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February 22, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-22

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VA' VA M.%7?4 =A'7AVZU


I Ii,/

S KAIING PAJITY IOD "Y1 lle ludi ni ' ia n 'n t


Cioligenuai To()Be Scene OfT First kd
In~ Party Of Year; Will Begin At
2:3( Titis Afternoon

Syd I losa int, 'and INOid, when she'
Monts to shop, the MoVre is hmoght to
her hoitsv. Tihe first fundl~miiil dif-
leren ce bet ween the Ind ian ianid
Amnetican woimian is that CieC Indian
wman is confinKd to b r homne in a

UU1JUIININKZ U SITII.4way thbat ail American can s(e~rcely
rcaliz, . HeIr whole life is spent, there
All who like to skate will haveI and oftentimes it haphens thlat she
an opportunity to do so this after- d ,e:.; ot er :c'i 'louge hones witlh mar-
noon when W. A. A. sponsors a skat- zriag,-. She may marry a cousin andi
1 spend her whole life withbin onil"n
igparty at the Coliseum. T'he skat- cestral mniage.
ers are asked to appear at the Coli- "On the other hand, 'home' dloes not
seum' at 2.30 or shortly after. mean to the Indian what it does Co
Since this is the firs~t skatdng the American and European who. e

is the ruler, a111d no manl,Ihowverci
proiniiiei t inl public lirie, (ires to of-
fer a1 susl~l(,St lin abollutheii C' ij~lago-
ment of 01his lhouse.l
"'I'is sitilat iolln/ i' csitates the
Npemdling of mostfthe' wi'xon1m'CSti llt,'
in home affairs; it includes all the
education of the children as well ass
management of servants and b~uying
from the venders who bring the de-
sired1 mat erials to the house.
"The second difference between
the American andl Indian woman is
based upon a purely economic factor,"
Mr. Hlosaain continuedl. "The Ameni-
can woman's freedom and independ-
('fle came through her economic
s At-efcie lecy. During the middle
ages, when European women were deC-
pendent upon men to support them,
the same sort of condition existed as
we find in India, but industrialization
has changed that. When India be-
cornes indlustrializedl, her women will
take parallel positionsi with the Ameri-
can or European women; the first
steps of this development are evident


BEGUN IN CANTON'Iontei-made a ~ndy ~to be provided
INT[RCLASt TOURNEY B G N IN C NT N by the mntheslvers will, be
Cu~2inntmg ia Oniance begu o b hewoe temelelwllb
fhle CaHnt on ( 'brist ian ('olloge, (t. Naa
_'uo' 4 1i r i aj r Sf f sI ~ t 11' s v r l y a s a o M 5 J01! o i l] b Ito nm orr'o wv in. the hall of U niver-I
lBa slw aetl! .II t cIbe ; 'I'iI III I le l e bride of y. 'P. Tsa zig, ctySchool ofMusicfrm9t12
S °f 441011i'25, in a pretty wedding solemnized Helen Brown, vice-president of the
Saturdtay evening at the home of Rev, club, has charge of the sale which,
6AA§&S A1&E HARD FOUGH r and IVIrs. Parley C. ,Binghamn of it is hoped, will, help with the finane-
'Thompson street. es for some of the concert trips, the
In game; displaying real know-f Miss Wong is a gradutate of the first of which will take place on
ledgea of basketball the junior ma-I University of Southern California. March 30, to Battle Creek. Later, it,
jior team downed the freshman aca- She has been teac'hing in a Chinese is expected, the organization will
dleiic team 40 to 23 at 4 o'clock school in Los Angeles for the past visit Port Huron and Mount Clemens.
yesterday while the 5 o'clock game few years. She came to Ann Arbor Second semester tryouts were held
between the senior major and sopho_ last fall and has been studying music last week with the result that seven
more academic sixes resultedl in a in the University School of Music.I new members have been added to the
vicorybr he enor ajos b a Tsang received his A. B. degree club, June Marshall, '29, Margaret
25 to 20 score. here in 1925 and is now a junior in' Jane Sage, '29, Madge Brook, '29,!
Going at top speed the players on; the medlical school. Last year he was; Bernice McHale, '29Ed., Jane Watt,I
both the jnlior major Ahd freshman presidlent of the Chinese Students '29, Thelma Roys, '30, Helen Gould,1
acadenmic teamls exhibited( an excitingclb '30, and Luetta Moss, '29.
and bard fouight gamei. The teams The wedlding was carried out ac-=_________________________
weire on their tip~toes every second ccording to Amer'ican customs. The hil nnnAnt ftht n ll


