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February 22, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-22

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AN'V Tl'1°M S. n A V MI'Ll TT7T'. A I' # 1)*) f noiLLb

st f 1. A.- TC KM ,,I. Vll.* * L.A1A1..Al1.1 A Nv.1 . ELJA1':

DAY, 22, Pl-"'


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the lqcal news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
8fie:Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
aard Street.
PbonesA. Editorial. 4925 ; Business 21214.


and counted long before.
The whole problem is largely one
of speculation, for it is quite unlikely
that any such direct test will be pre-
pared by the planning powers. It
would imperil more than one head in
the party world, and such heads guard
their connections scrupulously.
Facing the crisis of their existence
-the decision on whether or not to
stand by the policies which will raise
their standards and enlarge their
scope-the faculty of Michigan State
college have agreed that the policies
of President Kenyon L. Butterfield

__ _ _ _ __ _ _ , m
____ . _.._. _____ _ T_ __ _ __ ._ e

terviewed all those professors on the
president, tried to get more opinionsi
on the subject, especially in relation
to the hopes of Ben Bolt. Most of'
the persons interviewed said that
Bolt was a nice fellow and hie would
win the election, BUT NOT TODAY.
* * *
has entered his name in the primaries
in most of the Southern states. This
move is intended to add heat to his
Dear Jeb_-


Coronji, Underwood.
Remiiwtoii, Royal.
11e have; all iukes.
Some in colored deco finishes.
17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615.


Telephone 4925
ditor..Ellis B. Merry
ditor Michigan Weekly. .Charles E. Behymer
taff Editor. .Philip C. Brooks
ity Editor ... ..... Courtland C. Smith
Vonren's drM oian 1, Welles
I I ~rhrt P ' 'edder
xA. ws Chre (. Mnl, Jr.
e..,-:;1 - Ross
an m rvink
a I okrr Kenneth ' 1'iv
ej Iaesa Nelson . imnh,
Milton Kirshba tu
;sther Andersony ohn. . Maloney
aiargaret Arthur Marion McI~onald
lex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe
ean Campbell .irx 'rice
ii ; i<,er G, .Sillbar
lame dnGiuber aHoward F. Simos
lice Lagelshaw ( eorgeE . Simons
oseph 1; Howell Rowena Stillmnan
.Wallace H-ushen Sylvia Stone
harles R. Kaufman George Tilley
'illiamn F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller
awrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
lonald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
lly Knox Leo J. Yoedicke
.ck L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling

are wise and deserve support. Fol-
lowing two weeks of rumors to the
effect that President Butterfield was
on the point of resigning, the agree-
ment marks a new point in the de-
velopment of the institution and
E promises a new growth, and at least
s a new foundation for ideals and ad-


TO N lf lT: Thie Roekford Players
pres~nt 1too Tharkington's ''lar--
ence" in the Whitney theater at 8:15!<1+L
A review, by Keieth Gilbert Patrick.
Everything said will be in strict N 1-7'
keeping with the holiday,not a lie to a
line. This latest Cohan edition-with
the exception of three or four others I
-proves to be the greatest surprise of SE
the year, for probably no show this Still time to enter for that lhlsi-
side of Play Productions has ever had ness Training you need. Let its
worse unoffical publicity, and by the pepare you for a good position'
Enter Monday.'
cast at that. But to those who go with
the memory of past flag-wavings in r Ih'
their mHind will appear something
quite different. "The HomesTowners"
can be chalked down on the winning C
side of the ledger. It has a second.
act that will probably top the show \US" R
every time, just as it did last night.
Lumping together all the disagree-
able things, there was an agonizing

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that comes as Our Bulk Coffee does, always freshly roasted,
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One of the reasons for the rare flavor of our Bulk Coffee
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your first cup you will notice the difference.
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Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising -...-........Richard A. Meyer
Advertising.............. Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising............. . Edward L. Hulse
Advertising............. John W. Rpiswinckel
Accounts................Raymond Wachter
Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication........... ..Harvey Talcott

