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February 28, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-28

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rOT'MTlTAV rrTTTTTA TV 9,521 (9R


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t }

HOUS[ ARE merican Women Have Loveliest Hands
' VIST101In World Is Conviction of Hand Expert
BY A~1IY~L~ LB~tS fi b nlq fistiat i America the l"Perhaps the hands of the exotic,

Tn ..............nYet l1. ~t{ 7 l7T fCSid-1)ishor French lady have lOf

Unique Methiod Is iUsed By ('omiitt4e
To Learn Plans Of Sororities
To Ile Used In Booths

WomenI(Ii ijvO snoreeut iji UL id1't
than in any otherw countiry, writes5
llildegar(1e Lillmore for McCall's
magazine. "A generation or so ag;o,"
this man remarked, "our notions of
the perfect were largely decorative.

S 1]
wh i(

We idealized the small, shapely handsI high
Last night at dinner time mniyof of the Latin woman, thbe beautiful, muc
the sorority houses on campus were capable hands of Northern beauties,, ed
visited by representatives of the and the tiny, fluttering hands of the abro
coming Penny Carnival. Groups of Oriental. i
from three to four clowns and en- "But the modern conception Of the
tertainers made ithe rounds, enter- beautiful hands involves much Mn'ore was
taming with songs and stories, and than this. Hand beauty of the mod- ,reall
it is <reported that hilarity and glee ern woman is inseparable from hand; mail
follow ed close upon their heels in ch arueter. W e've lear nte d, too, ithat ( " e e y i s a c .Ih n s c r y t e s o y o i o e!h (
The Jiurpose of these 'visitations life's exper ice. TPhat is Why ai war
was that of findin g out what idlea ot e ' ilflfds, though Ithey bear the, h o oii s ha f r t er b ot s m r si if f s )v ee IIV b t1>
and at the same time to entertain mui'' euiful ~ than the hiand s of ai tat
them well hut, in order t:o show a IFsC2l~i~i l o tewell-shape,:a
samlple e; :'what (carnivals have been e41plii l1"Ids o the Ipod, s gii tay.
and will he. may be lovelier than the over-b] each- h:a flu
%lore c lowns in 1d(]iit('ltafiei's ,ond'! edl and over-nmanicured hanids cof a mnit
Penniy Carnival jollity will appear
Wedlnesday night when the dorimitory vISI'rs COLLEGES P
NNonll('l will also hb" amuse~l in true
carnival form. T~hese grouips of TI TH1 BOOK SHOP Ld
clowns andl entecrtainers are in ('barge -

r-press-agented. At any rate, the
o-' gesture is admittedly 'mlore
cessful on the Continent. than it
in this country.
hit the immlaculat;e cleanliness
10i guides American women is
Mly preferable to the use otf too
h perfume and too highly-color-
polishes that we see so much
)ad. In Spain, for instance, there
almost no general knowledge o-"'
art of manicuring. In London I
5told that there are only twvo
Ily good shops -rhc e high class
iieuring is practiced.
Cent ra I1 Furo pes onl the oitaeFr
d, 1)ocause it wishes to be iii all
'oll fod i foAmr the .is 10WF 1')Vof~

Iliteratu re College
Has Largest. Number
Of Women Students
Proport i on of enrol lmont. in 1the var-
ious nsiho-Is and (colleges of the un-
ver:4ity is shown by statistics from thle
registrar's,- office which showvs that the
coil ege of.Lite(rat ure, Science, and the
Arts comes first: with an enrollment
o1' 5630 students, 3552 men, and 20)73
w,?:men. This is the largest enroll-
iiieit in any collego of the university
baeing more than three times as large
as that of the College of Architecture
and Engineer'ing, which comes next in
the list with an enrollment of 1:42.
In this schoolI, there are -1510 men andl
32 women.
The education school is next w'lth an
en~rollment of 740,166 men and 574
,wvc n. This is thii onlly s(chool, (,x-
('!)! the No rses TIraininxg school
whlerethle n umber",of vonioll en ol led

Ac(c1rding to Miss Beatrice John- ity girl realizes that she must live
soun, adviser of women, the (lay of Iin her house for several years. The
pennants has given way to the dayinestnhrromadislot
league house girl has no particular
cif fancy pillows, Molly dogs, and ;laso h atn;ls foeo
Krazy Kats, Among the many things the dormitories.
that Miss Johnson noted in visiting Wh'lere the league house uses cre°
sorority andl league houses on the tonne the sorority house will have
campus was the overflowing supply silk and other more expensive ma-
of stuffed animals and pillows. terials.
"When I went to school four years "One of the most attractive rooms"
ago," Miss Johnson remarked, "vel- that I saw," said Miss Johnson, "was
vet and felt pillows with Michigan on the third floor of a sorority house.
colors and seals were the proper The furniture was painted a bright
things. Now the pillows are made of red, and had small figures pasted on
dainty silks and satins."I it. The bed spreads and curtains
The modern college girl's roonm has were dark and decorated with these
very few pictures.. Parish seems to' same figures. The room had an an-
be he avoiteartst.tiumnal appearance, and was very
"FPor'the most trt, is' \1s Johnson,. '-1~ ."' V ''" ~~" ~' rgi tm erul.Vf1



