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March 06, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-06

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DRIE CONTINUES FOR Pick Praises Michigan's Opportunities
Of Combining Music And Literary Workj
nraimn ian mn

~I1IUM r ME hHIr,
League Life Membership Commtteer
Will Call On Women Who Have
Not Been Reachedt
Continuing the campaign urgingE
women to pay up their life member-
ships in the league building whicht
mray be obtained for the total of $40
if paid before the date of graduation,
the committee headed by Marie Hart-
wig, '29, will call those seniors who<
have not yet been reached.
The object of the work of the un-
dergraduate life membership commit-1
tee is to assist the seniors desiring1
to obtain membership under the con- .
ditions specified in letters which weres
mailed from the alumnae office by
Mrs. W. D. Henderson, executive se-
cretary. A number of membership1
dues have been completed by wo-~
men of this year's graduating class.
The members of the committee are,
Helen Hartman. '29, Dorothy McKee,
'30, Katherine Arnold, '30, Ruth Fine,
'29, Arlene Wright, '30, Lucile Be-
resford, '29, Louise Cody, '29, Aileen
Yoe, '30, and Katherine Woodruff, '30.-
Miss Johnson Thinks
Interesting Life Is
AchievedBy Service
In giving her views yesterday, of
the most interesting women she has
enjoyed knowing, Miss Beatrice John-j
son, adviser of women, said, "To me
the woman with the happy personal
li:re who gives herself as completely
as possible to community service is
most interesting.
"The one who first comes to my
mind is the director of the Maternity
Welfare Center in New York City-
Dr. Hannah Stone. She is possessed
of skilled knowledge which qualifies
her as a leading gynecologist of this
country and the world. Had it been
her wish she could have had only
rich and selected clientele.- Instead
of doing this, however, and capitaliz-
ing her skill for herself alone she
donates her mornings and some eve-
nings to charity work. If it were not
for a few medical women, who are
willing to do this, a great many poor
women in the crowded East side sec-
tion of New York City would not get
the medical attention which is neces-
sary to a healthy and happy exist-
"Dr. Hannah Stone speaks foreign
languages, thus, it has enabled her
to do work 'with immigrants and
classes of women who are having
trouble adjusting themselves to their
new homes in America.
"Because of the fact, that she is
quiet, unassuming, and non-aggres-
sive, she has not received the
public acclaim which other workers
might miss. Dr. Stone has a deep
understanding and sympathy for hu-
inanity. Her personality is so sin-
cere and direct that her patients love
her tremendously. Perhaps her most
admirable trait, though, is her ability
to subordinate any selfish desires she
might have for others
"Even though she has a brilliant
career in gynecology, she has found
time and energy to marry and have
a hanpy child of her own. Her hobby
is her baby, with whom she tries
to spend time enough to watch its
"Dr. Stone differs from most so-
cial workers in that her work for
others is not an attempt to forget
some unhappiness in her own life,
but comes from the joy of service."
Freshmen women will hold elec-

tion of general chairman and com-
, mittee heads for the Freshman Pa-
geant at 4:15 o'clock today in Uni-
versity hall auditorium.
Initiation of new members of Por-
tia Literary society will be held at
7:30 o'clock tonight at Helen New-
berry Residence.
W. A. A. executive board will meet!
at 4:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon,
at Barbour gymnasium. All mem-
bers must be present unless excus-
Theta Sigma Phi will have a meet-
ing at 4:15 tomorrow afternoon at
Helen Newberry residence.

