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February 29, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-29

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'LX7TT1\2T L:1 TY A 't7 T: T".tTl'f'f tT x Y t1 ttn rt ,, nr,

?AGE FOiUR lstLVIllaIW1')NP25l

)AY, FEBRUIAR~Y 29}, 192S

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
itled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
_redited in this paper and the local news pub
i shed herein.
.ntered : tl . , n;ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, a s n :av ,:waiter. Special rate
afpostagegn ted b Third Assistant Post-
r.,astei (;eneral.
Subs'riptior by carie , $4oo; by mail,
O)ffices .Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
iard Street,
Phones- Editorial, 4925; Business 21214
Editor.. ........ .......Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor............... Philip C. Brooks
City Editor............Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor........... Marian L~. Welles
Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor............. Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
S. tewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson John H. Maloney
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Alex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe
c an Campbell Catherine Price
essie Church Ilarold L. Passman
Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie Follmer Eleanor Scribner
James B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz
Robert J. Gessner Robert G. Silbar
Elaine E. Gruber Howard F. Simon
Alice Hagelshaw George E. Simons
Joseph E. Howell Rowena Stillman
J.Wallace Hushen Syvia Stone
Charles R. Kaufman George Tilley }
William F. Kerby Bert. J(. Tritschcllcr
Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
Sally Knox Ico J. Yoedicke
,ack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager.. George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising..... . ..Richard A. Meyer
Advertising..............Arthlur M. Hinkley
Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts.................Raymond Wachter
Circulation.......... George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication....... ... ...Harvey Talcott
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Barbara Cronell Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine McKinven
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Ona Felker Alex K. Scherer
Katherine Frohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley.
B. J. Hammer Hannah Wallen
Carl W. Hammer
Night Editor-ROBERT E. FINCH

Cheaper and more efficient distri-
bution of agricultural products has
long been advanced as the cure-all
for the present ills of the American
farmer, but the problem of applying
a measure to that end has stumped
all of the plotters and planners from
Congress on up. In a current issue
of a magazine the Secretary of Agri-
culture, William M. Jardine, urged
that the methods of big business
would ease the spot that hurts if they
were properly applied.
It can hardly be generally charged
that the middlemen have been extort-
ing more than their due as the farm-
er's products passed through their
hands. They have been making a fair
profit, but at the same time they have
been in far too great a number for
efficiency. The dollar paid by the
consumer has always shown too great
a margin over that received by the
farmer himself, and in consequence
both the market and the buying
power have been. limited. Secretary
Jardine's suggestion would seem to
be a wise one. He is an advocate of
big business methods only under the
condition that the farmer enters in as
a unit, and he would countenance no
plan whereby corporate big business
would be extended into agriculture
as a whole. No relief would be af-
forded in the latter instance. It is
clear that for his own future safety
the farmer must control price-deter-
mining factors.f
Every man believes in freedom of
speech until somone else starts toj
criticize his work or accomplishments.
The annual freshman cane spree
and rope tying contests are nothing
compared with the annual June rush
of the seniors to get jobs.
The most disillusioned graduate is
the one who has already held down a
job before coming to the University.
He is the only one "not going to make
a million dollars in ten years."
It's a poor state that cannot name
at least one favorite son candidate
for the Republican nomination.
The reason why the "confession"
magazines have turned from sex
stories is easy. They haven't been
selling so well lately.
Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request. Letters pub-
lishedshould not he construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The

TODAY IS THE DAY when all;
good men must hide themselves. This
is the day, the twenty-ninth day of
February, it comes only once in :four
years and is the very day wien a lot
of proposals may be made.
* * *
GIRLS, THIS IS THE time when
you can pick the husband of your
own choice and if he refuses he must
give you a box of candy. That's just
about as sweet as most men anyway.
* * *
WE SHALL ACCEPT the first offer
that is made to us, for our room-mate.



VNI, 11 A



TONIG lIT: The Rockford Players
present Stton Vane's "Outward
Bound" in the Whiitneytheater at 8
TONIGHT: Comedy Club present
Philip Barry's "You and I" in the
Nimes theater at S:30 o'clock.
TONIGHT: The University High
School Senior Class present Booth
Tarkington's "Clarence" in the Uni-
versity High .School auditorim.
A exloWiew Vincent Wall.

