the Whitney theater at 8 o'clock.
* *
d ,i j' r" iiii
'_ *.
,peag ma
Spring flowers are
Plentiful. Prices
are reasonable.
Of course, it has always
axiomatic in the theater that
it is
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never safe to harbor any predilections
concerning the success of a produc-
tion: a well-written and well-acted
play may flop and a ham performance
of the cheapest sort may be a panic.
This has been proved time and again
on the professional stage, and more
recently it has come home to roost
with pungent application. Plays like
Philip Barry's "You and I" will fail,
and "The Patsy" and "The Home
Towners" play to good business.
It all goes to prove one thing: that
Ann Arbor audiences are low brows,
Babbitts, barbarians-and all the
nasty proletarian names I can think
of. Ninety-five per cent of the theater-
goers of this campus have no sense
of values, or if they have, refuse to
discriminate between Cohan and
O'Neill. There hasn't been a drama
which has been more than a succes
d'estime since "Anna Christie." There
have been some good comedies given
well; a little melodrama that has been
fair; and that is all.
Moreover, if there had, there
wouldn't have been anyone to go to it.
The faculty and students who might
like it don't go; and those who do'
make up the audiences at the Mimes
and the Whitney want to be amused
by farces or something of like nature,
that will act as a catharsis for their
academic woes. For that reason lo-
cal impressarios have fought shy of
anything of this nature-and there
has been a debacle of Kaufmann-Con-
nelly, George Cohan, Austin Strong
and the like. All of which is good
theater, but nothing more; and it gets
very tiresome.
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OF COURSE THE traditional fire e * *
could be arranged in such a manner "Hedda Gabler" next week may ef-
as to take care of the gates and then face the blot on the 'scutcheon, and
the cap night would be a general
benefit to all students including theI
splru of uige U11y iquieIU
ally scattered to the four winds. EDITORIAL COMMENT
Through the East this tendency of
disorganization has gained a powerful MARKS AND THE COLLEGE MAN
grip within the past decade, and the (Cornell Daily Sun.)
great universities of the Middle West Chief Justice Taft recently com-
are quite in line with the same event. mented on the modern trend in edu-
Early evidences of disorganization have cation as rewarding irregular genius
been apparent here for several years "while solid qualities developed by
past, and the most conclusive example intellectual discipline are thought
thus far presented is the present dis- hum-drum." He believes that more
regard for the-tradition of the fresh- men of worth in a community come
man pot, which has so very obviously from the ranks of the valedictorians
seized upon our own campus in the and salutatorians, than from the
past year. ranks of the athletes, the managers,
Any tradition to justify its exist- and the editors. It would seem that
ence, must be a good tradition, for the the Justice misunderstands the sit-
present generation of college students uation.
is not one to take its course of action In the first place marks do not ade-
on sheer, good faith. The question quately determine a student's scholas-
raised as to whether the tradition of tic ability. Any normal person who
the pot is worth preserving is a legi- does not go out for extra-curricular
timate question; but it is one which activities, by applying himself to his
deserves to be answered definitely studies, can receive good grades. No
onq way or another, for even an icon- inherent brilliancy, intelligence, or
oclast could not wish any revered genius is required to receive an A in
custom the lingering death which most courses as the grading system is
seems to have become the doom of the now conducted. The student knows
pot. the syllabus for each subject, and his
If we are to denote our freshman grade is merely the result of how well
class by the grey pots which have he has chosen to learn it. The whole
denoted gene-ations of Michigan thing is determined by the inclination{
freshmen in the past, it is time action to study and the amount of leisure
was taken to preserve the custom. that each student has.
If the tradition, on the other hand, I If the extra-curricular man re-
is not worth preservation it at least ceives low grades, usually it is not
deserves the grade of a formal aboli- because he is of inferior mentality or
tion, by dlefinite action of the proper less intelligent than the Phi Beta'
authorities. It is a question for the Kappa man. More often he has decid-
student body to answer, and it is a ed that three hours a day on the cin-
question not without its enigmatical der path or in the shell is of more
ramifications. The pot is going, never- value to him than that time spent in
theless, and going fast. If it is to be perfectly memorizing the written page
preserved or respectfully buried the and the stereotyped assignment. He
time is ripe for action, is contented with the substance of a
THEN AGAIN THE event could be
held in the afternoon so that the stu-
dents could get inside the arborteum.
Another good suggestion is that the
traditional event be held in the middle
of the campus or thereabouts.
S* * *
with the Economics building in mind.
It seems that there would be plenty
of material for the fire if it were held
on the campus proper. The Economics'
building has often been taken for a
pile of wood, and several new B andj
G boys had to be restrained fromj
moving it to the dump heap the other
* * *
same meeting wherein they talked
about cap night also spoke of the
naming of the new Stadium. My, have
they forgotten, that it is known as
Lake Tillotson.
* * *
IT SEEMS THAT a better name is
wanted and we suggest for their ap-
proval, BENNIE'S BOWL. It really
was the two Bens who had the most
to do with the building of the stadium.
A certain game, 54-0 with the Navy,
and a few other feats made the Mich-
igan teams even more famous than
they had been and millions of persons
wanted to see them play.
** *
NEXT YEAR IT will be different
without either Ben, but then the sta-
dium is there and those (including
students) who sat in Ypsilanti, Jack-
son and other convenient places last
season will have the opportunity of
getting good seats this year to see
where their heroes of old trod.
** *
-Yesterday's Daily.
From this it would seem that some
of our faculty members are thinking
of running for Congress and are get-E
ting in practice according to the time
honored custom of our National leg-
I ;Jeib.
least, that extra-curricular activitiesj
do not attract as many students as
they formerly did. And at the same
restore my faith in human nature.
And "The Devil's Disciple" and "The
Beggar on Horseback" may do more.
All this has been rankling and or-
roding in my typewriter for so long
that it demanded expression. At
present we can do little more than
pray for the future; after all, "Clar-
ence" and "One of the Family" were
fiascos. Ibsen and Shaw may hold
the field after all.
* * *
EDEN a novel by Murray Sheehan.
E. 1E. Dutton and Co. $2.00. . (Courtesy
of the Westwind Lending Library.)
The triangle, if not eternal in real
life, is at least eternal in fiction. Mur-
ray Sheehan has in this novel, taken
the old situation of Adam, Eve, and
Lilith in Eden, which has been han-
died by every generation since the be-
ginning of time, and made it into a
servant girl romance with heroic set-
tings. His version of the triangle
story compares with, say, Thackeray's
as an early medieval drama compares
with Moliere. It is an attempt to
take advantage of the interest that
has been reawakened in the creation
story by Shaw, Erskine, and Cabell,
and by injecting a suitable love in-
terest into it, to make it into a pop-
ular novel.
The writer of this book says that
God is eternal, omniscient, omnipotent,
but in the story He appears as a tired
old man anxious to help out the young
folks. It is all very simple and very
soothing: God has made man in his own
image, He has appointed him supreme
being cn earth, and is at his elbow
with an indulgent smile every time
he gets into trouble. Even in the
good old days when evil spirits lurk-
ed in rocks and trees, and when every
minute this palpable world seemed
ready to dissolve into a host of good
and evil sprites, it was not so, people
weren't so condescending to the deity.
Only a novelist who needed His inter-
vention to help solve the situation in
his story would dare to be so patron-
izing toward Him. And, in truth it is
only God who keeps his story from
dying a natural death, He makes
Adam, Lilith undoes him, and God
does him up again to the satisfaction
of Eve.
Perhaps though the author does
mean that we shall take him seri-
ously, perhaps the story is his idea
of the Golden Age-a time when there
was only one man, butt two women.
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