Wyvcrn society will conduct
its regular sale of bluebooks
at a table near the candy booth
in University hall from 1. to is
o'clock, toirorrow. All oi'gani-
zations are asked to obtain their
packages of bluebooks at this
im'11e. The benefit from this sale
accrues to the League building.
Bluebooks are regulation size
and come in the three for ten
and five cent each sizes.

13I 1'l2I3)OhiSON S'ALE.



party which the Outdoor Sports di-
vision of W. A. A. has organized this
winter, its success or failure will in-
dlicate how skating "takes" with the
Michigan slportswomen. Nothing bet-
ter in the line of weather could be
desired for an ideal skating party.
The only other requisite to make the
party a huge success is a l1r~yg num-
ber of skaters.
Beginning skaters are -especially in-
vited to take part in this W. A. A.
Women who are already W. A. A.
members are urged to attend by Mar-
garet Ohlsen, '30, manager of out-
door sports, who expressed the hope
yesterday that the skaiting.l patrty
wvouldI recei%,e thle support of the'

Concepltion is based on a hiuband anO
wife, sometimes with children and
sometimes not. An Indian home
means all the gratidparcints, the
uncles, the c aunts, coilsinsa, biother;,
and sister's, living together in a large
group of small buildings, the manage-
ment of which is no small task. And
the woman is at the hoad-the mother


X'cymen Have Same Abilities As Men In
Legal Profession, Woman Judge Claims

of the game, clever floor work and
tricky passing with the aid of shots
from the foul line being responsible
for the victory for the Junior six.
The score does not indicate the close-
ness of the contest.
The juniors started the tilt with a
slight lead. Lightning speed passing
and cociyerative play between the


"Women in ?the legal rptofessilpn
must have the same abilities and ca-
pacitie s that thcj men havk ," sail
l+ locc liiE 1±. Al len, judge of thle Ohio

nember s. Suez erne court, when She wvas in Ain
In case a nyone idoesn-'t know whern' Arbor Xlonday, '"but I hey must alo
the Colsieulrl is, the (,omfl't tee 0o1(ers put 1'oi th a little more effort, and beo

Ith tiC iiOfo ldl ou lthat1itis15on11 west
w Iill street, near the railroad tracks.
It is albout a 15 minute walk from the
Personal Capacities
Must Be Developed
!By Individual Study
"The fundamental basis of a goodi
'education sy'stem is individualized in-
Sstiruction," stated Mr. E. 1B. Greene
of the psychology (Iepa etiment in the
seconid of a series of talkis given t0
p~hysical educeationl students at
o'clock on Mondlay morning5. "Let-
ting' each -Student worli along at hsis
own rate of (ability under stlpervisioii
is the best method of teaching
'studies," lie continued. "Tests have
beens given in several ins~tituitions5
which have proven tiue value of indi-
vidualized group studying."
"Today there is an enormous need
for more careful approaches to the
methods of studying. Ins mental tests
given to freshman groups, it has been
shown that only 10 per cent do better
than is expected of them, 50 per cent
do as much as is expected, while 40
per c;=nt fall below expectations."
Mr. Greene went on to mention the
different kinds of schools; ;hose that
divide students according to ability,
those devising programs for groups
of different intellectual rating, those
who use the individual method of in-
1struction. "The teacher's who believe
that a person with a low I.Q. in high
school has no chance in college are
all wrong," he stated, "diffierences
must be singled out."
According to the results of tests it
has been found out that those who

