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March 06, 1928 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-06

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TNT . MTCT- TC.AM fTAIL "PAar err,~

?rTTShAY.?4AT1CT 1928

1 c.Up1tl " 3ri'f:CV v .pro l 1 ll JV L*\..A 11"..4'li L5-u

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1927 wrestling history has repeated Sauer, decisively defeated Hesmer,
Trhree 'I'°eam Fb i.in iu'Title Held Iitself so far this year. Michigan has Alinot, and Gunlock to give Michigan ~
Th_ Tem g__g o iteHedMADISON, Wis..'March 5,-The


Undisputedly By M ichih
Last Season
(By Associated Pres
CHICAGO, ,Merch 5.-TI
Conference basketball sea
to a climax this week witht
fighting for the title held b
last year. Five of the six
the week's program have a
the title.
Indiana, the leader today
due and Wisconsin, the
have been beaten only twi
three are off to the wars
week to protect their chan
Indiana turned back Mi
urday night 36 to 34, and
kept straight in step by p
Iowa 20-17. Chicago wo
season with a 19-18 victor
Purdue Has Easy G
Michigan and Illinois are
ling blocks in the paths o
ers. Wisconsin must beat 1
though. Indiana's single
game is with Illinois.I
comparatively easy sailin
against Iowa and Minnesot
There is an outside poss
the sixth game of the week
in the championship. N(
entertains Ohio State ton
ful of victory. If all th
take a tumble, Northwes
chance to go into a four
Season Was Brill
The Big Ten season hac
able for the brilliance of
Seven of the first ten po
play center, and five of t
are newcomers to Confere
Three veteran forwards, Oo

won from- four Conference opponents a six point lead. Donahoe, who was
to attain the leadership of the east- later to win the Big Ten, 158 pound verwit a o erictsi bsekl
ern division Of the Big Ten; Illinois championship, and 'Michigan's -'apa in April for their annual spring traii-
CHANCE holds an identical record in the Nwes- tain, then fell before Ritz of Illinois ing trip south. Co'ch Guy Lowman has
tern division. But it is here that in an overtime bout which proved to announced the correct schedule for
s. rMaize and Blue partisans hope that be the turning point of the meet the tour. The Badger nine will hook.
he Western up with five teams and play a total
son rushes history will deviate from its course, for if Donahoe had been vie- of eight games during their it-day
hfor when the Wolverine wrestlers torions, Michigan would have taken
Illinoistatms a the long end of the 12-9. jaunt, to the gulf.
)yreechigmn meet the Illinois mat teamSaturdayth, Woend lith ha1w-9. On the return trip north the \Vis-
y Michiganight in Yost field house they will Rich, Wolverine light heav eight onsin team will lay over one day,I
games on have a double task- that owinning then dropped another overtime tilt April 14, for a game with St. Louis
a double i to that IlwnninisIteam to even the
bearing on thi Big Ten title and avenging their tth I university. Coach Lowman has been
12-9 defeat by the Suckers in last count at nine points apiece, but Illinois drillin his ball plhlyers indoors for
y, and Pur- year's championship match. took the match and l ie title when several weeks, and has already elmi-
runners-up The tables may be turned- the re- Captain Shively, All-American guard, nated many candidates. The battery
ice, and all sult is greatly in doubt. Last year the won rom Prescott by an eight mi- men are being concentrated upon as
again this pllini matmen went into the meet ute time advantage. the cramped facilities make it difficult
ces for the with all their men, frost of whom This year positions are somewhat to do much fielding or hitting.
were veterans, in perfect shape; with reversed. Illinois has a still longer The 1927 pitching staff remains in-
chigan Sat- an unbroken string of six over- string of four consecutive Conference tact except for the loss of ex-Capt.
Wisconsin whelming victories; with a record of cha )ionships, to point to with pride, George Stoll. Most of the mound work
olishing off three consecutive Conference cham- Both teams have perfect records, will be done by Jacobson, Clausen,
und up its pionships behind them. Michigan of seven wins and Illinois Thelander and Ellorman, with the
y over Illi- Wolverines Were Uvderdog fe. possibility of some newcomers
They met a Wolverine team, the
thstmes. lest that Michigan had produced, but
f the lead- a new team, a team which had but
both to one year of experience under Coach
brma wining Keen. Michigan had been defeatedI
Purdue has once, by Cornell -college. Michigan's
g in sight star, Baker, left a hospital bed to_
grthwestghn dowsmetn h
a. compete in the match. Michigan had1
sibility that no glorious past victories to buoyl
may figure up their hopes. Michigan, the under-
orthwestern dog, was meeting the Conferencej
light, hope- champions on their home grounds.
re, leaders And yet, the Illini were forced to
tern has a the limit to defeat the wolverine a
way tie. wrestlers 12 to '9, by the narrow mar-1
iant gin of one bout, in a match which
s been not- contained three overtime tilts.
it's centers. Injury Hlurt )ticlhigan's Chances
int scorers Baker, weakened by a bad hip in-
those seven jury and a week of confinement, lost
nce honors. the 115 pound bout to Thacker by a
)sterbaan of decision. The next three Maize and 1)