Fourteen Mexican gois ha ve just
pettit ioned the ;secretariat.. of ('0mm
niunicationls and P ublic \Vorks to be
allowved to enter 11he Schlool of Civil
A viat ion wvhiich is selxedu lle d to oe
shlortly on the out skiirts of Mlx icc)
The petit ion has been ofhia ~lly ain-
p~roved(, which marks.1Aldistiart
change which has been ig lc
in the traditional Laitin t,titudo eaon
the proper sphere for wonx'en. The
marked increase in the interest o :
Flying in Mexico is attribut ed to the
succe4ses of Lin(ibe'rgh nd th
Frenich flyer's, C :,. Ls Au -,( iwo

rec ently, visited AMexico.

; I
1#i; i

of D~oris lRenkenberg er, '8OUId., of thei
carnival coinnlittee.
The startling si a enent which ha
caused s50 muchA wor'thy commlent has
becen (confirmed; ill is true that even
men will be admnitted to the Peniny
., CaIrnival for the small andI insignifi-
cant fee of a copper penny apiece.
It is not true, however. tha't the pr'o-
cee'd s from thle annual Penny C('a
nival go to the Women's eIzueP*I
b~uilding fu nd. The carnival is spou-
s ored biy the W. M. A. and no-w that
the building fund needs them, no
fmore, this year's proceeds are to he
,used in the treasury of the W. A. A.
"'This system of running the dor -
in itory without a business manager,
which was inaugurated last Septem-
ber, is an experiment, and I feel
very much likre a try-out m~yself,"
said Miss Mary L. Jarvis, the new
assist'ant director of Helen Newberry
hall., "T'hc former business mana-
ger has been replaced by a director
and assistant director. Miss Tanner,
the director, personnaly supervises
the girls,' of whom there are 118,
and I do the office work, employ the
help, and supervise the serving of.
Before occupying her present po-
sition, at Newberry Hall, Miss Jarvis
was a dietitian at the Cowie hos-
pital of Ann Arbor. he received
most of her training in dietetics
there, but her student life .was spent
in Canada. "I especially enjoy plan-
ning meals," Miss Jarvis added, "al-

Pinrsses on Wheels, loi'ley
ii nique inventionl, has heeoine a rca -
ity, Mliss Lesley 'ose, (daugh1ter'of*
lthe New Bug ld (let, operates ai
baook siiop onilvwheels. She visihts
511 1il er(colollies, c'ollege towns, ic-
i sorlts andc other places whiere she is
I s'rt of findiumg an inte resl ed public.
Miss Frost is assoc'iat ed with theo
Print anld Book Shop hlere in Ann
Arbor, acid pays it visits at Stated1
interv'als. Likec Miss Fr-ost's rolling
library tlii cushop hL s sornetliiiig 0
the unumsual in it.
According to kiss Leonara Hiarris
who, with Miss Ann Lloyd alll INiss
Frost, has undertaken its rmnaa-
ment, the pub~llic is invited to go in
Eand 'browse" about. In the late a 't-
erneons "Two-penny" tea will be
served beginning next week, andl book
lovers will have an opportunity ofl
discussing their favorite writers and
editions over the tea cun. "We are all
crazy about tea around here," Miss
Harris explained.
The Print and Book Shop is situat-'
ed on the first floor of a private resi-
dence on Jefferson street. There is
a lovely big room covered with book
shelves. Miss Harris will explain the
schenle of arrangem'ent. "Here is the
'poetry," she will tell you, "and here
the autographed, and first editions.
And over there a few rare books. We
have almost everything but texts."
' In a small room just off the large
room there are many French and
1German prints. There are old French
'street scenes, cathedrals, and por-
If Miss Harris plans mature a cir-
culating library will be added in the

