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February 29, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-29

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-sxrTi\7; TIA V 43VMPlfTT A *fl'V 9.ql1 AWN


W 9SVV i~ l , i 1!i l5J1UA1LY Li, 1'.l G - 1 L L. 1V11\.1 .- AtAA f A.-'i - *

CAM~P' IN NORTERN M ICIIIGAN THIS SLIMMER Holses HveWoSADOIJT [[AGUlE [UNDSi ytl~ "l~lanll l di deur. Torgar~niied nre ret lon aou prt."H v ~Yh fMtei
,. p~ st,.twm, a.gills" ca p, of abnl 100 3rs.)Hendesot Say,, League uiliipil gatfer fle itlie( opptrhiirte ched r(achedsga w ow o ffindttt at rour . A.AA.
f~n~rs And VIm ils Vl c 5~lons grs'"., Off ofati iit ln thrse+ roete il etn niest r 11( onP) e tt
9.unp Which Has Natural girls on ( 'r' mLke .i d' ;a ilon, anSof1lrl'ncheeds'I S upp'ort,'Q liiiibelSit mn a omen udewax.valMr'.o
lact ae n ieIcm ,iiil r g 20 o nh I~~Furnished by thet' Buidings and f ledges Are (Complete o' 1heir owni age," rwirarkcd Ph lalsilCo n e
about . l distant.Th camps illGrounds detpartmenit for the Penny --Rlihards, 2, chairman of tt' Lea- 101ga w tn ely o h ~iiit
The sw' I]magazine
.j ±n p befulyeqipedwll wllbult ernva1o Mrh 7, at thereuest of MIJSCRDEIE'M PDGESCP gut.ilar el committee, wholmherself oranzer, Mr. ames urrie, as}
viiCn Arn withJII !A ID PD b ul cnmcl ih wl ii~ arna i ~ ' t e 1 "~ -~-" aninar~lr- wih n tni..* anw ailP i- of Aril.

utc Magazine
kv Being Printce
Ai for the "'Newsletter," the
miagazine being pulblisihed bly
is in1 the hands of the p~rin-
le pr'eset: itime, ;rcordinug to
Schwvan, '29, editor. The
will appear about the first


~t1YI J V I.E.4L ~cottages, each housing 1t)(-arope'rs the committee in charge. All 50!'-
No.Pthgrn Michigan. is to be the' and one counselor. Each cottage will orities and other organizations which
residence this summer of 'the Na. have electric lights, -running water are planning to have booths at the
and showers, sleeping rooms and carnival should have their lists of
tional High School Orchestra, when practice rooms. Other equipment in- i
that organization gathers in camp. cludes rehearsal buildings, mess properties in the hands of Mkargaret
T'hree hundred of the foremnost juve-I halls, assembly halls, boats, tenais Bush; '30, chairman of the house or-
rife uscins\fXmeic, il then courts, golf con .e, hai-ling ; and bare-- ganjzation committee for the carnival,

visxcu .iiaurope WiLa an tncerce s.ie ;
nfa arnnT Inaf ezimmnr "Tlanan rnnnf_


noya profit a bie oat in g in the le)-~
r e a ,1 l ' 0:1 ie Lower Pen is Ia.
TIhe site of the cam~ip has lbeenl1(chosenl
and the officialsi andi counselors hiave
becen mlmed; all is in 'i'C1difless for
a project siuxgliii in the public
/school music of' the United :states.
The Natijonal1 IIigh School Oree-;
tra w first liiomit Iogefiher 'si
Detrvoit in April., 1926), as thie outI
standing feat ure of' the convent ion o:
the Munsic Supervisors' Na~i iomail Coil
feren cc held in that c'itey.. At thatz
time 2:30 picked players from 25
st at(esa ssembiledlfor hfouir dadis of;
Oiviii in prepa ration 1fo' the conce'rt

