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February 28, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-28

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I IESDA- , FERUARY 29, 19 23

- ---------

_r_ A Y ..._- f!1/ I M "n4 IY - 11 " rsW+

Publication in the Bulletin is construct
the University. Copy received by the A
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a.'m. Saturday.)


tine notice to all members of
ssistant to the President until
ART 28. Number 111.

Physics Colloquium:
Mr. Bell Kievit will speak on "X-ray Diffract ion in
Young onl "The Wave Propert ies of' the Electron ,"
P el)ruary 28, in Room 1441, East Physics Building.

-Wediiesday, February 29 at 6:15 o'clock. Faculty membe"-crs arn cordially InI-
8 M.Sarnnd

IIA(Jil4s; :uol 11t. I, il
at41 1 jll,'Il I

Volume S.


* P. M. Deimistm.

relloiships in Sociology anid Social Service:
I have received notice of graduate fellowships in the fields of sociology
and social service in different imititutions and shall be glad to confer with
students interested in same at my office, 107 Economics Building, Monday or
Wednesday at 2 o'clock.
A. F. Wod.
Moving llitres of Indusry:
"From Mine to Consumer, the story of Anaconda Copper," a five reel
"moving picture by the Anaconda Copper Company, will be projected in Natural
Science Auditriumr at 4:15 p.m., on Wedneday, February 29. This is the
second film in the series being presented by the School of Business Adminis-
tration. The public is invited.
C. E. G3riffin.
Bnusintss Administration Lecture:
Mr. Donald Mackie, head of the advertising department of the Jodenpyl-
Hardy and Company, will speak to Business Administration students and
others interested, in Room 206, Tappan Hal, Tuesday, February 2S at 4 p..,
on the subject cof, "Pu'blic Utilitiy Advert isinig.'' C. E. (Griffin.
hiivm'rsity 1Wonlecii:
I will not hold ofice hours Tuesdlay and Wednsdlay, Ferluary 2 ard 29.
Dr. Sappington will take ('lrge of mty patiets.
:} arwrt Yell, '1..
Mr.i-,dClof t1e 'st ilghlose lde('t ic anid ranufact uring cmpny xii
lecture to aI ll tosie trecsl ed, Tuesday, February 2. 1928, 'at 10 a.m., in
IHoon 318 West Engineering ilniiding.
A 1. . A iIers(.i~OI
Gegraphy 3111 aeup 1Exatdaii on:
The. Makeutp linial examination for tudents in all sections in Gcography
31 wiill be given in Room 21 Angell h-iall, Wednesday, Fbrnry 29, from 3-6
pmm. This will be the on)ly opp)ortunit y to WhOo' a makeup examinatin.
11. . Prophe.
('eolog'y I:
Th e makeup examnination in Gology 1 xil beg iven on Thursday Mar'l
1. from 3-8 'ci oek in Roomn 4154 Natural Science. Th i is Elie only oppor-
t unity to remove the gr'ade ci X in the course. 1. I. cot.
P olitical Sciecle :118 Maietip Examiiationa:
A makeup examination for all st udents xho missed the final in Political
ESience 31 will be given \\ ednsday afternoon, February 29, at 3 o'clock, in
R~oom 2035 Angell Flail. tI. S. Reeves.
]Iistory 1:
The makeup examinaiion in History 1 will e held on Saturday, :March
3at 9 a.m., in 1011 Angell hlall.
A. L. . LBak.
French Plays:
The date of the Soiree Dramatique has ben changed from February 29
to March 1.
Three one-act plays will be given in Sara Caswell Angell Hall, at 8
Tickets for the remainder of the Cerce Francais program, including this
Soiree, may be procured in Room 104, South Wing, or at the door.
Rene Talamon.
Choral Union :
Th "re will be a double rehearsal of the Choral Union Tuesday evening,
February 28, at 7 o'clock. There will also be a rehearsal for women of the
Choral Union Thursday evening, March 1, at 7 o'clock, in the University
School of Music building.
Earl V. 1More.
Students' Recital Series:
The following program will be given in the Students' Recital Series in
the School of Music Auditorium, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, by students
of Maud Okkelberg, piano, and James Hamilton, tenor. Th1e general public,
with the exception of small children, is cordially invited to attend.
Beethoven: Selections from Thirty-two Variations, Margaret Stewart;
Four Persian Love Lyrics from "The Divan of Hafiz" by W Franke-Harling:
H-eart, Have You Heard] the News, Oh Love! The Beauty of the Moon is
Thine, Wind of the East, Love, If For Nothing Else, Newton Detzer; Schu-
bert-Liszt: Soirees De Vienne No. 3, Margaret Stewart; Wreckerin: Minuet
D'Exaudet, Weckerlin: Bergere Legere, Hahn: L'Heure Exquise, Laura
Simpson; Eastwood Lane: A Gringo Tango, Chopin: Prelude No. 8, Otter-
strom: Travel On (from American Negro Suite) Margaret Stewart.
Charles A. Sink.
Business Administration Club:
Plea'se note announcement on bulletin board, second floor, Tappan Hal,
cncerning meetings to 1)e held Tuesdiay eventing, February 28, ile 2, in the
Michigan Uionr.
Untiversity (Cl1u1:
The next Univo. rsit y Club NighrtxwillI e held March 2 Friday, at 5:13
oclock. Te progr'am includles lMr. B RHay akter of ts An Arbor Daily
News, and Professor 11-. M:. Gale (;f the listory Decpartment.
lrogram (omaintte.