Ph y
t hek
z;IT I

f 'l< . A WA I LHcV, ' M 11 1 t ~ Ai&2 . {t t t't tl: I lliiW F H'J 1 1
ill Supplies. IBut. Itle U nite(El gradiuateschool loll owsfthe ed('a t ioni
t is so0 t i aihead Itlat I caiicol~hanFlohlnto 0,5
t, he truly bea ut iil hand is thme lb e med i 'a Ischou 1 has a I a rer en-
1d of' the x'ell bred Anieric~a i o-1rollnm cut than I Ix''law vschool boa stinlg
666ji to tlle" lavwrer's -(;5. Ther'ie aic
lInure voin ('iieli Eidldiiltt i lE 0(h't Il
A 4c.~~?$J J)~~v'thool that#, Ailbhe Ia i tll, tlbe i au
1vbe in-t 2to 19. Ihiceare n62 tI men
A4CKS DIRECTIOR, n1]eiedaIotile8x 'I inh
S F ID NT TATES, -tiool. The next largest eli'oll-
b A + ! 'b o ll] i s 1t h at o t' th n d e n ta l ('o ll(i,, ('- .
whili 1T.t of luI lliicier' tiiii
Di'amnatIics5 at AlMic'hi gani'" said * 111 o 1 n - d ll.c2rin N ext (''illedifile' I
1115 lu~iI htoci, '2S, who starred in uut,'1e'I il1 in 'iii dollol v wit 11 all enrnll-
A\imes pi'odiuction ''Sepx'en I lx lI ci "tiof 2II
l'('li iti"?l:el~ ~ md 'ea t o 11 1 E;~OI ofFornii11 1'ni u' ti T iid.
tof, a 1lc fr]E 'heai'sal And ti hn xl'iliW ti i1l1181'dtd
t f, a) directoi' who cal spiend hi. ''gfli. I'ilVi aol o 1eit a ' 'l1d. Tihc'
Ile :unic on the voi'k. lVI't0'nuu( ~cho''i has anl enm'olhtiotni
11 the1 present tiileneoio niv rmsity I f 'fl , tic landii,,7 111 ant. i li lie(1
.p i s pariculanhir']y iriter'ested in bulisl lC'' a i lli'tia tiofi selI 01 has.

adviser's ui tenitjol in 11.genleraI the
So r(oiit houlse is inrch ied to be beter'
1i'1.1 is'hed Ithanlthle a Vera" e lea~gil e
hollse. Th-'e esoll for this. in Al i:-s
-lo0111soll's opillol, i4 thlat thle soror-

continued, 'the r'oomis show excl- -
lent taste. The fur'nishing's aire quiet t\INill' the announcement of SIci'e
--ltoupe, i'ose, and blue11 hii'dolliilla-t< try I'ehert Hloover of the Coin- N
ig. ''The one fault I find with tihe merce department, that lie would per'- -0 N SO
m Ji.olit y of i'oomis, h1owever, is that lit his name to he ent er'ed in the
Ui''hatve a<i tendency'vtom he ov er toh o lb.epub lican Presidentital primr-2
crowdledIxvi w it allkmielmanc(hs.7 ai'''ba0ttle(Hlie's arie being drawn
A differenlce bet weenl soroirityr aniri t .ug Ica. IHIwill be('oppoe' - ----- --
i cagtoc houses Was brought to I be'11v a *favrite0 son"I'1'. S'. Sen 8tci


Friank I3. 'Willis.
I IOT'S'lO\, 'T'exas -- Illivei'sitl' of
g~xs"-mnhv ettoe oBa olf made a major sport.

End-of-Month Sale


St Age desi gni or setin bg and all the
sets Xwh1ich ai~re 'qt irod 1for 1tle plays
must be imade bay proftessionals. Also,
flie is need for a separ'ate ))!ay 1pr0-
ji net ion organization which would not
only aid thien eris -of the cast but
wot(uildlimake critical observations be-
fore the play was pr~esented.
''The (h'anlit ic o('ii't ies onoaimpus
hiave (lone nothing with experimental
d1ramatic's, 'iss Loughton continued,
"It would he well worth while if a
play writ ten by a studlen't could be pro-
fduced by studen~lts."
Mviss Loughlton stated heri desire to
soine day become a director. "The one
,objection to this phase of the work."
she explained, "was that the director
is forced to build up a. wall of re-
'serve ,in order to demand respect and
obedience. This wall of reserve re-
stults in the feeling of being alone.
To counteract this objection, however,
there is personal satisfaction in see-
ing specific results and effects pro-
duce d.",
When the question was asked of
Miss Loughton which type of part
she preferred that of D~iane in
"Seventh H-eaven" or one not as melo-
dramatic and difficult she replied that
the mor'e work attached to the part
the more pleasure the actor derived
from it.

l ll l ali
l. t: t13;2t'zt.

tm'.0llt'1,, 100; it'll 'c111d





('horuwns tw ao, nin.e. fivxe, six
Iand parts oiiv^, to, and three
of chore:; one will r'ehearse at 71
o'clock toin'i'row v i iht in Bar'-
hour gymn asiumli. Nom tilsen('05
will be excused.
',,ere will be a mieeting of Thetp
Sigma Phi at 4:15 o'clock today at
the Kappa Kappa Gamma house.


. _. ,.