ball i(luidmilCUt.l
11±rs 1-ha rry Bach ci' ofilihrSehI or
of 1\iisic is to lie Ite(Ii ('ci oi cf
the girls' (!Ampi. Assisting lher there;
will be0 10 counseioi's. Five o:' thesec
have al readyv been chosean from the'
Inivei's;i v and fl1(, School of A~i. 'c
1.il ini ;1idit on ht o 01'thri'e ,,,1,1,
xxill Irbll ib i A Vh( e] oemted Iiheri., Tho:;e t
eb'li 05'1are : lint Ii John son, El izabet i
Sehwier. 'an(dB(T3011 Hamhit on. all (cr
the School of Musnic. and IEsther 1lxl i
(1 lewoodl, '2914d., andi I I)orot by Poss.'
'2,9. Aiss liddcl ewnt wil11 di recftb h
5WviDI111i ag t.the cap, 11udil r
Ross is to have charge cidnmale
and elan('inL'. T't'eI''111a-ii")zcollI

by ~ t igtat h' vry Latc st , so I ic~
i' i' .qt it oil" ("1n11 h' n a de.
A!Imlst all (f 1 le lioust's have (le-
cid(edl uponl t lil 'i booth ideas. It is
rumlhored( that more originality" than
ever is being shiown lb is year. Onily
at fews'mall b)"divlged by thle presat
this time. Among the list which we'
havye at hanad Wefind the uisual but
ever int erest in p fortunile telinig b,)ot Ii,
ihe Oisllpond. tihe puppet, s1ow, ilbe
'all ol' horror's-- horrors!I, the bair, the
t ea room,1.the-ht OIlieirest must rc-
IIi1,11i1 a secriet . If you ,ome to thbe
Pcinny 'carnival onil Marcmh 7with roour
pocke(ts full of Indian h1ends and iiuf-

givein in rchrestra Hsa ici, co 'd................... m-,_.
1,v , ssip Gabhi ilowrit smh and losepI h osaeslce io fO "1 ,1s-lt °nh(ls orctr rt
E. iadd, had if he ot~it'8(10(1 1 ges Iiiron gho(lit the"coiutri'. i t ltihiruit ('\u''t ing und er the nilo~'n
alxusic Delparitmlent.(if the lJni-'erfiity The 'oi'c'lesl }. ,Gill be finant'ei r I ht, night.
Schol 1' \Ii.ii. 11(815of sc'hiol a islli lli'p1oX'id [: in Thle honse or gani'aio111colinmitte.
ii a1 M44 t At 'ex;i' schlools, Clubs, citizens, or l1111 sill ill tliisc o tofaxat Bus1hli
Theoirchest ra was aainillassellii.e( irms. Any i igli1 school mia y a or' ~t 2.caddaeIlo'th r(1t'0,l, i ('Oitl]10Cllof aia etllil
r(t; Dallas, 'Te~as, ill Mairch. 19271 , frlorrot 'idiat 0't i l(lo~ : haiBeei. an, Ea nd (ii' iiit, '29.
wihthe ndoi'stanidingttg hat if he ek 1,( it \ii itSb
flit' conve'ntion (If the Nations I Ed iir- c I di~'ite withth I1ey,. '80,all of whiom are working;Ihard
ca~t ion i sM4ciat ion:, whiere, inoderV ' nc , e W1011liato imake the cain iv al aroarn mc
__ _xwl raies he : tton ip'itag slit'-, r

