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February 28, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-28

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4r£idpigau Jhil
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
Thle Associated Press is exclusively en.
titled to te use for republication of all news
dispatches creditedrto it or not otherwise
P credited in this paper and the local news pub-
Lshed herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan,eas second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post
master General
Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail,
Offices:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.................-....-Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor...............Qhiip C. Brooks
City Editor............. Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor.............Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor............ Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.. .. Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J.Stewart Hooker Kenneth G.iPatrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith Jr.
Milton Kirshbaun
Esther Anderson John H. Maloney
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Alex A. ochnowski Charles S. Monroe.
J ean Campbell Catherine Price
essie Church Harold L. Passman
Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie Folmer Eleanor Scribner
Tames B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz
Robert J. Gessner Roert G. Silbar
Elaine E. Gruber Howard F. Simon
Alice Hagelshaw George E. Simons
Joseph . howell Rowena Stillnan
J. Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone
Charles R. Kaufman George Tilley
William F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller
Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
Sally Knox Leo J. Yoedicke
Jack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising...... Richard A. Meyer
Advertising.............. Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse
Advertising............John W.Ruswinckel
Accounts ...... ......Raymond Wachter
Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication..................arvey Talcott
George Bradley Ray Ilofelich
Marie Brumeler fal A. Jaehn
James Carpenter ames Jordan
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine MKinven
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Vna" Fenner Alex K. Scherer
Katherine Frohne George Spater
D~ouglass Fuller Ruth Tompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley
E. . Hammer Hannah Wallen
Carl W. Hammer
Adopted in a rather unassuming
manner, and escaping the attention it
deserves is the newly formed plan of
the Athletic association to construct
an artificial ice rink at the Coliseum,
making skating possible five months
in the year, and to add thirty tennis
courts to the equipment of the Univer-
sity, including sixteen for women.
Ice skating and tennis are among
the most beneficial forms of exercise
which can be participated in by large
numbers without undue expenditure
of money, and they are forms of sport
which have been continuously cramp-
ed by lack of adequate facilities. The
results of this program of physical
welfare cannot help but be reflected
In the abilities of the athletic teams,
and in promotion of the all-round
physical welfare of the student body.
The work of restoring normal re-
lations between Prance and Germany

which has been so, heartily fostered
by such leaders as Briand and Strese-
mann has had more that the expected
success. It is thought in certain quar-
ters that the two countries have come
to an understanding never before
reached. But here the progress is at
last blocked by a single barrier, the
occupation of Rhineland by Allied
In the past it has been considered
the practice to leave troops in the
conquered sector to insure the carry-
ing out of obligations and the com-
plete cessation of hostilities. It was
not without reason that a maximum
number of years for this occupation
was always designated, and nearly
always evacuation has occurred be-
fore that time. The treaty of Versail-
les specified 15 years as a maximum,
and recommended an earlier date if
all were satisfied. There is little rea-
son for the Allies not being satisfied
at present..
France insists on occupation only
on, the grounds of reparation's insur-
ance, but the Dawes plan has settled
the question as far as it can be set-
tied at the present time. The security
of Alsace-Lorraine is guaranteed by
the Locarno pact, and to argue that
either territorial or financial security
is not provided is to gainsay both Ver-
sailles and Locarno. or any other !

Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of comnmuni-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request. Letters pub-
lished should not be construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The


