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February 21, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-21

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,473 1





t ~~a1G~1(dI ION4

i s 1

Law students will dance tonight to ( -

music from the Detroit Country Club
I'rchestr'a, ia JeanIGoldkette organiza-
tion, at their regular winter formal
dance to be held at the Lawyer's club.
The affair is sponsored by members
of the Lawyer's club and is opened to
law studlents only. Those who have
not yet procured their tickets may do
so by calling any member of the dance
committee which is composed of




SSenitPts Sends Alien Property Bil11 To
Conference, Wijl. Next Consider
(IBy 45'~ cctrel 1'ss)
WVAS 141NCTON, Feb., 20. - The
hlouse teamf out ha ttled the Senate just
about 50t to 1 1todday, legislatively
With uip fo 300 of its 435 members
N mobilized at taines for floor act ion, it
knokedabot half E1 hundired the
sered ill ofits caleldar .whileth
Selat, was1 get;rug its alien pr'ope rty
!rill thIirough a lost bar rage of reject ed
alllendnHnlents and 'seidiljg it to ('(nter-
e'nee wit hout bot hering abhout a record
With the -alhin pr1operlty bill oult of
the way, the n or r is govrniment opera-
d oll of mu iscle '2 51 ma s res'o lutioni a
subject as tll] ofldrv '11l'V2y as thle
prov'erbilu adI(o( is- of flea s, comes uip
ne-xt. TPlw Seniat e tool(i it I'l, but pal.
th, b-n-in ning of illl'e fight over until
l.ian' h1z ihle, w: the 5enate side tlile
rl'eii nat ion of J ohn~ J. . scli f'or
( niothler I erin on il ' interstate cornl-
nmerce c:ommiissioni wais again under
b onlardient in- committee all day
with opiposit ion coming from Southern
coal 'state senators who object to his
stand on lake cargo rates.
G ill 6iill D~ebated
The Dill bill to cancel patnt:;
{where p~atenit-holders; are convictedi of
monopoly also was up for committee
debate and Abraham F. Meyers, o1f the
federal trade commission mna-d a.
heated rejoinder before the judiciary
committee to attack his actions in
connections with the bread trust case
in Baltimore. The committee found
time, however, to vote out the Caro-
way bill rraquiring registration of con-
gressional lobbyists.
In the House Representative Green,
Aof Iowa was tendered a tribute
by his colleagues in connection with
his decision to accept an appointment
to the claims court. Before the naval
committee, B~ig Navy idIeas of the
American Legion were presented by its
commander, Edwai d Spafford, who
urged that; "the pacifist opposition" to
the naval developiment project be ig-
A peppery possibility appeared
wlrn the Hous~e reached the Burton
resolution to embargo arm's shipments
to all beligerent nations; but it failed
to materialize as the project was sunk
for the time by an objection to con-
sid1eration. Only bills itnoojectetd to
couldl he dealt wvth in the calendar
Among the bills passedl by the House
was or 01W to extvend for two years thle
niow--expii'et time for 0 llllying l'or the
soldier bionus, an(1 an othIer 'to enlable
gold stalr motli(hei t o visit thle battle
fronts of a (ic('0l' ag) at, giv~ ['Ifleilt
Allecn Properl1y !till !'asses
\VAS.IINGTON, Feb. 20. - Loadedl
doweil withI ant('onents hlich pr'omt-
ised it a long stay in con ference, the
H on-e a iproperty r11''i rill wentI
thbrougeh the Seonte( to(((ay 1Nit bolt a
record'( vote.
It prlovides f'or thec I ict iiat ion of' all
(coun1e1 ('CX 01 claims bet w ell the
C'oted tate1cs and Grl'nlany ocr' a
period sI ila ted at, eight ica rs anad
1':r Ithe ptayTf^,,7t of ew~o'ds to Ameri-
('all claininat~s hl- the joinit clims comI-
mission01 withili a Vt ye;IIler'iol.
11n addition the ]rill clear s the way
for the r'eh1i'l of tbe pr iops r t y (iz( d
from ,'Austi an amd Iu111 Oari0 fl na0-
t ionalIs on (lelosi I of thle govern 111011
with the treaCsurly of su1ms ssfl cut
to settle out staninlg,, Alnrerican wvar
claims against them.