"Ann Arbor offers the student in- a(dded Pick. "In the large places such
erested in music a most unusual as New York and. Philadelphia, where
privilege of combining literary and;I have taught, one meets his busi-
music courses," said Hanns Pick, duo ness' acquaintances only in the day
instructor in both schools. He has time. While here, because the town
charge of University music theory is sm-all, 'we work and play together,'
classes, and teaches cello in the isas you Americans say.
School of Music. His position gives "Oh, but I have many reasons for
him a very good opportunity to make liking my work at Ann Arbor. I am
such an observation. free to do my solo performances.
Pick, who is Swiss, but proud of While I like my symphony work, it
the fact that he has his first nat- does inter ere with my individual
uralization papers, continued enthus- public appearances. However, they
iastically, enlarging on his idea by were very kind to me when I was
saying that in most Universities out- with the Philadelphian S'ymphonic
side music courses are given no cre- Orchestra. I have a letter from Mr.
dit. While a student in many profes- Stowkowski, our conductor. I treas-
sional institutions has absolutely no ,ure it a great deal. I did love my
chance to broaden his mind in other work under this director, but fore-
cultural subjects. Here, however, the most for me has always been my solo
pupil is given credit in both schools playing. Next month I play at Car-
for many of the same subjects. He negie hall in New York. Such en-
is free to use which ever school he gagements when with the Symphony
likes as a major, and from the other I was unable to accept.
one he may take his minor subjects. "However," he said, "while I love
"But you know," said Pick, "it is solo work, it is not the highest form
not the student alone who profits by of instrumental music. Chamber nu-
the close connection of these two sic undisputably holds that place.
schools, it is also the teachers. One This type of music is mostly trio,
of the reasons I enjoy Ann Arbor quartette, or quintette instrumental
society more than that of Philadel- combinations. In true chamber mu-
phia is the opportunity of meeting sic there are never more than eight in-
people outside of my own profession. struments. Here the' players m'ust
Back there my friends were mostly take the best qualities from both the
my Philadelphian S'ymphonic colleag- orchestra and the soloists. They
ues. While I deeply love my music, must be able at times to submerge
I do iot think people should allow themselves into one, like an orches-
themselves to become narrrow-mind- tra group, but then again they are
ed through mixing with people of often free to express themselves in
their profession. Here in Ann Ar- l individual solo parts. '
bor this danger is prevented by thel "Despite chamber music being the
close allegiance of these schools, highest form of instrumental work,"
where the faculties in each mingle Pick continued. "I want freedom to
freely with one another." express myself through my instru-
"The size of Ann Arbor accounts ment in my own way. I want the
partially for its social advantages," freedom that only a soloist has."