To the editor:
Sunday's communication to The
Daily from three senior engineering
students differed considerably from
the average contribution which finds
its way into the Campus Opinion col-
umn. The communication was con-
servatively written, respectfully sub-
mitted and seemed to indicate honest
thought on the proposed University
college. But on a few points I find
my opinion in opposition to the view
of the senior engineers.
The gentlemen wrote as though
they felt primarily, allegiance to the
engineering college, and secondarily,
allegiance to'the University of Michi-
gan; as though they were students of
the engineering school, and of the
University only incidentally. Such
spirit of segregation, if made general
upon the campus, could only lead to
friction and possibly open hostility
between the schools of the campus,
paralleling the animosity apparently
existing between the engineers and
the law students. So I say, the
spirit, apparently animating the wri-
ters of Sunday's article, is a wrong
one and can lead to no good end. Hav-
ing this misdirected spirit, the writers
are then alarmed with the prospect
of a decreased enrollment with the
inauguration of the University college.
Whether such diminution of enroll-
ment would result or not is beside
the point. It is seldom the mere size
of student enrollment which ma-
terially affects the standing of a
school. But let that be as it may. If
the President and the University col-
lege committee are convinced that the
proposal is a step forward, engineer-
ing students should, as students of
the University, look with favor -upon
the change and aid in every way pos-
sible to further the project. We want
no serious division of interests on
campus-wide problems, but rather full
accord from all quarters.
The engineers fear for their honor
system if the University college were
established. How the system would
be injured it is difficult to see. It is
more than likely that eventually all
the schools on the campus will fol-
low the engineering school to hold
their examinations under the Honor
system. The system might be estab-
lished in the University college from
the very first, giving the embryo-
engineers full introduction to the
methods of the system before enter-
ing the engineering school proper.
But if such were not the case, what
of it? The system operates in the
Medical school as in the engineering
school and first year medical students
enter the first year with little chance
of acquaintanceship with the system.
Surely the engineering honor system
could be no more inconvenienced
than is the Medical school system
now, if entering students had written
examinations under the proctor sys-
tem in the University college.
The interest expressed by the senior
engineers in the opinion of the fac-
ulty of the engineering school on the
matter of the University college is
admirable. Their interest indicates
a willingness to consider and col-
laborate in discussing Michigan's
problems. I, too, am much interested
in the opinion of the engineering fac-
ulty, but I believe that the faculty
will be more inclined to regard the
problem fron, a broader viewpoint
which has the future of the University
of Michigan rather than that of the
engineering school as the cardinal

tenet. Whether or not the University
college becomes a reality, I hold that
the final decision which will make or
break the proposal must be broader
in its outlook than that expressed
Sunday, and must be campus-wide
and even state-wide. Let our un-
divided interests be for Michigan and
not our divided interests for integral
parts of the whole. Let us regard
this problem along with the President
and the University college committee
from the standpoint of the greatest;
good which can come for the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
-Durwin H. Brownell, '29.
Headline, "Democratic Chiefs Meet."
If history continues to repeat itself
this headline should have read,I
"Democratic Chiefs Meet and Dis-
It has been recently suggested that
the "scandal sheet" dailies might well
leave off any news matter and pub-
lish just the headlines.

BEN BOLT HAS decided to enter
the primaries in all states in the
Union under the new Rolls party. It
is expected that he will run unopposed1
in every state. All the other candi-
dates will fight for places"on the reg-
ular party tickets.
* * *
"YES," BOLT SAID yesterday, "I
would undoubtedy have a better
chance on the regular party ticket,
that is to win the nomination, but
isn't it better to have your name on
the ballot and lose than not to be
there at all?"
* * *

TONIGHT:!A Students' Recital in
fhe School of ulsic auditorium at S
TONIGHT: The Rockford Players
presen4 Sutton Vane's "Outward
Bound" in the Whitney theater at
S:15 o'clock.
TONIGHT: Comedy Club present
Philip Barry's "You and I" in the
Mines theater at 8:30 o'clock.
TONIGHT: The University High
School Senior Class present Booth
Tarkington's "Clarence" in the Uni.
yersity High School auditorium.



George Washington, Abe Lincoln, W
Bacon and Emerson, all these are
dead; but Bolt, ah, dear old Ben Bolt, A review, by Vineent Wall.
still carries on the great man tra- Once , in a blue moon-and blue
dition. moons are rare in this latitude-does
He is a smart one is that Ben. He a show like the Merry Wives come to
has coined some of the most pungent town. In the hands of Fiske, Skin-
epigrams since Elbert Hubbar-BUT ner and Crosman, Mistress Ford and
NOT TODAY. I Mistress Page and the fat knight him-
Be that as it may, in this present self came to life with surprising
chaos of politics, we need a man like alacrity. Under the veteran baton of
Ben; a man upright and steadfast, a Harrison Grey Fiske, the entire pro-
man with will power enough not to duction was a sprightly and lightly
refuse a legitimate bribe. sportive farce comedy.
Yes, Ben, do run for President. If The script, it is true, was edited
you run, we will all buy all the votes and arranged to appear within the
our bank account allows us. We'll confines of our picture stage tradi-
th rifIt bo Ben.tion, and in the course of the plot