Nero -Calleasian 1Club:?
Regular meeting will be held Thlursday, March 1, t 8 p.m., at 1 t iv Ii1e'
of Mr. 0. C. Johnson, 711 South First street. Prof. 11. 1F. Young v lAto ld I
discussion of Negro poetry. Th~le 1history and a ims; of h~le tI> 1l> "it 1t r ec tcc
to future activities will also be a tolpic for d isc ussiolt. All intecrested(iare
cordially invitedl.
IhinaId 11 Ii te( Seretarx'.
Theta Sigma Phi:
There will be an implort ant meeting at 4 :1'5 this a fternoion :it 1he Na ppa
Kappa Gamma house.
iDorol hty 3Mrehem>ue.
I (hrgcyle Business Staff:
There will be a meeting of the entire, husinerost. ~a~iff iho Gargo~yle,
Tuesday, February 28, at 4 o'clock.
Ann Arbor Art; Association:
The exhibition of paintings selected Iron) iuI ct ;'r ; . Ao 'aA a He tit
Exhibition in the Art hamsi itt te of Chic go, is open c xe y a 'w am amthis> \Xeclt.
C Sunday, March 4, is the last lay.

at Alpha Na r-oom-. fourth floor Angell
T-111l. Anyone interested may tryout.
,o f51)11 ie not ified lfor ,Se nd tryouts,
Itlisit rs4 'el aman i, 1President.
F I 'it ,aponmoiicts Conte(st:
'thle tins h; in the Ext :Ienporaneotu5
(coil) ,-at will lbe he l ni ht at 7:30
1 cloIwkin iithe Alpha. Noa room cof the
10o1ur:h floor' of'Angell11Hall. Adelphi
j nil A lpltt Na scit icS wyill asemble
:at t ,t ine in the Alpha Nut room.I
Ille pulii s cordially invited.
} Lyle 1. I: kernian, D~irec'tor.
t IInamula. ''hetm
red aira 'bus1iness5meeting of Pi
Lamibda Thet a xwiillie 1held1at AMartha
Coo i at. 7:20 p.m., on Tuesday, Feb-
]'U.t 'y 2S.
,teiiI ide 'Vries, Pr'5idlet.
c rc:will be an important business
et in tonight. at 7:10 p.m., for all
aetive inetiflbei' . Initiation of new
rnenJci s xill be held at Newberry
' Ic.i 1 aneTuessday, March 6, at 7:30
I a ~., leyer4V i', I '1151 ent.
LOS8 ANG KLIIES, ('alit'.---tliss Von-
('Oit il iing coilpleted a uniqueicfeait1
a~ ~~~Nil sa11211ili be. i 0 0 arivd in
1.)- .%A ;tg ehs a i tvI ravetin" for' 120



A ll p e t'5 1s o l i ltc IO es t ed in l \\ 'r iiil g p ro s e o r' p . 1 i ] ?t'0 1 > 1c i i t (01 o n )ltS ('l( f ro m N ew Y 01 c m u 'kak d t.la e l i n i c i ~ . ) h . l h
Office, 3222 AngellI H-all, on or bco'e Tu(dh A 1 itI. ___________________________

A p~l~a N il:
The soc'iety xwiili meet tonligh~tat 7:3O o(1(0. U vsill lac '\:G, 11 'll). .AI
tryouts are as~ked ol be1)pr('sC'llt, Sl~ )inceam h: p l'-irlv it ,)?
yet beent accepted.
The progr'am is a (lehat c 1e1txeeini the unirsa',.=a1d;'~lit
sOoty triophy 'ontest . Th e question _ aalV'~ 11 no A)I 11
of ftought he conidemned.
Visit ors are cordially Welcomed to a t end thea 1'1

One War. Reundl ri .'
or a fieat Low Price Tan?
' r e , i',.ix.rm'bet r, ll ICities

I1 ihich Fonnanitioji
Pr'eside~nt C']ar enice ('~okl ittle xwill
be0 th ho pl(a her at tihe luncheon 1to1)b
held today at 12: 15 o'clock in the
IMicig an Union.
? Harry Seligs~on.
Luncheo)n and mneeting today,. atI
12:15 o'clock at Michigan Union.
U ichiard Lutes.
3u mwers' JDraintic soeielty-,ryou Is:
There will he tryouts for member-
sbip into Mummers Dramatic ;Society
this afterno-on, from 3 :30 10 5 o'clock,
First- Class
Expert Workmanship
321 South State

_ I

An appr'opriate

gift at

Easter time-your portrait
for Dad, Mother or
~Wedh'eart, that will bring
lasting joy, showing your
tlhoughtfulness and convey
y our kjndest regards.

TYonight at 8
Matinee Tomorrow at3
As Mrs*. Midget
in Sutton Vane's Tremendous Melodrama
"Outward Bound"
"A great comedy, an electric melodrama-
superbly played!"
The.Biggest Hit of
the Season,
Regular Price.Data,
Fvery light, including Sunday at 4:00-30Oc, 75c, $1. Wed. Mat, at 3:00
-Entire House, 50c, Sat.. Mat. at 3 :-,AcVi75.
(Phone 4814)

A3frar . uiZt lirtlir

S'IUD{)33184).,TATE L 81. -PI4VNF i31
ILz eForeve~i

a A

We are devoted to our business-1We have what you want and
thoroughly enjoy serving you.




M atmatic'al ('lat
Lunlcheonl for tiote 'Itt iil be served A',edncsdiay, JT(hrua'y 29. at 19:15
p.m., ins the AlMichigan n 'ion. 117. l)CJIoil.
Regular mont hly diniit m ectin 1';of',the student brainch at the TUnionu


At the 'Michig6
P a ul Oe r a n d Hi T -d p h


f; . T^'
C {
" t;
# .
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7Mr 'r
in Thies


h' k j

lircoticnn f DON If)


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