wjl Ii io kN 01,ook a lit ile lha lder' than
the inen. We xv amen a wv ers are
often asked it' we are not handiP'ap-
ped ill our1 profession becatise of the
fact thlit Nwe are women, We may ho.
of courise, but we don't know it if we
arc. You see, the people who miight
think that would not be the ones to
cone and tell dl s ab)out. it, so we canii
be hiapJpy in si pposing t hat thei'e are
"I believe that it ;s i'ight for xxonicn
to parii 1(pate inl govel~inlcii,' Miss
A Ien einpbat i('l ly sI a ted. ''(out 1-I
t1titio nal1ly and ethically won in have a!
nigh t. to vote and to hiold office. In
thle stateof' Ohio Nve have founid that
j uies illi vhichi womn' l.arie sitting
r Kndcr more j olst decisions than t hose 11
in wvhich men alone are lpresent. This
is notlbec'a use wonen arie a ny utherci
have attended college can get morn
snut of a subject by reading material
on it than from a lecture, those with-
out college experience get mor'e out
of lectures for they did not have
"'reading technique,"
"There are three types o1',studying;
one of random manipulation, the
second of linking up the past exper-
ience with the present, the, third of
logical learning. When you start to
study take of f five minutes to plan
what yeu will do for the nest of the
hour and you will accomplish twice
as much-plan ahead. Study with
the idea of telling someone else what
you have learned. Begin reciting the
thing as soon as the first impression
is in your mind. Be sure to space
your repetitions, leave a rest period
of from 6 to 11 minutes between class-
es, do not learn by parts but use
the whole thing as a unit for accomp-
lishment in studying."

than men, however," Miss Allen
smiled. "M1en and women doubtless
have rgoodnes-1inl equal lilopi'tions.I
I simply mean Ihat the ty'peoI' of Woen
who perlo'olllJury (duty is gener'aily
sulperior' to the typle ohf Ilien who)(la it.I
it so' I e hey ('linliiesc'a peit. Our
.govei'nnlient has aul ethical puripoise
anrd it !needls the ethical powen. of the
priesence (of women,
"Sincec woin en have Slit onljuies00
thle vhole atmosphcee(of ('0urt1pr'o-
cedi ei has chianted," :Miss Allen lie-
lievw ."_As a prominent. man, a In xx-
ye r, of'Clcx'ehantd olI("said to0nie,
iil~c are less al-it to lie "haml-
booz'jed'' by lawyers.' I knowv thlat
wonlenl, in mlil uy, hax'e adde-d a con-
50i('mi('ous spi'it to) the juiry System.
'All Nlwyers, nen and wom":11 alike.
in thlis respetie as inl othefrs, must I'.ave'
two fiindui in enta1 (jit alit io';. They are,
Inamiely, ('oilpeteney ualil illtegi'eiy,
lWe c'an novei' !ave trune just ice 11-biile
soilicole is thin king of the f'ee.

I centers and the forwards proved too
I much for the younger team',. Good
«ZrcjngXen the pai't of ithe junior
g.uards helped to) keep the score low
t,11 the'part, ofthir '1'opplletts, how- .
j cvr, Eli tii , freshm1an forardi'o
11iian aged to (dn some ('lever as~idecst e'I
dide "omleogood vore: untiljput onit.

miue worle ia U(tess of w jte satini
trim'rmed with coral. She had ai long
train of Chinese lace and carried a
bouquet of white roses and snap-
dragons. Miss C. F. Lee of Chicago, in
a dress -of pink taffeta covered with
tulle, and carrying a bouquet of pink
roses and white snapdragons, accom-
panied the bride.
Bun Moy of Detroit was best man,
while T. K. Wong, brother of the
bride, gttvehis c(on-sent to tbec mar-
rh cge. r'. and Mirs. Tsang left for
het voit after the Wedding, bunt will
I' u; rn this w'eek do that '[sang may
c'2ittillni( his '~udies.,

I (1jjtt ll~1n



Comedy Clu
Producer of "The
Last Warning"
and "Dulcy"9
Philip Barry's
Harvard Prize Play

