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March 06, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-06

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.. ._.. . . a a ~~~i. xJ gDAY Mc xi a zeIT fxair 1. 9*r


tI .., . -H l . Ths iste .l

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Phic olluin:
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until Mi 1 .up
3:30 p. m. (11:30. a. in. Saturday.)E Mwrd.BC.er.on "Tp
clay, March 6, inl Roe
V4olunme 8. '1UE1S )A . MARHI 6. Numiber 117. cited.
Faculty, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture:!
Professors and Associate Professors in these Colleges are requested to 1Varsity ("Kee Chlii:
f eet on, Wednesday, March 7, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West Engineeringj The Varsity Glee,
Pllilding, to consider a matter of discipline. at 7 o'clock in Room

rst of a series of ten lectures under the auspices of the Uiideliienable ;Hail:
ii' in cooperation with the Student Christian Aossociation.j Mail for the following list of per
udents and the general public. isons is being held at the PostofficE
Theni11as It. Ideat, Director. I undeliverable. It may be claimed b;
tl'e owners if they will call at th,
Geneiral Delivery window, Main Office

lureys will speak on " Multiplet Separations." and \lr
he Polarization of Resonance Radiation," at 4 :15, Tues.
nm 1041, East Physic's Building. All interested are in
D. I. lDennison.
Club will hold its next rehearsal on Tuesday, :MarchC
308 at the Union. It is of paramount importance that al'
at the statedl hour.


on1 Oi befor'e Alarch 10, 1928.

Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.

members be presenta

ExIbItIcu of Drawings by Hugh Ferris : ~~~ ILI
A small collection of. original drawings and reproductions of Detroit !Rlonmance 4Cl11b:
buildings by Hugh Ferriss, the artist who is generally regarded as the The mceting of the Romance Club scheduled for March 6 has been post
leading interpreter of the high building, is now on display in the exhibition poned to Tuesday, March 13.
cases, first floor corridor of the Architectural Building; also pencil and JuodelToro.
water color sketches made in Europe by LeRoy.E. Kiefer, '25A, holder of the
George G. Booth fellowship, 1326.
Emil L oreli. Gradulate Cluib i Education:
_________________The Giraduate Club in Education will meet Tuesday evening, Mlarch 6, a
_ _1_7:30 o'clock in the educa~tion library on the fnoirth fl,-nr of, Oho



Business Admninistration Moving Picture:
"From Mine to Consumer, the story of Anaconda Copper," a five reel
moving picture by the Anaconda Copper Company, will be projected in Natural
Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., on Wednesday, March 7. This is the second
film in the series being presented by the School of Business Administration
and is the film which was to have been shown on February 29.- The public is
C'arlX. Schmnalz.
Freshman Women :
.There will be a meeting of all Freshman women on Tuesday, March 6,
at 4:15 o'clocl in University Hall Audiorium. The selection of committees
will be made at this time.
Jane IHoward.
F'rench Lecture :
Professor A. L. Dunham will give an illustrated lecture: 'etat d'esprit
en France au Debut de la Guerre, d1'apres les caricatures," Wednesday, March
7, at 4:15 o'clock, in Room 25, Angell Hall.
This is the fourth lecture on the Cercle Francais program. Tickets for
the series may be procured from the Secretary of the Romance language De-
partment, Room 104, South Wing, or at the door.
Irene Talainon.
Seniors in Jouirnalismin:
All second semester seniors who are candidates for the certificate in
Journalism are requested to file a transcript of their university credits at
the journalism office, Room 303, W. Med. Building, between 2 and 4 o'clock,
any afternoon before March 10. J. L. Bruinin.
Senior Mec-hanicals and Electricalis:
Mr. M, M. Boring of the General Electric Company, Schenectady, N.Y., will
be in Room 153 West Engineering Building on Monday and Tuesday, March 5,
and 6, for the purpose of interviewing those interested in the training course
offered by the General Electric Company in their various plants.}
H. C. Anderson. l
Joseph H. Cannon.
SAociole3gy 51:.
In order to keep the sections even I shall omit the Tuesday lecture thisl
week. C. I1. Cooley. 1
(neology 2:
The rooms for the examination to be given Wednesday at 4 o'clock are
as follows: Surnames beginning with A through R in West Gallery of
Alumni Hall, S-Z in 2054 N.S.
1. 1D. Scott.
Civil EngineerhIg-Courses 31, 32, 35:
Classes in Civil Engineering 31, 32, and 35, will not meet today.
A. J. Decker.
Choral Union:
Tenors and Basses of the Choral Union will rehearse Tuesday evening,
March 6, in the University School of Music Building. There will also be a
mixed rehearsal for men and women of the Choral Union Thursday eve-
ning, March 8, at 7 o'clock.
Earl V. Moore.

High School. All students of education are cordially invited to be present
Please note the change of date and hour of meeting.
E L. NW. Reeler.