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Uo g1 1 oy U 1 .1]1.-
Hal Smhytile. some historical references-the deer
P.S.-We would have enclosed $10 stealing, for instance- were com-
to start the campaign, BUT NOT TO- pletely lost. At times the perform-
DAY. ance descended to almost musictl
* *comedy level, and everywhere the
IT SEEMS THAT BEN is going to physical farce of Falstaff, as well as
win in a walk. But when the race Pistol, Nym, Bardolph, Shallow, Dull
really starts and they start to run 1 and other Italiante characters were
Ben will have to do some stepping to emphasized.
stay with such men as Hoover, Low- Academicians will tell you that the
den, Smith and Reed. Just think of Merry Wives is a poor Shakespearean
a race with these men entered. Ben comedy-hasitly and poorly revised
could beat them any day. froi an unimportant source play,-
* * *and that Good Queen Bess with her
STILL ANOTHER BACKS BOLT deep appreciation for the bawdy
Bolt for President Club: stories of the tavern should never
Yup, Bolt for president, and Robert have been indulged in her desire to
Henderson for his campaign manager. see Falstaff in love. But when trans-
If Bobby gets as many votes as he formed by the alchemy of last night's
does people to pay to see his Rockford famous triolgy of artists, it is ex-
Players, our nation will be safe. Bolt cellent theater-well staged, played
will not be elected. and directed.
G. Howthebite, Count de Fleis. * * *


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The worst thing in the world to try
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I have been smoking a pipe for .Io
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I have just been lpoking around,
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I always thought these ad letters
were the bunk, but this time I knw
somebody is wrong and that is m.
Here's to old Edgewortli. ,
Edmund Condoun
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Smoking Tobacco


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* * *
who the campaign manager will be.
From what we know of the situation,
if Henderson were the last man on
earth, Bolt would choose a woman
for the job.
* * *
THE MANAGER OF the Michigan
theater, whatever his name is, says
that college audiences are queer. He
doesn't give us credit for setting the
styles in pictures.
* * *
card in the business is the college
picture which is about as much like
college as certain college teams are1
like amateurs. We wonder when
some movie magnate is going to tell
us we don't know realism on the1
screen when we see it, aftr we have
booed some picture where the hero
swims 440 yards to a touchdown and!
bats the ball over the fence for the
winning basket at the same time.
* * *
TIIER E HAS ALWAYS been a great
many students who bolt (not Ben)
classes. Sometimes there is a reason.
However that all may be, Rolls hasI
found a way to end bolting.
* * *
The above illustration illustrates
Polls' illustrious method of prevent-
ing bolting. This is, of course, only
an outline, but the idea is there. Just
have instructoresses, and make them.
attractive. Then everyone will go to
dent will not miss a class for a week
or maybe two. Of course, the co-eds 1
might start bolting them, but who t

Half the fun at a faculty concert
is in fighting your way through the
performance of the players to get at
the music behind it. This was par-
ticularly the case with the last Sun-
day concert. The program was a
t beautiful collection of the lighter mu-
sical moods and with the exception of
one or two impossible moments, was
a delightful experience. The Irish
Rhapsody, beginning in a mood of
grotesque humor and then swinging
into themes of exalted melody, was
the best performed number for the
Symphony, while Mrs. Rhead's hand-
ling of the first two movements of the
Saint-Saens Concerto was glorious
work. For the last movement, how-
ever, the strain seemed too great and
music dwindled off into mechanical
R. L. A.
* * *
A retie-v, by R. Leslie Askren.
In "Outward Bound" Sutton Vane
caught a gorgeous idea. The transi-
tion period between physical death'
and spiritual disposition either to
heaven or Hell must have been a
part of every playwright's dreams at'
some time or other but it remained
for Vane to give it form in his fas-
inatingly satirical play. The first
two acts are splendid mystery melo-
drama glittering with clever dialogue
and create a wonderful' suspense
which is carried through, for all the
banality of the third act, to a dramatic
clihax of great force.
Two remarkable performances il-
luminated the play, Mrs. Mansfield's
"Midget" and Velna Royton's "Helen."
The cockney charwoman was splendid
with her earthly faith which flamed
to tremendotus dramatic height for
her sacrifice in the last act and Mrs.
Mansfield's painstaking and rich in-
terpretation made the role the best
one of her season in Ann Arbor.
Faust's blustering characterization of
Lingley was a splendid foil for War-
burton's mystic assurance as Scrub-
by, and Bishop was admirably cast.
He stood around being symbolic-at
which he shines.
For all the mystery and the elimi-
nation of the last scene, there was
little that was left unexplained. Just
one thing, after being attuned to the
infinite for three acts it was annoying

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