I lead of the Arg'enti
' 11w Pin-Aaeirican 'co
adlkmrn led yestheiday ai
It Wa; s I'llo ylredoili 5 r
Xwhichi kept thle ('onlfer(
a lar'ge )oI'tion of it
his is pte i'l' t1lesi gnati
('lose of the mfeetintgs
jbrin4 i )aout1 all n-d or

E. ;AL sCORE IS q510 33 C try'2L adTheodore 0. Ryan
New Big Ten Hliii Scoring Record Set ________
By Boilermakers; Barley Put In
> <<Lineup For first Time
Fuc noiking a billiant ii hesive garde
that rolled up a 17 point lead in tIhOIS CUSSED BY INDIAN
first half of the game, the fast Pur
d1u10basketball quintet smothered IQc~ii rer Say.,; Amei ca Holdls Center
Michigan's netmen 1o0 11w tune of 55-13 0 Stage Occupied By Europe
in I\Iemrorial gymnasium here toIri2 lit. Bfr a
'I. e Boilermakers opened up1 in the
311re(ioII earily- unineit 0" t1w (or()fl: I ( E11 SINIS ONR GUEST
inc dele.;atIir~u to Ii l I s (orin i)g Ii i't, followed ('10841 x
)llf('l'(ncecwhich by Wlieelci', othl ' 011cs followinig Ft 'o 0inillove the international Spir'it
it, H1avana, Cuba. rcgiilav in tervalIs. At oily ones<tage l anitrIiend(Iof the t imles it is necessary,
ad hal pr'oposalIs in the tilt 'W"S thle 5Score tied. Cri a(' (01(11g to the belief of Syud lHos-
5essons dg f o(0ring I Wire following l'u' due's u'st Salywho spkeyest erdtayiafter'noont
os stso nsad e two s5( :' lOto even thle (digit s at 4-4"* alHill auditorium iude' the auspic-
id Iow ch theConin . W h eesa \1u ii) '5 of the I in custan club, that there
l i i'1 pla yed c'i'ditIa b c hal11for' the Ihops- 'ble a change inl the personal ideals of
I~~~~ y ls. is, wit e (Jst erba an an1d( Orwig e indihvidzmilh 1 11, for' it is on]ly
wer1th 1oustnadi glgsIav', for tlb~ hroitgh the 0('011(01i511501fmini' s Plealis
SAT~ loers 01wigwas e :onshleforthat tle international. consciousness
I ID~ic~hl ans fist eight points5, at. tunes oftewrdr fecd.Bsan
sid of t'he lb ile rii ers. louth he t IXV r Iel, ad th t teaat
T~ ~ ~itda Mn i1 "vo1' oh' Ca n inl '10I 2 teEat
EIT ENDS I through its 5,000 year old civilization,

Grades are not in many cases a
criterion of the benefits a student re-
ceives from' college, in the opinion of
Miss Florence E. Allen, woman jus-
tice of the Ohio State Supreme court,
who ,spoke on the Oratorical lecture
series last night ait lill auditorium.
When referring to the recent dismis-
sal toll at the University of Wiscon-
sin, she expressed her belief that the
participation in outside activities,
which :sometimes result in unsatis-
factory grades, is worth more than
exessive study.
Judge Allen speaks upon college
subjects with experience, having re-
ceived degrees {',rom Salt Lake City
college, Western Reseirve University,
University of Chicago, andl New York
university, besitdes keeping in close
touch with the educational tendenc-
ies of the lay.
"Of course," she saidl, "we had
greasy grinds' in my day, too." Judge
Allen turnedl to one of' the womnn
st'udents piresent in the waitiig room
to ask, "'are they still called gi-easy,
gr inds' ?' The reply -was inii te at-
firm'a tive.
The numnler o1' girls continuing theirI
education in higher birancecs of learn-
ing has incl'easedl proportionately,
mior'e rapidly than the male enroll-
anent. "0One not able trend,'' she icon-
tinued, ''is the greater specialization1
of women students inl scientiic anld
pr'ofessional studlies." This tendteincy

