E.STABLISHED 1890 ' 40 ,473 1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXVIII, No. 125. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1928 EIGHT PAGES HOUSE CLEARS SLATE OF MORE THAN FIFTYl BILLS DURING SESSION, IS FIREBRAND OF DlfllEIWDEAS HAVANA CNRES[I1ULl MICHIGAN QUINTET BYI FAST SCORING ATTACK £' OOS~TRAAN IS II Wit POINT r ~SCORER FOR 1WOLV RN E t ~~a1G~1(dI ION4 i s 1 LAW FORMAL TO GRADES NOT ALWAYS CRITERION BEHED__NGH OF ABILITY, JUDGE ALLEN SAYS Law students will dance tonight to ( - music from the Detroit Country Club I'rchestr'a, ia JeanIGoldkette organiza- tion, at their regular winter formal dance to be held at the Lawyer's club. The affair is sponsored by members of the Lawyer's club and is opened to law studlents only. Those who have not yet procured their tickets may do so by calling any member of the dance committee which is composed of ARD TWO-YFAft EXTENSION LB: IT Of' APPLICATIONS FOR SO1L1iEIS BONUS TOI TED SSenitPts Sends Alien Property Bil11 To Conference, Wijl. Next Consider (IBy 45'~ cctrel 1'ss) WVAS 141NCTON, Feb., 20. - The hlouse teamf out ha ttled the Senate just about 50t to 1 1todday, legislatively sp~eaking. With uip fo 300 of its 435 members N mobilized at taines for floor act ion, it knokedabot half E1 hundired the sered ill ofits caleldar .whileth Selat, was1 get;rug its alien pr'ope rty !rill thIirough a lost bar rage of reject ed alllendnHnlents and 'seidiljg it to ('(nter- e'nee wit hout bot hering abhout a record votie. With the -alhin pr1operlty bill oult of the way, the n or r is govrniment opera- d oll of mu iscle '2 51 ma s res'o lutioni a subject as tll] ofldrv '11l'V2y as thle prov'erbilu adI(o( is- of flea s, comes uip ne-xt. TPlw Seniat e tool(i it I'l, but pal. th, b-n-in ning of illl'e fight over until l.ian' h1z ihle, w: the 5enate side tlile rl'eii nat ion of J ohn~ J. . scli f'or ( niothler I erin on il ' interstate cornl- nmerce c:ommiissioni wais again under b onlardient in- committee all day with opiposit ion coming from Southern coal 'state senators who object to his stand on lake cargo rates. G ill 6iill D~ebated The Dill bill to cancel patnt:; {where p~atenit-holders; are convictedi of monopoly also was up for committee debate and Abraham F. Meyers, o1f the federal trade commission mna-d a. heated rejoinder before the judiciary committee to attack his actions in connections with the bread trust case in Baltimore. The committee found time, however, to vote out the Caro- way bill rraquiring registration of con- gressional lobbyists. In the House Representative Green, Aof Iowa was tendered a tribute by his colleagues in connection with his decision to accept an appointment to the claims court. Before the naval committee, B~ig Navy idIeas of the American Legion were presented by its commander, Edwai d Spafford, who urged that; "the pacifist opposition" to the naval developiment project be ig- nored. A peppery possibility appeared wlrn the Hous~e reached the Burton resolution to embargo arm's shipments to all beligerent nations; but it failed to materialize as the project was sunk for the time by an objection to con- sid1eration. Only bills itnoojectetd to couldl he dealt wvth in the calendar cleanup. Among the bills passedl by the House was or 01W to extvend for two years thle niow--expii'et time for 0 llllying l'or the soldier bionus, an(1 an othIer 'to enlable gold stalr motli(hei t o visit thle battle fronts of a (ic('0l' ag) at, giv~ ['Ifleilt Allecn Properl1y !till !'asses \VAS.IINGTON, Feb. 20. - Loadedl doweil withI ant('onents hlich pr'omt- ised it a long stay in con ference, the H on-e a iproperty r11''i rill wentI thbrougeh the Seonte( to(((ay 1Nit bolt a record'( vote. It prlovides f'or thec I ict iiat ion of' all (coun1e1 ('CX 01 claims bet w ell the C'oted tate1cs and Grl'nlany ocr' a period sI ila ted at, eight ica rs anad 1':r Ithe ptayTf^,,7t of ew~o'ds to Ameri- ('all claininat~s hl- the joinit clims comI- mission01 withili a Vt ye;IIler'iol. 11n addition the ]rill clear s the way for the r'eh1i'l of tbe pr iops r t y (iz( d from ,'Austi an amd Iu111 Oari0 fl na0- t ionalIs on (lelosi I of thle govern 111011 with the treaCsurly of su1ms ssfl cut to settle out staninlg,, Alnrerican wvar claims against them. OFFER FREE BOOK I lead of the Arg'enti ' 11w Pin-Aaeirican 'co adlkmrn led yestheiday ai It Wa; s I'llo ylredoili 5 r Xwhichi kept thle ('onlfer( a lar'ge )oI'tion of it his is pte i'l' t1lesi gnati ('lose of the mfeetintgs jbrin4 i )aout1 all n-d or 'S CURHA NM E. ;AL sCORE IS q510 33 C try'2L adTheodore 0. Ryan New Big Ten Hliii Scoring Record Set ________ By Boilermakers; Barley Put In > < i'ule of India is anitiquiatedl, it, jt wo-tird's of Itheir'Inian r1 levenuti('Oil beCloCng's to t hot traditionl of Eurlop~ean;it 10 a ailliltg a gga]litic armitvof occu- iniic peish i m. Since the war' every- pa tioll. That 011t of thie 144 .t,,40 ihliug has rulovedi fo'rwarid, exc'ept In- hountds a~llot tedh they spend 57,500,000 coulat1it i