('a touts1. For(I the'jiiiii('t s0012 °11ine
play o;' the c ('(loteIs Was out"t andijig, iu mmci's will iiold second setiies-
while lie uner'ring eyes of Miller amid 'ter tryouts fioni 8 to 5 O'clocko ilen
'A ti~ler. Junior t'orwards, was con'm- Feb. 28 ii Nvborrv anlditriun.
Iiu'Ildablde. 'ann ciscored 24 of iieci' Ti'yC;1t s S~Ihoulcl have soic Pselection
en-s I'S40 poinois. p'e pa red, Ain ie ('all try out.
Thme gan'lebetween lb ' senior "kita-1All 1.oth01"1iigirl'ts arc invited Ito
fors' anid the s'ophlomi'ore n('adlcti('.aIitea'1iro' to 5 o'c'Io,,k today at
wa's~I one of the ft eSt a uch ('I oC10S(St the I At E,llb eai pa rsnng'.a
coiit eSt sseen on fth' local ('oirti'th1lis -- - -- - --
Year', lakinlg adlvantiage of h'eir' tall' was helped cotisiderialy by thle in-
cenltet', Oh son , aInd(1her ability to l a bil iy of thelien(ior'ceteris to hold
1knfock ohowii (Ilelie p10ff io hei' teamh- (ontto the blI. Hiow ever, font Ishotsi
mlate, Sibilev. the (y\Oi ouger tecam xwas ohn time parit o : Chiildciotted inl (10'-
a ble to get thiie hall down to the(ir I to'i'iiin ig thte Wili oci of t he ooi-
io'warols with Case, This advantagQc test,


A quiet homelike place to
refresh yourself after a show
or dance.
The quality of our light
lunches and sodas is our first
We specialize in serving
dinner and lunch.
Tea in afternoon
(6jr r r 110P



- Ic
The A-ristocrat of Chocolates

a spec(ialty' for
. twenty years.
Prompt Service, Experienced Oper-
ators, Moderate Ra~tes.
17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615.



Opp. the Michigan

Uander ;Michigan Theatre Sign

If it's fine candy you want, wre have
it. The attractive "Mi Choice" is
the favorqd ;gift package. Buy
Diana "Staft" Confections for
party and family treats. Other
finely packaged goods in infinite
' tW7A q 1"1,

IT~2 -__-


_- ..I

k. I

PA f

G uPreme in Beauty-Giving Quality
~CO0LC' R E ME"11


Thomas Dou gall,
Phyllis Loughton,'
Richard Kurvink
Lillian Setchell
Wade Carney
Mabel Baruch


Merrick Heirloom Chinese Rugs
Preparatory to taking my rugs to Detroit for display at the
Builders and Realtors Show
4 . Feb. 25 to March 8

.... d
./ J. Q
1 "+ ¢
t % ". -
. ^
( ,., 1
t"'+ .


Hoyt Sherrill


Feb. 28, 29
Mar. 1, 2, 3





I am offering all rugs between the sizes, 2 ft. by
5 ft. by 8 ft., at a discount of

3 ft. and

Orne Fourth Off
Regular Prices for Two Days Only.
You Can't Afford to Miss This Sale.
MERRVICK, Imnporter
928 Church St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

The Father of Ohu, Countrti
Is it not. ftCFlng that ill omtyiig It i~it c to t11" f tt ri'of our
c'ountry, Ithoe Uin wbohafirist held te i-ion sident ial chiairi, and '4 art ed
"n' goVeli'muont oIIil is ('a i'er (If progre'ss andd oe' eopmcnt l, we payr
tibm utec to a, man, the 'sini(c'ity an(] nobility of 4x11'Se prinipiles servo
as anI insi~hiration11to0us5al11 todaly? Any findings which seeml to imply
that perhiaps our hoeroes' live s wereo not the ideals of perfection wve
soinetitles typilfiedIonily ser've to inako' ou1' adiaiion go ev'en
further il Llooking upon thoei as neoni genuiniy bhumanin, not. idols,
aid their ach1ivments theref'ore the, great to'.




fishng lid bcatnlviti' ti2lkjid
to delicate young tcsbness. Coty Face
Powders -iorifyiri ",f" -'d t ind.'.lilily
of tone, ex uis tC cxzurQ : d thec elusive
touch of fragrance. Togigcth cr, they give
radiant, lastinig lo'veliness.

Phone 4151


222 S. Maoin

Phon)e 4 I1


1 __________________

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I I Jill ,



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Bureau Portraits


Worthy of the Position You Desire


AOO /s s A A




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