There seems to be a very great mis- ate growl lastIu mmeri11Li. t I emet
apprehension relative to funds for the ings are more than the abstract term
Women's league building. ., It is true known as 'studen~t contact' in theI
'that the $1,000,000 are pledged at last; circulars, they are real friendships.I
bn't that dhies not mean that the The people one meets are appointed e
1pledges arerde edbytent.rtialSunt op-
A article lin) eTlecDaily .yesterday k e, lity association to 1)c t(d ent1 os
rnlng '-ta~~ld(och:1s0neeiiiids- were to the Arleracan grioulis, anod they;
nol1 r l;car'V ieessar iv 1evfiie leaguei'e clr~'euli hIe finest I y t's e'(if Doe-
inijl i op Ithie1proceeds fromti h1fle 'eniiy fpea...young people - w.;11m heartecd,
carnival woi I d goi ent irely to t he . ti(olid able, and intelligent. fn l1e
A. k.\Wh ie it istrote that every or-Ii'ieilmnirv o:'a xsumimeir a pfliu la h
gaiizalioh l ipss (Is' r hl.to a scleui 17l'm 5!11(11noteis xi inckh when one ric-'
its own funds, aundtihs ar'ticeris iiot 211all j1a.pnicillisthe c('('lu r witil
'c' .rien to (-ritieizr ftint point, still <1 f1', xl odenis of Ithe pl :ee . m'X111
xr~ (Thrll1111((2is 1151 ou ceelnnizat their cel1titloixr'.
10OlS. 1 wrrit", e lt'ieht' to di sa buisethie Ilien oh Icolinfa'y there s idi e
3 ail(f8~ l(i51 'nusn ieg'gide for' the group, whlo j.5i ha tr
4 ,itu ('5111 inl11an1(1Miled itina'i'v f'or that xtiol101'. lit'
,v(e I - 1N ' of11 i ct i il tl lc l iii(8i :oivs the i' ailr'oad tickets, ThIyS ilie,
taiheii large pledges,.11al lie under'- til',ibthepses niepe
gradouate ywnenlea1,;(Iillin the obliril- \ J Ilt pr '', ii 'ip''
t'len assnin1 .'d sincvme1areceent 1pledge ut ,i(lO1 t~ai~ 11( ae h ic
$50,000 siet ad oe'c1' 11 iieiisd -of live 'tiil -1, le icservatiolls llat ':l
vYeal's fromnt tie mi (la ir~li it e wom llen O'im11adte 11101111liS previoulIy by the.
(0111riin f i'at'tt a iel or11a cufor tic i'hr'li of ihe .aiuliior . uind~eirthle diirection ofthe I. .S. ilI. -V
innist-Niv im, ,I lie(,.n g buhildin1g. All "''I'le tour11 on which w wenct 1last'
plde"' arie to heo redeemeidciiin (cash11 Illile('I.forin stan ice, hianided at PINv--
andr even whe'n everv pldgde is ir'- 0100 tli,. and tile gro(up was iiuut bhere
deceed the Lesue bu iilding will still 1to: flit' ngli xli gnide, Nh is-i M lx rgrv
iieed sippor~lt . t'biriiitt, 11 sind(e"ii t . 00'r-cf,10i. Slit'
j'Flie 1loyally of Cllr :\iehili ll'vOitie1_e 11 hr1lir;glittle thing, -with t.1iui'o-
S and the loyalty Wo 1' ourudergr'adlluate edi'up nose andt an irrepr'hle ;i1gizy-
i "Ol ['n ar'e l1S18111111 55''(l lt, we iiin't i ce. I8'el w s wit ii us aill the 111e
ol falter unt ii('ver'y pledge given ft'e ww'e in EnglandI, anixiously1 coii iii-
ea gule is redeti'nilli actual money. id; 111, at tr'ainl time to he suit' inonet
-(S'giI('d) Olrs IV.11'. II.teindersl~l, wer'e left behind, teaching 115 up
Executive Secretary, Alumnae council. fiish slanm in exchange for AmInPenat1,
; anugh ig at our helplessness in the
NOTCESleft hand traffic, taking us to tea: in!
- ; her own home at Oxford, and finally
Al] menmbers of the ll'proosed chap- depe-siting nIt, safe andi whole on the
lcte of Al phiaI an-,ia< I )elli a ai'e ash ci boat-fia in for 11 olland, probabl1y
Lto meet. at 4 o'clock on V+rih y initt'e:;v:itli a sigh or relief, bt with realI
par'lors of Ba 11)011r gym 1nasiun ii. ----
Troci( will he a m'e'tiflg' of' Or- SAt"LE OF CA,,["NDLIES
chesis gat; 8 o'eloek toiiight, at Bar- sC Nfl C IPA T7 I
l hi011 a an111c^ tice ldP.;flP SCHOOL OF MUSIC
a' A ict' Morrison, 'i;0, of Anti : ____
Sbor. Conducting their annual candy sale,
tPi Beta Phi announces* the pled;;-; the women of the Symphonic league
tug of Allarian *Warne:', '31, of Cold-; are selling candy today and tomorrow
wvater, and Edwina Honn, '29, of 13s-' in the lower hall of the School of