The project presented by the pres- For a long time, before he started
ident for the good of the institution t
is one of "self-study." Realizing that to carry a brief case and leaving his
the next few years mark the deter- hair grow long, the boys at the housej
mination of the entire future of the thought he was merely going crazy.
college, President Butterfield has ad- But no.... he thought he was turn-
vocated a stringent investigation into ing literateur. Finally it got so bad
policies and ideals for the purpose of that something had to be done to stop
determining the exact status of 10s goings on. Neighbors thought we
institution and determining its wpw killing him. He said he was
cies. Extending from the study of t,: "ereating." The reputation of the
purpose and aim of the college to the house was at stake. Finally, onet
care of students, the program is most night after all the brothers had failed
comprehensive. to find a cure, a pledge whispered
With such a program before them, something in the ear of the houset
with Dr. Butterfield to lead them, and president. His face lit up. The word
with accord existing in the ranks, one I was quickly passed about the roomt
can foresee a great future for the and a glad shout went up. We had;
Lansing institution. Such a start as found a way out.-
this promises much. We got him a job on The Inlander.1
Michigan State college has a great * * *
future before it if it can assume its IN SEVERAL WOMEN'S magazines
proper place in the state. In no wise there has recently appeared an adver-t
competing with the University of tisement for Simmons mattrasses
Michigan, but rather offering an al- which says, "Mrs. Hugh Cabot ofi
together different line of work, and Boston in her Ann Arbor home uses
handling that work in a different Simmons mattrasses." There is a
manner than it is handled here, it picture of Mrs. Cabot and a pictureI
seems wise and proper that the insti- .of her bedroom included in the ad.
tution .should assume a distinctive *. ;
character. The University of Mich- KERNEL HAS REMARKEI) that1
igan can offer little in the way of a to make the )icture complete i\irs.
ecause of s size and its Cabot should have been shown in bed.
nature. It remains for the faculty and I
the trdustees of Michigan State col-
lege to determine a wise course, and SFXN)N TONIGHT
then to follow it thoroughly. --Yesterday's laiiy.
Thestate ofMichig ani a


snot in the first act where the actors
had to wait and wait-before any one
would toss them a line. It looked like
man overboard. Then the minor ac-
tors with the exception of Arthur
Sutton were very bad. And the good
things-Bud Kleutgen, Tom Dougall,
and Florence Tennent gave three of
the best performances in the so-called
American comedy that have ever been
lr~ nf MIitc Klrmt -f l wnv

George Bradley
Marie Brummeler
James Carpenter
Charles K. Correll
Barbara Cromell
Mary Dively
Bessie V. Egeland
una EceIker
Katherine Frohne
Douglass Fuller
Beatrice (reenberg
Helen G;ross
Rl. T. Hammer
Carl W. Hammer

Ray liofelich
hial A. Jaehn
James Jordan
Marion Kerr
Thales N. Lenington
Catherine McKinven
Dorothy Lyons
Alex K. Scherer
George Spater
Ruth Thompson
lerbert E. varnuin
Lawrence Walkley
Ilannah Wallet:

gtven a Lmimes. P ICutgn aI ayI I Is
was less of the campus and more of
the stage than any one over there,
and his return is welcome. Lymie
Crane a long time ago was made for
that part-he didn't pick it up in re-
hearsal. He was excellent. As a
whole the show went over perfectly
as it was intended--eXcepting the
drowning scene.
What completed the effect were Ihe
settings. ,Desnito the freakish taxi-
cabs and sewer pipes of "Seventh
Heaven" it is improbable that any
stage execution ever looked more
finished than this one. Lights and
shadows and more room were princi-
pally responsible, and the two sets
were changed both times with speed
and precision that ill bespoke the lack
of room.
It may be puerile to admit this, but
a turn in the last act handed out a
real surprise to the audience-and
they weren't all morons, either. And
best of all there was no prodigal

h e
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Night Editor-ROBERT E. FINCH

enough for two large universities.
They must supplement each other and
realize their own greatest possibili-
ties. Then and then alone can each
hope to find the place and the fome
in the world that the University of
Michigan has in a Measure already