1O\V .C ITY. Ia.. Aiarch 5.--A.middle'" ParIlu. (Grinnell, both of whom have
distance man and a sprintler, in their been invited to serve as inspectors for
clay ranking with thI elite in the Big the melt in the University of Iowa I
Ten meet, have been named among Iothe field house.
43 officials for ihe Western conference Davenport., under the tutelage cf
indoor track and field championships Amos Alonzo Stagg, won nine West-
here March 9 and 10. ern conference indoor and outdoor
The former athct ees are Ira N. championships in the quarter and half
Davenport, Chicago, and Leonard '. mile runs.


NOTICE-Good food and good service,
one block from campus-that's why
you save. Barney's Restaurant, SIG
E. Williams. C.
NOTICE-Two used portable type-
writers for sale. One and two years
old respectively. Reasonable prices.
Call 3489. E. H. Munn.
C-Tes.. 'lhurs., sat.




Michigan, and Wells and Correll of
Indiana, were the only ones able to
hold their own against this rush of
tall lads.
Branch McCracken of Indiana, who
took the lead in points scored in his
first game, had leaped back into the
lead today, just three points ahead of
BERLIN-Germany is expected to
send the largest team of any nation
to the Olympic Games in Amsterdam i
this year, consisting of 282 men and

Blue wrestlers, Solomon, Watson, and
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 5.-
Indiana university's basketball team
will end the Big Ten championship
race next Tuesday night when Coach
Everett Dean makes a trip with his
men to Illinois. The two sister state
universities have played five games
within the past four years, Indiana;

to a
1' i.
i {
{ i4. a '
I rr la
' ' _
/ n L; .:

Not a hat just for to-
(lay aiid tomorrow, but
a hat you may wear,
sure in the knowledge
that its style will last
throughout its long
Eight to
Forty Dollars





women. winning three and Illinois capturing
a pair. The tilt Tuesday night will
ANNAPOLIS - Commander Jonas give the Illini a chance to even the
H. Ingram, director of athletics at percentage.!
the United States Naval Academy, Illinois invaded Bloomington! during
will represent the Navy on the Olym- the .third week of last January and
pie committee. was repulsed, 44 to 29. Since that
_________________-time Coach Ruby's quintet has suf-
PHILADELPHIA-Joseph W. 'Wear fered several losses, but remains a
of Philadelphia has been appointed dangerous threat in the minds of the
chairman of the Davis Cup tennis Hoosiers.
Corbettss Collegiate Clothes Shop
t . .. ....:.::: .. .
Sring 128 JopCoats
We are ready with the finest line of Spring Topcoats we
ever had this season. Tweeds, Royal SHETLANDS, some- j
thing very new, all made for us in the proper manner. 50
inches; long at live and let live prices for quality merchandise.
Now is the time to get your Top Coat when the line is