hleecond~itions are''2almost Ipounds for'thte armty andl only-4,500,- 1iai ' '?Ad 'ttiit'V5 h ae000 pounds foi' education, iln a cotl- in 1119-20''Itry of 315,000,000 peopile, aind anieagr'e t.,"7,540,400 pounds fat' santitation in a f .c t ln i t t at: f cc on mecet i g oftheit( Ii terai'y col le' vest eu 'day afterno'lon111a1 cort- X'.zas ihlp)ointit'dI)o osidier' lie ,,o('tilI of the 0 gonerl c.eruiliit- the I' nive's it y college. LITTLE ASSAILS OBSCURANTISM IN PRINCETON CONFERENCE ADDRESS .Assailing prests(lday ''obsetiranitisihnctl(e to do it, Ithey fintd on every _ iid skillful dodlgillf' of issues' as oh-:Ataud obscurantism and skillful dlodg- t'r. 110550111 was i-I Il t (tic-ent o F--in g just M itlho advocated for thue imrmit'diatCellbaitu in thte Indian conl (i ion . 'Whenl asked if hie thought Inidia N% as ready to rule itself Ito re- plied that she htad clone so for many Year's before the English gained con-,r ti'ol and prob~ably could do so again, b.ut that thte change would no doubt be upsetting for a short period. When asked if heo favored the English vacat- GEORGE DECLARES AID AMERICAN I of' a series of jiterv\iews5\with p''tomincs:il if2'ulty memblIers designedl 10 giv'e'an11insiplit intoi the past recordls and present po;ssililiies of the various mlenl who will be candidates for the presidential not-oination inl the twvo leading parties next tune. The facts expressed are chiefly for informnational purpose~~s, and do notI TO FRATERNITIES , tl'uctllS to thte honest atteltilts .of 4 ink of issues. pr'esent day students to get closer to I It should be remembered, however', A 'secia offr ofa fic coy o th ie "direct anld feai'less methods used I thlat Christ had to make issues andl1 ihilgaitcniait, official year'-book ofbyCrsPeidnCleceCo the Univo'isity, wvas made yesterday tobyCtit"PedntCa'ce ok pull weakness and hyprocrisy out o£ anty fraternity or organization whloseLitle dliveed te con Rgirus thteir' hiding place. i nrg entirely he would make no definite reply. boos. i ~e s bcopie sopresenothed il -o iter n ule UU Lz -.1 iu! oz nce Sunday afternoon. The "The sanme hold'o tl'ue today. T'ritI: l l xx h is in the same state as the, "'rda'-hi h 0e name ': cice eda rnctn .J,"'i' ul fttdl'sil tt tid ' 1 b 'art hItdia comtpany days. A riceheldat rin'ton N. ., d =I'(n itwhich I teaveragema ofteoraiaiotrcivigtme. c'"i agely attentded by university .i;" of effoits to obscure trite issues b It was also announced that the and college p residents. "Among them are the following i erby taku fh a e spec al ffe wf the yeareooextcendedt isthroughng to'otues-t m oschurtt rsltesh candopetheirizetrepresentativesjust eno ghto-5 thatb exthee thhugrTu s-l;shocheldn ttakeepranntactive- t at t efoodc stoldkeepan chiemI ofrom eedyingrom dbeforeor dayani edtoda ofths ee, t-day are spending their time ini arid constructive hart, usitg scientific' stead of entdinlg ycsterday as was interpm'eting Christ as an historical fig-' knowledge and a fearless desire to MIMES TO OPEN previously planned. ii'e or int debating the divinity of His face thle truthi even if it is neCw anti rgno h nfliiiyo h bbe"dsubn.I S A O TONIGHT D I Y DI O TO IPresidcett Little declared. "The attitude of. people towards - * TO"This does not appeal to youth death; as shown by our practice of Mimes will open their second se- A TTEND) R/YFT!NG which recognizes that Chmist spent htis keeping alive as long as possible n ester dramatic season tonight witht o'f the men interviewed )>"In confidering political events and - ii' 1 -10o ..en center on intned- "Frank 0. Lowdlen would undouo- cedy ht tactilely i it~tC}rtoitil t a-, the sacriicee of possible j thte American farmer, shcn~d he be ' 'iua e benefits," he declared. elevated to the presich' utial chair," do- -'Whethter Smith could or should be clared Mr. Johmn George, of the polit- 'elected President is beside the point. ical science departnment yesterday inIntefrt achi i an interview regarding possibilities 1nio fom' bothm party noiniatiois; "but I. would afford an opportunity to' test do not believe that he would turn to I tine feeling relative to religious qual- any of the radical nmeasures to attainj ificatioits holding the highest office. this end, as is popularly supposed. "CGoverlnment progress depends IHe is rather old, also, to gain the con-j upon the effective presence of more sideration of the party mtachines. I thani one political party. The nomin- "Lowden promised certain things 4n iation of Snmith would shake the "solid i F L :> of 9-30 in the ;?+}t] ire morning and 4:30 in the ''jury lncmeui'..ias inl Lime .c gp, A ile judge and not wrangling law- yers, and that the case was given prompt trial, while the details were 'still freshm in the minds of everyone. "We have something to learn fr'om the English people in regard to speed and certainty in meting out justice," Judge Allen declared, "and the mod- ern tendency toward the inclusion of ,women on the jury is a step in this I directiovn.XVWe shallfind." shpe'icon-