Ah! at last they admit it! The sea-
son is finally going to open and this E
opera and all the other plays were
merely a little practicing.
OF COURSE IT WAS a little cruel
on the audience to take this method1
of getting the galloping choruses and


Take half a dozen sane but disturl
ing ideas, dilute them well in printer'
ink and sprinkle them out on thf
avid general public and the result
a mixture whose explosive properties
have not as yet been probed by ever
the most erudite of our scientists. I
was this combination, apparently
which in a varying degree of satura-
tion broadcast President Little'
speech at the Princeton religious con
ference into the far corners of the
land as,a radical attack on the churcl
the clergy, and the general public.
To be frank is generally to be un-
popular, and it is the frankness of the
opinions which President Little ex-
pressed which doubtless accounts for
their unpopui arity. His deprecatory
exprinn,,im present da:
etfteudt, ; ion N a r birth con-
trol, toward law and politics, toward
international responsibilities, and to-
ward materialism are inevitable dis-
tasteful to those who hold these views.
Still they are not necessarily radical
r roiltiolary, but are plain state-
-ment of his conclusions. His bolt
statements, if sensational in a sense,
are no more than those at which the
person of average intelligence would
inevitably arrive were he given the
facts and scientific data upon which:
to base them.
The viewpoint put forward recently
by a political science instructor re-
garding the election possibilities of
Governor Al Smith bf New York, and
the effect that such an election would
have upon the static electorate has a
unique angle of its own. The. election
itself would then assume the propor-
tions of an experiment on, a grand
Aside from all possibilities of either
the nomination or the election, the
assumption of such a choice by the
country would bring into play two
factors never before exercised to anyt
extent. Probably the foremost of
thse would be the testing of feeling
relative to religious qualifications for
the highest office of the - land. The
ideal viewpoint, and the one that
wouid be publicly professed by any
one so questioned, would be that re-
ligion would make no difference one
way or the other. But personal
prejudices and the privacy of a vot-
ing booth might unite to produce very
different results.;
The second factor which would be

------------------------------- ............................