should1( improve the chanices of the
rising girlhood of the nation. to as-
sume the importance which Judge Al-
len hopes they 'will attain.
In conclusion, the Columbus judge
voiced a vetry optimistic attitude to-
wardl the future of women in govern-
rni'it. "In the past," site said, "the
part played by women in government
has been of a high calibre."
Will Sacceed Kaliquaist As .erologist
Willi' Expedition, According
'i'o Announcement
Announcentent of the ap~pointment
of Leonard R. Schneider of Clark uni-
versity to succeed Clarence It. Kall-
qfuist as chief aer'ologi st, at the Uni-
vei'stiy Mt. Evans weather observa-
tory was madie yesterday by Prof.
William 11. Hobbs, liead of tihe geology
depatment ;tatd director (of tihe Greeni-
land exp~editionts.
cehincidei' has ii ed ia contract to

Women Toters Are Called Important
Factors In Legislatilve And
Judicial Departments
"The time will come when lawyers
will have to realize that they are of-
ficers of the court and of the law
first and special pleaders last," Miss
Florence E. Allen, woman justice of
the Ohio Supreme Court, declared in
her address on the Oratorical lecture
course last night in Hill auditorium.
"Women in the Government," was her
Tihe reputable lawyers of thte coun-
try," she continued, "will have to
come to tile place where they will re-
fuse to use their skill to keep ad-
nmittedly guilty criminals out of pris-
on, and the plea of insanity will then
cease to be the excuse for thtentis-
carriage o,~ justice that it so often


Fnat-Aiuic'erk au'Confer'ence Adjourns As
Statesitien Of 21 Repubilics I
Sign 3Many Pactsj
(By Assocated Press)I
11AVA A, Feb. 20.The sixth inter-
national conference of AmericanI
states, known as the Pan-Amc'rican
congress, adjourned today and izs
sending to the governments of 21 re-
public of the New World a heavy
l batch of resolutions and conventions
for ratification.
The delegates generally expressed
satisfaction with the results of their'
labors in Havana. They point out
that in th!.s most (dramatic Pan-Ameri-
can conference ever held the policie's
and opinions of all the countries were
stated so candidly and forcefully that
even if the differences among the na-
tions were marked more clearly than
the points of contacts, still many il-
lusions and misunderstandings which
are so harmful to the materialization
of,1 Pan-Americanism, were swept
The text of the final proceedings
of the conference, including all mo-
tions, agreements, resolutions and
conventions concluded here, were
signed this morning by all the dele-
gatioits, excepting Paraguay, whose
representative was absent from the
plenary session at which the cere-
mony occurredh. The conflerence of-;
ficials, however, (It not assign any

1 'aa it i~a tJ of tA~ii , )s.k')u'. L i l aUc.
T'he leng ,tly Muruphy refriained fr'ont
1 trying for baskets a good par't of thte
time, feeding the baillIto Wheeler and
Cummtins, the latter dtoing exceptlinal-
ly good work at his new position of
forward. Schtnaiter also played a
good gamie for the winners, taking
the ball from McCoy several tinmes.
Michigan seemad unable to retain
the ball for any length of time, the
Lanmbertmen hanging on to the sphere
with great tenacity for the majority
of the contest.
With the score favoring Purdue 42
to 30 in the last half, Wilcox replaced
Schnaiter at running guard for Pur-
due while Harmeson made his first
appearance since being injured in the
Purdue-Illinois conitest, substituting
for Captain 'Wheeler. "Ha viny" had
difficulty in maneuver'ing with great
rapidity but was always dangerous
scoring twice with long- shots front
the center of the floor.
The Box Score