TODaily Bulletin of Sportswomen
The second open meeting of the SIX EVENTS WILL GAME TOMORROW 1
Women's league is be held Thurs- COMPRISE ANNUAL TO END TOURNEY
day, March 8, at which time the wom-CO P IE At(J i LI TO ND O R EY
en of the University will meet for INTRAMURAL MEET Ending the A tuament in wom-T
the second time this year for an en's intramural basketball, the Marthat
open meeting of the league which all Four advanced and two interme- Cook team will meet the team of2
women are asked to attend. This diate events will comprise the pro- Group I in the final game at 7:30
meeting is not restricted to merely o'clock tomorrow in Barbour gymna-
the members of the Women's league, grain of the annual intramural swim- smm. The game will be one of the
but to every woman on the campus. ming meet to be held the evbning of main features of the annual Penny
President Little will address the wom- ,larch 8 at the Union swimming pool, Carnival which is to be given at that
en and the meeting will be held in the according to an announcement made time.
ballroom of the Michigan Union. After a season of grueling compe-
Such a meeting follows the custom yesterday by Miss Pauline Hodgson tition both team's are in good condi-
which the women have followed for of the physical education department tion, and it is expected that the game
the last few years. The first meet- and Dorothy Griffith of the intramu- Wednesday night will be hard fought
ing held this year was held in con- ral board of W A A. who are in charge and strenuous. Excellent passing and
nection with Freshman week when the sure forward work characterizes the
first year women were especially in- f the meet. Each person entering dormitory team, and the team of
structed as to the workings of the the meet will be permitted o parti- Group I is equally as strong, and a
league and its place on the University ciliate in two speed events in addi- keen spirit of rivalry is sure to pre-
campus. This year there will be a tion to the relay and the dives. Par- vail.
third meeting which will be held later ticipants will not be restricted to Both teams are made up of inde-
in the semester. This meeting will either the advanced or the interme- pendent women and it is interesting
be held to install the new league of- diate divisions but may take part in to note that Group I was organized
ficers after the spring elections. one event from each, it was announc- at the beginning of the season by
ed. Esther Middlewood, '29 Ed, Martha
T .J .IR OF THFRAPY Twenty organizations have already Cook forward. Women who are maj-
WC~ORK .V IN HOSPITAL! entered the coimpetitio", among them ormng i physical education make tip
___ibeing Betsy Barbour, winner of last a large part of both lineups. The
"People do not know about our year's meet. As many persons as de- following women will represent Mar-
work until they stumble over us," sire may enter as representatives of tha Cook: Helen Beaumont, '28Ed,
andrEstherlMiddlewoodle2oEer for
laughed Miss Marion Clark, of the campus organizations. All .entrants, and Esther Middlewood, 29Ed, for-
occupational therapy department of however, are required to have had ;wards; Nellie Becker, '29 Ed, and
the University hospital. "But when heart and lung examination OK's at Doris Fenneberg, '30, centers; and
C te ealh ervceandmut hvead-11Helen~ Benjamin, '28 Ed, and Jean-
they do find us, they usually become the Health Service and must have ad- etteSaurborn, '29 Ed, guards. The
very enthusiastic and devoted to the mission cards to the Union pool. The -
work. admission cards are obtainable at the embeStal th30group team are ar
"Students who are not sure wheth- physical education department. 29,atforw a nce nye, '29
er they wish to take up therapy as a Swimm'ers will not be permitted to Ed, at fo ards rbn 9en e Ney , the
life work and those who are perhaps enter the pool in other than the reg- center; and Eleanor 'readwell, '28
altruistic, offer their services two or ulation grey cotton swimming suit. Ede d leanoK 29Edg ds
three hour a w ek. any ecom so The adva ced wim m rs e ents Ed, and Carol M cK ee, '29Ed, i t r s e , t r u h v l n a y w r , w i h a e s h d l d i c u e a 2 M s H al nd i s H o gu s. n
three hours a week. Many become so The advanced swimmers events Miss Hall and Mis's H'odgson, in-
interested, through voluntary work, which are scheduled include a 25 structors in the physical educatiode
that they take the training course. yard free style dash, 25 yard back ptrtrsnthe eduatioe-
College men come a"s well as women, stroke, 25 ard breast stroke race and er will be Alletta Morton, '29Ed, and
sometimes the wives of professors, the 100 yard relay. The intermediate the scorer will be Eunice Child, '28
and sometimes a society debutante- events include a 25 yard under-arm Ed.
we recruit from all." sidestroke race and elementary back
Occupational therapy received its stroke race. In the diving, three dif- t -
greatest impetus from the war. It ferent styles will be required. Two S - Ert-Lafayette
was to meet a war-time need that of these are to be optional while the 2nd and Last Week, Beginning
several schools were founded in 1918; third is to be a plain running front Sunday, Tharch 4
since then, the work ha-s steadily dive. The winners of the racing The Messrs. Shubert Present
grown in scope and importance. The events are to be judged by the best M The Greatest of all Operettas
University hospital has a two-year time hung up. Each person in the MY MARYLAND
therapy course. Prospective studentsssrces: Evenings, We 14 $3.00.
i must have at least two years college speed events will swimonlyd nce Tresday ting', )Uc to $2.00;
training and good physical and mental their time will be recorded and the imi~lyMtx~ O o$.0
rafour best times out of each heat will Saturday Matinee, 50c to $2.50.
health; their initiative and tact will fourmbe te out o e he wvent,
have opportunity to develop, but anI determine the winner of the event.
;adaptable personality is essential. Te This elim'inates the necessity of hav-
first year training women receive full ing the winners of the heats swimfRepa
maintenance, second year, a salary as more than once.
well. Compensation varies from $1,- We sell and service al
300 to $2,000 a year in addition to full
maintenance. EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL The Largest and Best stoc
,A summer of European travel
Men from St. John's academy at combined with study for young backed by skilled service.
iauli j Ann Frith r Ifor1 n' tU

Pins have been falling like shot
soldier's lately at the Women's ath-
letic building at the hefty swings
made by our women bowlers. Dr.
Margaret Bell of the physical educa-
tion department tallied a score of 153
and thereby won the alley record to
date. Alice Broeck, '28, of the liter,
ary school, holds the student alley
record with the week ending March
3, having toppled over the pins to
pile up a score of 143.
A capacity number has been util-
izing the alleys since they opened for
use two weeks ago. Enthuiasts
have been required to play two per-
sons to an alley in order that each
may hand in a score.
To date the bowlers hlmve been
playing by strings, tournament play
not to be taken up until later in the
semester. The bowlers are permitted
two shots, allowed to roll two balls in
an attempt to knock down the ten
pins, to make a frame.scTen frames
make up a string. The 'score made in
the string is counted high. It is pos-
sible to make a score of 300 with each
string, this being a perfect score.
When a "strike" is made all pins
are down on the first throw of the
frame and 10 point's plus the score
made on the 'next two balls is count-
ed. The score made by those two balls
is also counted separately and added
to the final count.
A "spare" gives the bowler 10 points
plus the count made on the first ball
of the next frame. The spare is
knocking down all ten pins in two
rolls of the ball. The final 'score is a
total of all points tallied in each