actors into condition, but there are throwing-around of large chiAks of
SOLVING THE PROBLEM none who deny that the above men- passion-decent and indecent-, of
> The problem of transportation, one tioned actives in Mimes sure needed gray-haired guardians, or of grief.
i of increasing complexity in the mod- the practice. You can take the children-but you
ern era, is, it seems, gradually ap- * * * might have to hold their ears once in
proaching a scientific solution. One WE ALSO LEARN from yesterday's a while.
day's news hardly passes without Daily that Judge Florence E. Alldn ' *
some mention of a newly proposed or of Ohio thinks that grades are not CRITICISM OF CRITICISM
established air line; bus lines are always a criterion ofability. We con- One of the amusing things in life,
more in vogue than ever before; and gratulate the judge on her outlook. r at least to my morbid soul, is watch-
the business world is constantly con- We venture that more than 90 peI ing fellow mortals writhe in the face
sidering any method which will per-- cent of the students of the University of making a decision. What brought
mit greater automobile production. agree. this up is the soul travail which the
Airship travel, it is estimated, is * * * various pomposities of New York
three times as fast as steam travel, NOT BEING ONE of those who will dramatic criticism palpably demon-
I but also costs three times as much. be wearing a Phi Beta key (which strate under the lash of decision re-
Greatest possible speed is the aim. won't even wind a watch) at the end garding the latest O'Neill play,
Busses are said to transverse the of the year, we know that the judge "Strange Interlude."
ground at an average of one-third the is dead right. What with professors Forgetting the fact that O'Neill is
speed of trains but are purported to reading detective stories and heavens one of the very few genuine American
offer better facilities for leisurely and knows what else, how can grades dramatists, the majority of the fra-
educational travel. Trains remain mean anything. ternity admit that the novel length
one of the most consistent means of * * * of the play and its unusual scope pre-
transportation. THE STUDENT WHO walks into ; suppose some definite artistic effects
While the process of attaining class with a cap that goes both not obtainable by the ordinary two or
greater perfection in the way of ways and a long pipe in his mouth three acts, but just what these effects
transportation goes on, railroads for will be noticed by the professor and are and- to what extnet they are re-
the time being at least, have little to will probably get a good grade. What alized none seems willing to judge.
fear in the way of competition. Al- then do grades mean? (Michigan The frankest admitted blatantly to
though science is gradually heading Weekly please copy.) boredome-this from the critic for
in the direction of safe, sane and * * . the "New Yorker" for whom smart-
speedy transportation, there will still A NEWSPAPER''S HEART ness is a pearl of greater price than
be those content to follow the old There was told in the office of the dramatic integrity.
routes. The progress of civilization greatest college daily yesterday a R. L. A.
is one of time and the age in which story that proves conclusively that a *-. 1
we are living is playing a tremend- newspaper has a heart, that it is not THE STUDENTS' RECITAL
ous part i reachig a solution. the cold, hard impersonal thing most A review, by Jerry Spero.
students think it ise. The Students' recital last evening
AN OPPORTUTNITYIt all happened the night of the at the School of Music was a treat I
To hear in the brief space of an { J-Hop. It seems that it was shortly which a very small percentage of
hour an abstract of the best analytical before the presses were about to roll campus music lovers took advantage
thinking that human minds have yet out the Hop extra of The Daily which of. Ruth Johnson gave a fine rendi-
achieved on some major social or po- described the gay event, and the tion of Beethoven's Romance in F
litical problem, or to hear briefed the costumes of the leaders of the march, ( Major on the violin as the openiing
results and conclusions of years of when nto the office rushed a sweet number. Although she curled her lip
scientific research in a space of a young thing, at a few of her passages in the lower
few minutes are opportunities which "In mercy's name," cried she, "stop register. both her tone quality and
on the face of the matter appear in- the pmesses. I told the reporter I execution were very good.
valuable-and so they are. One might wore a blue ehiffon dress to the Hop, Miss Elizabeth Schwier played a
think that to have such opportunities and my Gawd, it is pink georgette." group of piano numbers, of whic-h
lpr~esnted to ani etluca ted commiunity Night editor Kernel turned pale; then W1e'ei't"Pcrpetu' Motion'' was most
would be the occasion for enthusiastic he turned red; then he saw green. outstanding. The string quartet con-
response on the part of that coin Finally, he grabbed the speaking tube posed of Mary Case, Vera Johnson,
munity. to the press room:"Hey, Smitty," he !Bernard Dickstein, and Madeline
Nevertheless when this opportunity ' shouted horsely, "stop them presses." Holmes played a Beethoven quartet
is offered to our own student con- And they say The Daily h;s no iin C Minor, which, though it was a
munity, such as at the present time heart. ; trifle heavv in snots was ver well


SPEciiA"' 0
as®fareeei n ilSn' FS4 n11111lIAElllnlMIN, L r F E R,

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Get tat, 'nsi9
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through the excellent series of Uni-
versity lectures, the response is not
as great as it should be. Perhaps it
is sheer carelessness, perhaps lack of
adequate publicity; but whatever the

* * *
AS YET THERE is no news from
Rolls expedition to the Economics
building. It is feared in officials cir- I
eso that the eynrlition was n in

zptl lel l 71 , WdS y i
done. The chords in the Scherzo
movement were delightful in their
lightness and accuracy.
Miss Louise Nelson completed the
nrogrny hv nvinea B thonnven ;n-



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