has given the world the greater por-
tion ox: its spirituality, wxhereas he
gave the western worldi credit for the
material contributions of the past 500
Would Synthesize Cultures
"It is thtrough tile synthesis of these
Lwo c'ivilizations," hie said, "that the
future world is going to realize a
great progress."
"T'he most appropriate place for the
experimentation in creating a great-
er spirituality," continued the speak-
er, "is in America,. Front all indica-
tions Am'erica is achieving a civiliza-
tion all ow. its own, with its own ideals
and its own concepts. The value of
this new culture to the world dle-
pends upon types of ideals adopted by
EAmerican individuals.
America Gainis Consciousness
Before the war America had not ob-
tained an international consciousness,
andt Europe occupied the center of the
stage; but the tables have turned, and
America has boosted the utilitarian
ideal uppermost on the mind of the
world at large. Times are tending to
place the greater emphasis on quan-
tity instead o:. quality. And this is es-
sentially the difference at present be-
tween the East and 'West."

V'iscount Saito D~eclalres Ollder Pa;ctst
Too F~ar-reachig Under Present
W1orld(' onditions
(By Associated Press.)
GENT,"VA, Feb. 20-Japan, believing
that her arbitration tr'eaties plossibly
are too far reaching, may revisie themr,
Viscount Saito of that nation said to-!
night. These treaties exclude fcrm
arbitratration disputes that affect Jap-
anese territorial and political inde-
pendence, Japanese vital interests or
Japanese honor. T'he Viscount's an-
nouncement, made at the preliminary
security cordlerence convoked to pro-
mote disarmantent, createdl some Vv 11atI
of a sensation. The delegates are won-
dering whether Japan will go a step
farther than the United States and
France, when they negotiated the re-
cent pact of arbitration and outlawry
of war.
Viscount Saito declared thtat world
conditions had changed since the old
treaties, anld the, Japanese govern-
m'ent was givinlg tile treaties close1
examination front the st andpoint ao
Iwhether they were too far reaching,
or at least too indefinite.
SIt is remarked thlat the arbitration
tr'eaty between Japtan and the United
States will expire soon and mnust bel
renewed, and it is being asked ho0w 1
far tile Unlit ed Stateos woould lie dis-
posed1 to go to meet any sweeping
Japanese proposah calculated to mtake
the ne0w treaty a moi'e effective in-

Cummins, f
Eckert, f.......
Wheeler, f...
Harmeson, f...
Murphy, c...
Schnalter, g .....
Wilcox, g...
lKemfner, g ...