NOTICE-Be sure and visit this most
modern and efficient lat Cleaning
and Shoe Shining Parlor. Michigan
Theatre Bldg-. 529 E. Liberty.
C-Tues.; Thurs, Sat.
bitious, Protestant students wanted
for high-grade summer employment
in educational sa'les work. Previous
experience unnecessary. Salary and
commissions. For personal interview
see C. M. Crosier, Lane Hall, at
once. 17, 113, 119
TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing
promptly and neatly done by ex-
perienced operators at moderate
rates. College work a specialty for
nearly twenty years. 0. D. Morrill.
Arcade. C
TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned, re-
paired. Our machines and work
guaranteed to give best satisfaction.
0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C
turnover insures a freshtstock. You
secure the best quality at a moder-
ate price. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea-
sonable rates. M. V. Hartsuff.
Dial 9387. C-77-180
FOR RENT-Two-room newly fur-
nished front suite. Reasonably
priced. 206 South 4th Ave.
115, 116, 117
WANTED-Garage, near corner of
Forest avenue and Cambridge Court,
immedlutely. Phone Monroe, 5290.
WANTED-Students to know that our
home laundry methods give your
clothes personal attention. Moe
Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. C
I WANTED-A few men for summer
employment. Call at Room 306,
Michigan Union, between 2"and 5
Wednesday afternoon, March 1.4.
117. 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124
LOST-Saturday night, one lady's
white gold wrist watch, somewhere
in the Union. Reward. Dial 2-2448.
117, 118
LOST-A black suede purse, with
steel head trimming, bvtween 'E.
Huron and Liberty. Finder pleas.e
call 2-1542. 117, 118, 119
LOST- March 3, between Park Ter-
race and Ingalls ave., green Shaeffer
pen. Name Y. T. Wuonit. Finder
call 6816. Reward. 117
LOST-One Nu Sigma Nu jeweled pin.
Name o Joeger on the back. Re-
ward. Call 6717 and ask for Ernie.
117, 118
Finds Tobacco
for Breaking
In a Pipe,'
Columbu.s, Ohio
March 10, 1927
Larus & Bro. Co.
Richmond, Va.
Two years ago my wife gave me an
expensive pipe. I smoked it a great
deal for two or three weeks, put it aside,
then began smoking it again. This
Itime it was very strong. Veterans told
me that it had been smoked too hard
for a new pipe and should be put away.
The pipe was laid away again. A
short time ago I got it out and smoked
one of the common brands of tobacco
in it. The results were disappointing.
I told the druggist of my.experience
with it. He asked if I had tried Edge-
worth. I told him I never had. I fol-
lowed his suggestion, and I am honest
when I say that it has restored the
sweetness to the pipe, and has made
me wonder. Was it the pipe or the
brand of tobacco that caused me to
lay it away for the long period of time?
As a novice, I prefer Edgeworth. I
am going to stick to it, as I feel satis-
fied that there is none better on the

,$incerely yours,
Philip C. Shera
lExtra High Grade ()
Smokng Tobacco

With Winter Weather
Still With Us
We are continuing our
One- if O
Winter Overco ts
$25 to $60 Values
$12.50 to $3O.005
Buy Now and Save
New Spring Goods
Also in Stock
NA,,rx 0+ ni Yap rlkr ut

It has been found by those who
ake a business of designing
clothes for men. ..that there
is one type of fellow who
rarely swerves from the basic
ideas of good tailoring in the
selection of his attire.
These are men of conservative
taste ...men who regard clothes
as a rigid reection o their
own conservative personality
S. . and their keen iscrim-

ination classifies them


careful buyers.
To these men we cater. We
have studied their wants with

a sincere

determination to

provide them with clothes
that meet with their require-
ments ... to the nth degree.
Along with the conservatism
of the style of these clothes is
a conservatism of price ... that,
makes them doubly attractive.
AtkI h

complete. Come in today and KCI it cut.
'and we will hold the coat until wanted.

Make a deposit

Our Spring suits need no introduction.
about our fine special made SUITS. WE

All the boys know
LEAD in style.

iegrees Superlative in quality
3 the world-famous

mlrfAI4 I-~L~DE'UI

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