302 S. State I)III s8O
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You Know She Loves Flowers
"Don't spend money on flowers for me." But
nothing in the world will please her more.
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Subscribe For the Weekly

Poor fellow, we feel sorry for him, 'e"' l
he has to hide all through the day to "You and I"-one of the jewels in
keep the girls from marrying him, the Philip Barry coronet-was played
BUT NOT TODAY. last night on the Mimes stage by
Comedy Club. The gods of the thea-
ter-those same gods who have even
smiled on "The Last Warning" and
dope1 "Dulcy"-- are very, very good. The
- TMe' ?CTshow looks like it's going to click;
- c-ACA and the quite talented cast give
_- thanks in best style.
* i It is a play of those dilettantes in
art, who have the potentialities to cre-
ate something almost great-but never
get around to it: the "beating of clip-
The above is a picture of one of the
ped wings." Despite this theme,
more popular students just gettingpdwng. epie tistee
s which hints of something much more
out of town for the day. He is tak- h
I ing no chances at getting bound up ondetan the fot and luscous
conectio itiS ''ouandI"becomes
mtrimnony, or anything eis. a skillful fusion of the comic andI
* * * dramatic. It has both charm and wit
THEN, OF COURSE, THERE are --delicate naughtiness and shrewd
times when the poor fellows wish humor.
that some of the co-eds would speak As a production, it lacked last night
up. But then again, there are just the complete finish that might be ex-
the co-eds who have no reason to pected from the material which was at
speak up, for although Yale originat- hand. However, the cast was good-
ed the "college widow" others have some of them very good. For instance,
learned. someone has taught Lillian Setchell
* * * to act, and she gave a splendid per-
formance as Veronica Duane. Phyllis
ENLoughton again proved that she is the
lest actress on the campus; also that
she is better as a pleasingly plump
matron than as a half starved waif of
the Paris gutters.,
It is supposed to be. Tom Dougall's
show, the H. B. Warner part being
his consolation prize for having play-
ed George Cohan all last week. He
was very effective, if a little uncer-
tain as to lines. Richard Kurvink
was badly miscast as the son. It is
an excellent part, and he touched it
with a nice shading of sentiment, but
The above is one of those pretty it is no criteria of what he may do
girls with the dreamy look in her in other roles. Some newcomers-{
eyes. Do you think she would say Wade Carney, Mabel Baruch and Hoyt
anything on a day like today. Hell, Sherril-seemed to be both intelligent
no, she'd just make every suggestion and capable, and in their respective
possible and when some young man niches rounded the show into some-I
says those charming words he will thing quite satisfying.
regret for the rest of his life, she will * *
say, "Why, this is so sudden." BUT ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW
NOT TODAY. Despite the earnestniess that char-
* * * acterized the Rockford Players' work
FOR THOSE WHO do fall by the in the play, "Outward Bound," despite
wayside today and accept a proposal the sensation that the original play
or two, we have the greatest sym- 1 produced, the Sutton Vane work will

V, .
Where have you
been all your ife?
For $193.50 you tan sail and
return in the modernized
to Plymouth, Havre, and
London, or ir: the ci-devant
three-class sh.? SCYTHIA
and LACONIA\ to Liverpool
..gateway tO pihiIesqiie
England ... Catiedrals, the
Lakes, the Dukeries, Ox-
ford, Cambridge, London...
Recognizing the justifiable
popularity of tourist travel
among thosewillingto econ-"
omize on the ocean to have
more money to invest in
memories of Europe ... we
have taken two new 20,000
tonners the SCYTHIA and
LACONIA fromn first class
service and made them
Cabin and Tourist Third to
Liverpool ... staterooms
sold up to a few weeks ago
at second cabin rates now
available at Tourist Third
... one of the world's best
steamship bargains.
Dancing to the syncopation
of a college orchestra no feet
have yet resisted ... long-
wide decks on which you
can do your "ile' ... or
work up your back-hand at
deck tennis..,or start that
casual conversation which
becomes a tete-a-tete the
third day out . .
And, of course, that well-
considered foced .. . that
cheerful attendance--you
are traveling unard.



Since the World war left many sec
tions of the world isolated after par
titions and boundary changes, one o
the biggest problems with which th
]League of Nations has had to concert
itself is they matter of bringing thes
sections into accord and of protectinf
their union and their safety witl
treaties and agreements. Composes
of small states, as so many of thes(
sections are, and separated from th
proper protection and isolation whict
is accorded by nature to more for
tunately located places, it has beel
necessary to band these groups to
gether and to provide for them somE
common defense ands some common
aim that kept them together and di
rected their ideals and actions.
The most important of these groupQ
with which the League has been con-
cerned is the Locarno group. Includ-
ing as it does the important coun-
tries of Hungary, Austria, and Ru-
mania, much attention must be given
to it and the greatest care must be
exercised in the matter to prevent
minor intrigues and injustices which
might lead to war.
The former Locarno treaty made a
long step in the right direction. But
now, in the estimation of Eduard
Benes, chairman of the League com-
mittee, events warrant the establish-
ment of a new Locarno division, and
the formulation of new provisions for
the protection and the safety of this
important area. The proposal pro-
vides for the entrance of Hungary,
Rumania, Austria, Czechoslovakia,
and Yugoslavia into the union and
is a strategic move which will bind
the most important of these countries
together, will give the smaller the
benefit of friendship and the guidance
of the larger, and will remove Austria
from all prospects of being absorbed
by the Reich.
It is in this work of world partition,
and the adjustment of the regions to
their proper companions and activi-
ties that the League has to date
proved its worth, and it seems to be
the future work of the League until
the division of the world is accomp-
lished systematically as far as is pos-
sible. There has been no agency be-