6 3
1 0
7 1
1 2
6 1
2 0
.. . 1 0
0 0
2.1 7
5 0
.......40 0
0 0


leavecI ~' I for '('eiiin l late this sprlig Judge Allen went on to emphasize
and remllaini there thr'ough the 1928- the fact that thtis constitutiont by which
19129 wiinter season. Before leaving we are governed belongs to us and
thew United st4t es he will conmple to Itls that in thte people lies its strength.
traiiig at 0110 of the Uited States 1''Governinent,'' she stated, "has an
XweaOthler'bur'eau stationis fyi' balloonI ethical purpose and one of the basic
and kite work. reasons for governimenit is to have
Tlo1il 'N~ow'Five right done. When our fordathers, the
The addition of Schneider brings theI makers of the constitution embarked
total of those whlo are going to Green- Jup their great eprmnyou wl
land this year to five. William S.uonethtintexprerimbeteyill
Carlson, ant assistant in the geology 'eluded such phrases as to establish
department, is at present studying justice, insure domestic tranquility,
balloon antd kite work at a weather and promote the geniteral welfare.'
bu:reau :station in Whale Center, Imdi- They did not state who :should hold
ana, preparatory to filling a post at clown' the jobs."
Mlt. Evans as assistant aerologist. Lands Women's Part
Duncan Stewart,. '28, another geology JugAlethnwtonopit
assistant will spend the summer in out that women have a very great and
Greenland as assistant to Ralph L. legitimate part to play in the pro-
B~elknap of the geology faculty whoseceueogvrn ntShem asz
special field will be researches into ed .tihe lact that by the time women
the thieknes and movement of the reach the leisure age, they have more
,great ice-cap which covers the in- time than the average man to read
terior of Greenland. Belknap is now about current events and
a veteran of two Greenland expeditions, governm'ent-
havig acompaiedHobb in heIal matters and therefore every bit as
havliinaccomxpnedtHnobbs96indhewell qualified to vote.
preainlti ear.xeiino 96 n "Time and trial have shown that the
again las n T SalaSon standards of judicial proceedings have
Carlson will sail for Europe about been immeasurably raised by the pre-
themidle f Mrch an cach hesence of women in the government,"
first boat of the year out of Copen- tesekrsiadadd Ti
liagen for Holstenborg. The other has come about only through the en-
four men plan to sail from New YorkI franchisement o- women."
about the middle of May. Judge Allen then cited the case of
Profosesor Hobbs has just returned women on one of the grand juries she
to Ann Arbor form a week's trip, drew up in Ohio. During the grand
partly for the purpose of ralsifig" Jury term, she said, they. disposed of
funds for the pending expedition. He' 800 cases as well as 60 cases brought
announced yesterday that the Guggen- up .or reconsideration from' the pre-
heim Foundation for the Promotion ceding session. This was one of many
of Aeronautics which gave the expedi- cases which justified the existence o,*
tion $5,000 last year on condition that ' women as grand jurors, site said, inas-
$15,000 more be raised outside, has re- i much as they were the controlling
newedl the offer for the current year. element on the jury.
Saturday morning Professor Hobbsf "I believe that it is only right for
gave a lecture in the research labora- !a government to he controlled by and
tones of the General Electric com-n- responsible to the voters who sup-
pany in Schenectady. The television. [port it," the speaker declared, "and
apparatus which recently successfully ! women are undeniably playing their
spanned the Atlantic by wireless was part in this respect. Women suffrage
demnonstrated for him, is just one of the many phases in
- which they are able to play a hand."
BILLIARD TOURNEY ! Judge Allen decried the attitude o
some people to make every possible
TO BEGIN JV IND1A Y j effort to evade jury service, charac-
terizing them as thte type which minight
Regist rat ion foi' the round-robin be intclined, if they ever sat on a
pool1 and billiard tournaments which jury, to base their decision on the
are beintg sponsorcd by the Union, be- result of a game of cards or dice.
gait yester'day atfterniooii aid will con- °"Good government dievolves from
time wthrloughout the week. Thte tour-i proper regai'd for justice," shte said.
naiticilts, which will beo i'un off simul- j "'When menm and wvomen have justice
taneoilsly, will begin with the first 1 they will have tranquility. The peo-
r'ountd liat('lecs, next Monday, Feb. 27. i 1)1e should bear in mind that thtey ar'e
Four silvei' loving cups will be given! the ones responsible for the deeds and
to the wvilters and i'unnters-up in eachl misdeeds of government, and that it is
division. The tournaments are under the exceptional case when it catn be
the charge of James Jerrard, '29E. laid at the doom' of somte unintelligent
- or dishonest official."
LOW F OULD .Mentions English System.
F'ARMER IF CHOSEN to Relating some incidents of her trip
tEngland to attend a bat' convention
of ultintate benefit to Anterican polit- somte time ago, Judge Allen mention-
ed her surprise at the swift nmethods
' of meting out justice, employed thmere.
that his own inter'est was purely hypo- EI Choosing of the jury, trial of the case
tltetical, since he was a Protestant and ' and handing down of the decision was
a constitutional antd personal "dry," all accomplished between the hours


f ...

spei~l imp thor'tan~ce to thte
a)1dro DLiaz Leonle.the solo

f'aihlre of' Clt'apnian, c....
ihat Lis- H-arr'ig'an, g'
Paraguay- i Barley, :;