A surnmer of European travel
combinied with study for young
ladies. Apply with references to
1145 Washtenaw. Dial 3597





though mos': of that work is done near future.j
here 'by Miss Cooper. However, I__________
also find office work interesting. Un- LIMIT HONOR SOCIETIES MICHIGAN PINS
like most people, I enjoy bookkeep-___
ing, of which I did a great deal in FOUNTAIN PENS
Canada during the wrar. I find a lot With the exception of two senior -
of satisfaction in keeping m'y books soorities, thle Innocents and the I L R C O K
Mlortarboard, all honorarmy societie's I A A M C O
straghtandnea My011IV (~i ( isat.lthe Un ivei'sity of N('zliras'2 have
that I don't have mo e Itim e fox pcer- b(peen1 abolished b)y act ion of the St ii-
sonal contacts wxith the gils" " diii council. 1Ii A I LL E 1("S
f This,;('tion biy the studlent govern- i
LEA GUJE SPUI- rVUI J 1 mit is the cu illiilutioii of the' atiy-
AFTERNOO N PART. Y!ilios of TheyI)aly Nehx'a-ukan w.hich S A E S.J W R
c1' A L 1-OLIDA. Ii as contended a-gainst the lionoi'ax'ies
"Dlo you think we hav e strayed................ -
into the wrong place ?" anld "How~Ih ... ---. --
(diffe'renitI" will be the~ exclam'ratioiis b stdI Iw ct
of those who ttend thie1pai't ti"''has e a ld vi le
Z '" cWomen's, League is giving Tx'rlav i:
afternoon from 4 to 5:30 o'e~(( Killlne e ialeI e'in 'l'Cnsied Sand( i iles of aIi 1 4b l.
Sarah Caswell Ang ell lhall. Thmbis is 1tillhors
geili to tbe a new kind of' party tIha t'I'!ar-e 3-vu tried 0111t lloi, ('u'ml V a £f1c s and Pall.-
has never been heai'd of befoi' e Id"(ikes ?I'IheylJre zusu ~ill ; '
Ige)fpmCst, snapipiest ever'.
It is rather' past believing, but tirE N e i cls ohu a A
is to he ran all-holiday parity! GCiies , .. w L i'c li e ta r n
maliy comle in wh'iatever mooCld they- 'lII,RAt'V1'I'A11' --
wish for they are sure to boe satisfiedl. ----. - -- ---___
Can you ilnag2 ine doing a St.. Pat--.. .. .. .... .. .. ....... ......
rick's dance and receiving '.fay Day
f'avors at the same time? No? Then.
comei and see. Edna Mower's oi'ches- DisfiilCtiVe Footlmear
tra is going to do its best to make !
you stepe lively. Feature entertain-
nment and ref'reshments will complete
the program.
If you've come before, you will not ?1T heC
nleed to be urged now. All women onl
campus are invited and should take-
this opportunity to make the ac-1~a e t
N a e t uaintanee of their fellow students.
Come and see what everyone is talk- tl
ing about. All arrangements are in T.en Dollars,
the hands of Ellen Groff, '28.

"r :ii I
1l \1 t/7
I\/ /
! {k/ Illy
The Ensemble
Is the Voge-
As purveyors to the wants of
well-dr'essed women we recog-
nize tile importance of' the en-
semble this season, and our
(olloction, i'epr eents the most
51i(cccssfuillmodls5designed for
For girls who enjoy sports
clothes-whether they play or
no%-t-On xsports (departmnxt xill
prove a constant- delight. All
the modes of sinmplicity and good
taste are here conveniently as-
'setmbled. Dresses, coats, sweat-
er's, suits, millinery and kindred
acc.'ssories-designed for the
participant -or spectator', in their

$R 00S
I ff 1&0h


"THE LkST 57W flING"t
and' D ulcy"
The Smart Colhedy
A Hin~'Gaarde,
" Tiewith, "oc
Tom Dougal
Phyllis Loughton
Richard Kurvink
Lillian Setchyell
Wade Carney.
Mabel Baruch
Hoyt Sherrill





1-eywoodlBroun' says:
"Really, it's a shame to
FC.. paid for seeing anry-
t"P} Nv, whjh is ais muich fun
v s "you and U'"





Very new and smart. Spring Frocks are
specially priced for this end-of -the-month
event. Every one of these frocks are in the
new modes-of the smartest of Spring
fabrics and featuring all of the new color-
ings. All are of rich silk. They sold for
rx:uch ore formerly. Come early while the
selection is complete.

Friday and
Nic rhtc





Tonsorial and
Beauty Shoppe
Announce the opening of an
up-to-date Beauty Shoppe.
All work exclusively indi-

Then Nanette is a semi-dress pump ex-
clusiPely designed by the J. RNurphy f'ocot
Shop for Campus hvear. This pump may
be had in the nelv Ebony Finish, Tan,
Velour or Patent Leather,














n , Ilil



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