burgh. They were both then students;
at the Tjniversity of Glasgow. M1r.
Douglas is still in 'the medical school
there and Mr. Currie is at Balliol
college, Oxford. Never were nine
peo-ple better cared for and enter-
taiiied that we we're in Scotland. In
G] a 'gow we stalyed at, a gils' oIl mu-
( or""', oi' host el1 11C , a V 'rx u11-01Ii ll:
oft ourt'Iinlie Avs ill l. Wo e 'i' a l-
XX'ati- m atoiilhiailed by a gayv crowd
01 Scotch stuide'nts, bottht ten anid!
Women whlet hot' we we're at 11111h at
liobecrtson Ihlll, nilit oi'ilg in thle 1Loch,
Lomond coon ry. dancing at thle I. iii-
v~ori's;Y (' lihilbose, or e'11luhlin pthoi(
long (co'lel(-stonled hill that leads to'
ld iirlit l i ( 'hastl1e.
'"liIohlland -m.or'' jolly xloil cuts-
a iidr I tey spok e suchtflluent Eiighlii.
We had been afrua idithat nc
i'eaci ('h('( t cl ('111ilil theie ioplIe
Nx-oui Id seem stranoge, and i Iiat the
I'lniglarge Woli d1(niesealt a. Farr'1ier1't0
cesta 111islii up 1'rierndshiios. 'Ibie Dote('h
plerhapls, weicthe most fi'iiendly oif
all thle hpeople we met cli rg thle
elniner.(Curt ainly they'-talked lio'
and laugh cclmoic and a sks'd mol's

This year's "Newsletter" wiil con-
tain four full pages of cuts. Three
hundred dollars approplria~ted by A. C.
A. C. W. in cooperation wit h the local
NV. A. A. will nmeet the _encses of
Among the feature articles wilboe
''Th~eIt iii'lviiig l11'ic iples of' "Ba ske.-
hall"''yisv ia('('1'".Joies. tihe iiitnail
eliaii'uiia iof tWomn"; bask'i hail;
tlaIsobal11. thle -("'A;lme- fo, (irls'" by
IIN de11NN". I lazeltonr, (f t ileint'ntional
comintP te on baseball, aorI '' The New
Wmenl's Atli let i ,' h ltilig'" iy Dr.
larips iet Bell ohibe1110 Xx' iill house
Thle rest, oithle'(iss' il'wX'ill 1lie
dtlt odt i t)o111 ida ri l r'''t'X''d tf'ont
lwistt hallyx' t'tiv member i'of A.,('. A.
(x'1'x. g'oiiped iitio iallWilintel',and
spriii , 'u(i(i liS.

wer.e given in the six clays o1' the
a;:tsc'n.bhy. At D~allas the orchestrua
numbered 268 player's gat hered from
!\laddy, the organiz'er a-nd presi-
ing geniumn of this unique organiza-
ti-on, is simelrviso~r 01 music ini the
public schools of Ann Arbior and1(1akoc
a memiber of the faculty of the Uni-
voi'sity School of Music. le mahws aI
conspicumous contributiomi to thle an-
nuial May Festival with his children's
thorus. it was he who first concei- ed;
o" a national organization of igh
1school musicians and promptly and ar'-
tistically put that conception- into
After getting the orchestra organi-
ized, Maddy's next plan was to fur-
ther tho cohesiveness of the organi-
zation and stimulate interest in it.
His idea was to arrange some =sort
of pleasant meeting-ground for these
young inusicians, away from the an-
sterities oif a national musical con-
vention. A summer camp seemed to
answer the requirements. Many loca-
tions were considered, with much
favor shown foil a time to the At-
lantic seaboard. But finally it was
decided that a central location wvas
a great advantage, and Michigan imn-
zm adiately offered enticements equal
to 'those of any other section of the
Amphitheater To Be Built
The camp site consists of 350 acres
of woodland one mile south of the
vilage of Interlochen and 12 miles
from. Traverse City. On Ithe property
is a. iattriah(depressionil whicli will
be con]vtedttt into ain amphit headci'
(apalel of seating n'iore t han 20,000.
Sonmc of the feat ii ies of the cailp
will lbeft'eoi'chestra anid baud con -
e'ts, operias andI pageants. Since die
camp is located in the heart, of the
INorthetu'n M~ichigauiiSlhiflutl' resrt'50{
district and is easily ac c'essihh e, 1110
en te.rt afi imen t tea tumres 'ill lie withi-
in au~ll tihoi's diveit ofl OhS iyty Ii(111--
andics of' i'som'tei-s an1d vacttion ist x,
A nomhiunal adrission f'ee will lie
c'hargetd fom'the en(ht e'tainiiientls givxen.
and the proceeds twill be used to help
(ief ray the expen'ist's of'thlet'amilp.
Tho canmp will lie divided iunto twVto