PF The Varsity hockey team will play
0 i te Battle Creek hockey club at the
4; Coliseumn tonight, it was announced
1 !yo'st el(ay i'rom tIhe offices of thIt
1 Athl't it' association. The gamte will
1 beg;in at 7 o'clock and ant admissionI
38!chfarge of 25 cents will be nmade which
- XXill also peri~iit theo spectators to
10 skate after the game. The contest
I'm- has b)00n arranged iterely as a prac-
tice ganme.

alli del eg,'at(" 11had0E xhl tSSed «x1i11hg-
lt 1"c) 5:sign111111 ~iwouldlmhIii e an op-
1:' itun it v to () i)oat.fianyti me ef1or~e
Ii is d Epirl lirofromls lIa ' ana.
Alt j iilth0is ltoi'ldil"Ig'5signauttorieis
4 ledigc ap~pr'oval of all thle delegations
tto the 1gl'Odili'efts concluded, all the
(1511 '01coX'eniions Xwill reqire Itle
sei unite ('igllatu i''2, t ich is fi xedl1fiol


16l 1
Rleferee, Sellonuruer, Chicago;
h~ire, Maloney, Notre Dante.

str'umentt against war'.




'Ma lint ma (Iha riti is tlh' only living
Inainthiiat should be mntitloll eillinthe
sanmc hireatlwithlt Jesus Chr]ist",'saidl
Syu' Itu oss am . thliindian journ alist
;1rdIorator Xwhon't intf'l'Xie'vet'l aOe-t'(lii
alft ciiiooi. ''h-Ic is tIhe' roat i'5t spivit -
noa Ift'ru'e a live in 1114'wrt' ad w;iy. an
it is niot thle Indians alone NX-Il0 fel~
tIhis XXay', for even soiliiel;n ;lishimen

have admitittedl that this is Itrue.'' the dlawnt of thte next day.''
Aslking Ilossain about the Bi'itish I ''Would you believe it,'' he asked,
rouie of India agitatcdl himt greatly. 1 if I told you that. the British spenld
Tlrt is> i'ule of India is anitiquiatedl, it, jt wo-tird's of Itheir'Inian r1 levenuti('Oil
beCloCng's to t hot traditionl of Eurlop~ean;it 10 a ailliltg a gga]litic armitvof occu-
iniic peish i m. Since the war' every- pa tioll. That 011t of thie 144 .t,,40
ihliug has rulovedi fo'rwarid, exc'ept In- hountds a~llot tedh they spend 57,500,000
coulat1it i hleecond~itions are''2almost Ipounds for'thte armty andl only-4,500,-
1iai ' '?Ad 'ttiit'V5 h ae000 pounds foi' education, iln a cotl-
in 1119-20''Itry of 315,000,000 peopile, aind anieagr'e
t.,"7,540,400 pounds fat' santitation in a

f .c t ln i t t at:
f cc on

mecet i g oftheit( Ii terai'y col le'
vest eu 'day afterno'lon111a1 cort-
X'.zas ihlp)ointit'dI)o osidier' lie
,,o('tilI of the 0 gonerl c.eruiliit-
the I' nive's it y college.

.Assailing prests(lday ''obsetiranitisihnctl(e to do it, Ithey fintd on every
_ iid skillful dodlgillf' of issues' as oh-:Ataud obscurantism and skillful dlodg-

t'r. 110550111 was i-I Il t (tic-ent o
F--in g just M itlho advocated for thue
imrmit'diatCellbaitu in thte Indian conl
(i ion . 'Whenl asked if hie thought
Inidia N% as ready to rule itself Ito re-
plied that she htad clone so for many
Year's before the English gained con-,r
ti'ol and prob~ably could do so again,
b.ut that thte change would no doubt
be upsetting for a short period. When
asked if heo favored the English vacat-

of' a series of jiterv\iews5\with p''tomincs:il if2'ulty
memblIers designedl 10 giv'e'an11insiplit intoi the
past recordls and present po;ssililiies of the
various mlenl who will be candidates for the
presidential not-oination inl the twvo leading
parties next tune. The facts expressed are
chiefly for informnational purpose~~s, and do notI