Dr. Edith Sappington of the Uni-
versity Health Service believes that
a university education should not
only train a woman in scholarship,
but should also cultivate her per-
sonality. Of course her major inter-
est should be in her work, which she
should treat with great enthusiasm.
At the same time she can take a
general interest in what is going on
outside of classes.
Women should take advantage of
learning individual sports which are
offered at the University, such as
golf, riding, swimming, and dancing.
IDr. Sappington believes that this is

Tomorrow Is Date
Of Penny Carnivr
Advertising, articles which have
gotten their authors into hot water,
interviews with the B. and G. boys,
and numerous other important pre-
parations for the Penny Carnival,
which is to happen on March 7, are
almost over. In other words, the big
event is almost here.
It has just been announced that two
prizes are to be given at the Penny
Carnival, one to the house which
makes the most money-and prices
are not to be exorbitant, and one to
the house which has the most orig-


1 makes Typewriters.
k to select from in Ann Arbor,

the time to become accomplished in inal booth. Sororities, dormitories,
these directions, if one wishes to take and other organizations have been
her place in society. They would do racking their brains all week, and it
well to engage in the major sports, will be a revelation to see what the
also, but not to an extreme. If a feminine brain can produce.
woman is talented, she should try At 7:30 the final women's intra-
out for the various organizations mural basketball game will be played,
which will'bring out her abilities. and for a few tense minutes all con-
Dr. Sappington warns University fetti will disappear and the assembled
women to preserve a balance in all multitude will doubtless stand with
things. They should date, but only open mouths. Between halves, clown's
with discretion. A wom-an who en- who are artists, and tumblers who are
gages yin athletics to an excess- is masters iii their line, will give a
as bad off as thetdater. There is novelrand original act. Confettivand
nothing which Dr. Sappington dis- sepentine may fly for a moment then,
likes to see so much as the athletic i but at the blowing of the whistle at-
woman, who has taken on a mascu- tention will again shift to the battle
line attitude. She should concentrate of the day. Then, when the game is
in the thing she is interested, but over there will be the rest of the
take an active interest in other lines.show.
The . modern university expects Betty Smither, '29, is in charge of
more than scholarship from its wo- the Carnival, and she promise's us all
mnen. In the development of her pet-1the details tomorrow. For tomorrow
sonality she should be charming inis the big day, March 7, Penny Carn-
appearance. The physical education ival day.
department attempts to help built up clothes, but also in their relations
the body. College women should have with men and other women. They
much energy and an overflow of vi- should be more natural, and take
tality, so that she will be able to l their college life in a happy go lucky
go on indefinitely, so as not to mort- way.
gage her energy for the future. ;
tPhey should dress appropriately, RIBBONS AND
for all occasions. Dr. Sappington re- SUPPLIES
marked that unlike other campuses, for al nakes of
the women at the University of Mich- TYPEWRITERS
igan do not wear sport clothes. On
other campuses the sport attires of Rapid turnoxer, fresh stock insures
the women lend a colorful atmos- best quality at a moderate price.
phere. Here they are too restrained, 0. D. M O R R I L L-

Annapolis have taken to caring for
babies whose parents want to go out
for an evening to make ends meet.

a Res. ppy wi re erences

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Onyx Porntex Week
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Thirty-fifth Annual
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Miscellaneous Artist Concert
Dedication of new Frieze Memorial Organ just
the Skinner Organ Company at a cost of $75,000.
Margaret Matzenauer
Palmer Christian
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Frederick Stock
Eric Delaniarter GmC



as is seen not only in their fancy 17 Nickels Areade. Phone 6615.
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55"p( /
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Ten Dollars





Service Sheer. $1.50
Chiffon .....$1.65
Service Sheer. $1.85
Scrvice . .... .$1.95
Service Sheer. $2.00
Chiffon .....$1.95
Service .....$2.75

St. Francis of Assisi--Pierne
Marie Montana
Merle Alcock
Tudor Davies
Raymund xoch
Chase Baromeo,
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
University Choral Union-Children's Chorus
Earl V. Moore
Children's Program
The Quest of the Queer Prince
Benno Rabinof
Children's Chorus and Orchestra
Frederick Stock
Miscellaneous Artist Concert


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Specialized Tilting Service

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Leonora Corona
University Choral Union
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Frederick Stock
Percy Grainger
Symphony Concert
Percy Grainger
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Frederick Stock
Leone Kruse
Marguerite D'Aivarez
Paul Althouse
Mario Basiola
Chase Baromeo

Guest C


Buy a Box of New Spring Colors
(First Floor)









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