Athenaa Literary Society :
Regular meeting of Athena tonight at 7:30 o'clc!k in the Athenia rojuin.
All clues must be paid tonight.
Pattinxe Zoller, IPresident.
Sea~rbart a ml MBadle:
There will be a regular meeting Wednesday, Mtarch 7, at S o'clockt in
Room 3q6 of the Union.
C. E. Staaff.
Alpha Nu;
Alpha Nu will hold its regular weekly meeting on Tuesday, March 6, at
7:30 o'clock in the Alpha Nu room.
Professor Carr of the Sociology Department will speak and will act as
moderator in an open forum which will follow. Visitors are c:ordially in-
vited to attend this meeting and take part.
The last opportunity for tryout speeches will be allowed at 7 o'clock.
John Webster, President.
Tau Beta, Ii:
A regular meeting of Tau Beta Pi will be held at the Union Tuesday,
March 6, at 6 o'clock.%
L. D. Weston, Secretary. I
Web and Flange:
There will be a meeting at the Union at 9 p.m., Wednesday,.March 7, im-I
mediately following the showing of the movie in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. All members are asked to be present for election of offic ' rs.
G. J. Robertson.
Tues(Lay 4"l~ay-Reaiing Section, Faculty Women's Clubi:
The Tuesday Play-Reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club wN~il meet}
Tuesday, March 6, at 2:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. A. L. Wood, No. 3 lHar-
yard Place. Mr's. Hugh Keeler and Mrs. Emory Sink: will act as hostesses.
Mi'rs. F. %. Flitchi, Secretary.
11il1e1 Foundation:
r Prof. Adelbert Ford of thel Psychology Department will spvealk at theI
IFoundation H-ouse 615 East University Avenue, 7:30 o'clock this evening-.
His subject is "The Relaticn of Scholarship to Vocational Sucess."
Baer or dia an.
League for Industrial Demuocracy:-
There will be a meeting of the league on Thursday, March 8, at S p).m.,
at the Labor Temple, 207 East Washington. Prof. Z. C. Dickinson, of the
economics department, will deliver an address on "What is Industrial
Democracy?" Everyone interested is invited.
Charles 1). Breitel.

- George Allerdice.
- KElBarnett.
Otto I. Bergh.
IlHilda Binzer.
Marion H. Blood.
11. W. Bousman.
Robert M. Bradley.
Robert. K.Carson.
Mary Castle.
Daniel A. Cohen.
Mlinnie E. Cook.
ilerina DeWinter.
Monsieur Le Doyen.
Thomas E. Fiske.
Dr. Hlarry W. Hlann.
Agnes H-ansen.
!Hazel Harr'ington.
1 Thomas Harris
P'rof. H. W. HitchcocI.
?,,'. J. Holdworth.
E~ugene Hluet.
Dr. Adeline G. Hurd.
iA Ilan Lung.
Marg Mann.
Mliss K. McKiven.
Dr. C. F. Meyer.
K. J. Miller.
D~ale Moore.
Harold H. Nelson.
largaret Osterbloom.
Frank H. Peters.
Robert IPeterson.
Sam Lien Pien.
Charles P. Ramsay.
Ernest Reif.
Harry B. Riffenburg.
GI. H. Rustin.
Algen Sayles.
Kathryn D). Sayre.
P. H. Scott..
Prof. Win. P. Snyder.
Mirs. C. Sritz.
J. PMorrison Taylor.
A. H-. Timnmer.
L~. E. Vanderzalm.
Mlyles L. Woods, Jr.
-Walter Yeomans, Jr.
Julius Zuik.
1Figures which have just become
available on attendance at the re-
cent Highway conference show a
lorge increase over the previous
rears ia which the conference has
been held. In the years 1923, 1924,
1925, and 1926, the average attend-
ance was 3135. In 1927, 460 engineers
attended, and at the last conference
the tigures show that 584 registered
" or the highway conference, 25 others
Nvere attending an independentmet
m e-in, of gravel producers, and it is
"known that a. number of engineers
neglected to register. This shows
that attendance at these conferences
is increasing at the =rate of about,
125 a year, taking into special con-;
sidleraticon the figures for the last
three years.

The Patsy says: "All the world's a stage but
yo 0
4, Cit
Q loom
b, H
M tneoedTomorowheSato3
4) 0
4, sucs ftesasn ee ic "rdeSaces
F RCE Abe s Crugl eSln s 0
in themoscomedyHto heSao
Emer Niht, ncldin Scmay t 800-0c, ,cfol.Wed ; )

Mat, at 3:00-Enutire house 40ic; Sait. it. at 3 :00-a~c, 7ac.
Next (Phone 4814)
NetWeek-Elsie Herndon Kearns in
o "Hedda Gabler"
0~g-u : : .0Apc ,.qL 44ij fs:vtA i



Choral Union: The consolation round o! the In-
The copies of Aida are now ready for distribution. Members who have terfraternity bridge tournament will
not received copie's please call at Room 108, University School of Music begin today, accordIing to an an-
Puilding, during offce hours this week. nouncement of the committee on
Earl . )Lore. bridge which has charge of the tour-
Institute of Religious Ed ucation: nmn.A h aetmterg
Dr. Wilbert B. Hinsdale will speak on the topic "Religion at the Level ular contestants will go into the third
of the North American Indign," at 7 pam., and Prof. Solomon F. Gingerich round of play.C
will talk on "Moral Drives in Literature" at 8 p.m. All lectures are in Lane

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