g To the Editor:
h As an engineering student I should
d also like to express my interpretatior
of the University college and its re-
e lation to the engineering school. Fromt
e my experience and from the discus-
h sions I have heard, I believe that the
- people proposing the University col-
n lege would do the student body a good
- service and at the same time clear
e up a number of mistaken ideas if they
n would endeavor to make the student
body more familiar with the aims
and ends of the University college.
s Statistics have been gathered which
show that about 10 per cent of the
graduates of the engineering schools
- continue to make their living in the
- engineering profession five years after
graduation. If something can be
done to eliminate these apparent mis-
directed educational efforts there will
I certainly be a great gain to the na-
tion. I do not see any definite effort
toward this end under the present
system. As I understand it, one of
the aims of the University college is
to help the student discover his po-
tentialities and to acquaint him with
the various needs of life so that he
I may choose more intelligently what
shall be his life work.
This may mean that the engineer-
ing course will have to be lengthened
and thereby cut down the enrollment.
However, if those who do graduate,
though fewer in number, are more
certain that they are to make actual
use of their training, they shall be
more fitted to take positions in our;
complicated civilization than the 90
per cent who leave the profession
after five years.
It is a common saying that the
engineer is nothing more than a tool
in the hands of other people. I be-I
lieve that some effort should be made
to give him some viewpoints as to
his relation to our present society and
his place in it which will enable him!
to act as a constructive force in life
and not to fill the position of a mere
pawn. If the University college can

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We Use Only the
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pathy. Not that we are such a con-
firmed bachelor, but you know how it
goes., Anyway we extend our con-
gratulations to any successful girls
and sympathies to the poorer one-
j V
! I
This illustrates a couple shortly
after they were married. The hus-
band seems to be enjoying marriedI
life and bearing up under the bur-

leave the auditor cold in nine cases
out of ten, just as it did Sunday night.
There is a peculiar quality about the
drama itself that lends it more to dis- i
cussion and thought before and after
seeing bthan to enjoyment or appre-
ciation between the curtains. The
only piece of effective theater that
rings the bell is the part of Mrs.
Cliveden-hanks, who faces both death
and life to the tune of lines that are
cruelly like Lonsdale's. As for the
rest, one comes prepared for a little
breath-taking, a little melodrama
pOSSilbly, a nr principally the handling
of a now idea. The first two fail to
materialize; the last is disappointing,
thanks to the author. He seems to
have so much to work with and to
lave 'lone so little. le prepares the
way in the grand manner and then!




- N



11:30 - 1:00

5:00 - 7:30



grows i-ashy.
Kenneth G. Patrick.

L---- --



dens. One look ant we are fully con-1
vinced that we must become engaged A review, by Oscar Fuss
or get married. BUT NOT TODAY. Offering the second revival of Booth
Tarkington's "Clarence" within a
fortnight, the high school senior class
HOOVER BUCKS BOLT of the University high school pre-
A HOOVER-FOR-PRESIDENT club sented their interpretation of the
was founded at the Union last night comedy of post-war American life.
to combat the strong oiganization of If the Rockford Players gave a more
the Bolt-for-President club, which sophisticated version, this cast can
has already won the full support of pride itself on having obtained a more
the campus. natural effect by virtue of having real
* * 16 year olds assume the adolescent
ACCORDING T O AUTHENTIC failings and virtues of Tarking-
sources there were eight persons ton's. younger characters. Robert
present at the organization of the McCormick did very well with the
Hoover club and nine of these were comedy lines of the Clarence part,
elected to some office or other. There and John Wagner's Wheeler was the
are four vice-presidents. Evidently true "head of a big business, and an
the office of president is considered unhappy, rowing family."
as dangerous as that of head of the " * *

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asty Salads, Toasted Sandwiches and
Thick Creamy Malted Milks
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