Will false'- 1.11e a,111a1111c Ut t11(I, SCI) ';;<11.. .....

ship. The scholarship fee is olacEcd
at $300 for the first yeah' hit will l38c
miateiially r'ecduced as the equipinxchiso riyC te s
and buildings ar'e paidl fom'and 3o, ittC ntst
pr'oceedis from conicert's applied it,-. For Place In Finals
ward the exiisel~ of maintaining tJ10e
camp. Only high school students iai"' Of Cagers' Tou rney
el igible.
rTe project is untder the a'isrr' cs When. Alpha Oniicron Pi won ant
and directioni to' the National itlsh j easy victor'y of 37-7 fr'omlpIhal
S'liocl Orc ht'sfera association, a coir- ! Epsilon Iota at, 5 o''lock Mlonday
rrora tion organizedh for' this s-peci c night. in i3ai'bciur gyninasiumi', herm
pulrpiose. Itf is alahnetl to coudiuu't thie lt'Lill al- so won the righlt. to play Zeta
camp for eight weeks eat'h nnm-' Tan Alpha as lie inext topponient ilithIle
Inel'. The officers of time associationt A tournamneht of' thte intramnural
are Josenah E. Maddy, president, amid baskethiall contest.
Willis Pennington, of Detroit, iec're- The game between Zeta Tan Alpha
tar'y and treasurer. Pennington is and Alpha Omicron Pi was played at
an experienced 'ca irectoiramid 4 o'clock yesterday in Barbour gym-
president of the 'camp ce Rsot nasium. The score at the half was
)association,, the owvner oi the sit. 13-20 in favor of Alpha Omicron Pi,
He will be the director of the boys' land during the last quarter, with three
camp., and a half more minutes to play, the
______ ___________score was 22-19, still in favor' of the
OTIS SKINNE R A D samte team. Zeta Tpau. Alpha made
ANDW seine rapid passes' and 'some quick
MRS. FISKE SHUN plays, but no baskets. Alpha Omicron
,N' A 'L I T Pi, then added ttwo baskets to her al-
GRE T P B I I 'ready leading score, closing the con-
test with a score of 2G-9
Harrison Grey Fiske, producer and Alpha Omicron Pi had an excellent
director of "The Merry Wives' of Wind- combination in Davis, forward, Hough,
qnr inwhch rar cir arrin+9 o.ntte, and Ha~owkins, guard, and the

dtiest ions Ilhain an von ec 14 e (i d.,.
1110 niore -iis there. too, 1111( 1 thI
l'riendshiips uiadc eee icissih'.y a
hitl lt'Iess super litial (11511t he rest.;
Ourr guide was Verio zi \Vail de'r een:
' rtlth le Pimivers ity sof Leitden , and
f'or a week she took wus nder(c''ber'
small hut Capahle Xwing, and brought
aull hier' irienlds to mleet us. As theo
distances are short between town:s,
several of themir went with [is on our
short grips throughout that week, and
for' neawrly every day there' is a utema-
cry of somec pic'nic or bike t hat wel
took together. Especially the picnics,'
lhoxes and l.boxes otf bread and,
t'eese! "
American women spent $67,000,000
on cosmetics last year.
for all mnasses of
Rapid turnover, fresh stock insures
loest quality at a moderate price.
17 Nickels Arcade. PI11one 664.

Just Opened
An Exclusive
1115 S. University
Under the name of the
Vanity Hosiery Shop, with
a complete line of pure silk
jfull fashioned hosiery in all
the latest spring and summer
We wvill appreciate your
Hosiery Shop



s)ee, Arizona. Music. This sale" began last night
- -------- - and will continue until Thursday
Of the ttvo intramuriial games n zight. Ini preparation for the sale a
scheduled for yesterdiay, flue onet be- "Candy Kitchen" was held on Monday
txveen kappa Delta and Alpha (Gain- and Tuesday, when the women made
m'a Sigma has been postponedl in- various kinds of candy.
definitely. The other, between Hlelen Trhe Symphonic league is the wom-
Newberry and Pi Beta Phi had as a en's oi'ganization of the School of
final score 27-18 in favor of Helen ; Music corresponding to the -Women's
Newberry. league of the University. Its candy
______sale is an annual affair. The larger
TOKIO-A swimming pool, a cafe- part of the proceeds of this week's
teria and a roof garden wvil be typ- I sale will go to defray the expenses
lea]l American features of the new of a banquet wvhich the league is giv-
Y. W. C. A. buildling here. ing on Monday, March 12.