TO FRATERNITIES , tl'uctllS to thte honest atteltilts .of 4 ink of issues.
pr'esent day students to get closer to I It should be remembered, however',
A 'secia offr ofa fic coy o th ie "direct anld feai'less methods used I thlat Christ had to make issues andl1
ihilgaitcniait, official year'-book ofbyCrsPeidnCleceCo
the Univo'isity, wvas made yesterday tobyCtit"PedntCa'ce ok pull weakness and hyprocrisy out o£
anty fraternity or organization whloseLitle dliveed te con Rgirus thteir' hiding place.


nrg entirely he would make no definite

boos. i ~e s bcopie sopresenothed il -o iter n ule UU Lz -.1 iu! oz nce Sunday afternoon. The "The sanme hold'o tl'ue today. T'ritI: l l xx h is in the same state as the,
"'rda'-hi h 0e name ': cice eda rnctn .J,"'i' ul fttdl'sil tt tid ' 1 b 'art hItdia comtpany days. A
riceheldat rin'ton N. ., d =I'(n itwhich I teaveragema
ofteoraiaiotrcivigtme. c'"i agely attentded by university .i;" of effoits to obscure trite issues b
It was also announced that the and college p residents. "Among them are the following i erby taku fh a e
spec al ffe wf the yeareooextcendedt isthroughng to'otues-t m oschurtt rsltesh candopetheirizetrepresentativesjust eno ghto-5 thatb exthee thhugrTu s-l;shocheldn ttakeepranntactive- t at t efoodc stoldkeepan chiemI ofrom eedyingrom dbeforeor
dayani edtoda ofths ee, t-day are spending their time ini arid constructive hart, usitg scientific'
stead of entdinlg ycsterday as was interpm'eting Christ as an historical fig-' knowledge and a fearless desire to MIMES TO OPEN
previously planned. ii'e or int debating the divinity of His face thle truthi even if it is neCw anti rgno h nfliiiyo h bbe"dsubn.I S A O TONIGHT
D I Y DI O TO IPresidcett Little declared. "The attitude of. people towards -
* TO"This does not appeal to youth death; as shown by our practice of Mimes will open their second se-
A TTEND) R/YFT!NG which recognizes that Chmist spent htis keeping alive as long as possible n ester dramatic season tonight witht

o'f the men interviewed )>"In confidering political events and
- ii' 1 -10o ..en center on intned-
"Frank 0. Lowdlen would undouo-
cedy ht tactilely i it~tC}rtoitil t a-, the sacriicee of possible
j thte American farmer, shcn~d he be ' 'iua e benefits," he declared.
elevated to the presich' utial chair," do- -'Whethter Smith could or should be
clared Mr. Johmn George, of the polit- 'elected President is beside the point.
ical science departnment yesterday inIntefrt achi i
an interview regarding possibilities 1nio
fom' bothm party noiniatiois; "but I. would afford an opportunity to' test
do not believe that he would turn to I tine feeling relative to religious qual-
any of the radical nmeasures to attainj ificatioits holding the highest office.
this end, as is popularly supposed. "CGoverlnment progress depends
IHe is rather old, also, to gain the con-j upon the effective presence of more
sideration of the party mtachines. I thani one political party. The nomin-
"Lowden promised certain things 4n iation of Snmith would shake the "solid


of 9-30 in the
;?+}t] ire

morning and 4:30 in the

''jury lncmeui'..ias inl Lime .c gp,
A ile judge and not wrangling law-
yers, and that the case was given
prompt trial, while the details were
'still freshm in the minds of everyone.
"We have something to learn fr'om
the English people in regard to speed
and certainty in meting out justice,"
Judge Allen declared, "and the mod-
ern tendency toward the inclusion of
,women on the jury is a step in this
I directiovn.XVWe shallfind." shpe'icon-

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