Skinner play, says that most people
have the opinion that actors and
actresses desire publicity. According
to Mmr. Fiske this is not true fo~r
neither Mrs. Fiske nor Otis Skinner
like a great deal of publicity.
Otis Skinner has been quoted as
saying that Ieheaos twanted to play the
part of Falstaff for 50 years. Whien
hte first tecided Ito hie anuactoti' le xwemit
Xvit liit left er eft' h t lictliliu to P. T'.
hBar11i.I.11- inig his iteI-vilew, it
ocu'red toI11-t1nflout Barn ni Uil Wottil
make ia fine ialstauft,.lHe resolved,
however, to .pla3y-thec part hiiiseii'at
soii' f'utuole ciate. In all his tcai-rcihle
haslli''( iin225 hplay's, 1; of bent
heing : Shs Iespc'arean,

Jearn work and passing these players
did contributed much to the final
s~core. H-awkins especially played
stood basketball playing, and incident-
ly; did the best job of guarding on the
entire floor. Olsen, Zeta Tan Alpha's
tall cenlter', and Knight. side center,
shotwe'd someit'goodh team tX'oi'k, and
Raise, i'urxX' id did(1 most, of Zeta Tan
Semrni-finali s lwtw eeni Al phia Oniron
ilN alu([ Crc1111-1 a icstilltolie phayvt,
and hill l l h' ginn11er' XX'ill m'-et Nlarit ha
('oolt ill the ftiuil's of I he A tor n-
illenit, whiitchiNil Ilibe 11ayed 1h(-,nighlt
ill the' Penuny carnix'a1 Thie in a isof
tt'e B tc'itI'itmit wlt ililibe lplayedtMon-
day, ?March 5 in Barbiour gynilllasitutl.

------------------------- ------




A quiet homelike place to
refresh yourself after a show
or dance.
The quality of our light
lunches and sodas is our first
We specialize in serving
. I7 7


Scarfs, and ways to wear them
I '~~' P


, 1
' ,
, ti

Thirty-fifth Annuals
May 16, 17, 18, 19, 1928S



PrimaisDonlna MT'dtt'ojoliI anOpei'a Co.
l'rjm iDcona ('iica go('ivic Opera
Distinguished American Artist
Late Chicago Opera Company
MMetropolitan Opera ('omapany
,Metropolitani Opera Company
Metrmopolitan Opera Co\panly
British National Opera


B ass

~tHot trumpet
Sock It!
Tle saxophones moan. The trumpets trump.
The cornets corn. Ancl the fellow who plays the
piano should have been an acrobat !That's the
kind of an aggregation which gets real ml'usic out
of dumb animals at a dance.
And' real music makes even the best dancer
thirsty. All right! Go over in the corner by the
palm trees .and quench your thirst with "Canada
Dry." This ginger ale has a delightful flavor...
tang to it . . . dryness . . . sparkle. It has a
subtle gingery flavor because it is made from pure
Jamaica ginger. It contains no capsicum (red
pepper), and notbcne it blends well with other
Rleg. U. S. Pat. UlX.
' "The Champagnze of Ginger files"

-! t
-' _
S ,
-- _._,J :,
\ t
1 \"d
. -

air I, I
1 ,

Musical Director
Orchestral Conductor
Guest Conductor
-Guest Conductor

The scarf adds a touch of chic-and color, too! Vivid or subdued
as you will. In solid colors or patterns-softly blurred Orientals,
exquisite Persians, the magnificent scrolls of the Japanese, and the
gay bold patterns of nmodernism. In every size-jolly little 'kerchiefs
to give color to sports frocks, larger square to wear with a coat, long
lovely affairs of exquisite fragility for evening. In exqtuisitely blended
colors, or smart black and white.

Mtrcpolitan Crcra Comrpany
Anmerican Opera Company
La Scala and Chicago Operas
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